Re: Accessing to objects of a dynamic way in django template

2016-12-05 Thread ludovic coues
You could write a custom filter to apply on the queryset.

2016-12-05 1:12 GMT+01:00 Bernardo Garcia :
> I have the following class based view in which I perform to queryset:
> class PatientDetail(LoginRequiredMixin, DetailView):
>model = PatientProfile
>template_name = 'patient_detail.html'
>context_object_name = 'patientdetail'
>def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
>context=super(PatientDetail, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
> RehabilitationSession.objects.filter(patient__slug=self.kwargs['slug'])
> context.update({'patient_session_data': queryset,})
> return context
> When I acces the value of patient_session_data key sent, in my template:
> {% extends "base.html" %}
> {% block content %}
> {{patient_session_data}}
> {% endblock content %}
> I get this three QuerySet objects
> ,
> ,  Hernando Zambrano Cuellar>]>
> I want access to specific attibute named upper_extremity of my
> RehabilitationSession model, then I make this:
> {% for upperlimb in patient_session_data %}
> {{upperlimb.upper_extremity}}
> {%endfor%}
> And I get this in my template:
> Izquierda Izquierda Izquierda
> This mean, three times the value, because my queryset return me three
> objects. This is logic.
> For access to value of a separate way I make this in my template:
> {{patient_session_data.0.upper_extremity}}
> And I get:
> Izquierda
> My goal
> I unknown the amount of querysets objects RehabilitationSession that will be
> returned by the queryset executed in my PatientDetail
>  cbv, because the number is dynamic, may be any amount of objects returned.
> I want read the value content of each patient_session_data upper_extremity
> and accord to the value make something in my template,
> But I want read it of a dynamic way,without use
> {{patient_session_data.<0-1-2-3>.upper_extremity}}
> For example in a hypotetical case:
> #if all objects returned have same value in upper_extremity
> {% if patient_session_data.upper_extremity == 'Izquierda' %}
>   Segmentos corporales a tratar
>   Codo - mano - falange
> {%endif%}
> I think that I have count the amount of objects and make with them some
> actions, because I don't have clear ...
> How to can I access of a individual way to the objects returned of a dynamic
> way without matter the objects number returned?
> --
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Cordialement, Coues Ludovic
+336 148 743 42

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Accessing to objects of a dynamic way in django template

2016-12-04 Thread Bernardo Garcia

I have the following class based view in which I perform to queryset:

class PatientDetail(LoginRequiredMixin, DetailView): 

   model = PatientProfile 

   template_name = 'patient_detail.html' 

   context_object_name = 'patientdetail' 


   def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): 

   context=super(PatientDetail, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) 
* context.update({'patient_session_data': queryset,}) *
return context

When I acces the value of patient_session_data key sent, in my template:

{% extends "base.html" %} 

{% block content %} 

{% endblock content %}

I get this three QuerySet objects

, ]>

I want access to specific attibute named upper_extremity of my 
RehabilitationSession model, then I make this:

{% for upperlimb in patient_session_data %} 



And I get this in my template:

Izquierda Izquierda Izquierda

This mean, three times the value, because my queryset return me three 
objects. This is logic.

For access to value of a separate way I make this in my template:


And I get:


*My goal*

I unknown the amount of querysets objects RehabilitationSession that will 
be returned by the queryset executed in my PatientDetail

 cbv, because the number is dynamic, may be any amount of objects returned.

I want read the value content of each patient_session_data upper_extremity and 
accord to the value make something in my template,

But I want read it of a dynamic way,without use {{

For example in a hypotetical case:

#if all objects returned have same value in upper_extremity 

{% if patient_session_data.upper_extremity == 'Izquierda' %} 


  Segmentos corporales a tratar

  Codo - mano - falange 



I think that I have count the amount of objects and make with them some 
actions, because I don't have clear ... 

How to can I access of a individual way to the objects returned of a 
dynamic way without matter the objects number returned?

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