Re: m2m with intermediary - model design? Disappears from Django-Admin?

2010-06-24 Thread iliveinapark
Gday Victor,

Glad you found the inline admin method for attaching your m2m's with
throughs. It isn't possible to to use the filter_horizontal widget for
through m2m, because, as you noted, there's no space for the extra
fields to be input. You could always try to extend the widget, but
this is more trouble than it's worth, and I haven't seen it done
acceptably. If you don't like all the space taken up by the inline,
try making them collapsible with js, maybe (you can define js in the
ModelAdmin inner class Media:

As for the name "FirmRating object", define a unicode method on your
class, eg:

def __unicode__(self):
return "%s - %s: %s) % (self.article, self.firm, self.rating)


On Jun 25, 10:24 am, Victor Hooi  wrote:
> heya,
> Ok, scratch all that, I'm an idiot.
> A simple restart of my Apache process, and the m2m intermediary inline
> works *grins*.
> Thanks anyhow to the awesome Django community for an awesome tool =).
> I do have a final question though. I can now edit "Firms" as inlines
> from the "Article" page, which is good.
> However, to be honest, the filter_horizontal widget was a much better
> interface. I suppose there's no way to somehow use the
> filter_horizontal widget within the inline, and then tack on a
> "Rating" field as part of the inline?
> Also, I notice that in my inline, it says "FirmRating object" right
> above the select box:'
> Any way to hide/tweak that text?
> Cheers,
> Victor
> On Jun 25, 10:09 am, Victor Hooi  wrote:
> > heya,
> > Also, I should add I did try using the inlines as described in the
> > docs
> >
> > In my, I've imported "FirmRating" at the top.
> > I've then created an inline for it:
> > class FirmRatingInline(admin.TabularInline):
> >     model = FirmRating
> >     extra = 1
> > then used this in ArticleAdmin:
> > class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> >     #inlines = [
> >     #    CategoryInline,
> >     #]
> >     date_hierarchy = 'publication_date'
> >     filter_horizontal = ('firm', 'spokesperson')
> >     list_display = ('title', 'publication_date', 'entry_date',
> > 'category', 'subject', 'source_publication', 'weekly_summary')
> >     list_editable = ('publication_date', 'category', 'subject',
> > 'source_publication')
> >     list_filter = ('publication_date', 'entry_date', 'category',
> > 'subject', 'source_publication')
> >     search_fields = ('title', 'publication_date', 'abstract',
> > 'category__name', 'subject__name', 'source_publication__name',
> > 'page_number', 'url')
> > However, there's still no visible widget for "FirmRating" on the "Add
> > Article" page.
> > I can't tell just from the docs, but is this inline only for use on
> > the main Article list page, but not on the Add Article page? Or is the
> > above admin code meant to make the widget visible on the "Add Article"
> > page as well?
> > Cheers,
> > Victor
> > On Jun 25, 10:01 am, Victor Hooi  wrote:
> > > heya,
> > > NB: This is a followup to this:
> > >
> > > but I thought I'd also ask about the model design.
> > > To provide some background, we have a Django app that contains a list
> > > of journal articles.
> > > Each "Article" also has a m2m relationship to "Firm" as well as
> > > "Spokesperson"
> > > class Article(models.Model):
> > >     title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
> > >     publication_date = models.DateField()
> > >     abstract = models.TextField() # Can we restrict this to 450
> > > characters?
> > >     ...fields ommited for brevity...
> > >     firm = models.ManyToManyField(Firm, null=True, blank=True,
> > > through='FirmRating')
> > >     spokesperson = models.ManyToManyField(Spokeperson, null=True,
> > > blank=True, through='SpokespersonRating')
> > > The intermediary models, FirmRating and SpokespersonRating look like
> > > this:
> > > class FirmRating(models.Model):
> > >     firm = models.ForeignKey(Firm)
> > >     article = models.ForeignKey(Article)
> > >     rating = models.IntegerField()
> > > Basically, we use it to store the m2m link, as well as a "rating"
> > > assigned to each relationship.
> > > The issue is, as soon as I change it from a normal m2m relationship to
> > > one with a "through" attribute, it seems to completely disappear in
> > > the Django Admin from the "Add Article" page. Before, I had a nice
> > > little filter_horizontal widget to create the relationships. No,
> > > zippo...that's not a bug, is it?
> > > Anyhow, Firstly, am I doing this the right way? Or is there another
> > > way to create an Article, have it m2m with Firms/Spokesperson, and
> > > assign an individual rating to each relationship?
> > > Secondly, is there some way of making a m2m with int

process_response not getting called in custom middleware.

2010-06-24 Thread iliveinapark
Gday folks,

I've written a middleware to add some session variables based on the
request variable; this is done in process_request, which always
returns None. I'd like to set some cookies as well, based on the same
session variables, which should be done in process_response. I wrote
the method, but found it was not dropping cookies, so I simplified it
some, here is my current version:

def process_response(self, request, response):
"""Drop cookies based on whether a user has selected an

Always drop (refresh) the greencode cookie and RefCode
Drop offer cookies based on whether the user has clicked-
through on
an offer.

print "BAH!"
#if request.session.get('grc'):
#response.set_cookie('_gc', request.session['grc'],
request.session['refcode'], 31536,
return response

This, unfortunately, doesn't print anything to the server log (either
when running the development server, or on an apache/mod_wsgi
environment). Even when I change response to an empty HttpResponse(),
I still get the response the view returned. So surely this all means
that the process_response method is not being called.

Does anyone have any suggestion as to why this might be happening, and
how to rectify it?


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Re: Admin Media output order?

2010-06-24 Thread iliveinapark

Overriding the admin templates is the only way to do this:

You can either try listing the items how you want (this will mean a
change to the templates everytime you register something new), or
doing it using JS (you'll prolly have to change this whenever you
register something new as well).

I generally opt to set verbose_names on my models, so that they get
listed into groups, eg:

Offer Banners
Offer Sidebar Banners
Referers - Domain Referers
Referers - Search Engine Referers
Referers - URL Referers

It's the cleanest way I've found to do such a thing.


On Jun 25, 5:18 am, ringemup  wrote:
> Is there any way to change the order in which admin media are output
> (e.g. outputting a ModelAdmin-level javascript after a widget-level
> script)?
> Thanks

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Re: m2m with intermediary - model design? Disappears from Django-Admin?

2010-06-24 Thread iliveinapark
Gday again Victor,

If you think about it, the filter_horizontal widget really doesn't
make sense in this context, because selecting multiple objects to link
to will still require a list of them somewhere (as you mention) to set
the rating. Since you like the searchability, perhaps adding an
autocomplete to the inline admins would be helpful? I'm not a huge UI
guy though, so maybe you're just more imaginative =D If you come up
with anything, let me know.

In terms of resources, all I can recommend is reading through the
source. Sorry about that!

Best of luck,

On Jun 25, 12:41 pm, Victor Hooi  wrote:
> heya,
> Brenton: Thanks for the reply =).
> Hmm, I was hoping to use the filter_horizontal widget to set the
> relationship, and just have a box below that for setting the rating.
> But you're right, we'd need a table for each rating for each
> relationship, and there's a room issue.
> I might look into extending the widget - is there any good
> documentation on extending Django admin widgets? I saw this article:
> but I'm not sure if that's still up-to-date, and I was hoping for more
> details/examples to learn how to do it well. Any good reading
> recommendations on this topic?
> Also, it's not so much an issue with the inlines taking up space, as
> that the filter_horizontal widget, with the in-built search box, the
> "choose all" and "clear all" links is just a good UI, and looks quite
> nice, to boot. I'd really like to integrate it in somehow to the
> inline if
> Anyhow, finally, thanks for the tip about __self__, completely didn't
> think about that. Will set that now.
> Cheers,
> Victor
> On Jun 25, 11:03 am, iliveinapark 
> wrote:
> > Gday Victor,
> > Glad you found the inline admin method for attaching your m2m's with
> > throughs. It isn't possible to to use the filter_horizontal widget for
> > through m2m, because, as you noted, there's no space for the extra
> > fields to be input. You could always try to extend the widget, but
> > this is more trouble than it's worth, and I haven't seen it done
> > acceptably. If you don't like all the space taken up by the inline,
> > try making them collapsible with js, maybe (you can define js in the
> > ModelAdmin inner class 
> > Media:
> > As for the name "FirmRating object", define a unicode method on your
> > class, eg:
> > def __unicode__(self):
> >     return "%s - %s: %s) % (self.article, self.firm, self.rating)
> > Cheers,
> > Brenton
> > On Jun 25, 10:24 am, Victor Hooi  wrote:
> > > heya,
> > > Ok, scratch all that, I'm an idiot.
> > > A simple restart of my Apache process, and the m2m intermediary inline
> > > works *grins*.
> > > Thanks anyhow to the awesome Django community for an awesome tool =).
> > > I do have a final question though. I can now edit "Firms" as inlines
> > > from the "Article" page, which is good.
> > > However, to be honest, the filter_horizontal widget was a much better
> > > interface. I suppose there's no way to somehow use the
> > > filter_horizontal widget within the inline, and then tack on a
> > > "Rating" field as part of the inline?
> > > Also, I notice that in my inline, it says "FirmRating object" right
> > > above the select box:'
> > >
> > > Any way to hide/tweak that text?
> > > Cheers,
> > > Victor
> > > On Jun 25, 10:09 am, Victor Hooi  wrote:
> > > > heya,
> > > > Also, I should add I did try using the inlines as described in the
> > > > docs
> > > >
> > > > In my, I've imported "FirmRating" at the top.
> > > > I've then created an inline for it:
> > > > class FirmRatingInline(admin.TabularInline):
> > > >     model = FirmRating
> > > >     extra = 1
> > > > then used this in ArticleAdmin:
> > > > class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> > > >     #inlines = [
> > > >     #    CategoryInline,
> > > >     #]
> > > >     date_hierarchy = 'publication_date'
> > > 

Re: Admin Media output order?

2010-06-25 Thread iliveinapark
Ha, I think I missed the point of that question...

See the admin templates part of my answer, ignore the rest - I don't
think it applies to your question, but it's a nifty trick anyways.


On Jun 25, 11:37 am, iliveinapark 
> Gday,
> Overriding the admin templates is the only way to do 
> this:
> You can either try listing the items how you want (this will mean a
> change to the templates everytime you register something new), or
> doing it using JS (you'll prolly have to change this whenever you
> register something new as well).
> I generally opt to set verbose_names on my models, so that they get
> listed into groups, eg:
> Offer Banners
> Offer Sidebar Banners
> Referers - Domain Referers
> Referers - Search Engine Referers
> Referers - URL Referers
> It's the cleanest way I've found to do such a thing.
> Cheers,
> Brenton
> On Jun 25, 5:18 am, ringemup  wrote:
> > Is there any way to change the order in which admin media are output
> > (e.g. outputting a ModelAdmin-level javascript after a widget-level
> > script)?
> > Thanks

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Making InlineModelAdmin objects required.

2010-01-20 Thread iliveinapark
Hi all,

I'm wondering if there's a way to make InlineModelAdmin objects
required, so that if a user saves on an admin page without completing
the fields of the inline model, it displays big red "This field is
required." Errors like it does with the included fields.

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Re: Making InlineModelAdmin objects required.

2010-01-21 Thread iliveinapark
Thanks mate, I'll look into that at some point. It's not a major
requirement of the project, so I'll put it on the backburner for now.


On Jan 21, 5:21 pm, "" 
> Hi,
> Take a look at
> as the RequireOneFormSet class may give you some hints on how to do
> this.
> regards
> Matthew
> On Jan 21, 3:57 pm, iliveinapark 
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm wondering if there's a way to make InlineModelAdmin objects
> > required, so that if a user saves on an admin page without completing
> > the fields of the inline model, it displays big red "This field is
> > required." Errors like it does with the included fields.
> > Cheers.

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ManyToManyField through relation between a model and a subclass of it.

2010-02-03 Thread iliveinapark
Hiya folks,

I'm having a problem defining a relationship between a model, and
another model that subclasses the first. ie:

class Page(models.Model):
sections = models.ManyToManyField('Section',
related_name='pages', symmetrical=False, blank=True,

class PageSection(models.Model):
"""An affiliation of a page with a section"""
page = models.ForeignKey('Page', related_name='page',)
section = models.ForeignKey('Page', related_name='section',)
weight = models.IntegerField(default=0,)

class Section(Page):

class Category(Section):

These models are defined in separate files, but have the
app_label='pages' option set in the Meta class (except for Category,
which is in a different app, but the relevant models of pages are
pulled in), so it syncdb's without issue.
I have a StackedInline ModelAdmin set up for PageSection, and it is in
the inlines list for Category's ModelAdmin.

Now, as I said, this syncdb's just fine, and the server runs, however
when I go to create a Category, I get:
 has more than 1 ForeignKey to

Which I believe relates to this, from the docs:
"There are a few restrictions on the intermediate model:

Your intermediate model must contain one - and only one - foreign key
to the target model (this would be Person in our example). If you have
more than one foreign key, a validation error will be raised.
Your intermediate model must contain one - and only one - foreign key
to the source model (this would be Group in our example). If you have
more than one foreign key, a validation error will be raised.
The only exception to this is a model which has a many-to-many
relationship to itself, through an intermediary model. In this case,
two foreign keys to the same model are permitted, but they will be
treated as the two (different) sides of the many-to-many relation.
When defining a many-to-many relationship from a model to itself,
using an intermediary model, you must use symmetrical=False (see the
model field reference)."

The thing is, the intermediary model has FK's to different classes
(though one is a subclass of the other), and the error I'm getting
says that it is referencing the Category class twice, which it is -
it's referencing two different ancestors of it.

I know this seems unnecessarily complex, but this is how my project
has to be structured.

Does anyone have a work-around that will let me do what I want to?


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Re: having an ManyToMany field, and have it optional

2010-02-10 Thread iliveinapark
Both are required for a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField to be empty, ie:

class GoalTag(models.Model):
goals  = models.ManyToManyField(Goal, blank=True, null=True,)

On Feb 11, 5:20 pm, Atamert Ölçgen  wrote:
> On Thursday 11 February 2010 05:18:44 kamilski81 wrote:> Is it possible to do:
> > class GoalTag(models.Model):
> >     goals  = models.ManyToManyField(Goal, null=True)
> Try blank=True. That null=True is possibly redundant there.
> --
> Saygılarımla,
> Atamert Ölçgen
>  -+-
>  --+
>  +++

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Re: Make a new model outside of

2010-02-11 Thread iliveinapark
In the model's meta class, give it a field app_label, eg:

class MyModel(models.Model):

class Meta:
app_label = "myapp"

I use this to split my models into multiple files in a models
subdirectory of my app. Adding a with
from modelfile import *
for each model file makes this directory into a models submodule.

On Feb 12, 2:49 am, Bill Freeman  wrote:
> One issue is that for syncdb to work it has to find all of the models.
>  It does this,
> IIUC, by importing models from each INSTALLED_APP.  If you can arrange for
> that to import your added model, you are on the right track.  For example, you
> can make your files each import an extra file containing the extra
> model(s) *for that app*.  But I suspect that you are trying to do this without
> modifying the files of the apps, and I don't see a simple approach,
> and complicated approaches (such as iterating through INSTALLED_APPS
> yourself and plugging an extra class into each in django's internal 
> structures)
> is likely to be hard to maintain, and be dependent on django internals that 
> can
> change from version to version.
> Bill
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 3:51 AM, Sameer Rahmani  wrote:
> > Hi ,
> > is there any way to build a new model from outside of ? or in
> > other application ?
> > i want to build a model for a class for each application
> > --
> > lxsameer
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> >

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Re: having an ManyToMany field, and have it optional

2010-02-11 Thread iliveinapark
I guess you're correct Atamert, though I'm sure this is still the case
for ForeignKey fields, isn't it?

On Feb 11, 8:16 pm, Atamert Ölçgen  wrote:
> On Thursday 11 February 2010 08:26:10 iliveinapark wrote:> Both are required 
> for a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField to be empty, ie:
> > class GoalTag(models.Model):
> >     goals  = models.ManyToManyField(Goal, blank=True, null=True,)
> That is not true. Check contrib apps for examples.
> --
> Saygılarımla,
> Atamert Ölçgen
>  -+-
>  --+
>  +++

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Object data change approvals.

2010-02-11 Thread iliveinapark
Gday all,

I'm trying to find a way to have changes made to a model object
require approval before becoming the live data on my site. I had
thought about cloning the object, and having the clone stored as a
draft, but making it live would require either swapping all the data
from the draft to the original object, or changing all references to
the original to reference the draft instead.

Does anyone have any ideas on a nice way to do this?


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Re: Object data change approvals.

2010-02-14 Thread iliveinapark
Thanks very much, Bruno, this is a pretty simple way of doing what I

Now I just have to figure out to apply it generically over multiple
levels of inheritance =/

Cheers mate.

On Feb 12, 10:00 pm, bruno desthuilliers
> On Feb 12, 11:24 am, bruno desthuilliers wrote:
> (snip)
> oops, forgot to actually use the custom manager:
> > class MyModelRevision(models.Model):
> (snip)
>       objects =  MyModelRevisionManager()
> >    class Meta:
> >        unique_together = (('MyModel', 'published'),)

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Query to collect objects in a hierarchical model structure.

2010-03-04 Thread iliveinapark
Hello all,

So I'm making a sort of FAQ, with a hierarchical category structure:

 28 class
 29 title =
 30 slug =
 31 parent = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True,
 32 related_name='children')

And Questions can belong to many categories:

 55 class
 56 timestamp =
 57 question =
 58 answer =
 59 categories =
 61 keywords =
 63 attachments =  models.ManyToManyField(Attachment,
 65 related_questions = models.ManyToManyField('self', blank=True)

Obviously, for a given category, cat.questions.all() will return all
questions assigned to cat. How can I write a query (or even better, a
manager) which will return all questions belonging to cat and all of
it's ancestors (cat.children, and their children, etc).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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