Re: [DNG] Better late than never

2018-09-16 Thread aitor_czr

El 16/09/18 a las 23:49, aitor_czr escribió:

You must type `chmod +x libnetaid.install`, of course.

Here you are the packages of simple-netaid for amd64:

This week i'll upload the packages for i386 and i'll explain how to 
build them for other architectures.

Tomorrow i'll push the latest commits to gitlab.

Hope you like it :)


I've been testing the packages, and the packaging need a review. There 
are some bugs non-existent building the sources.

Maybe the static library... I'll try to fix it today.



Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Better late than never

2018-09-16 Thread aitor_czr

El 16/09/18 a las 23:49, aitor_czr escribió:

You must type `chmod +x libnetaid.install`, of course.

Here you are the packages of simple-netaid for amd64:

This week i'll upload the packages for i386 and i'll explain how to 
build them for other architectures.

Tomorrow i'll push the latest commits to gitlab.

Hope you like it :)


I've been testing the packages, and the packaging needs a review, there 
are a few bugs non-existent building the sources.

Maybe the static library...



Dng mailing list

[DNG] Better late than never

2018-09-16 Thread aitor_czr

Hi again,

El 15/09/18 a las 21:26, aitor_czr escribió:
I had an issue packaging simple-netaid. The target of the shared 
library "" was being obj-x86-64-linux-gnu, and trying to 
use the variable $(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)
in "libnetaid.install", this variable was not replaced by its value: 
`x86-64-linux-gnu`. I've just found the following solution for that 
doing the "libnetaid.install" executable:

#! /usr/bin/dh-exec

obj-*-linux-gnu/backend_src/ usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}



You must type `chmod +x libnetaid.install`, of course.

Here you are the packages of simple-netaid for amd64:

This week i'll upload the packages for i386 and i'll explain how to 
build them for other architectures.

Tomorrow i'll push the latest commits to gitlab.

Hope you like it :)


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] [ASCII][PATCH] startx to a new tty

2018-09-16 Thread Steve Litt
On Sun, 16 Sep 2018 18:43:12 +0200
Andreas Messer  wrote:

> Hi Dario,
> On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 10:59:52AM +0200, Dario Niedermann wrote:
> > Il 16/09/2018 alle 10:01, Andreas Messer ha scritto:
> > 
> > [...]
> > In short: their addition was a kludge, 100% due to systemd: the only
> > thing that was causing problems for them, with the X session being
> > seen as "inactive", was systemd's logind component.  
> Thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately, many DEs have hopped on
> the systemd train and therefore depend on its services. In particular,
> the missing logind was the main barrier to have DEs like Gnome or KDE
> fully working on Devuan. 

Last I heard we weren't even trying to get Gnome working on Devuan,
because it was too ententicalated with systemd.

> With fully working I refer to how standard
> users would expected an desktop environment to behave.
> Therefor elogind was added to Devuan as a replacement for systemd's 
> logind. But actually elogind is just the logind component from
> systemd mangled to run standalone. I expect it to show almost the
> same behavior like the original one. 
> > So, Devuan's stock startx is running code that's only there to
> > accommodate systemd, and causes incorrect/non-traditional behaviour
> > on a systemd-less OS.   
> If we were to provide a modified version startx, we have to consider 
> constraints pointed out above. I'm not sure if /usr/bin/startx is 
> part of a packet currently manged/modified by Devuan at all. 
> (Most packets are original Debian ones, without any modification)

Then here's a solution that bridges all the options: Release Dario's
version of startx under some other name, so that Gnome/KDE people can
still have their "features", and everyone else can have X that works
and leaves the system in good shape when it terminates. Put it in the
same package that startx comes in. Just use Dario's patch to make it,
each time Debian changes startx.


Steve Litt 
September 2018 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] [ASCII][PATCH] startx to a new tty

2018-09-16 Thread Dario Niedermann
Il 16/09/2018 alle 18:43, Andreas Messer ha scritto:

> Thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately, many DEs have hopped on
> the systemd train and therefore depend on its services. In particular,
> the missing logind was the main barrier to have DEs like Gnome or KDE
> fully working on Devuan. With fully working I refer to how standard users
> would expected an desktop environment to behave.
> Therefor elogind was added to Devuan as a replacement for systemd's 
> logind. But actually elogind is just the logind component from systemd 
> mangled to run standalone. I expect it to show almost the same 
> behavior like the original one. 

I see. Anyway I strongly doubt that any DE relies on startx internally:
it's a shell script that's intended to provide a convenient user
interface to console users who want to spawn an X session.

Also note that startx will *always* run X as root, even the stock Devuan
version. My patch doesn't change that. The 'needs_root_rights' variable
I add to 'Xwrapper.config' is only there for Xwrapper (a short lived
program called by startx) to be able to allocate a new tty. After which
it spawns X and quits.

With the stock RedHat-derived version, instead, a new tty is not
allocated: the current tty is taken over by X when you issue startx.
After X quits, the current tty is released, but is now owned by root
(no longer by your user). Which is not the way the XFree86 / Xorg
devs intended startx to work.

Dario Niedermann. Also on the Internet at:

gopher://  <>
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Devuan on Raspberry Pi 2

2018-09-16 Thread J. Fahrner

I found a way that seems ok:
I installed Raspbian Stretch and migrated it to Devuan Ascii.
The package raspberrypi-kernel is in 
" stretch main", so i left this in 
my sources list, but pinned it with priority 200, so no other packages 
are installed by accident.

Another way to update bootloader and kernel is through rpi-update.

At the moment all is working ok.

Am 2018-09-16 15:52, schrieb J. Fahrner:

I dd'ed devuan_ascii_2.0.0_armhf_raspi2.img on sd card for my
Raspberry Pi 2 model B, but it does not boot. No action, black screen.
Are here any experiences with that model?

In the past I installed Raspbian Jessie and migrated that to Devuan,
but this no longer works because they changed installation of kernel
with Stretch. In Jessie bootloader and kernel were in a separate
section of repository (rpi) and could also be upgraded in parallel to
Devuan repositories. But in Stretch it appears kernel and bootlader
are in the main section, so they no longer get updates when switching
to Devuan repositories.

Are there packages for the Raspberry Pi kernel and bootloader also in
Devuan repositories? If yes, what are the correct package names?

Dng mailing list

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] [ASCII][PATCH] startx to a new tty

2018-09-16 Thread Andreas Messer
Hi Dario,

On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 10:59:52AM +0200, Dario Niedermann wrote:
> Il 16/09/2018 alle 10:01, Andreas Messer ha scritto:
> [...]
> In short: their addition was a kludge, 100% due to systemd: the only
> thing that was causing problems for them, with the X session being seen
> as "inactive", was systemd's logind component.

Thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately, many DEs have hopped on
the systemd train and therefore depend on its services. In particular,
the missing logind was the main barrier to have DEs like Gnome or KDE
fully working on Devuan. With fully working I refer to how standard users
would expected an desktop environment to behave.

Therefor elogind was added to Devuan as a replacement for systemd's 
logind. But actually elogind is just the logind component from systemd 
mangled to run standalone. I expect it to show almost the same 
behavior like the original one. 

> So, Devuan's stock startx is running code that's only there to
> accommodate systemd, and causes incorrect/non-traditional behaviour
> on a systemd-less OS. 

If we were to provide a modified version startx, we have to consider 
constraints pointed out above. I'm not sure if /usr/bin/startx is 
part of a packet currently manged/modified by Devuan at all. 
(Most packets are original Debian ones, without any modification)


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fingerprint: 28EE 8438 E688 D992 3661 C753 90B3 BAAA 8C2B AF51

Description: PGP signature
Dng mailing list

[DNG] Devuan on Raspberry Pi 2

2018-09-16 Thread J. Fahrner

I dd'ed devuan_ascii_2.0.0_armhf_raspi2.img on sd card for my Raspberry 
Pi 2 model B, but it does not boot. No action, black screen. Are here 
any experiences with that model?

In the past I installed Raspbian Jessie and migrated that to Devuan, but 
this no longer works because they changed installation of kernel with 
Stretch. In Jessie bootloader and kernel were in a separate section of 
repository (rpi) and could also be upgraded in parallel to Devuan 
repositories. But in Stretch it appears kernel and bootlader are in the 
main section, so they no longer get updates when switching to Devuan 

Are there packages for the Raspberry Pi kernel and bootloader also in 
Devuan repositories? If yes, what are the correct package names?

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] [ASCII][PATCH] startx to a new tty

2018-09-16 Thread Dario Niedermann
Il 16/09/2018 alle 10:01, Andreas Messer ha scritto:

> Well, this is not really a Devuan Problem. It is more likely related
> to session management present in most modern linux distros.
> As indicated with one of your links, this "keep-tty" stuff was introduced
> to properly handle session management. Without the X-Session from "startx"
> will considered "inactive" by session management and in turn several things
> wont work as expected. E.g. udisks based mounting of Filessystems - This
> covers for example Plug and Play use of USB-Sticks.

Hi Andreas,

if you follow the link in the patch* you can read the whole discussion
that took place at RedHat, and led to their _adding_ the 5 lines
to startx that my patch is deactivating.

In short: their addition was a kludge, 100% due to systemd: the only
thing that was causing problems for them, with the X session being seen
as "inactive", was systemd's logind component.

So, Devuan's stock startx is running code that's only there to
accommodate systemd, and causes incorrect/non-traditional behaviour
on a systemd-less OS. 


Dario Niedermann. Also on the Internet at:

gopher://  <>
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Cannot find in mail archive: was Mozilla and cloudflare to hijack all your DNS requests - for your own good of course

2018-09-16 Thread Mark Rousell
On 14/09/2018 12:25, info at smallinnovations dot nl wrote:
> I do not know much about this topic but recently i saw the Markmail
> service maybe this a better search
> service?

Looks like good software. Could be useful if it's acceptable to
outsource archive searching.

Unfortunately it doesn't appear to be open source, though.

Mark Rousell

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] [ASCII][PATCH] startx to a new tty

2018-09-16 Thread Andreas Messer
Hello Dario,

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 03:28:23PM +0200, Dario Niedermann wrote:
> Hello! After trying Devuan ASCII, I noticed a problem with `startx' that
> I never had before: the X server occupies the same tty where `startx'
> was issued. It should allocate the first unused tty instead
> (default: tty07).

Well, this is not really a Devuan Problem. It is more likely related
to session management present in most modern linux distros.

> === Why it is a problem ===
> Once you quit X, the tty is no longer owned by you, but by root.
> If, for example, you try to reattach to a `screen' session,
> that will fail. Also, losing a logged-in tty during the X11 session
> can be inconvenient.

This can only happen when running X as root. But with new session
management, X normally  does not with root permissions.

> [...]
> The added conditional was copied from another systemd-less distro
> (VoidLinux, possibly it got there from somewhere upstream).
> I also comment out a '-keeptty' option that was in the Devuan version
> (but those lines are no longer being executed anyway).

The point here is, Devuan has also session management. Its based on
elogind or consolekit. It should not be tested for presence of some
directories, it should be tested if session is registered with one of the
session management services. And it should be tested if x will be running
with root permissions.

> The Devuan 'Xwrapper.config' file wasn't setting the 'needs_root_rights'
> variable. So, the patched `startx' would lack permission to allocate
> the first available tty, and it would fail - except when issued by root.

This is a site specific configuration. Its matter of site admin to decide
on this. From (Devuan) maintainers view, the setting should be the least
permissive one.

As indicated with one of your links, this "keep-tty" stuff was introduced
to properly handle session management. Without the X-Session from "startx"
will considered "inactive" by session management and in turn several things
wont work as expected. E.g. udisks based mounting of Filessystems - This
covers for example Plug and Play use of USB-Sticks.

If you like to use your system like that, you're free to do so, but the
expectation of other Devuan users might be different. Not all of them are
advanced Linux users, they just want use it.


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