and i solved it in the view. dont know if this is the right way but it

def topic_detail(request, slug):
    topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, slug=slug)
    t = topic.project_set.all()
    techlist = []
    for p in t:
        for t in  p.technologies.all():
            if t in techlist:
    return object_list(request,
                       extra_context={'object': topic, 'techlist':
techlist })

On Dec 10, 12:18 pm, andreas schmid <> wrote:
> ok im still stucking on this one:
> i dont think the regroup tag can help in this case....
> but i cant understand how i can query the technologies used within a
> specific topic.
> i mean i have alredy the projects assigned to this topic, now i need the
> technologies used by this projects.
> any ideas?
> Tim Valenta wrote:
> > It looks like the problem is that you're trying to group by
> > Technology, but your queryset is in Projects.  You could experiment
> > with the "regroup" template tag
> > (
> > )
> > It's a little hard to understand at first, but I think it's pretty
> > much what you're trying to do.  You would be able to remove the
> > ".distinct" part of your query because dictionary keys are already
> > can't be doubled.
> > Hope that helps.
> > Tim
> > On Nov 26, 7:04 am, andreas schmid <> wrote:
> >> hi,
> >> i have a question about retrieving related objects avoiding double entries.
> >> actually i have 3 models:
> >>     topics
> >>     projects
> >>     technologies
> >> the projects model has foreignkeys to topics and technologies. i have a
> >> view for the topic detail like this:
> >>     def topic_detail(request, slug):
> >>         topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, slug=slug)
> >>         return object_list(request,
> >>                            queryset=topic.project_set.all(),
> >>                            paginate_by=20,
> >>                            template_name='FSlabs/topic_detail.html',
> >>                            extra_context={ 'topic': topic })
> >> in the template i can loop trough the projects and  get those  assigned
> >> to this topic.
> >> but im having problems to retrieve the technologies used by those
> >> projects without having double entries.
> >> i tried this in the template with a list for every project
> >> assigned...which of course is not what i want:
> >>     {% for project in object_list  %}
> >>             {% for technology in project.technologies.distinct %}
> >>                 <a href="{{ technology.get_absolute_url }}">{{
> >>     technology.title }}</a>
> >>                 {% if forloop.last %}{% else %}
> >>                 {% ifequal forloop.revcounter0 1 %}and {% else %}, {%
> >>     endifequal %}
> >>                 {% endif %}
> >>             {% endfor %}
> >>         {% endfor %}
> >> can somebody point me to the right way to get what i need?
> >> thx
> > --
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