greetings. I am using the admin interface to show data retrieved by a
collector process and put in a different table for each source; each
source is identified by "cliente", "num1" and "num2". At run time
django scans the db for tables with proper names and builds classes
modeled from an abstract template.
The code  will make everything clearer:

class Telefonate(models.Model):
    id = models.BigIntegerField(unique=True, primary_key=True)
   # some other fields here

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

def telefonate_factory(cliente, num1, num2):
    if type(num1) != type(''):
        raise TypeError('parameter client1 must be of type %s insted
of %s' % (type(''), type(cliente)))
    if type(num2) != type(''):
        raise TypeError('parameter client2 must be of type %s insted
of %s' % (type(''), type(cliente)))
    if type(cliente) != type(''):
        raise TypeError('parameter num must be of type %s insted of
%s' % (type(''), type(num)))
    cliente = str(cliente).lower()
    nome = 'Telefonate%s%s%s' % (cliente.capitalize(), num1, num2)
    ret = type(nome, (Telefonate,), {'__module__':
    ret._meta.db_table            = 'telefonate_%s_%s_%s' % (cliente,
num1, num2)
    ret._meta.verbose_name        = 'telefonate di %s-%s-%s' %
(cliente.capitalize().replace('_', ' '), num1, num2)
    ret._meta.verbose_name_plural = 'telefonate di %s-%s-%s' %
(cliente.capitalize().replace('_', ' '), num1, num2)
    return ret

from django.db import connection, transaction, connections
extractor = re.compile(r'^telefonate_([a-z_]+?)_(\d+)_(\d+)$')

for db in settings.DATABASES.keys():
    conn = connections[db]
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    cursor.execute('SHOW TABLES LIKE "telefonate_%%"')

    for t in cursor.fetchall():
        vals =[0])).groups()
        globals()['Telefonate' + vals[0].capitalize() + vals[1] +
vals[2]] = telefonate_factory(vals[0], vals[1], vals[2])

Then my problem: class Blocks is an abstract class, being used as
class telefonate. Each class Blocks/cliente/num1/num2 has a
OneToOneField related to the corresponding class
Telefonate/cliente/num1/num2: how to write class Blocks? in particular
the OneToOneField?

class Blocchi(models.Model):
    call = models.OneToOneField(Telefonate, unique=True, primary_key=True)
    block_start = models.IntegerField()
    block_end = models.IntegerField()

    class Meta:
        db_table = u'blocchi'
        verbose_name_plural = 'blocchi'
        abstract = True
        ordering = ['call']

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