Django 3.2 Admin

I have a model with two 1:n models and need to convert one type of model into the other.

I know this sounds mad but it is a specialised document management to-do system. It has Note models and Link models connected to the main model.

When converting a Note into a Link the Link gets created and the Note gets deleted. This currently happens in the main after calling super().

The method removes the Note from the to-do side and puts it on the done side as a Link complete with a URL.

So far I can only detect if the user wishes to convert a Note into a Link after the Note is saved with True in its conversion field.

That means the main model needs to be saved to commit that True value and then saved again to convert any Notes with that True value.

The crux of the problem (to me) is that I'm using a queryset to detect Notes in the database ready for conversion into links.

Is it possible to do this saving only once?



class Chemical(models.Model):
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().save(*args, **kwargs)

    def convert_notes_to_links(self, line=None):
        for note in Note.objects.filter(chemical=self, link=True):
            link, new = Link.objects.get_or_create(chemical=self, name=note.title)
            if new:
                link.synopsis = note.note

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