Wrt "So do we agree to change “Descriptor/Action-Value” to 
“Descriptor/Action-Value-Type” in Descriptor/Action-Definition set?" < I am 
okay with that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Satoru Matsushima [mailto:satoru.matsush...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 8:37 PM
To: Bertz, Lyle T [CTO] <lyle.t.be...@sprint.com>
Cc: Moses, Danny <danny.mo...@intel.com>; dmm@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [DMM] FPC: Move Descriptor-/Action-Value into Rule

Lyle, sorry for my late response. 

> [...]

> Type of the accompanying value.

Ah, okay.

>  There was a line continuation that made reading it awkward in some e-mail 
> clients.
> In Descriptors it is the type of Descriptor Value
>>                Descriptor-Id = 222222
>>                Descriptor-Type = IPFilterRule 
>>                Descriptor-Value = in ip from any to assigned 22
> In Actions it is the type of Action Value

It sounds reasonable for me, define a type of value instead of a concrete 
So do we agree to change “Descriptor/Action-Value” to 
“Descriptor/Action-Value-Type” in Descriptor/Action-Definition set?

> However, we gave an Action Type (Drop) where the value is unnecessary.  The 
> same would be for the type 'Permit'.  In other standards we use a boolean 
> value 'Gate' (True=Drop; False=Permit).

I think so too.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dmm [mailto:dmm-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Satoru Matsushima
> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 7:32 PM
> To: Moses, Danny <danny.mo...@intel.com>
> Cc: dmm@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: [DMM] FPC: Move Descriptor-/Action-Value into Rule
> Now I seems I’m confused when I see what does the type define.
> Does the type define type of value, or type of action/descritor?
> Cheers,
> --satoru
>> 2017/11/28 14:11、Moses, Danny <danny.mo...@intel.com>のメール:
>> I am OK with the current structure.
>> From: dmm [mailto:dmm-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Marco Liebsch
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 23:45
>> To: Bertz, Lyle T [CTO] <lyle.t.be...@sprint.com>; dmm@ietf.org
>> Subject: Re: [DMM] FPC: Move Descriptor-/Action-Value into Rule
>> So, then I don’t see the point of changing the current structure. Other 
>> opinions?
>> From: Bertz, Lyle T [CTO] [mailto:lyle.t.be...@sprint.com]
>> Sent: Dienstag, 28. November 2017 19:42
>> To: Marco Liebsch; dmm@ietf.org
>> Subject: RE: FPC: Move Descriptor-/Action-Value into Rule
>> I intentionally left out my opinion from the analysis.  I am against both as 
>> the reusability for a value of a Descriptor/Action (especially descriptor) 
>> does not meet the define once, use many objective for Descriptors.  The 
>> define once, use many for Rule re-use is already present in Policy.
>> From: Marco Liebsch [mailto:marco.lieb...@neclab.eu]
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 9:54 AM
>> To: Bertz, Lyle T [CTO] <lyle.t.be...@sprint.com>; dmm@ietf.org
>> Subject: RE: FPC: Move Descriptor-/Action-Value into Rule
>> Hi Lyle,
>> I see the analysis you brought, thanks for that. My proposal #2 is 
>> not my preference as it was only an attempt to extend and match what 
>> Satoru had in mind without losing the value in current 
>> descriptors/actions. Maybe it did not help ;-)
>> I just see that an action value belongs to an actions type. Clearly 
>> there are types which don’t require a value, e.g. drop. Here value is void 
>> and re-usability is ensured, IMO.
>> But moving the value entirely out of action / descriptor I just saw 
>> shortcomings.
>> So, you brought examples and arguments against proposal #1 and proposal #2.
>> But I could not conclude if there are any preferences or alternative? Do we 
>> leave it as it is now?
>> marco
>> From: Bertz, Lyle T [CTO] [mailto:lyle.t.be...@sprint.com]
>> Sent: Montag, 20. November 2017 15:15
>> To: Marco Liebsch; dmm@ietf.org
>> Subject: RE: FPC: Move Descriptor-/Action-Value into Rule
>> Marco,
>> Thank you for the write up of both proposals.  Forgive the length of the 
>> response but I wanted to provide concrete examples based upon the existing 
>> data types.
>> Summary, see below for examples and details:
>> -          Satoru’s Proposal (Proposal 1) - the use of only ID/Type could be 
>> replaced by making the Type a U-Key (similar to a registry or identity in 
>> YANG). In any arrangement though only the Type could be use.  The downside 
>> for Proposal 1 is reusability.  
>> -          Marco’s Proposal (Proposal 2) - To make sense the setting MUST 
>> not be in any of the existing Settings, i.e. it is a setting that MUST NOT 
>> be tied to the Mobility-Context, DPN Interface or the fact that a DPN was 
>> assigned to enforce a Rule.  Does such an example exist?
>>>>>>>>>>>> My Opinion <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>> I would not pursue Proposal 1 due to the loss of reusability which is a key 
>> benefit of entities under the Policy Model.
>> I would not pursue Proposal 2 if we cannot find clear examples that the 
>> settings can be placed in other settings locations.  I cannot think of an 
>> example at this time but I am just one person and hope the team can provide 
>> such examples.
>> Lyle
>>>>>>>>>>>> Detail <<<<<<<<<<<
>> Let’s take a step back.   Consider the IPFilterRule (RFC 6733) to block 
>> inbound port 22 traffic (even from itself)
>> “deny in ip from any to assigned 22”
>> Recall that from 6733, “The keyword "assigned" is the address or set of 
>> addresses assigned to the terminal.”
>> If I use a ‘IPFilterRule’ Descriptor Type (it is not in the spec; I am 
>> making up a new type here) and provide a value of descriptor “in ip from any 
>> to assigned 22”  you will note the only Setting to deal with here is 
>> ‘assigned’.
>> In Satoru’s proposal, we will call it Proposal 1, we could see a 
>> Descriptor example as Descriptor-Definition
>>                Descriptor-Id = 222222
>>                Descriptor-Type = IPFilterRule Action-Definition
>>                Action-Id = 111111
>>                Action-Type = deny (or drop) Rule-Definition
>>                Rule-Id = 21231
>> Descriptor-Match-Type = AND
>> Descriptor-Reference
>>                                Descriptor-Id-Reference = 222222 
>> Descriptor-Value = in ip from any to assigned 22
>>                Action-Reference
>>                                Action-Id-Reference = 111111
>> We see the tradeoffs clearly in this example, when the value is directly 
>> determined by the type as in the deny Action-Type, the Action Reference is 
>> quite small.  In the case of the Descriptor we see the value is still 
>> incomplete and the setting ‘assigned’ is applied.
>> For Marco’s proposal, we will call it Proposal 2:
>> Descriptor-Definition
>>                Descriptor-Id = 222222
>>                Descriptor-Type = IPFilterRule Descriptor-Value = in 
>> ip from any to assigned 22 Action-Definition
>>                Action-Id = 111111
>>                Action-Type = deny (or drop) Rule-Definition
>>                Rule-Id = 21231
>> Descriptor-Match-Type = AND
>> Descriptor-Reference
>>                                Descriptor-Id-Reference = 222222 
>> Descriptor-Value-Settings = [ assign = … ]
>>                Action-Reference
>>                                Action-Id-Reference = 111111
>> For Proposal 1, the use of only ID/Type could be replaced by making the Type 
>> a U-Key (similar to a registry or identity in YANG). In any arrangement 
>> though only the Type could be used.  The result would be the elimination of 
>> the Descriptor-Definition and Action-Defintion.
>> The downside for Proposal 1 is reusability.  If I wanted to reuse the value 
>> “in ip from any to assigned 22” with a different list of Descriptors then it 
>> must be redefined in the model.  This is due to the fact that 
>> ‘Descriptor-Id-Reference’ points to an entry in the Descriptors-Definitions 
>> List.  If I made a local key then reuse is possible but now I need a local 
>> key for each Descriptor and compound key of Rule-Id / Descriptor-Id <L-Key> 
>> in the entry.   This also becomes problematic when the Descriptors are 
>> smaller than the Identifiers that reference them.
>> For Proposal 2, the idea is to permit settings (variable substitution) to 
>> occur within the Rule components.  In the I-D we have settings in the 
>> following locations:
>> ·         Interface-Settings in the DPN  - Settings that are important for 
>> an interface but not required to be known during DPN Selection.
>> ·         Interface-Settings in the DPN-Type – Settings that are crucial to 
>> DPN interface suitability during DPN selection.
>> ·         Interface-Settings in the DPN-Peer-Group – Settings that MUST be 
>> used when the specified DPN-Peer-Group is being communicated to. This is 
>> used for inter-operator or cross-border communications.  
>> ·         Policy-Settings in Configurable-Policy – Settings that apply to a 
>> Configurable-Policy on a DPN.  Recall that Configurable-Policy affects 
>> MULTIPLE Mobility-Contexts (Mobility Sessions).
>> ·         Within a Mobility Context we have 
>> ·         DPN-Settings-Complementary in the DPN-References – Settings 
>> applicable to the Embedded-Rule and/or Assigned-Policy-Reference of the DPN. 
>>  In this case these values are important to the assigned DPN but are not the 
>> same value if another DPN was assigned to support the same rules.
>> ·         Context-Settings-Complementary – Assigned at the Mobility-Context 
>> level and impacts one or more DPNs. 
>> In our example the value of ‘assigned’ would be the Delegated-IP-Prefix and 
>> placed under the Context-Settings-Complementary.
>> For Proposal 2 to make sense the setting MUST not be in any of the existing 
>> Settings locations.  Therefore it is a value that MUST NOT be tied to the 
>> Mobility-Context, DPN Interface or the fact that a DPN was assigned to 
>> enforce a Rule.   My question is what example could we come up with that 
>> meets this criteria that is not met by adding another Descriptor or Action? 
>> I cannot think of one but if we can Proposal 2 makes sense but not 
>> necessarily for both Actions and Descriptors.
>> From: dmm [mailto:dmm-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Marco Liebsch
>> Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 9:42 AM
>> To: Marco Liebsch <marco.lieb...@neclab.eu>; dmm@ietf.org
>> Subject: Re: [DMM] FPC: Move Descriptor-/Action-Value into Rule
>> Another proposal: 
>> To not disrupt descriptors and actions by removing attributes that belong 
>> together (ID-Type-Value), what about keeping the current format and apply a 
>> new attribute 'x-value-settings' to Descriptor-Reference and 
>> Action-Reference respectively?
>> This should follow define once- use many paradigm.
>> Ending up in this:
>>  +-[Policy]
>>  |      +-[Policy-Definition] <Set>
>>  |      |             +-[Policy-Id] <G-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Rule-Reference] Set (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Precedence] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Rule-Id-Reference] (M)
>>  |      +-[Rule-Definition] <Set>
>>  |      |             +-[Rule-Id] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Match-Type] (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Reference] <Set>
>>  |      |             |                +-[Descriptor-Id-Reference]
>>  |      |             |                +-[Direction] (O)
>>  |      |             |                +-[Descriptor-Value-Settings] (O)
>>  |      |             +-[Action-Reference] <Set>
>>  |      |                              +-[Action-Id-Reference]
>>  |      |                              +-[Action-Order]
>>  |      |                              +-[Action-Value-Settings] (O)
>>  |      +-[Descriptor-Definition] <Set>
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor -Id] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Type]
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Value]
>>  |      +-[Action-Definition] <Set>
>>  |                    +-[Action-Id] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |                    +-[Action-Type]
>>  |                    +-[Action-Value]
>> marco
>> From: dmm [mailto:dmm-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Marco Liebsch
>> Sent: Donnerstag, 16. November 2017 16:33
>> To: dmm@ietf.org
>> Subject: [DMM] FPC: Move Descriptor-/Action-Value into Rule
>> Proposal from Satoru: Move Action-Value to 
>> [Rule-Definition]->[Action-Reference]. Same for Descriptor-Value, which may 
>> go to [Rule-Definition]->[Action-Definition].
>> Reason: To make sure “Define once, use many” throughout the models.
>> What to change:
>> Current Policy substructure looks as follows:
>>  +-[Policy]
>>  |      +-[Policy-Definition] <Set>
>>  |      |             +-[Policy-Id] <G-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Rule-Reference] Set (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Precedence] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Rule-Id-Reference] (M)
>>  |      +-[Rule-Definition] <Set>
>>  |      |             +-[Rule-Id] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Match-Type] (M) 
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Reference] <Set>
>>  |      |             |                +-[Descriptor-Id-Reference]
>>  |      |             |                +-[Direction] (O)
>>  |      |             +-[Action-Reference] <Set>
>>  |      |                              +-[Action-Id-Reference]
>>  |      |                              +-[Action-Order]
>>  |      +-[Descriptor-Definition] <Set>
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor -Id] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Type]
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Value]
>>  |      +-[Action-Definition] <Set>
>>  |                    +-[Action-Id] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |                    +-[Action-Type]
>>  |                    +-[Action-Value] 
>> Proposed updated Policy substructure:
>>  +-[Policy]
>>  |      +-[Policy-Definition] <Set>
>>  |      |             +-[Policy-Id] <G-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Rule-Reference] Set (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Precedence] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Rule-Id-Reference] (M)
>> |      +-[Rule-Definition] <Set>
>>  |      |             +-[Rule-Id] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Match-Type] (M) 
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Reference] <Set>
>>  |      |             |                +-[Descriptor-Id-Reference]
>>  |      |             |                +-[Direction] (O)
>>  |      |             |                +-[Descriptor-Value]
>>  |      |             |
>>  |      |             +-[Action-Reference] <Set>
>>  |      |                              +-[Action-Id-Reference]
>>  |      |                              +-[Action-Order]
>>  |      |                              +-[Action-Value] 
>>  |      |
>>  |      +-[Descriptor-Definition] <Set>
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor -Id] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |      |             +-[Descriptor-Type]
>>  |      +-[Action-Definition] <Set>
>>  |                    +-[Action-Id] <L-Key> (M)
>>  |                    +-[Action-Type]
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