Re: text in translation strings?

2010-01-11 Thread Michael P. Jung
> I'm having a template, where a link shall be inside a translation-
> marked text. (...)

I've recently run across a similar problem and solved it using some
nasty with-tag trickery.

In your case the following code should do the trick:

{% url login as login_url %}
{% with "" as link_begin %}
{% with "" as link_end %}
{% blocktrans %}Please {{ link_begin }}login{{ link_end }} to proceed.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}

{% blocktrans %} also has a builtin "with" support, but for some reason
it does not support escaping special characters.

So the following doesn't work:

{% blocktrans with "" as link_begin
and "" as link_end %}Please {{ link_begin }}login{{ link_end }} to
proceeed.{% endblocktrans %}

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Re: JOINs with Django ORM

2009-10-20 Thread Michael P. Jung

mp> I'd go for a denormalized database:
mp> (...)

tz> I'm aware of this solution, in fact I was using it. Unfortunately I
tz> had problems with deleting objects with this circular dependency, but
tz> maybe I was overlooking something (db we're using is MySQL 5).

You're right. You have to make sure to either disable foreign key checks
prior to deleting anything, which is kinda hacky, or make sure to set
the latest_revision to None prior to deleting a revision.

If that circular reference is problematic in your use case you could
also just add a boolean field to your Revision:

class FooRevision(models.Model):
foo = models.ForeignKey()
is_latest = models.BooleanField()

FooRevision.objects.filter(is_latest=True).select_related() will return
all latest revisions together with their base then.

tz> Anyway, my case is much more complicated so I would have to
tz> denormalize more than just one model. Because of that, of because
tz> VIEWs + fake models are quick enough for what I'm doing (and has
> enough speed reserve for the future), I decided to go this path.

Ok. I guess you'll have to stick to some custom SQL then.


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Re: "...where field is NULL" in Django ORM

2009-10-20 Thread Michael P. Jung

Михаил Лукин wrote:
> For some reason, __exact and __isnull are described in documentation
> [1], while =None is not. So which of them are historical?

Django pre 1.0 generated bogus SQL, when doing nullable_field=None.
These days __isnull can be replaced by the expressions:

filter(foo__isnull=True) -> filter(foo=None)
filter(foo__isnull=False) -> exclude(foo=None)

Though I still use the __isnull lookup often as it's more explicit.
Besides I rarely use exclude(), so it feels more natural to have all
filter rules together in one statement.

You're right in one thing. The whole foo=value thing is not documented.
When looking at the QuerySet API it only shows the use of foo__exact. I
wonder if __exact is the default field lookup.

To be true I've never used __exact I always rely on the much less
verbose version.


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Re: JOINs with Django ORM

2009-10-19 Thread Michael P. Jung

> I was unclear, but SQL should explain what I want to do - select
> all ObjectRevision-s that are latest in Object-s that they belong to.
> Moreover, I want to do this in with one ORM query, without resorting
> to SQL or splitting the query too much.

I'd go for a denormalized database:

class Foo(models.Model):
latest_revision = models.OneToOneField('FooRevision',

class FooRevision(models.Model):
foo = models.FogeignKey(Foo)

That way you can easily query Foo.objects.all().select_related() and be
done. It'll be faster than your rather complex DB query and can be
handled in the Django ORM. I'd say it's a win win situation.


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Re: form problem

2009-10-18 Thread Michael P. Jung

> I made the change but now the following error appears:
> 'QueryDict' object is not callable

Whops. request.GET is a query dict, so it's of course not callable. I
ment to call get('user_text', '') on the request.GET:

request.GET.get('user_text', '')


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Re: form problem

2009-10-18 Thread Michael P. Jung

First of all may I recommend you to use Django forms:

> With this method i have the following error:
> Key 'user_text' not found in 

>> def view(request):
>>  user_text = request.GET['user_text']
>>  return render_to_reponse("html",{'user_text':user_text})

When requesting the view for the first time the request.GET dict will
not contain a 'user_text'. If you replace request.GET['user_text'] by
request.GET('user_text', '') it will not raise an exception, but return
'' (empty string) if no 'user_text' is contained in the GET dict.

Besides it's good practice to use POST for forms, if they're used to
submit new or modify existing data. That's the reason why the example
code in the forms documentation always checks for request.method ==
'POST' to see if the form is actually being submitted or loaded for the
first time.

In order to get the idea of POST and GET better you might be best of
googeling for it and reading up what the HTTP methods are supposted to
be used for. Rule of thumb: Use POST whenever you're modifying data and
GET when querying data.


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Re: create Index: non-unique, multiple column

2009-10-16 Thread Michael P. Jung

> Given the following model, I want to index the fields (sequence,stock)

There is a ticket for it, but it hasn't made it into Django, yet.

> create index ndx_1 on model_quotemodel(sequence,stock);
> Is there any "cleaner" way of doing it?

If you ask me, it's the cleanest way of doing it at the moment.


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Re: Question about template

2009-10-16 Thread Michael P. Jung

> I would like to use if clause to check if a number is nagative or not
> with template in my html file. I read related part in Django template
> online document however I did not find what I need.
> Is it possilbe to do this with built-in Django filter functions? Or do
> I have to install a third-party template library?

You could either use the 'smarter {% if %} tag', which might be added to
Django 1.2 according to the "Features under consideration" list in the
Wiki. Grab it from

Or write a custom template filter. Since writing filters is so straight
forward and simple I recommend you to look into the docs:

There is no built-in filter for this in Django as it's a vital sign that
you're mixing template logic with view logic. I recommend you to ask
yourself the following question: "Does my template really have to figure
out x < y itself or shouldn't it just get this information from the view?".

If it's a common thing you might be better of writing a filter or
template tag specific to your use case.

I know it's hard to resist the urge "but I just want...". I can tell
from experience that investing that extra bit of time to do things the
right way pays off in the long run. Especially as you can later reuse
the code more easily.

Sometimes even simple stuff like {% ifequals foo 0 %} would fit better
into a custom filter. Just think of floating point values that are
almost zero. It's {% if foo|abs < 0.001 %} vs {% if foo|is_near_zero %}.
The latter provides you with the possibility to configure the threshold
in the config file while the former has the logic hardcoded in the template.


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Re: check if user has already saved link

2009-10-14 Thread Michael P. Jung

> return user.savelink_set.objects.filter(link=object).count() (...) 
> The error i get now is  : Caught an exception while rendering: 
> 'RelatedManager' object has no attribute 'objects'

user.savelink_set is already a Manager and does not have an attribute
"objects". Just write "user.savelink_set.filter(link=object).count()".


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Re: Showing unescaped HTML in Admin pages

2009-10-12 Thread Michael P. Jung

> Is is possible to render unescaped HTML in admin pages?
> (say) A model has a field "text" which contains HTML markup. Is this
> something that can be changed on the model (ie __unicode__ method) or
> do I have to change the admin templates?

If you're only going to render html for lists it's possible to add an
'allow_tags' attribute to a field to be added to list_display:

In order to display RAW html inside the admin change view you have lots
of choices.

(a) either write a custom field that returns a different widget

(b) or use a standard field and specify formfield_overrides

(c) or use a custom form

(d) or just provide a custom template

I'd probably go for (a) as it looks the cleanest to me and is reusable.
A HTMLMarkupField could also provide methods like verify(), tidy(), etc.
(b) is a good choice if you generally want to change the way all Char-
and TextFields behave. (c) and (d) provide the most flexibility, while
coming at the cost of being quite verbose.


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Re: sorl thumbnail error

2009-10-11 Thread Michael P. Jung

> I'm getting error messages with sorl thumbnail. [...] All works fine,
> until I use the following template thumbnail tag:

You must not put braces around variables passed to a template tag.

Just write: {% thumbnail obj 80x80 %}

That also explains why your {% thumbnail '/path/to/image' 80x80 %}
example works as expected. It's treated as string while {% thumbnail
/path/to/image 80x80 %} would cause a /path/to/image variable to be
searched inside the current template context which will probably not exist.

It highly depends on the template tag you're using. For example is the
80x80 not treated as a variable even though it's lacking quotation marks
around it.

For more information how template tags actually work check the docs:


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