On 2016-03-28 06:50:38 +0000, Edward Bartolo said:


As the title of the email indicates, I am doing some exercises to make
sense out of C pointer syntax. I have been using pointers for as long
as I have been programming without issues, apart from the usual
initial programmatic errors when new code is run for the first time.
However, C pointer syntax is proving to be as unintuitive as it can
be. For this reason, I am doing some exercises regarding C pointer

I am attaching two short C programs that I created and which I tested
to work although the mechanism by which they work is still somewhat
hazy to me. Both programs use a function to change the value of a
parameter. I want to understand, as opposed to knowing by rote, the
mechanism why they work. Please note that I didn't consult any books
to create the pointers. This is because I have already the concepts,
but I cannot make sense, as in deeply understanding the details, of
pointer syntax as used in C.


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If you read the Usenet time Comp Lang C FAQ by Steve Summit you will find many answers and learn a lot about the C language. This helped me plenty coming from many asm languages.
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