I'm very happy to announce the first release of django-ai: Artificial
Intelligence for Django!!

``django-ai`` is a collection of apps for integrating statistical models
into your Django project so you can implement machine learning conveniently.

It aims to integrate several libraries and engines providing your Django
app with a set of tools so you can leverage your project functionality with
the data generated within.

The integration is done through Django models - where most of the data is
generated and stored in a Django project - and an API focused on
integrating seamlessly within Django projects’ best practices and patterns.

The rationale of ``django-ai`` is to provide for each statistical model or
technique bundled a front-end for configuration and an API for integrating
it into your code.


- http://django-ai.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html
- http://django-ai.readthedocs.io/en/latest/readme.html#quickstart
- http://django-ai.readthedocs.io/en/latest/apps/examples.html

You are welcome to join the community of users and developers :)


* Bayesian Networks: Integrate Bayesian Networks through your models using
the BayesPy framework <http://bayespy.org/>.

Known Issues

* In development mode (``DEBUG = True``) the BayesPy Inference Engine may
stall during model estimation on certain states of the Pseudo Random Number
Generator. You may need to reset the PRNG or deactivate and activate again
your Python virtualenv. This does not affect other operations like cluster


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