[DNG] Nvidia-legacy-340xx driver is not compiled for linux-image-5.9.0.

2020-10-24 Thread Андрей via Dng

On the last update of the kernel (5.9.0), nvidia-legacy-340xx driver
would not compile because of some headers are missing. I have


but it is not enough any more (for the 5.8.0 did). I know, that Sid is
Sid, but by the letter, i want to:

1. declare of such a problem
2. find out, if one has met the same issue, and solved some how.

Thank you.

Dng mailing list

[DNG] Complete system HDD encryption w/o LLVM.

2020-09-29 Thread Андрей via Dng

I've seen on the DeVuan web wite an article on complete system HDD
encryption using LLVM. I have tried that one and found that it is
impossible to change partiotion sizes once it was autopartiotioned,
using LLVM full system HDD encryption.

Question is, Is it possible to to achieve same goal without LLVM --
i.e. to partition system HDD with fdisk, and then still have full

Thanks for any advance.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] No route to packages.roundr.devuan.org.

2020-08-28 Thread Андрей via Dng

Thank you for your answers. On Sat, 22 Aug 2020 01:01:39 +0200, you

> Several things:
> 1. You should use deb.devuan.org

Whould you explain why, please?

> 2. traceroute both packages.devuan.org and deb.devuan.org, will give
> you where in the route the packages dies

I thought it is just down. And as today, pings go to.

> 3. I read that Russia has been toying with a nation-wide firewall
> thingy

Actually, not "Russia" (i prefer USSR), but the invaders of the
"Russia". :-/

Dng mailing list

[DNG] No route to packages.roundr.devuan.org.

2020-08-21 Thread Андрей via Dng

I see this on the aptitude output on update operation:

Ошиб http://packages.roundr.devuan.org/merged stable InRelease
  Не удалось соединиться с packages.roundr.devuan.org:80 (
  - connect (113: Нет маршрута до узла)

is the server down? Or a MITM has a place?

Dng mailing list

[DNG] X apps. running as another user, using SSH and IPv6.

2020-06-18 Thread Андрей via Dng

I can not solve problem with X apps. running as another user, using SSH
and IPv6. Connection with -X6 key passes OK and a i get access to the
users command line, but it still does not let me run X app. because ssh
client tries to set some X session environment using IPv4 protocol, and
gets denied.

What should be configured more in order to use IPv6 with the X session
access through SSH? Or there is a better (faster, easier yet safe) way
how one user can run X-apps under another user?

Dng mailing list

[DNG] IPv6 on localhost doesn't work.

2020-06-18 Thread Андрей via Dng

I try to make localhost inner connections between web browser and
apache server by the IPv6. The idea is to move completely where it is
possible in my environment, to that version of the protocol.

So, i did make few records in the /etc/hosts file, like

::1 server1.ru server2.ru

I did configure apache vertual server to be distinguished by thoase
names and the server itself to listen on IPv6 port 80.

In firewall were enabled those connections.

Finally, in FireFox i added exceptions to use not proxy for these
two names:

server1.ru, server2.ru

and typed in FireFox's address bar


FireFox told me that it couldn't make connection. In the firewalls logs
i saw that it tried to make IPv4 connection on address,
though from where it took that address i do not know as

::1 server1.ru server2.ru

string is the only one in the /etc/hosts, that contain those names.

When i did configure all hat suite to use IPv4 it did work, but when
changed to IPv6 -- no.

So, any advice, idea will be appreciated.

Dng mailing list

[DNG] Crypted swap bug in todays "Ceres": "contains a filesystem type hfsplus".

2019-11-29 Thread Андрей via Dng

In "Ceres", two days ago stopped working crypted swap, that is actualy
just a file, with the "diagnose": "contains a filesystem type hfsplus".

May here is on a list the one, that alreade have met and conquered the
bug, and wills to share his precious knowledge?

My web searches brought me to the bug in blockid but it still does not
the problem.

Thanks in any advance.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Fonts in testing/unstable are some ugly.

2019-10-14 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Tue, 8 Oct 2019 08:32:22 -0400, ты писал(а):

> Long ago, in X, wasn't there a font explorer tool that you could use
> to fund different kinds of fonts and let you explore what they looked
> like in different resolutions?  The problem it solved was that even
> when you found a nice font it wouldn't be available in all
> resolutions?
> I ask because I'm having trouble choosing a font size in xterm.

I would dream of a tool that lets me know what font is in what package.
For there a lot of packages in repo, but i do not know what to choose,
and to try it all is a lot of effort.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Fonts in testing/unstable are some ugly.

2019-10-08 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Wed, 2 Oct 2019 08:27:25 +0200, ты писал(а):

> When you run something GTK-based, you need "subpixel auto",
> "antialiasing minimum" and "bitmapfonts yes". If you use TDE, you can
> use tcontrol and "subpixel yes", "subpixel ordering RGB",
> "antialiasing myximum".
> GTK-based font rendering has gotten worse from GTK2 to GTK3, I think
> they messed up suppixel rendering :/

Thank you for the advice.
I have in the version 2.13.1 of fontconfig-config package besides those
you have enlisted yet one more option, that could be translated into
english as "Fonts tunning" with availables options to choose from:
native, autohinting and without. I use OpenBox with most GTK-based
applications, do not know what TDE is, so i chose your advice on
GTK-based fonts configuration. But that did not help, sorry. May, the
reason is the mixed up fonts stuff in GTK3. So, if yet there are some
work around on GTK3 fonts, then any ideas are welcome.

Dng mailing list

[DNG] Fonts in testing/unstable are some ugly.

2019-10-01 Thread Андрей via Dng

A question on fonts in testing/unstable.

To me, fonts in X session are as beatiful as it is in stable -- not
thin, nor sharp. In case you have same beatiful fonts
(as in stable) in testing/unstable, would you share with me your options
that are shown by

dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config


first screen, option 1 (from the top),
second -- 2


I do cite here actual namings of the screens and options because it is
not in english in my case.

Or. may can give me another advice how i can return beatiful fonts in

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] X-server does not load compiled nvidia's bond driver on Devuan-3.

2019-09-28 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Mon, 23 Sep 2019 15:03:29 +0200, ты писал(а):

> Is the nvidia kernel module actually loaded by the kernel?
> $ lsmod | grep nvidia
> If not, can you load the modules manually?
> $ modprobe nvidia
> What are the relevant error messages in Xorg.0.log?

Thank you for the direction!

The problems were two:

1. 390-th bond driver was not for my video card, and the number is
not its version (and looked for higher one). So, i exchanged 390-th
driver with 340-th, that is for my video card. Then

2. 340-th driver wasn'r loaded by x-server. The reason for me still
remains unknown, but imperiticaly i have found, that the presence of


packages on Devuan-3 (testing) installation prevents 340-th bond
driver from being loaded by the x-server, therefore, having removed
the packages, i've got working x-server under the bond driver again.

Dng mailing list

[DNG] X-server does not load compiled nvidia's bond driver on Devuan-3.

2019-09-22 Thread Андрей via Dng

I can not install nvidia's bond driver on Devuan-3. The installation
goes well, module is compiled and put
into /lib/modules//... . But xserver keeps saying that
nvidia module is not found. What ca be wrong? I tried with both
available versions for the legacy drivers: 340 and 390. All the same.
Yet i know, that 340-th worked for me, before i tried to upgrade to
390. But since 390-th did not work i returned to 340-th, but 340-th
also does not work now. X-server says the same for both, and when i did
purge the packages, the uninstall proccess told me. that the compiled
drivers were in use. So, seems, it is x-server for some reason can not
find the drivers OR compiling proccess puts them now to a wrong place.

So, any ideas?

Dng mailing list

[DNG] Results od update from Devuan 2 to Devuan 3 (testing).

2019-09-20 Thread Андрей via Dng

For short, for those, that would update because of using
new versions of software, and not to help testing, the update is not
worth, as problems come much more than visual improvements. Actualy, i
have noticed only one: quicker start of OpenBox.

Well. All works except:

. wine32:i386 is gone;

. GUI sessions still ocasionaly log out when from another console user
end is GUI/screen session;

. xhost does not work any more regarding running app.s under another
user in x-session of one user;

. qemu does not give it window any more, but only vnc network address
for access;

. on old hardware, nvidia bond driver, notable 3d-acceleration

. some packages remain unupgradable: nvidia's bond driver related
packages: installer, support, kernel-common, modprobe;
glx-alternative-* update-glx;

. PERL pipe/socket randomly misses input, making it necessary to repeat.

I think i have enlisted all the problems, that remain in my case on the
said upgrade. Hope this can be profitable to know to maintainers.
Personally, i would "upgrade" to Devuan 2, as i have upgraded namely in
order to get more modern software.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Help to install LiLo to a GPT HDD.

2019-08-27 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Mon, 26 Aug 2019 14:51:51 +0200 (CEST), ты писал(а):

> I have a https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-MA790X-UD3P-rev-1x
> (I think), booting gpt partitioned 3TB disks with lilo.
> It has a ~100MB ext2 /boot at start of the disk, having a small first
> /boot is a good practice.
> I usually partition etc. the disks from some rescue media or in
> another box and then copies some pre-prepared image of a system to
> disk, chroot to target system and set up booting. That way I can get
> rid of udev which I don't need.

Thank you very much! I also thought the same, but asked first so that i
could escape a need to recopy huge volume of date due to

Surely, making /boot as the first partition does the trick even for the
GPT-HDD on the BIOS-MB! And no need to use GRuB!

Dng mailing list

[DNG] Help to install LiLo to a GPT HDD.

2019-08-22 Thread Андрей via Dng

Please help to install LiLo to a GPT HDD.

Situation: I move installed OS from one drive (DOS partition scheme)
to another (3 TB, GPT partition scheme). The motherboard is old: BIOS,
Athlon 3000+. I have created single 2.7 TiB partition on which did
place the installed OS. Did mount to it /proc, /dev, /sys.
Changed /etc/lilo.conf with boot and root parameters according
to the new drieve IDs. ChRooted to it, typed lilo. LiLo gave only one
warning, that the drive is not the first one.

Result: BIOS tells me that the drive capasity is 801 GB instead of
3000. Well, for working as non bootable drive it worked alright.
But booting from the new drive gives me L 99 99 99 ... error. -- The
geometry problem, as i get it. And it halts booting.

Now. From Slackware site i read, that it is possible to install LiLo on
a GPT-HDD, but is not specified how, and as i remember, even, without
an additional "technical" partition.

So, how do i install LiLo so that it boots OS from the GPT-drive?

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Any difference in apache between 64-bit and 32-bit packages?

2019-03-11 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Mon, 11 Mar 2019 19:20:42 +0200, ты писал(а):

> > http://znatok0.ss/%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF/a
> > [client ::1:36960] AH01630: client denied by server
> > configuration: /0/паут/znatok.ss/исп/a, referer:
> > http://znatok0.ss/  
> maybe in 32bit you have some extra .htaccess with blocking rules?
> is it the same website on both 64/32?

The .htaccess files are not used at all on both platforms. And that's
what's amazing that confiuration is the same! It is different web sites
and we can narrow the problem just to simple cgi dir. path: /исп/a,
that i can call directly from browser on both Apache configurations.
Actually, it is suficient to know that i'm correct in supposing that
there is no difference regarding cgi and 32/64-bit platforms. Now i
have to refer to apache forums, probably.

Dng mailing list

[DNG] Any difference in apache between 64-bit and 32-bit packages?

2019-03-11 Thread Андрей via Dng

Is there any difference in apache configuration regarding cgi scripts
exectution between 64-bit and 32-bit packages or its accessories? I
suppose no. Yet, on absolutely same configuration of Apache: same
config files, the common ones and per site, the list of enabled
modules, on 64-bit platform cgi scripts are executed where on 32-bit
platfoem i get

You don't have permission to access /иÑп/a on this server.
Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) Server at znatok0.ss Port 80

in browser and

[client ::1:36960] AH01630: client denied by server
configuration: /0/паут/znatok.ss/исп/a, referer:

in apache's log.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Bond ATI driver for old video cards.

2018-12-30 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Mon, 24 Dec 2018 14:19:14 +0100, ты писал(а):

> I only cared about video performance and quality in FlightGear, 
> where the radeon (and nouveau!) driver proved best on my hardware
> (9250, 9800, X850XT-PE, HD4890 and GeForce GTS 250 (came with the
> HD4890) at 2048x1536x32bpp@5 to 60Hz, and ATI Mobility FireGL 
> V5200 and Nvidia Quadro FX 770M at 1920x1200x32bpp@7 to 60Hz).

Well, i have opposite opinion. I tried "nouveau" and "nvidia" drivers
on "ASCII", in the "Torcs" and "OpenArena" games and saw difference in
game speed for the old hardware. Also, i see low speed for the old ATI
videocard, that i'm sure could far better in case i change from the
radeon driver to fglrx.

So, i suppose, though you're satisfied w/ the
speed of your games, i suppose, that have ye installed the bond
drivers, the speed/quality of picture would be far higher than you
enjoy now.

So, my question is fo now, Are there any plans on packageing the fglrx
driver for the old ATI cards.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Bond ATI driver for old video cards.

2018-12-24 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Sat, 22 Dec 2018 22:21:51 -0800, ты писал(а):

> The package is named 'greetings'?  ;->

Yea, some kind of localization! ;^)

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] No dependency packages in ASCII repo for nvidia's xorg-video-driver.

2018-12-22 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Wed, 19 Dec 2018 10:30:32 -0600, ты писал(а):

> Would someone add that info to the 'Package repositories' section of 
> https://devuan.org/os/ ?
> Actually, please add ALL the various sources options there.  And a
> full example of everything would sure help those of us that have
> never used Debian before, as we don't know to add what to us is
> random, unpublished information.

You're absolutely right! -- I had used Debian for years still didn't
pay much attention to the contrib repo, thought knew that in order to
use 3D for free driver, i had to use bond (oposite to free) repo.

Truth should be accumulated and held safe publicaly available.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Bond ATI driver for old video cards.

2018-12-22 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Wed, 19 Dec 2018 11:53:05 +0100, ты писал(а):

> Please use https://pkginfo.devuan.org:
> https://pkginfo.devuan.org/stage/ascii/ascii/nvidia-installer-cleanup_20151021+4.html
> You need to add "contrib" and "non-free" to your sources.list.

Thank you very much!

And which packages to install for the old ATI video cards, meaning bond
(oposed to free) driver, like xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-legacy package?

Dng mailing list

[DNG] No dependency packages in ASCII repo for nvidia's xorg-video-driver.

2018-12-19 Thread Андрей via Dng

How to solve problem of installing nvidia xorg-video-driver, when
aptitude says that in ASCII repo no one of:


packages? Thank you for advice.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] net_install.iso repo contains no Release file.

2018-12-16 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Sun, 16 Dec 2018 12:47:48 +0100, ты писал(а):

> Can you please show your full /etc/apt/sources.list, together with
> the sha256sum of the image you have used to installe?

Sorry for the noise! The culprit was firewall, as usually. :^)
I did install in the VM.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] net_install.iso repo contains no Release file.

2018-12-16 Thread Андрей via Dng

В Sun, 16 Dec 2018 18:36:28 +0700, ты писал(а):

> I just have installed "ASCII", 32bit version, from the
> net_install.iso. My problem is: at the time of configuration apt
> sources.list, all the mirrors say, that it does not contain packages
> for the release!
> On first logging in, i found the file contains only the
> net_install.iso repo information and no other lines absolutely. When
> i tried to use at least one repo -- apt-get complains on update
> command, that connection w/ the mirror *.deb.devuan.org (* any
> country abbr.) denied, and the net_install.iso repo contains no
> Release file.
> So, i suggest somebody else to isntall from that file, and tell me if
> they will see no such an error. Then, i got fake *.iso and sha256sums
> files, as sha256sum command reports that the .iso file is good.

Sorry for the noise! All is well w/ the ISO file! The culprit was
firewall, as usually. :^)

Dng mailing list

[DNG] net_install.iso repo contains no Release file.

2018-12-16 Thread Андрей via Dng

I just have installed "ASCII", 32bit version, from the net_install.iso.
My problem is: at the time of configuration apt sources.list, all the
mirrors say, that it does not contain packages for the release!

On first logging in, i found the file contains only the net_install.iso
repo information and no other lines absolutely. When i tried to use at
least one repo -- apt-get complains on update command, that connection
w/ the mirror *.deb.devuan.org (* any country abbr.) denied, and the
net_install.iso repo contains no Release file.

So, i suggest somebody else to isntall from that file, and tell me if
they will see no such an error. Then, i got fake *.iso and sha256sums
files, as sha256sum command reports that the .iso file is good.

Dng mailing list