Django for Beginners: Build websites with Python and Django

2020-03-16 Thread Vikash Chitransh
I am looking the book for teaching purpose, It's great help me if anyone 
who send me my email id. Django for Beginners: Build websites with Python 
and Django
Thanks & Regards,
Vikash Chitransh

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Re: Active Open Source Project to contribute to

2020-03-11 Thread Vikash Chitransh
I also interested for same!!
Vikash Chitransh

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 1:22 AM Kevin Dublin  wrote:

> I'm interested as well. Do you have a discord channel? Or Hangouts group?
> Or slack? And is there a link to the repo?
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2020, 9:10 AM ranjan jha  wrote:
>> Hey Guys
>> We are small startup called Rebataur( and we have
>> been working on a "Product Management Tool"
>> It is still in very early stage and we plan to opensource it.
>> Many people have asked us why are we building it in the first place, and
>> the answer is,
>> that the kind of products we design and projects we execute, there is no
>> tool that lets you capture
>> your design to execution journey from Design Thinking - Validation to
>> Execution in one tool.
>> You can see live demo here
>> We were planning to send out emails for invitation in this group, but
>> since the discussion has already started,
>> thought of putting it in here now itself.
>> If you guys want to join in then let me know and we can take this
>> conversation in some channel.
>> regards
>> On Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 4:58:43 AM UTC+5:30, Johnson wrote:
>>> Hi friends, I'm a django/vue js junior developer, does anyone has or
>>> knows beginner friendly open source projects I can start contributing to.
>>> Thanks.
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Re: Beginner needs help getting templates to work - is this the right group?

2020-03-07 Thread Vikash Chitransh
I can help you in complete the book and create sample django application
through skype.
With Regards,
Vikash Kumar

On Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 9:01 AM Philip Means  wrote:

> Thank you for your response.  The book is Django for Beginners, by William
> S. Vincent.  I will copy and send you the chapter I am having trouble
> with.  My directory structure, as created by Django, doesn't seem to be the
> same as his, so I will send you that as well.  The problem I am having
> is that after the changes to the files have been made, and I "runserver"
> (on page 55) I get a huge error dialog that seems to say that django can't
> find the app. I have deleted the project several times and re-entered it,
> so I think it is unlikely that it is a typing error.
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 8:27 PM Jorge Gimeno  wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 6:04 PM Philip Means  wrote:
>>> I am new to web development.  Wanted to help my daughter with a simple
>>> website (she does pet portraits) and learn something that interests me.  I
>>> watched some you tube tutorials, then bought a book.  First couple simple
>>> projects went OK.  Then I got to templates and I have not been able to get
>>> the example project to work.  Been banging my head against the wall for
>>> about a week.  Part of the problem is my directory structure does not look
>>> like the authors and so I am not sure I am putting things in the right
>>> place. When I go searching for another explanation of how to set it up, I
>>> find that nobody seems to do it the same way.  Also, I find the jargon
>>> confusing.  At this point I just want to display a simple html page.  If
>>> this is in the wrong place, maybe someone can direct me to a better one.
>>> --
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>> Django is a framework that supports a lot of features, and that means
>> there's a lot of moving parts.  However, similar to driving a car, you need
>> to know a few things to get things working, rather than knowing the
>> niceties of how everything works.
>> To address your point about project structure, there's a lot of opinions
>> on this (most of them are subjective). I have a structure I use and I'm
>> comfortable with, but Django will support some variety in this.
>> Without seeing what code you have and what happens that is not expected,
>> we don't know where we can help.  So, to help us understand, we need to
>> know a few things.
>> 1.  What steps did you take to get here?
>> 2..  What goes wrong?  If there's a traceback, copying and pasting it is
>> invaluable.
>> 3.  We may ask to see code.  Again, copying and pasting that will help us
>> understand what is going on.
>> You said that your project isn't working once you get to templates.  Is
>> there a book or tutorial you are following?  That might help us know where
>> to start.
>> In addition to this list, there is a forum at (I
>> follow posts in there as well).  That might be another resource for you, as
>> sometimes the question you have has already been answered.
>> -Jorge
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