messages and notifications app problem.

2008-12-19 Thread mtnpaul

First I installed the messages application and everything worked
pretty well (emails got sent, messages got sent). But according to the
docs I should have notifications installed. Now no emails get sent
out. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong.

I have put in the urls path for notifications, and I put the
notifications in the installed app part of the settings file. The
messages on the server appear in peoples in and out boxes, but never
seem to get transmitted via email.

I believe this is a simple setting issue, but 


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Saving a query set to a model

2008-12-20 Thread mtnpaul

Any thoughts or ideas on doing this?

Can I just pickle the query set to a string and save it?
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Django ugettext() got an unexpected keyword argument 'default' (template error)

2009-12-16 Thread mtnpaul
I'm not looking for an answer, just thought I would post this problem
so if someone else gets it they'll have one place to look anyways.

I had a model with some field names greater than 31 characters. Since
most databases restrict column name length to 31 characters I would
get this error when trying to use a default form for a model.

I actually knew of this limit, but did not realize it would through an
error here. It seems that it should have come up (been flagged) during
a syncdb, and perhaps with another database backend it would.

One cure for this is to shorten the model field name. Another option
(not tested) would be to specify a db column name that was shorter.

environment was Django 1.1 with sqlite3

On a related note:

Is this information useful to the community? Should it be posted in
another place?  (TRAC ?  WIKI ?)

If this is an inappropriate posting please let me know.




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Re: Django ugettext() got an unexpected keyword argument 'default' (template error)

2009-12-16 Thread mtnpaul
We have not made a final decision on our database engine. I actually
prefer Postgresql.   During early development
I also am probably wrong about the "most databases" statement above .
Oracle (I believe) is limited to 30 characters (MySQL is 64).
Postgresql 7.2 had a limit of 32 characters.

On Dec 16, 10:20 pm, Christophe Pettus  wrote:
> On Dec 16, 2009, at 8:55 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> > I find this interesting - but have been unable to find any  
> > documentation for
> > postgresql/sql that points to this 31 character limit - any clues?
> By default, identifiers in PostgreSQL are limited to 63 characters,  
> although that can be changed with a compile-time option:
> (Longer identifiers are truncated; it's not an error to write them.)
> To be fair, though, the OP did not call out PostgreSQL in particular,  
> just "most databases."
> --
> -- Christophe Pettus


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"JSON Template" language

2010-01-01 Thread mtnpaul
I've done a bit of JSON work on previous projects, but my new project
seems likely to use it in a lot of places. Has anyone used the "JSON
Template" language (
Introducing-JSON-Template.html) ?  What are your thoughts on it?  Any
unit testing issues?




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Re: Reasons why syncdb ignores an application?

2010-01-27 Thread mtnpaul
In you could add

sys.path.insert(0, "/path/to/web")

Just before the  if __name__="__main__":   line

You will also need to handle this in your wsgi file for deployment.

Are you using "South"? If so, new tables for something you have
migrated will not be built by syncdb.

On Jan 27, 11:54 am, phoebebright  wrote:
> I cannot find the reason why syncdb will not create tables from a
> It is quite happy to create the auth tables and ones from an external
> app that is included in INSTALLED_APPS but it won't build the tables
> from my 'web' folder.
> I can put a print statement in the and it appears.  It
> is clearly parsing all the models, because if I put a foreignkey to a
> model which doesn't exist, it complains until I fix the error, but it
> won't build the tables.  I do a syncdb and nothing happens and nothing
> is displayed.
> Have tried running it with verbosity 2 and this folder is never
> referred to.
> Have included 'from web.models import *' in and for
> luck.
> Have tried copying the web folder to another name and putting that
> name in the INSTALLED_APPS.
> The only other symptom is that if I do  'python sql web'  I
> get the error
> Error: App with label web could not be found. Are you sure your
> INSTALLED_APPS setting is correct?
> Here is my INSTALLED_APPS:
>     'django.contrib.auth',
>     'django.contrib.contenttypes',
>     'django.contrib.sessions',
>     'django.contrib.sites',
>     'django.contrib.admin',
>     'web',
>     'lifestream',
> )
> I have no idea what to try next!!

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2010-07-21 Thread mtnpaul
Trying to decide on which way to go with facebook or ? Same name, but very
different apps. Does anyone have experience with either one?

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

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Deleting a user generates a comment related error

2010-03-29 Thread mtnpaul
trying to delete a user via admin results in the following error
message: relation "django_comments" does not exist.

I'm not using regular comments but threaded comments. Any idea how to
fix this problem (without creating a fake django_comments table)?

Django 1.1.1



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Best solution to this problem?

2010-04-07 Thread mtnpaul
I have a logged in user. The user does a search for other uses on the
system. The other users can have various type(s) of privacy set for
their profiles.  Privacy levels are Public, Friend, Community (think
Pinax  Tribe), and Private.

I want to display a list of the users, and depending on the users
relationship display a link to view the other persons profile (even
users with a Private profile are to be in the list)

Possible solutions.

1. Pass to the template a list of profiles, the profile will now have
a new attribute called can_view_profile set according to the
relationship (this is not a field on the model)

2. Create a new tag that will take as input the two users and return a
link to the profile if appropriate.

3. Some better suggestion from you.

The problem with one is that everything for the template was
originally done for list of users that can be sorted , and changing it
to profiles is a bit of pain.

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vista install

2008-01-24 Thread mtnpaul

Well I got a new laptop that has vista on it (not my choice). I'm
trying to install django, but keep getting the same strange message
when I try to create a project

C:\> startproject testproject

results in the following
Type ' help' for usage.

I've tried both python2.4 and python2.5 with the same results.

I believe the problem is that windows does not know that the .py files
are executable.

Any ideas?



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Re: Mod_python error: "PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython"

2007-01-09 Thread mtnpaul

Are they both installed into the same python version? Maybe you
installed Django into python 2.4, and mod_python into python 2.5 (at
least it appears to be in 2.5).  From what I looked at I thought django
was best installed in 2.4 (sorry, I don't recall where I saw that). Of
course then mod_python will also probably need to be in 2.4

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Re: reload(module) not working

2007-01-26 Thread mtnpaul

I believe that reload requires a fairly new version of mod_py in
apache2.  Which version are you running?

On Jan 26, 7:57 am, "Manish Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this sample snippet, which works find when run from command line
> def walk_and_execute_all_parse_modules(dir):
>collection = []
>for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
>collection.append( (root, files) )
> import parse
>rootdir = sys.path[0]
>wkdir = os.getcwd()
>for root, files in some_dir_collection:
>if '' in files:
>sys.path[0] = root
>reload(parse) ## Culprit line: import is only for side
> effects
>sys.path[0] = rootdir
> however, when I call this method from a django view, the reload
> function dosen't work. Any Ideas what might be wrong or where I should
> look into?

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Filter problem

2007-01-26 Thread mtnpaul

I wrote a small function as follows

from models import MyModel

def simple_contain( MyModelA , clean_dictionary, my_field_name)
 my_filter_field= my_field_name + '__contains'
 x = MyModelA.objects.filter(my_filter_field =
 return x


k = simple_contain(MyModel, clean_data, 'name_of_field')


this results in a

TypeError at xyz
Cannot resolve keyword 'my_filter_field' into field

/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/django/db/models/ in
lookup_inner, line 890

It appears to be trying to resolve the whole name into a field when it
should take just the part before double underscore.

Any ideas suggestions ?

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subversion and staying up to date

2007-02-01 Thread mtnpaul

I'm developing a new project based off one of the recent trunks. I did
this because I wanted to use newforms. Since the project is in a
constant state of flux should I checkout a new version every day,
every week, or month.
It seems that if I do this every day, that maybe the least painful in
the long run, as there should be just a few changes, but perhaps it
would be easier to do this just once a month or week.

Your thoughts and suggestions on this would be great.



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