Re: Django Form ChoiceField, initial not working

2010-12-11 Thread wayne

On Dec 11, 5:08 am, Sævar Öfjörð  wrote:
> I think you should provide your choices in the form field, not when
> creating an instance of the form.

Agreed.  To create a dynamic form such as this, the best way would
probably be to use a custom __init__ function.  In your view, when you
create your form, you can pass in a 'queryset=' argument that will do
this for you.


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Re: Django Form ChoiceField, initial not working

2010-12-11 Thread Sævar Öfjörð
I think you should provide your choices in the form field, not when
creating an instance of the form.
The form would then be something like this:

class StoreLocationHoursForm(BForm):
sl_list= [('-', 'Choose Location'), (u'Super City', u'901
location = forms.ChoiceField(choices=sl_list, required=True)
# rest of fields...

The initial keyword when creating an instance of the form is used to
select which of the choices is rendered as selected.
Haven't tested this though.

- Sævar

On Dec 9, 11:18 pm, Sector7B  wrote:
> Hi, i have a simple form:
> class StoreLocationHoursForm(BForm):
>     location = forms.ChoiceField(required=True)
>     day = forms.ChoiceField(choices=bagit_constants.dow,required=True)
>     time_open_hours =
> forms.ChoiceField(choices=constants.hours,required=True)
>     time_open_minutes =
> forms.ChoiceField(choices=constants.minutes,required=True)
>     time_close_hours =
> forms.ChoiceField(choices=constants.hours,required=True)
>     time_close_minutes =
> forms.ChoiceField(choices=constants.minutes,required=True)
> there can be many locations, so in my view i loop through them to
> create a list of tuples to provide a choices list for location:
> Log Output of the list when im done:sl_list= [('-', 'Choose
> Location'), (u'Super City', u'901 PHILADELPHIA STREET')]
> the code i use to set initial is the following:
> form = StoreLocationHoursForm(initial={"location":sl_list})
> However my select is empty when it renders the HTML.
> Thanks for the help in advance,
> j

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Django Form ChoiceField, initial not working

2010-12-09 Thread Sector7B
Hi, i have a simple form:
class StoreLocationHoursForm(BForm):
location = forms.ChoiceField(required=True)
day = forms.ChoiceField(choices=bagit_constants.dow,required=True)
time_open_hours =
time_open_minutes =
time_close_hours =
time_close_minutes =

there can be many locations, so in my view i loop through them to
create a list of tuples to provide a choices list for location:
Log Output of the list when im done:sl_list= [('-', 'Choose
Location'), (u'Super City', u'901 PHILADELPHIA STREET')]

the code i use to set initial is the following:

form = StoreLocationHoursForm(initial={"location":sl_list})

However my select is empty when it renders the HTML.

Thanks for the help in advance,


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