I am getting a weird error when I call a property from a template. I
also tried calling it from the view and get the same error. However I
have called it from another script it works fine.

definition of survivor(which is being included with the same include
that works fine in other places)

model that contains the property being called

place where it fails when called:
<li>Survivors:  {{ outpost.pop }}</a></li>

another place where it failed when I tried it

def outpost_detail(request, outpost_id):
        p = request.session['profile']
        outpost = Outpost.objects.get(pk=outpost_id)
        return render_to_response('outpost/outpost_detail.html',{ 'outpost':
outpost,'pop':outpost.pop}, context_instance=RequestContext(request) )

place where it works.

So yeah, I am very very confused. It seems to be working in some
places and not others with the same functions being called. There are
no other objects called Survivor anywhere else in my code, though the
one file is included in many, many places.

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