Authentication with Email

2013-03-19 Thread fire_water

I am fairly new to Django and have started building a website that will 
require users to create an account with a username, email address, and 
password. Users will log in with their email address and password, not 

There has been a lot of discussion about this topic in the past, but I was 
wondering what the current best practice is for solving these problems:

1. User email address is required and unique

2. Must log in with email address and password

3. Add additional fields to models.user

4. Must not impact other built-in apps or third-party apps

One approach is to extend models.user by way of a one-to-one relationship, 
as described in the 
But that does not solve #1 and #2.

Which approach do you recommend as a long-term solution?


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Auth System: clarification on usage

2013-03-17 Thread fire_water

I am fairly new to Django but have started developing my first app. The app 
will require the general public to create an account before being allowed 
to post comments on the website.

After reading through The Django 
Bookand The 
Docs  , I think 
Django's built-in User Authentication system might be the tool I need. If 
so, I am a bit confused on the intended purpose of the Auth System probably 
because I am used to only using it with Django's built-in Admin app.

I am seeking clarification on the following points of confusion:

1. When I think of Django user authentication, I think of a very limited 
number of special people (admins) with permission to access the Django 
admin site. "Special people only"

2. When I think of allowing the general public to create an account and 
authenticate with my website, I see that as something completely separate 
from the Admin site and all of it's associated database tables. 
Immediately, I think of creating a "users" table in myapp/ 
"General public only"

But it almost sounds like admin and public accounts are both handled by the 
Auth System and therefore live in the same database table. I would like to 
get a solid understanding of this before I proceed any further with my app. 
Thanks in advance for any clarification you can provide!

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Upload Multiple Images App ?

2011-08-05 Thread fire_water
I am writing my first Django application and one feature I want to
include is the ability for each registered user to be able to upload
multiple images. (By registered user, I just mean a typical "create
username/password, wait for email notice, activate account".)

Each image would be automatically resized and a thumbnail created. I
should also be able to edit and delete the image(s) in the admin.

I like the simplicity of django-stdimage but it lacks multiple image
support and has a
issues/detail?id=22">known bug that does not delete images when
its object/row is deleted.

Photologue looks massive but according to this post, the author of Photologue recommends using django-imagekit in this
situation because it was meant to be integrated into other
applications as opposed to being a standalone application.

According to django-imagekit's page, it has the same";>bug
as django-stdimage.

…ugh. Any recommendations, considering my requirements?

Thank you :)

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