Re: Complex Lookups

2008-01-23 Thread Stephen Mizell
> But be sure to fix the typo in x first!

> >>> x = [ {'id': 1, 'title': 'test1'}, {'id': 2, 'test2'} ]
>   File "", line 1
> x = [ {'id': 1, 'title': 'test1'}, {'id': 2, 'test2'} ]
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Ha, whoops.  I don't think I've ever typed a working line of code in my life
the first time!

I just got this working and it's great.  I feel like I owe you all a steak
dinner or something.

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Re: Complex Lookups

2008-01-23 Thread Stephen Mizell

> Try this:
> x = [ {'id': 1, 'title': 'test1'}, {'id': 2, 'test2'} ]
> if x:
> d = x[0]
> q = Q(id=d['id']) & Q(title=d['title'])
> for d in x[1:]:
> q = q | (Q(id=d['id']) & Q(title=d['title']))
> query = MyModel.objects.filter(q)

Hey, that makes sense.  I do appreciate the speedy help!
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Complex Lookups

2008-01-23 Thread Stephen Mizell

I've spent a little too much time on this, but before I decided to
make a custom sql query, I wanted to see if anyone could provide any
assistance.  It is really a python question, and the problem I'm
having is I'm not an expert yet with python.

First, I have a list of dictionaries.

[ {'id': 1, 'title': 'test1'}, {'id': 2, 'test2'} ]

I want to do a SQL query like this:

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE (id = 1 AND title = 'test1') OR (id = 2
AND title = 'test2')

I know I can use the Q object, like:

MyModel.objects.filter(Q(id=1) & Q(title='test1') | Q(id=2) &

My question is how can I convert my list to those Q objects?  The list
may have 2 dictionaries in it like this, or it may have 20.  My hangup
is getting things into separate Q objects with the correct operator in
between them.  There could also be a better way that I don't know of!

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Re: upload_to with username

2007-04-03 Thread Stephen Mizell

> That line is executed exactly once, at the time the file is imported. So
> it is not dynamic in any way.
> (I seem to be saying that at least every other day here. It's normal
> Python behaviour, people. Please stop hoping it were otherwise!)

Thanks for the help.  I didn't call it dynamic, though.  What are you
referring to?

I'll look through the file and see what I can do.  I'm
pretty new to Django and even Python, so I'm guessing I won't have
much luck ;)

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upload_to with username

2007-04-02 Thread Stephen Mizell

I'm wanting to have upload_to for my file so it uploads to a different
directory for each user.  This works when I use it with a newform, but
when I try to use the Django admin, it puts None as the username (I
want to base it on whatever username I select for "user").  I'm using
some middleware for the threadlocals to get the current user.

Any ideas on how to make this work?

from project.middleware import threadlocals

class File(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
file =
models.FileField(upload_to=str(threadlocals.get_current_user()) + '/
user = models.ForeignKey(User)

def save(self):
if not self.user:
self.user = threadlocals.get_current_user()

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Re: Restricting Access to Users

2007-03-13 Thread Stephen Mizell

Sweet, thanks for your help, Sam.  I'll be reading about this the rest
of the afternoon.

On Mar 13, 10:54 am, "Sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's up to your code inside the middleware to restrict or allow the
> access.
> For example, you could check the request.META['PATH_INFO'] for zones
> where the middleware shouldn't do anything.
> On Mar 13, 4:47 pm, "Stephen Mizell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > You should go with a MiddleWare.
> > Will this work for the Django admin as well?  I don't think I
> > specified in my post that I was wanting to restrict the access in the
> > admin for certain users, but still make each Weblog public.  Sorry for
> > the confusion.

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Re: Restricting Access to Users

2007-03-13 Thread Stephen Mizell

> You should go with a MiddleWare.

Will this work for the Django admin as well?  I don't think I
specified in my post that I was wanting to restrict the access in the
admin for certain users, but still make each Weblog public.  Sorry for
the confusion.

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Restricting Access to Users

2007-03-13 Thread Stephen Mizell

I'm guessing this question has been answered somewhere, but I am
having a hard time finding an answer.  I'll explain my question by way
of an example.  Let's say I have a Weblog model which is related to a
Post model.  I want many Weblogs on the site, and each Weblog can have
many Posts.  My situation is, I want to be able to restrict access to
certain Weblogs (and everything associated with that Weblog such as
Posts) for certain people.  What is the best method to do this?  Would
I use the Site framework for this, and if so, is there a good tutorial
for this?  I don't really want to make a new app for each Weblog, but
if that's the best way I'm down with it.

If this has been posted somewhere, could someone kindly point me in
that direction?

Thanks for your help.


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Re: Filter "Dates"

2007-03-12 Thread Stephen Mizell

> Try doing the filtering first (since filter() returns a QuerySet) and
> then calling dates() on the result. So
> Model.objects.filter().dates()

Worked perfectly.  I would have bet money I had tried that earlier,
but it looks like I would have lost that bet.  Thanks for your help

Stephen Mizell

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Filter "Dates"

2007-03-12 Thread Stephen Mizell

I'm trying my hardest to make an archive list on our website.  I can
pull them up fine with Model.objects.dates('pub_date','month') but I
can't use .filter() on them for some reason.  We add things to the
database sometimes with a pub_date > today's date so things are
automatically published in the future.  Is there a way to use
something to filter these out?


Note: To explain the "lte" on month and year, we want new articles to
post the first day of each month.  This is why I don't use now().


Stephen Mizell

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Re: Convert From Restructured Text to HTML

2007-01-10 Thread Stephen Mizell
That's exactly what happened, but strange thing was it worked just fine
using the filter.  I even tried making some SQL queries to fix them for me,
but that didn't work.

Oh well, it's over now ;)

On 1/10/07, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/9/07, Stephen Mizell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This started throwing all kinds of errors at me about encodings, such
> > as:
> > 'latin-1' codec can't encode characters in position 19-20: ordinal not
> > in range(256)
> Almost every time I've seen this (not quite every time, but almost
> every time), it's been because someone copy/pasted from an MS Word
> document which contained "smart quotes".
> --
> "May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
>   -- George Carlin
> >

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Re: Convert From Restructured Text to HTML

2007-01-10 Thread Stephen Mizell

Well, I gave up on the automation.  I couldn't get restructuredtext to
work right in my views, so I swallowed my pride and went into
copy/paste mode.  I simple did this:

{% load markup %}

{% for post in posts %}

{{ }}
{{ post.body|restructuredtext|escape 

{% endfor %}

I edited each and every post and pasted the stuff from that page above.
 This is for anyone comes across the same issue and can't fix it like I
couldn't.  My fingers hurt now.

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Re: Convert From Restructured Text to HTML

2007-01-10 Thread Stephen Mizell

So it seems the issue is with the restructured text.  When using the
restructured text filter on a template, it works just fine.  When using
restructured text in a view, it gives me tons of errors.

Any ideas?

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Convert From Restructured Text to HTML

2007-01-09 Thread Stephen Mizell

In our database we have a TextField that stores the body of our posts
in RestructuredText.  I've recently added TinyMCE to the Django Admin,
so I'm wanting to convert this field from rst to plain old html.

I wrote a little thing of code to do this with Django.

def convert_post(request):
posts = Post.objects.all()
for post in posts:
post.body = restructuredtext(post.body)

This started throwing all kinds of errors at me about encodings, such
'latin-1' codec can't encode characters in position 19-20: ordinal not
in range(256)

One time it said 'latin-1', next time it said 'ascii', and who knows
what else it will come up with as the encoding.

I guess this means we have some characters mysql isn't liking, but I'm
clueless on how to easily convert it without fixing those errors one by
one as I find them.  Any ideas?

Any way to convert this works for me... PHP, perl, python, Django,
what-have-ya.  Just something quick and painless so I can get my
employees a WYSIWYG.

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Error on File Upload

2006-12-21 Thread Stephen Mizell

We are using the admin for one our projects.  In our model, we have:

class Resource(models.Model):
   # ...
   filename = models.FileField(unique=True, upload_to="tick/resource",
null=True, blank=True)

We were just uploading an excel spreadsheet, which we've had no trouble
doing in the past, and got an error:

ProgrammingError at /resource/592/
(1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near ''content':
at line 1")

Request Method: POST
Request URL:http://server/resource/592/
Exception Type: ProgrammingError
Exception Value:(1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check
the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near ''content':
at line 1")
Exception Location:
C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\ in
defaulterrorhandler, line 35

I'm really quite new to Django and have no clue on where to go for
this.  Could it be because of the apostrophes?  If so, how could I
correct that?

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Re: Help with creating queryset

2006-12-08 Thread Stephen Mizell

That's awesome!  Worked perfectly and is so much easier to manage.
Thanks for the quick help, I really appreciate it.

On Dec 8, 9:28 am, Wolfram Kriesing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is the best way to create a queryset for this without doing tons
> > of if statements, like:
> > if request.GET['first_id']
> > if request.GET['second_id']
> > if request.GET['third_id']
> > queryset =
> > Resource.objects.filter(first__id__exact=request.GET['first_id'],
> > second__id__exact=request.GET['second_id'],
> > third__id__exact=request.GET['third_id'])
> > else
> > queryset =
> > Resource.objects.filter(first__id__exact=request.GET['first_id'],
> > second__id__exact=request.GET['second_id'])
> > else
> > queryset =
> > Resource.objects.filter(first__id__exact=request.GET['first_id'])
> > elseif
> > #... so onYou might try this:
> kwargs = {}
> for key in ['first_id', 'second_id', 'third_id']:
>  if request.GET[key]:
> kwargs[key] = request.GET[key]
> Resource.objects.filter(**kwargs)
> (i didnt test it, but thats the idea i guess ...)
> > That just seems like the worst way to do it.  Can I pass a dictionary
> > to it somehow?  What's the best way to do something like this?
> > Hope this wasn't extremely confusing.  Let me know if you need any
> > other information from me.
> > Thanks a lot,
> > Stephen Mizell

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Help with creating queryset

2006-12-08 Thread Stephen Mizell

I'm rather new to Django but am getting pretty competent doing most of
the basic things.  This is not so much a problem, more so trying to
find the best way to do something.

We are creating a website for searching our resources here in the
office.  We have an advanced search that allows us to search
information that is related to the "Resource" being searched.  The
advanced search allows for a keyword and then 3 select fields that are
information from other tables.  A simple version of my model is below.

class Resource(models.Model):
first = models.ManyToManyField(First)
second = models.ManyToManyField(Second)
third = models.ManyToManyField(Third)

So now when I search from our advanced form, the URL looks something


What is the best way to create a queryset for this without doing tons
of if statements, like:

if request.GET['first_id']
if request.GET['second_id']
if request.GET['third_id']
queryset =
queryset =
queryset =
#... so on

That just seems like the worst way to do it.  Can I pass a dictionary
to it somehow?  What's the best way to do something like this?

Hope this wasn't extremely confusing.  Let me know if you need any
other information from me.

Thanks a lot,
Stephen Mizell

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