[dmarc-ietf] Re: DMARCbis version -33 is ready for document shepherd and AD processing

2024-09-13 Thread Tero Kivinen
Alessandro Vesely writes:
> I googled a bit on that but didn't find a satisfactory analysis.  There are 
> several good files, e.g. http://www.open-spf.org/whitepaper.pdf or 
> https://www.maawg.org/sites/maawg/files/news/MAAWG_Email_Forwarding_BP.pdf.

M3AAWG is just now in process of updating that Email forwarding best
practice. There should be new version published in few months. 

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[dmarc-ietf] Review of draft-ietf-dmarc-dmarcbis-32

2024-07-21 Thread Tero Kivinen
I finally managed to finish my review of the DMARCbis. I think it is
in good enough shape to go forward but here are my comments when
reviewing it:


Section 3.2.6 is conflicting with later text.

   Historically, Domain Owner Assessment Policies of "p=quarantine" or
   "p=reject" have been higher value signals to Mail Receivers (#mail-
   receiver).  Messages with Author Domains for which such policies
   exist that are not validated using the DMARC mechanism will not reach
   the inbox at Mail Receivers that participate in DMARC and honor the
   Domain Owner's expressed handling preference.

I think we should add note, that even if this was true before,
DMARCbis now says that in case of DMARC fail the mail receivers
handling can be influenced by DMARC policy record, but also other
considerations should be taken care of.


Section 4.5 says:

   Per [RFC1035], a TXT record can comprise several "character-string"
   objects. Where this is the case, the module performing DMARC
   evaluation MUST concatenate these strings by joining together the
   objects in order and parsing the result as a single string.

This text is fine when we are talking about one TXT record, but some
implementors might read it to talk about multiple TXT records, so
perhaps a note about that should be added. So character-strings inside
one TXT records are concatenated, but each TXT record is processed


It would be better to use name of the RFC when referencing to it, and
only use the number in the [RFC1234] part, i.e., instead of saying:

Readers are encouraged to be familiar with the contents of [RFC5598].

it would be better to say:

Readers are encouraged to be familiar with the contents of
Internet Mail Archtecture ([RFC5598]).

The rfc numbers 1035, 8020, 4343 etc might be familiar to writers of
this document, but there are most likely lots of readers who are not
as familiar with them, and expanding them in the document will make it
easier for people who do not have full RFC mapping from all RFC
mumbers to document title in memory, to read this document.

Same should apply to the internet draft names also, as while the
[I-D.ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting] actually tells what that document
is, but when it gets replaced with RFC9951 and RFC10923 even people
who are familiar with number to title mapping now, might have to
update their internal mapings... I.e., instead of saying:

   DMARC, in the associated [I-D.ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting] and
   [I-D.ietf-dmarc-failure-reporting] documents, also specifies a
   reporting framework.


   DMARC, in the associated Aggregate raporting specification
   ([I-D.ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting]) and Failure Reporting
   specification ([I-D.ietf-dmarc-failure-reporting]) documents, also
   specifies a reporting framework.

Getting new people to be involved is hard anyways, and making it
harder by forcing everybody to learn lots of different number -> title
mappings makes it even harder.

I am very familiar with certain subset of the RFC numbers (ipsec,
security area etc), but most of the email RFC numbers are new to me,
so while I was reviewing this, I always needed to go and check those
numbers, which made reading it more difficult.


In section 4.10 step 1, there is text saying:

   1.  Query the DNS for a DMARC Policy Record at the appropriate
   starting point for the Tree Walk.  A possibly empty set of
   records is returned.

what is this "appropriate starting point" used here? It is not defined
before, and for the first read it seems like something is missing. It
will be defined in the 4.10.1, but adding reference to that section
here would make things easier, or even move the starting point
definition from there to here, or before this section.

Or perhaps move the actual tree walk steps from the section 4.10 DNS
Tree Walk to come after 4.10.1, i.e. add new "4.10.2 DNS Tree Walk
Steps", and move text:

   The generic steps for a DNS Tree Walk are as follows:



5.4.  Policy Enforcement Considerations

   At a minimum,
   Mail Receivers SHOULD add the Authentication-Results header field
   (see [RFC8601]), and it is RECOMMENDED when delivering messages that
   fail the DMARC validation check.

What is this text trying to say. It seems to say authentication-
results header is SHOULD, but it is also SHOULD when DMARC validations
fails? Perhaps just change "...it is even more important when ...".


10.6.  External Reporting Addresses

   To avoid abuse by bad a

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DMARCbis WGLC - Issue 141 DMARC and What To Say About SPF -all

2024-04-07 Thread Tero Kivinen
Scott Kitterman writes:
> I hear you. Your operational issue is my system working as designed.
> DMARC works on top of SPF, it doesn't change it.

Yes, DMARC works on top of SPF, and DKIM and provides policy layer. We
are trying to change the fact that people rely purely on SPF, and try
to get them moved to use DMARC istead, and we are trying to explain
that if you do SPF inside the DMARC context, you get exactly same
policy results you get as when you do SPF before, except you get it
better, as you have more data available. Using -all would be
completely ok if everybody would be doing DMARC, but as there are some
systems which do SPF outside DMARC, and there having -all might
shortcircuit DMARC out from the equation, we should provide guidance
to those people how they can get best results in current environment.
Thus the best current practice should be use to use ~all instead of
-all if you are trying to use DMARC, and want other systems to
actually act based on your DMARC policy. 

> Anything like this belongs in an operational guidance document, not in the 
> protocol description.  I have no problem describing the trade offs in an 
> appropriate document, but I don't think this is it.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Overall last-call comments on DMARC

2024-04-04 Thread Tero Kivinen
Murray S. Kucherawy writes:
> Some sort of contract or agreement between sender and receiver
> seems to me to be unavoidable if we want to leverage ARC without
> having a global domain reputation system.  We don't have a
> precise method to do that.  We need to experiment and
> standardize something to that extent, which I hope this WG can
> do after publishing -bis.
> I know what "contract" means abstractly, but what does this actually
> look like to someone that's looking for specific guidance?  The text
> you have here, by itself, is vague and I don't think many operators
> will know what to do with it.  

For example Fastmail [1] includes per user account configuration that
lists "Forwarding hosts", which affect how they do spam filtering and
whether they trust ARC or not (they do have global trusted ARC list

The M3AAWG forwarding whitepaper will propose that all mailbox
providers should include similar setting, i.e., allow users to
configure which hosts to trust for ARC.

It was already pointed out that forwarding does not happen out of
blue, there is always the user setting it up, i.e., joining the
mailing list, providing the email address for alumni forwarding etc.
When user does that it would also be easy for him to go to the account
settings of whatever mailbox provider he uses and add that ARC host

The mailbox provider could even detect that user is getting emails
that are been forwarded and which have ARC headers, and they could
even ask similar question they do now when you move mails away from
spam folder, i.e., "Not spam", "This email has valid ARC signature for
alumni.university.edu, have you configured this organization for
forwarding emails to you, and if so do you trust this organization for
doing mail authentication checks on behalf of us".

What ARC really offers is that if there is ARC header from
organization you trust, you can check the ARC-Authentication-Results
and use them in addition to your own checks. If for example that
header says SPF was pass, and you trust that domain, then you can
trust that it properly did SPF checks and you can consider using ARC
SPF pass as SPF pass for the email, even when it is now failing.

I do not think there will ever be global trusted ARC signers list, as
I do for example want to trust certain organizations / countries, and
there is no point of me trusting for example microsoft.com ARC
signatures, as there should not be forwarders in microsoft that should
be forwarding emails to me. If there is ARC header signed by microsoft
that header does not have any value for me, but will have some value
for some other people.

Simiarly I will trust iki.fi (non profit email forwarding service in
Finland that will forward all emails I receive to my actual mailbox),
but there is no point of you personally to trust iki.fi ARC
signatures. Mailbox provides might want to trust iki.fi as one of our
3 members might be using your services, thus adding iki.fi to
trusted forwarders makes thins easier for iki.fi members.



dmarc mailing list

[dmarc-ietf] WGLC contentious topics (I'm in the rough and I know it) in draft-ietf-dmarc-dmarcbis-30

2024-04-01 Thread Tero Kivinen
Seth Blank writes:
> In order from most to least contentious:
> 1. 8.6. Interoperability Considerations
> "It is therefore critical that domains that host users who might
> post messages to mailing lists SHOULD NOT publish p=reject."
> While this advice represents consensus, it does not represent
> operational best practice, nor where the market is moving to stop
> fraud and abuse. DMARC is becoming increasingly required at the
> major mail receivers, and messages that cannot get a DMARC pass are
> increasingly likely to get rejected outright. This language feels
> like it is creating an even worse interoperability problem-- giving
> guidance to people that will guarantee their mail gets rejected by
> major mail systems. These DMARC mandates arose after consensus was
> called, and have changed the playing field materially.
> More accurate language that alleviates the concern would be "It is
> therefore critical that domains that host users who wish for their
> messages to be modified and spoofed by downstream intermediaries,
> such as alumni forwarders or mailing lists, SHOULD NOT publish
> p=reject. Such spoofed messages may still be rejected, regardless of
> a domain owner's published DMARC policy."

I do not think the text above is more accurate, I think is mostly
wrong. The current text in the draft is correct (or even better would
be to say MUST NOT, but I think we lost that consensus call).

The only reason intermediaries might be considered to be "spoofing"
anything is because of the use of SPF. It is completely possible to
implement mail forwarding which keeps DKIM valid, thus DMARC is still
fine, but there is no way to keep SPF valid, and as not everybody
implement DKIM this will cause mails to be rejected. But we lost that
battle to remove SPF in the dmarcbis too...

I think we should keep the current text.

> 3. 4.4. Identifier Alignment Explained
> Since then, we've discussed two other removals -- relying on SPF at all, and
> not worrying about mailing list traffic at all -- both of which affect more
> mailflow and deployment than strict alignment. If we're willing to seriously
> discuss things that affect more mail, should we not also review the need for
> strict alignment?

I myself would like to get both SPF and strict alignment to be removed
from the draft.

Some adminstrators are still going to use the SPF regardless what
DMARC says, and some of them are already using it before DMARC which
means they do not care about DMARC they only care about SPF, and there
is nothing we can do for them (execpt we could say they are not
compliant with DMARC).

> I also don't think we really reviewed strict alignment after
> incorporating the tree walk into the document. Most of the uses for
> strict alignment were in the "I have a large organization, and want
> to make sure one part of the organization cannot spoof another"
> camp-- which now the tree walk should have provided a more scalable
> solution for.

My understanding is that with tree walk and psd=n for the "strict"
domain will allow those who want to enforce strict alingment to do so,
so there is no point of having two different ways in the draft to
archieve same result.

I.e., if you want strict alignment, for domain a.mail.example.com,
simply publish DMARC record for _dmarc.a.mail.example.com which has
psd=n and that will provide you strict alignment. 

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] WGLC editorial review of draft-ietf-dmarc-dmarcbis-30

2024-04-01 Thread Tero Kivinen
Alessandro Vesely writes:
> On Sun 31/Mar/2024 14:22:04 +0200 Douglas Foster wrote:
> > On SPF, our document should say simply,
> > " a DMARC-compliant evaluator MUST NOT reject a message, based on SPF 
> > result, 
> > prior to receiving the Data section and checking for aligned and verifiable 
> > signatures."
> Nonsense.  Rejecting at RCPT TO is much quicker than waiting for the whole 
> message.  People who publish -all know what they do.
> I also reject based on RBLs and private IP lists; does that affect DMARC 
> compliance?

Yes, either one of those practices are not using DMARC to validate the

Of course you are allowed to do whatever extra checks you want for the
incoming emails, you can even reject ever email coming in from
ip-address is even number, but that is not DMARC.

To implement DMARC you have to follow the rules set in the DMARC.

I.e. if you are implementing DMARC you MUST follow the rules set in
section 5.7.2 and the step 3 requires you to do DKIM signature
verifications checks, which you can't do if you reject email before
the you even see the body that contains DKIM signatures. Actually you
can't do steps 1 and 2 of the 5.7.2 if you reject email before body as
you do not know RFC5322.From domain, so how can you claim to be
implementing DMARC if you do not even load DMARC policy record.

So you can do whatever extra checks you want, but those are not part
of DMARC, and should not be considered here. If you actually implement
DMARC, you already MUST NOT reject a message based on the SPF results
prior to receiving data section, as that is already mandated by the
section 5.7.2 dmarc, so saying that again in the draft is not adding
any new requirements, it is simply restating the same requirement in
different words for implementors just in case they did not properly
understand the section 5.7.2.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DMARCbis WGLC Issue 136 - DMARC Records Can Be CNAMEs

2024-03-16 Thread Tero Kivinen
John Levine writes:
> It appears that Todd Herr   said:
> >I agree that clarifying it can't hurt, obviously, ...
> I disagree, it does hurt.
> If we say you're allowed to use CNAMEs to point to DMARC records,
> people are to say uh oh, is there something special here? What about
> DKIM records? what about SPF records? how about SPF includes? or SPF
> redirects?
> Really, there is nothing to say here, so let's not say it.

We could add an example Appendix B that uses CNAME, so that would give
indication, yes of course you can use CNAMEs, without explicitly
adding text that might cause confusion.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DMARCbis way forward: Do we need our session at IETF 118

2023-10-29 Thread Tero Kivinen
Murray S. Kucherawy writes:
> On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 12:35 PM Douglas Foster <
> dougfoster.emailstanda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> By contrast, the new tag cannot be effective until DMARCbis is published
> and filtering software updated.  This involves years.  Even then, domain
> owners will never have confidence that the new token support has been
> implemented by all recipient evaluators.
> At least on its face, this is a big concern.  A domain owner publishing "auth=
> dkim" is going to get varying results as some sites update to software
> supporting such a tag while others ignore it.  I don't know if the potential
> for some benefit is a desirable trade for the potential for some confusion.

Varying meaning, those who implement auth=dkim will get extra
protection, and those who do not, are left as they are now.

I myself think that adding clear indication that sender always uses
dkim, and evaluators can rely on that makes the DMARC better, and more

And as every DMARC evaluator needs to support DKIM anyways (there is
no such thing as SPF only DMARC evaluator, both SPF and DKIM are
mandatory to implement), there is no real difference in complexity for

> Seems like a slam dunk for SPF neutral.  I said the problem and it's
> solution needs to be laid out in our document because I am one of those
> who did not understand it as a possible strategy
> I think I agree.

This will also change the behavior of the receivers. For example
spamassasin does give more points to SPF_NEUTRAL (around 0.6-0.7) than
SPF_PASS (-0.001) etc. I would assume other similar software also use
SPF results similarly.

The reason why SPF_PASS gives only -0.001 is that it is assumed that
spammers will use their own domain and thus can get SPF records to
match (DMARC, DKIM and SPF are never meant to work against spammers).

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DMARCbis way forward: Do we need our session at IETF 118

2023-10-26 Thread Tero Kivinen
John Levine writes:
> It appears that Scott Kitterman   said:
> >>* Is there consensus on moving ahead with the idea of a way to indicate
> >>which authentication method(s) the Domain Owner wants Receivers to use?  If
> >>so, it doesn't seem to be in the document yet.
> >
> >I haven't seen any valid case for it yet.  It adds complexity to
> >little or no benefit.  
> Normally I am in favor of keeping stuff simple, but I think in this case the
> argument for "DKIM only" is quite strong.

Actually removing SPF completely from DMARC would simplyfy the
protocol a lot, and would solve several issues, where people use DMARC
with only SPF, or claim to do dmarc, but do filtering based on the SPF
records before getting to the actual email, thus not checking DKIM
records at all.

If the DMARC would only use DKIM, that would make it clear that if you
want to publish DMARC records you needs to also use DKIM, and when
checking DMARC records you need to check verify DKIM signatures.

Whether you do SPF in addition to that before or after would be local
implementation issue, and not part of the DMARC.

There were people who wanted to keep SPF as part of the DMARC, who did
not even do DMARC, because the used SPF only as a first step of
filtering during the MAIL FROM phase (before being able to fetch DMARC
records, or checking DKIM signatures)...

> There's the counterargument "so don't publish SPF" but it's on so
> many checklists that even though that would be a fine idea, it's not
> practical.

That is unfortunately true, but if we could decouple the DMARC from
SPF, then at least we could fix the situation at some point... 

dmarc mailing list

[dmarc-ietf] Reflections on IETF 117 Conference and DMARC Meeting

2023-08-01 Thread Tero Kivinen
Hector Santos writes:
> o Concerning p=reject:
>- Our focus on p=reject should be expanded to include p=quarantine 
> as they're both challenging. We should perhaps categorize these under 
> 'Restrictive Policies'.

I will repeat the point I made in the mic in IETF: I think DMARC
should really be explaining what the senders is doing and not trying
to give instructions to the receiver.

I.e., the dmarc should tell that:

1) Sender does not authenticate email (cannot be expressed in dmarc

2) Sender might be authenticating email, but there is some email that
significant part of email flows that are not authenticated (p=none?)

3) Sender is trying to authenticate all email, but there might be some
parts where there might still be some unauthenticated emails going
through (p=quarantine?)

4) Sender is authenticating all emails and emails which fails
authentication are not originating from the sender or has been
modified in transit (p=reject?)

There was people pointing out that there would still be usefull to
know the senders policy what can be done to the email after knowing
whether the authentication was successfull or not, i.e., p=reject,
p=quarantine etc.

I am not that sure this is something that needs to be expressed. The
receiver will use its own policy and other information (i.e., the
actual content of the email) to decide that anyways. The policy might
be that emails are accepted, but there is big warning saying the email
failed authentication and can be phishing attack (I think gmail has
been doing that kind of warnings, in case emails from domains which
usually have dkim signature are missing dkim signature), or the policy
might be that in addition that the system will render all links in
email in such way they can't be clicked etc.

>- I highlighted that "SPF Comes First" before DMARC or DKIM is 
> known. It is entirely possible that an SPF restrictive policy (-ALL, 
> Hard Fail) can preempt the payload transfer, causing a rejection 
> before the DATA is reached. DMARCbis does acknowledge this 
> possibility, mentioning that receivers might process SPF rejects 
> before DMARC is known.

As those implementations do SPF outside the DMARCbis context, there is
nothing we can do for them, thus we do not even need to consider them.

I.e., we can safely ignore that discussion from the DMARCbis, as it is
outside the scope of DMARCbis. If they are the only people who want to
keep requiring SPF for DMARCbis, then we can safely remove SPF from
the DMARCbis, as only people who want to keep SPF in DMARCbis are not
going to be implementing DMARCbis :-)

Section 5.7.2 do require that implementations MUST perform DKIM
signature verification checks, and also say MUST perform SPF
verification checks, so any implementation which only does one is not
conforming DMARCbis.

If we can't change from the MUST to not mentioning SPF at all, perhaps
we should go from MUST implement SPF to MAY implement SPF, i.e., say
that yes, you can still use SPF, but it is no longer mandatory to
implement. As DMARC is only small piece of the whole mail recipient
policy engine, the overall engine is already using lots of other
pieces and can and most likely will use SPF as input anyways,
regardless whether we require it in 5.7.2 or not.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Eliminating From Munging from this list

2023-07-19 Thread Tero Kivinen
Douglas Foster writes:
> Baptiste's proposal is clearly the easiest to implement:   Admins inform the
> group that IETF is going to stop munging on a specific date.  After that date,
> subscribers are switched to digest mode if the MLM or the user detects
> problems.   Admins switch them back when the user reports that the list
> traffic has an exception in place by the subscriber's evaluator.  This
> approach may also be sufficient for this list, as I suspect that most of our
> evaluators will already have an exemption for IETF.

I do not think there is any need for admins to switch users back.
Users are already able to log in to list options page
(https://www.ietf.org/mailman/options/dmarc for this list) and change
Set Digest Mode option on or off.

So if the mailing list receives bounce from specific user, and that
user is not yet using digest mode, then mailing list would turn on
digest mode. If it gets bounce from the digest email sent to the user,
it would do whatever it now does when it receives bounces (I think
they temporarely disable deliver, and after some time they will try
again and after repeated failures they will remove user from the
list or something like that).

If user thinks his mail system is fixed so non digested emails works,
he can log in to options page for the mailing list and turn of digest
mode. If he was wrong and the non-digested emails do not work, then
there will be bounce, and digest mode gets automatically turned on

There is no point of asking admins to do anything for specific users,
when users can do those operations themselves. 

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Another p=reject text proposal

2023-07-19 Thread Tero Kivinen
Wei Chuang writes:
> 2) The proposed language calls out "“alumni forwarders”, role-based email
> aliases, and mailing lists" for consideration by receivers.  How should
> receivers be aware that traffic failing authentication should be reconsidered?
>   Mailing-lists sometimes uses RFC2919 List-id headers.  Can Section 5.8 [1]
> call out more strongly the application of those List-id headers?  Can
> something be done so that receivers can identify the other scenarios e.g.
> role-based email aliases and alumni-forwarders?  

For alumni forwarders / role-based forwarders things are different, as
users who set those up, actually knows who does the forwarding, and
they themself recognize that emails coming to those addresses are
important to them, and they also trust (university etc) the one doing

So if the alumni forwarder / role-based forwarder adds ARC signatures,
then the final recipient can whitelist that ARC signer in their setup
and say that the policy code that checks the SPF/DKIM/DMARC results
can fully trust the signed ARC authentication results from that

This of course requires that the recipient SMTP server can't simply
reject the incoming email after the MAIL FROM because SPF checks do
not match, they actually need to receive the email so they can check
ARC and DKIM headers... 

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Another p=reject text proposal

2023-07-11 Thread Tero Kivinen
Barry Leiba writes:
> > 2) As others have observed, the mailing list problem is
> > exclusively an evaluator error. An evaluator's job is to allow
> > safe and wanted messages while blocking unsafe or unwanted
> > messages.
> I disagree.  As I and others have observed, those creating the problem
> are the ones who are using p=reject in a way that it was not intended
> to be used.

If we simply want to "fix" the mailing list issue, the mailing lists
could simply refuse any subscription attempt from address which
publishes p=reject, and say that your email address is not compatible
with mailing lists in general, use some other address when sending
emails to mailing list.

On the other hand mailing list adminstrators usually try to include
everybody, and not block people if they can cope with them, and thats
why they do From address rewriting etc instead of just rejecting
subscription requests.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Another p=reject text proposal

2023-07-09 Thread Tero Kivinen
Murray S. Kucherawy writes:
> On Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 6:35 PM Douglas Foster <
> dougfoster.emailstanda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Consequently, the problem remains: How does an evaluator distinguish
> between a legitimate list and a malicious attack?
> If we had a reliable answer to that, this would've been over ages ago. 
> Unfortunately, any mechanism we create for lists to distinguish their traffic
> can be trivially co-opted by bad actors.

I think phishing attacks using mailing list format would not be as
efficient as it would be to inpersonate some other user that the
intended recipient is familiar with.

Mailing list are also something that quite a lot people already have
special filters for, i.e., direct them to separate mailbox, allow them
to go through without spam checking etc. For mailing lists users
actually joined willingly, the users are familiar to, and have ability
to cope.

If it is mailing list they got added without their real consent, then
if some of those messages gets lost because it is run through spam
filtering and they get some extra spam points because no dkim
signature etc the user probably do not care even if they are thrown

The problem with DMARC checking is that it is usually done too early,
and without consulting intended recipient whitelist/policy etc. Users
can't add rules that say that mailing lists having DKIM signature of
header.d=ietf.org are ok, and should get through even when the DMARC
checks fails.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Another p=reject text proposal

2023-07-08 Thread Tero Kivinen
Scott Kitterman writes:
> You can equally argue that these receivers are merely following the
> policy advice provided by the sending domain (it has reject right in
> the name) and this problem is entirely generated by sender's
> inappropriate use of p=reject. 

True, thats why the proposed text also says you SHOULD NOT put
p=reject... :-)

> I don't think engineering the location where the blame lands is the
> right place to focus. I've done plenty of blame avoidance
> engineering in my day, but I don't think it's what the IETF should
> be doing.

It would be much better when people would really remember that having
valid or not valid DMARC/DKIM/SPF for email does not tell anything
whether the email is bad/spam/unwanted.

Regardless whether the DMARC/DKIM/SPF is valid you always need to use
other methods to filter emails, so as you need to do that anyways
while receiving emails, there is no problems of using same things also
for p=reject messages. You can use the failed dmarc with p=reject as
one of the inputs to feed your actual email filtering system, the
dmarc p=reject SHOULD NOT BE your only email filtering system.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] Another p=reject text proposal

2023-07-08 Thread Tero Kivinen
Brotman, Alex writes:
> I suspect the portion that instructs receivers to not act solely on
> p=reject may be ignored by a fair set of receivers.  I'm not
> necessarily opposed to the language below, just that it seems odd to
> create language that we know will be ignored.

If receivers ignore that, then at least we can complain to them and
say that you should not do that, as the RFC says you should use other
information too if they want to get important forwarded emails
through. For example we in iki.fi have been regularly been helping
people with their broken spf etc records which break forwarding, and
several times we have actually managed to explain the situation and
they have change their settings. Quite often those people simply
follow whatever some consultant etc suggested, and they did not
understood at all that they at the same time broke other things.

Quite often they do want to reduce the amoung of support calls, and if
they get support calls every time some forwarded email from mailing
list or from forwarding gets rejected, they most likely will notice
that and fix their setup. 

> Additionally, I find it odd that we won't tell forwarders how to
> munge messages to avoid this situation, but we will tell receivers
> how to avoid this situation.

There is no good way for forwards to mungle message in such way that
return path/DKIM/user expectations stays intact. I myself for example
find the From address mangling done by this mailing list really
annoying as I need to use extra time to parse the =40 addresses to
find out domain name of the sender.

For mailing list this is just annoying but you can do that, but for
regular forwarding you can't do that as you want to keep the DKIM
signature intact.

And this problem is not generated by forwarders, it is generated by
the receivers who only use DMARC and no other information while
rejecting emails. So there is no point of asking forwarders to fix
things that was broken by DMARC...

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] easier DKIM, DMARC2 & SPF Dependency Removal

2023-07-01 Thread Tero Kivinen
Jan Dušátko writes:
> Scott, Barry,
> as far as I understand, SPF are historic technology, but still have a 
> reason why to use it. In my opinion (and concerns), it is also necessary 
> to be aware of the extension of the individual protection methods 
> provided by senders (amount of domains). This is not a deep analysis. It 
> is possible that the numbers given will not be accurate.
> SPF    87%
> DKIM    13%
> DMARC 63%
> ARC         5%

How were those values calculated? They are very different compared to
the actual mails going through different servers. Is this calculated
from the domains used, not from emails processed? How many emails was
used to calculate this statistics, how many domains were there in

> In terms of provability, each DKIM signed email will be sent from the 
> owner of the authorized servers. Ideally, therefore, it is not necessary 
> to combine SPF and DKIM, only DKIM could be sufficient.


> However, the following situations are a problem. As a rule,
> DKIM+DMARC is not fully implemented, part of the domains are
> protected by DKIM, part by DKIM + SPF, part by SPF only.

Thats why I think it is important that we get more DKIM
implementations for DMARC. 

> - Only DKIM and DMARC are implemented, yet the SPAM distributor sends an 
> email without the DKIM signature and without the key information.

SPAM distributors are not interesting here, DMARC/DKIM/SPF are not
protecting against spam, there is no way they could ever be efficient
for that.

If there is no DKIM signature the message is not authenticated to
originate from the domain where it claims to be, thus it will not gain
from the possible whitelisting, better reputation etc associated with
the domain.

> - Only DKIM and DMARC are implemented, and a signed email is available. 
> The SPAM distributor starts repeatedly sending the same email 
> (equivalent to a DOS attack).

It is very easy to filter identical emails, especially when they are
actually signed with same dkim signature, thus you can safely mark
later emails as duplicates, and not deliver them to mailbox.

I do not think there is ever need to deliver duplicate emails to same
mailbox, thus you can safely remove them.

If the RCPT TO is different than the To-header inside the body, that
is one of the checks that spam checking software quite often use to
check whether the email is spam. I.e., if the To-header does not have
actual address of the mailbox the message is supposed to be delivered
to, then give some positive spam points to the message.

If this is forwarded email (i.e. the to-address contains something
like kivi...@iki.fi, instead the address where my emails finally gets
forwarded to) then the user who set up the forwarding most likely
already added those addresses as "valid recipient addresses" to their
mail settings, thus forwarded emails do not get marked as spam.

And of course if thousands of different mailboxes in your system are
getting same DKIM signed message, and some of the users start marking
it as spam, that is good indication that others are too, thus your
spam checking software can learn from that and start processing those
emails differently. 

> - Only DKIM and DMARC are implemented, and a signed email based on 
> RSA+SHA1 is available. Because it is possible to find collisions for 
> SHA1, and the digital signature is actually an "encrypted hash," it is 
> possible to send counterfeit mail with a signature that looks genuine. 
> The solution is to use explicitly h=sha2, but if not specified, it is 
> also possible to "downgrade the signature" against another key on this 
> domain supporting SHA1 (any SHA1-based signature will be used).

In stackexchange there was question about this:

The first answer was that using single GPU it would take about 5.3
years to find collision (year 2022). Getting 30 GPUs would drop that
to 2 months, and those GPUs would cost about $20k, and the electricity
for those GPUs would cost you about $2k for 2 months.

Using AWS it would still take months and cost you few hundred dollars.

And you need to do that for every single email you want to

For phishing attacks this would be feasible, i.e., if you want to take
real email from the CEO, change it and find collsion and send it
forward taking few months and costing hundreds or thousands of dollars
would be ok.

So companies who actually care about the security in DKIM should NOT
USE SHA1. For spammers this is not a feasible solution. Also if you
are using unsecure crypto parameters for DKIM (short keys, broken
hashes) you should also change those keys every now and then...

> These attacks are the first that came to my mind. How we can mitigate 
> that threat? According to owner authorization of IP addresses, they 
> protect against a different kind of attack than the digital signature by 
> using DKIM.

You did not describe any threat th

Re: [dmarc-ietf] easier DKIM, DMARC2 & SPF Dependency Removal

2023-06-29 Thread Tero Kivinen
Alessandro Vesely writes:
> On Mon 26/Jun/2023 19:32:53 +0200 Douglas Foster wrote:
> > DKIM+SPF says "our domain, including subdomains covered by this policy,
> > will never use an ESP".  (Since most ESP messages pass SPF based on the ESP
> > domain)

That is incorrect. It would also mean we will NEVER send email to
anybody who would want to forward that email to some other place. How
is that adminstrator putting the DKIM+SPF policy be sure of that? If
they ever send any emails to customers, contractors, friends etc, they
can never be sure those emails are not forwarded, thus they can't say

I can easyly see some big companies wanting to lock in their customers
by making it hard to change email addresses, but we should build or
protocols for those companies, but instead allow freedom of movement
where people are reading their emails. 

> ESPs can provide include files for those who wish otherwise.

I know that some companies in finland has included the iki.fi
IP-addresses ranges to their SPF records, because they had several
complains from people of SPF failures when they were sending emails to
iki.fi addresses. We even added _spf.iki.fi DNS record for them to use
for their include when it was requested, but I do not consider that
good practice for solving issues of the SPF.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DMARC2 & SPF Dependency Removal

2023-06-15 Thread Tero Kivinen
Tero Kivinen writes:
> > What are those 0.75%, some 30k SPF - DKIM messages? Are there
> > cases of DKIM random failure salvaged by SPF?
> My current analysis script does not try to calculate that, I would
> need to need to add that step there and rerun the script. If I
> understand correctly you would like to see cases where if there is
> both SPF and DKIM, the cases where the both, only one, or neither
> passed, and how many of those cases would be where dkim=fail, but
> spf=pass?

I rerun the statistics and yes, there is 0.84% cases where dkim
failed, but spf returned eithe pass, softfail or neutral.

There was also 1.12% cases where spf returned permerror but dkim
returned pass, and 1.26% cases where dkim returned pass and spf
returned fail, or softfail.

There is of course much bigger part of emails where there was no dkim,
but there was spf that passed (7.03%) or softfailed (1.08%).

Here are the actual numbers for DKIM and SPF result combinations:

DKIM & SPF combinations
78.62%  3133749 dkim=pass,spf=pass
7.03%   280239  dkim=none,spf=pass
4.68%   186634  dkim=pass,spf=none
3.85%   153543  dkim=none,spf=none
1.12%   44543   dkim=pass,spf=permerror
1.08%   43212   dkim=none,spf=softfail
0.82%   32821   dkim=fail,spf=pass
0.78%   30953   dkim=pass,spf=softfail
0.61%   24221   dkim=none,spf=fail
0.48%   19329   dkim=pass,spf=fail
0.43%   17120   dkim=none,spf=neutral
0.24%   9612dkim=fail,spf=none
0.06%   2320dkim=none,spf=permerror
0.06%   2214dkim=pass,spf=neutral
0.04%   1712dkim=none,spf=temperror
0.02%   995 dkim=fail,spf=fail
0.02%   924 dkim=fail,spf=softfail
0.02%   669 dkim=temperror,spf=pass
0.01%   360 dkim=missing,spf=missing
0.00%   199 dkim=temperror,spf=temperror
0.00%   196 dkim=fail,spf=neutral
0.00%   144 dkim=missing,spf=none
0.00%   119 dkim=pass,spf=temperror
0.00%   99  dkim=missing,spf=pass
0.00%   50  dkim=fail,spf=permerror
0.00%   38  dkim=missing,spf=softfail
0.00%   14  dkim=temperror,spf=none
0.00%   10  dkim=temperror,spf=softfail
0.00%   7   dkim=missing,spf=fail
0.00%   6   dkim=fail,spf=temperror
0.00%   6   dkim=missing,spf=neutral
0.00%   1   dkim=temperror,spf=fail
0.00%   1   dkim=missing,spf=temperror

I.e. 78.64% of time both DKIM and SPF passed.

I also calculated statistics for all DKIM, SPF, DMARC, and ARC
combinations, but there were so many of them that I do not include the
full list here but here is top 30 from that list:

Protocol combinations

37.74%  1504477 dkim=pass,spf=pass,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
25.37%  1011277 dkim=pass,spf=pass,dmarc=pass,arc=missing
10.96%  436838  dkim=pass,spf=pass,dmarc=none,arc=missing
3.46%   138083  dkim=none,spf=pass,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
2.15%   85799   dkim=pass,spf=none,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
2.00%   79739   dkim=pass,spf=none,dmarc=pass,arc=missing
1.96%   78279   dkim=none,spf=none,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
1.64%   65205   dkim=none,spf=pass,dmarc=none,arc=missing
1.60%   63758   dkim=pass,spf=pass,dmarc=missing,arc=pass
1.54%   61579   dkim=none,spf=pass,dmarc=pass,arc=missing
1.16%   46309   dkim=pass,spf=pass,dmarc=pass,arc=pass
1.09%   43529   dkim=none,spf=none,dmarc=fail,arc=missing
0.92%   36478   dkim=pass,spf=pass,dmarc=fail,arc=missing
0.79%   31298   dkim=none,spf=none,dmarc=none,arc=missing
0.56%   22504   dkim=none,spf=softfail,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
0.56%   22123   dkim=pass,spf=permerror,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
0.55%   21973   dkim=pass,spf=pass,dmarc=none,arc=pass
0.40%   15760   dkim=fail,spf=pass,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
0.37%   14855   dkim=none,spf=softfail,dmarc=fail,arc=missing
0.37%   14716   dkim=pass,spf=softfail,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
0.34%   13576   dkim=none,spf=fail,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
0.32%   12745   dkim=pass,spf=permerror,dmarc=none,arc=missing
0.31%   12348   dkim=pass,spf=softfail,dmarc=pass,arc=missing
0.26%   10290   dkim=none,spf=neutral,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
0.24%   9657dkim=pass,spf=permerror,dmarc=pass,arc=missing
0.23%   9367dkim=pass,spf=fail,dmarc=missing,arc=missing
0.20%   8121dkim=pass,spf=fail,dmarc=pass,arc=missing
0.20%   7785dkim=fail,spf=pass,dmarc=none,arc=missing
0.17%   6719dkim=pass,spf=none,dmarc=missing,arc=pass
0.16%   6248dkim=none,spf=pass,dmarc=fail,ar

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DMARC2 & SPF Dependency Removal

2023-06-15 Thread Tero Kivinen
Alessandro Vesely writes:
> On Tue 13/Jun/2023 23:33:50 +0200 Tero Kivinen wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > As you can see 85.75% of incoming email was already signed by DKIM,
> > and 86.5% of emails had SPF records that passed. So they both have
> > about same amount if usage coming in to our servers.
> What are those 0.75%, some 30k SPF - DKIM messages?  Are there cases of DKIM 
> random failure salvaged by SPF?

My current analysis script does not try to calculate that, I would
need to need to add that step there and rerun the script. If I
understand correctly you would like to see cases where if there is
both SPF and DKIM, the cases where the both, only one, or neither
passed, and how many of those cases would be where dkim=fail, but

I will try to see if I can run the that check later.

> > 0.19%   7506none,pass
> > 0.15%   5910pass,none
> How do you order DKIM signatures?

My understanding is that rspamd most likely uses the order of DKIM
signatures in the email body. On the other hand order does not matter,
as if ANY of the dkim checks pass, then the whole message passes. The
reason I printed out the combinations of different dkim results was to
show that there are cases where there is multiple dkim headers and
some of those pass and some fail.

I.e there were:

0.00%   4   pass,fail,fail,fail,fail
0.00%   2   pass,pass,pass,pass,pass,pass

I.e. four emails had five dkim records, four of them failing and one
passing, where another two one had six dkim records all passing. Most
of the emails had oly one dkim record, and those of which had two most
of them were so that both passed.

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DMARC2 & SPF Dependency Removal

2023-06-15 Thread Tero Kivinen
Murray S. Kucherawy writes:
> On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 10:34 PM Tero Kivinen  wrote:
>         DKIM failures
>         36.34%  26619   invalid DKIM record
> This is staggering.  Can you characterize what the most common malformations
> are?

I think most of those are missing keys. I.e., there is no key in the
dns at all for that header.d and header.s. 

This might be caused by having some internal machine doing the DKIM
signing but not publishing the actual DKIM records in the dns at all.

Sometimes there is another DKIM record that will pass like this:

ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;
dkim=none ("invalid DKIM record") header.d=ernieball.com 
header.s=ci-ernieball header.b=XXX;
dkim=pass header.d=criticalimpactinc.com header.s=keyd header.b=XXX;
spf=pass (MTA-v4: XXX)

Sometimes there that was the only dkim record and then the final
result is fail:

ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;
dkim=none ("invalid DKIM record") header.d=autostadium.fi header.s=x 
spf=pass (MTA-v4: XXX)

Note, that those are not really failures, I calculated those error
messages from dkim=none result to the statistics, as it indicates that
there was DKIM record in email, but DKIM was not set properly, so in
sense it is DKIM error, but if I remember right DKIM specification
says that not having DKIM record, or having missing keys etc in dns
are no different from each other, so both are DKIM=none... 

dmarc mailing list

Re: [dmarc-ietf] DMARC2 & SPF Dependency Removal

2023-06-13 Thread Tero Kivinen
Barry Leiba writes:
> > DKIM only: ~99.5%
> > DKIM + SPF: ~100%
> > SPF only: ~100%
> That's interesting and disturbing if it remains consistent.

The statistics I have are quite different. The failure rate is much
bigger both in DKIM and SPF.

Following statistics is random subset of emails going through iki.fi
system, from last 30 days, consisting bit less than 4 million emails.
Iki.fi is email forwarding service, so about 90% of those emails will
fail SPF checks after iki.fi sends them forward. DKIM will go through
unmodified, and we do not modify normal messages (spam messages might
get tagged as spam depending on the members configuration), so 85.75%
of emails will still have valid DKIM signature after passing iki.

We do graylisting of blacklisted ip-addresses, thus spammers that do
not work around graylisting are not part of the statistics.

There is significant amount of mailing lists going through iki, and
quickly checking that 1.58% of emails going through has spf-errors,
dkim signers or similar with domain name in form of list.domain or
lists.domain, so that will cause some of the SPF and DKIM failures.
Note, that this only counts cases where the domain name was used in
the verification and printed in the logs i.e., only in error cases.

As we are using ARC, and we add ARC-Authentication-Results header to
all emails as first step when they come in, and I used those headers
to generate these statistics.

First some generic statistics:

Number of ARC-header levels
95.61%  3811208 1
3.83%   152487  2
0.44%   17711   3
0.09%   35864
0.01%   460 5
0.01%   349 6
0.01%   207 7
0.00%   36  8
0.00%   15  9
0.00%   1   10

91.96%  3665744 MTA-v4
8.04%   320315  MTA-v6
0.00%   1   MSA

So 3.83% of emails already had one ARC header, and 0.56% had more than
one arc header, with exactly one email having 10
ARC-Authentication-Results headers. Most of the emails do not have ARC

92% of traffic came in using IPv4..

Then lets compare DKIM, SPF, DMARC and ARC results

DKIM summary results
85.75%  3417541 pass
13.11%  522367  none
1.12%   44604   fail
0.02%   893 temperror

SPF results
86.50%  3447577 pass
8.78%   349947  none
1.89%   75137   softfail
1.18%   46913   permerror
1.12%   44553   fail
0.49%   19536   neutral
0.05%   2037temperror

DMARC results
62.82%  1243393 pass
30.99%  613478  none
6.05%   119800  fail
0.08%   1485temperror
0.06%   1244permerror

ARC results
91.66%  160268  pass
8.34%   14584   reject

As you can see 85.75% of incoming email was already signed by DKIM,
and 86.5% of emails had SPF records that passed. So they both have
about same amount if usage coming in to our servers.

The difference is that only 1.14% of emails had errors (fail, or
temperror) in their DKIM signatures (most of those were because the
email was from the mailing list that modified the body, but did not
generate new DKIM header), compared to the 4.24% of emails having SPF
failures (softfail, permerror, fail or temperror). Meaning there were
much more emails that failed SPF than DKIM. Even if we ignore the
softfails, we still have about double the emails failing (2.35%).

Note, that the dmarc and arc statistics are not from all of the
emails, it only includes those which actually had DMARC or ARC
information. For dmarc this was about 50%, and for ARC it was only
4.3% of all emails. 

Here are some statistics abut the DKIM processing and the error cases.
76.75% had one DKIM signature, and over 20% had more than one
signature. Here is number of DKIM signatures and their results, i.e.,
22.22% of emails had two DKIM signatures both passing, and 0.34% had
one signature that passed, and another that failed etc:

DKIM results
62.67%  2497633 pass
22.22%  885372  pass,pass
13.06%  520332  none
1.04%   41477   fail
0.34%   13353   pass,fail
0.19%   7506none,pass
0.15%   5910pass,none
0.07%   2635fail,fail
0.06%   2235pass,pass,pass
0.05%   2034none,none
0.03%   1296pass,pass,pass,pass
0.03%   1026pass,pass,fail
0.03%   1002fail,pass
0.02%   892 temperror
0.02%   631 pass,fail,fail
0.01%   583 pass,none,none
0.01%   369 fail,fail,fail
0.01%   356 fail,fail,pass
0.01%   335 pass,pas