Re: Newbie django/python with C++ background wants enums

2012-02-02 Thread ajohnston
I'm straying a bit off-topic here, but I forgot to mention that other
way I've seen people do 'enum' in Python is:

>>> class Colors(object):
... RED, GREEN, BLUE = range(3)
>>> c = Colors()
>>> c.RED
>>> c.BLUE
>>> c.GREEN

Not sure this helps much in this particular case though.

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Re: Newbie django/python with C++ background wants enums

2012-02-02 Thread ajohnston
I would probably do it Bruno's way, since it is more explicit, but
just so you know, there are some enumeration tools in Python. Just not
an 'enum' type:

>>> base_choices = ['No', 'Yes'] <-- transform this any way you want:

>>> choices = list(enumerate(base_choices))
>>> choices
[(0, 'No'), (1, 'Yes')] <-- can be used for 'choices' parameter in

>>> use_txt_choices = {v:k for k,v in enumerate(base_choices)}
>>> use_txt_choices
{'Yes': 1, 'No': 0} <-- can be used in 'clean' method:

if len(txt) == 0 and use_txt==use_txt_choices['Yes']:

If the values have to be boolean instead of ints, you can:
>>> txt_choices = [(True if i else False, j) for i,j in enumerate(base_choices)]
>>> txt_choices
[(False, 'No'), (True, 'Yes')]

>>> lookup_choices = {v:True if k else False for k,v in enumerate(base_choices)}
>>> lookup_choices
{'Yes': True, 'No': False}

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Re: Newbie django/python with C++ background wants enums

2012-02-02 Thread NENAD CIKIC
thanks, to all.
I have now some code to study and understand.

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Re: Newbie django/python with C++ background wants enums

2012-02-02 Thread Pavlo Kapyshin

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Re: Newbie django/python with C++ background wants enums

2012-02-02 Thread bruno desthuilliers
On Feb 1, 10:45 pm, NENAD CIKIC  wrote:
> Hello, the subject expresses my discomfort with certain python
> characteristics, given my background, and my lack of python knowledge.
> Specifically lets say that I have a model with a Text field and char field.
> The char field is length 1 and says "use or do not use the text field".

A BooleanField might be better then.

> The
> char field can have Y or N values.
> So using the admin interface I wanted to override the clean method but I
> did not want to write
> if text.__len__==0 and char=='Y':
>   raise exception

"__magic_methods__" are here to support operators (or operator-like)
implementation, and except for a very few corner cases you should not
call them directly. So here you want "len(text)", not

Also note that the parens are the "call operator", so "text.__len__"
will eval to the "__len__" method object itself (remember that in
Python everythin is an object, including classes, functions and
methods), not to the result of calling this method.

And finally, in Python, empty sequences (at least for the builtin
sequence types), empty dicts, empty strings, numeric zero (int, float
etc) and the None object all have a false value in a boolean context
(FWIW, True and False and the bool type are late additions to the
language). So the pythonic way to test for an empty string is just :

if not txt:
print "txt is empty"

> In C/C++ you would use enum for these sort of things. So I ended with
> defining in something as:
> TO_USE= (
>     ('Y', 'Yes'),
>     ('N', 'No'),
>     )
> class X(models.Model):
>     txt= models.CharField(db_index=True,null=True, blank=True,max_length=30)
>     use_txt=
> models.CharField(blank=False,max_length=1,default='D',choices=TO_USE)

I'd still use a BooleanField here as far as I'm concerned, but when it
comes to multiple choices, here's how I do:

class X(models.Model):
USE_NO = 'N'
(USE_YES, u"Yes"),
(USE_NO, u"No"),

   use_txt = models.CharField(
   u"Use text",

then I can test the value using the class pseudo-constants, ie:

x = X.objects.get(pk=1)
if x.use_txt == x.USE_YES:

> and in something as
> class XForm(forms.ModelForm):
>     def clean(self):
>         cleaned_data=super(XForm, self).clean()
>         txt= cleaned_data['txt'].strip()
>         use_txt=cleaned_data['use_txt'].strip()
>         if txt.__len__()==0 and use_txt==TO_USE.__getitem__(0)[0]:

would be a bit better (or at least a bit less worse ) this way:

if not txt and use_txt == TO_USE[0][0]:

But that's still not something I'd be happy with. My above solution
would make it a bit more readable:

if use_txt == X.USE_YES and not txt:

>             raise forms.ValidationError('This is needed!')
>         return cleaned_data
> The part .__getitem__(0)[0] is not very readable.

Indeed. And not even consistant - if you insist on using
__magic_methods__ instead of the operators, at least go all the way:



Sorry, just kidding 

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Re: Newbie django/python with C++ background wants enums

2012-02-01 Thread Mike Dewhirst

On 2/02/2012 12:13pm, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar wrote:

 ('Y', 'Yes'),
 ('N', 'No'),

class X(models.Model):
 txt= models.CharField(db_index=True,null=True,

and in something as
class XForm(forms.ModelForm):
 def clean(self):
 cleaned_data=super(XForm, self).clean()
 txt= cleaned_data['txt'].strip()

 if txt.__len__()==0 and use_txt==TO_USE.__getitem__(0)[0]:

Personally, I would do this in so it would run in any form's 
clean method. In which case ...

class X(models.Model):

def clean(self):
self.txt = self.txt.strip()

Assuming you mean you only care about the contents of txt if there is 
something there AND then if so, you want the user to make a Yes/No 
selection ...

   if self.txt:
   ok = False
   for abbr, fullword in TO_USE:
   # fullword is ignored
   if abbr in self.use_txt:
   ok = True
   if not ok:
   raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError('Yes or 
No required')

The above 'in' keyword means you don't need to use_txt.strip()

 raise forms.ValidationError('This is needed!')

 return cleaned_data

The part .__getitem__(0)[0] is not very readable. I have looked for
enums in python, and if I have understood well, it seems they are not

Have a look at list comprehension in the Python docs. It might help if 
you make TO_USE into a list of tuples instead of a tuple of tuples. I'm 
not as familiar with list comprehension as I should be and I suspect my 
verbose approach above could be squished considerably.

Just as an aside, you ought to be able to extract all the functionality 
ordinarily required without having to resort to __internal__() methods. 
They are really for people who want to tweak the language in "special" 
ways or give their own classes python-like class properties.

What is the best way to do it in python for my problem, given that I do
not want to write =='Y'.

I'm not saying the above is the "best" way but it might avoid =='Y'


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Re: Newbie django/python with C++ background wants enums

2012-02-01 Thread Chris
A different way would be to define constants:

YES = 'Y'
NO = 'N'

(YES, 'Yes'),
(NO, 'No'),


from myapp.models import YES

class XForm(forms.ModelForm):
def clean(self):
cleaned_data=super(XForm, self).clean()
txt= cleaned_data['txt'].strip()

if txt.__len__()==0 and use_txt == YES:
raise forms.ValidationError('This is needed!')

return cleaned_data

On Feb 1, 4:45 pm, NENAD CIKIC  wrote:
> Hello, the subject expresses my discomfort with certain python
> characteristics, given my background, and my lack of python knowledge.
> Specifically lets say that I have a model with a Text field and char field.
> The char field is length 1 and says "use or do not use the text field". The
> char field can have Y or N values.
> So using the admin interface I wanted to override the clean method but I
> did not want to write
> if text.__len__==0 and char=='Y':
>   raise exception
> In C/C++ you would use enum for these sort of things. So I ended with
> defining in something as:
> TO_USE= (
>     ('Y', 'Yes'),
>     ('N', 'No'),
>     )
> class X(models.Model):
>     txt= models.CharField(db_index=True,null=True, blank=True,max_length=30)
>     use_txt=
> models.CharField(blank=False,max_length=1,default='D',choices=TO_USE)
> and in something as
> class XForm(forms.ModelForm):
>     def clean(self):
>         cleaned_data=super(XForm, self).clean()
>         txt= cleaned_data['txt'].strip()
>         use_txt=cleaned_data['use_txt'].strip()
>         if txt.__len__()==0 and use_txt==TO_USE.__getitem__(0)[0]:
>             raise forms.ValidationError('This is needed!')
>         return cleaned_data
> The part .__getitem__(0)[0] is not very readable. I have looked for enums
> in python, and if I have understood well, it seems they are not implemented.
> What is the best way to do it in python for my problem, given that I do not
> want to write =='Y'.
> Thanks
> Nenad

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Re: Newbie django/python with C++ background wants enums

2012-02-01 Thread Jeff Heard
*slightly* better would be:

class X(models.Model):
TO_USE = ((X.YES, "Yes"), (X.NO, "No"), (X.DEFAULT, "Default"))

txt= models.CharField(db_index=True,null=True, blank=True,max_length=30)
use_txt= models.CharField(blank=False,max_length=1,default='D',

and in

class XForm(forms.ModelForm):
def clean(self):
cleaned_data=super(XForm, self).clean()

if *not txt* and use_txt==X.YES:
raise forms.ValidationError('This is needed!')

return cleaned_data

On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar <> wrote:

>  You could use a class, such as:
> class TO_USE:
> Y = 'Yes'
> N = 'No'
> if char == TO_USE.Y:
> pass
> _Nik
> On 2/1/2012 1:45 PM, NENAD CIKIC wrote:
> Hello, the subject expresses my discomfort with certain python
> characteristics, given my background, and my lack of python knowledge.
> Specifically lets say that I have a model with a Text field and char
> field. The char field is length 1 and says "use or do not use the text
> field". The char field can have Y or N values.
> So using the admin interface I wanted to override the clean method but I
> did not want to write
> if text.__len__==0 and char=='Y':
>   raise exception
> In C/C++ you would use enum for these sort of things. So I ended with
> defining in something as:
> TO_USE= (
> ('Y', 'Yes'),
> ('N', 'No'),
> )
> class X(models.Model):
> txt= models.CharField(db_index=True,null=True,
> blank=True,max_length=30)
> use_txt=
> models.CharField(blank=False,max_length=1,default='D',choices=TO_USE)
> and in something as
> class XForm(forms.ModelForm):
> def clean(self):
> cleaned_data=super(XForm, self).clean()
> txt= cleaned_data['txt'].strip()
> use_txt=cleaned_data['use_txt'].strip()
> if txt.__len__()==0 and use_txt==TO_USE.__getitem__(0)[0]:
> raise forms.ValidationError('This is needed!')
> return cleaned_data
> The part .__getitem__(0)[0] is not very readable. I have looked for enums
> in python, and if I have understood well, it seems they are not implemented.
> What is the best way to do it in python for my problem, given that I do
> not want to write =='Y'.
> Thanks
> Nenad
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Re: Newbie django/python with C++ background wants enums

2012-02-01 Thread Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar

You could use a class, such as:

class TO_USE:
Y = 'Yes'
N = 'No'

if char == TO_USE.Y:


On 2/1/2012 1:45 PM, NENAD CIKIC wrote:
Hello, the subject expresses my discomfort with certain python 
characteristics, given my background, and my lack of python knowledge.
Specifically lets say that I have a model with a Text field and char 
field. The char field is length 1 and says "use or do not use the text 
field". The char field can have Y or N values.
So using the admin interface I wanted to override the clean method but 
I did not want to write

if text.__len__==0 and char=='Y':
  raise exception

In C/C++ you would use enum for these sort of things. So I ended with 
defining in something as:

('Y', 'Yes'),
('N', 'No'),

class X(models.Model):
txt= models.CharField(db_index=True,null=True, 

and in something as
class XForm(forms.ModelForm):
def clean(self):
cleaned_data=super(XForm, self).clean()
txt= cleaned_data['txt'].strip()

if txt.__len__()==0 and use_txt==TO_USE.__getitem__(0)[0]:
raise forms.ValidationError('This is needed!')

return cleaned_data

The part .__getitem__(0)[0] is not very readable. I have looked for 
enums in python, and if I have understood well, it seems they are not 
What is the best way to do it in python for my problem, given that I 
do not want to write =='Y'.


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Newbie django/python with C++ background wants enums

2012-02-01 Thread NENAD CIKIC
Hello, the subject expresses my discomfort with certain python 
characteristics, given my background, and my lack of python knowledge.
Specifically lets say that I have a model with a Text field and char field. 
The char field is length 1 and says "use or do not use the text field". The 
char field can have Y or N values.
So using the admin interface I wanted to override the clean method but I 
did not want to write
if text.__len__==0 and char=='Y':
  raise exception

In C/C++ you would use enum for these sort of things. So I ended with 
defining in something as:
('Y', 'Yes'),
('N', 'No'),

class X(models.Model):
txt= models.CharField(db_index=True,null=True, blank=True,max_length=30)

and in something as
class XForm(forms.ModelForm):
def clean(self):
cleaned_data=super(XForm, self).clean()
txt= cleaned_data['txt'].strip()

if txt.__len__()==0 and use_txt==TO_USE.__getitem__(0)[0]:
raise forms.ValidationError('This is needed!')

return cleaned_data

The part .__getitem__(0)[0] is not very readable. I have looked for enums 
in python, and if I have understood well, it seems they are not implemented.
What is the best way to do it in python for my problem, given that I do not 
want to write =='Y'.

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