I am trying a custom field with a special data field have to handle.
The data is a 4 digit with or with a letter at the end. eg. 9(a),
99(a), 999(a), 9999(a).

class CustCharField(models.CharField):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        models.CharField.__init__(self, max_length=5, *args, **kwargs)

#    def to_python(self, value):
#        if (not value[:-1].isdigit()) or (len(value[:-1]) > 4):
#           raise validators.ValidationError, _(u'Seq is 4 numbers max
with at most 1 letter only trailing, eg. 9(a), 99(a), 999(a),
#        if value[-1].isdigit():
#            return  "%04d" % int(value)
#        else:
#            return "%04d%s" % (int(value[:-1]), value[-1])

    def validate(self, field_data, all_data):
        if (not field_data[:-1].isdigit()) or (len(field_data[:-1]) >
            raise validators.ValidationError, _(u'Seq is 4 numbers max
with at most 1 letter only trailing, eg. 9(a), 99(a), 999(a),

    def get_internal_type(self):
        return "CharField"

class Test(models.Model):
    cust = CustCharField()

When I try to use shell, it seems it works:
>>> from mysite.testapp import models
>>> c1 = models.Test()
>>> b1.cust = "a"
>>> b1.validate()
{'cust': [u'Seq is 4 numbers max with at most 1 letter only trailing,
eg. 9(a), 99(a), 999(a), 9999(a)']}

But when I use the admin page, it doent show up an alert message
asking to change the field value, and then store it to database with
no exception. If I comment the to_python function about out. The admin
page does encouter an exception, but it halts instead of pop up alert

Any clue on how this can be fix? TIA


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