
So my question is a 2 part question. The first part leads into the second 

So my first question goes like this. Say I'm on a webpage and I go through 
about 3 drop down selection filter menu's/options. I then hit submit. My 
question is how would I pass these arguments to the view that then would 
take those requested filter values and actually evaluate the database to 
return the correct objects from the database to a template? Initially, I 
thought maybe some sort of url generation/parsing/passing would be involved 
but I really don't know how to create a dynamic interchange here. I really 
don't think defining a set of standard querysets against in a view to go 
against a database is the best option. Like for example if I wanted to 
filter my database by 3 different criteria and each criteria had 4 filters 
that would be 3 x 4 possiblities and 12 unique view methods/queries I would 
have to write. Not good by any means.

My second question spans off of the first question. So let's say now I have 
these criteria (Let's call it 3 specific criteria following the first 
paragraph's direction) and I want to go ahead and efficiently query the 
database given the populated queryset I have formed. How can I ensure these 
queries will be of the utmost efficiency? I need each query by each user on 
the site to have an extremely low footprint on the sites 
bandwith/resoures/etc. The reason being: Let's say I have 1,000,000 objects 
in the database. Say all the entries are geographically related. So maybe 
points in lat lon across the US. And say I'm filtering by distance off a 
location. That to me is a heck of a lot of queries that have to be done and 
surely how I write that has to be really efficient. 

Again on question 2 I would be chaining queries so:


The result of refining a 
itself a 
so it’s possible to chain refinements together. For example:

>>> Entry.objects.filter(...     headline__startswith='What'... ).exclude(...   
>>>   pub_date__gte=datetime.date.today()... ).filter(...     
>>> pub_date__gte=datetime(2005, 1, 30)... )

and so one of those queries would indeed by geo related so of this nature:

.objects.filter(point__distance_lte=(pnt, D(km=7)))

and I then I would still break the query down by a few other criteria for 
example. So any advice on how to make my chained queries extremely 
efficient would be great!

If I have no given enough information I would be more then happy to dive 
into more detail on each specific thing. The django community is the best 
in my opinion so I'm willing to go the extra mile and try to explain myself 
more for the chance for more great help!

Thanks so much,

JJ Zolper

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