Re: [Dng] Another reason of why I am considering Devuan

2015-04-03 Thread marcxdv
> I used to work for multiple ISPs, and I can tell you a few things for what 
> little they are worth. The source and destination IPs are tagged on each 
> packet sent over Internet. If you are tracking someone from a browser, which 
> is a higher level protocol than DNS, you have no need to correlate DNS calls. 
>  Worrying about providers logging DNS traffic is a fairly pointless time 
> waster.

Are you sure this line of reasoning is consistent:

- Martin was justifiably upset that if he sets *no* nameserver,
  the code defaults to google, and that this behaviour won't be

- First of all: no name server should mean *no* nameserver (cause
  maybe he only wants to serve names out of /etc/hosts only or
  something). Remember: No means no - the software should obey
  its users not the other way around

- You said google wasn't a problem cause the ISP might log
  DNS as well, so one might as well go with google

- Now you appear to say that the ISP could log/see anything at a 
  different level anyway. This implies that if we were to 
  use google DNS, *both* google *and* the ISP have the data, while if 
  one were to go with the ISP DNS, then *only* the ISP would have it, which
  we can agree is a better situation (the latter being a proper
  subset of the former). Particularly as there are many ISPs - so
  the data isn't as concentrated, and some ISPs actually operate
  in jurisdictions with some privacy protections

- On top of that you don't think google is that bad cause you say:

  "Even so, if Google is monetizing DNS data, Adam, in what way does
  that violate anyone's privacy?  DNS calls are nonspecific
  data, associated only with your carrier's dynamic IP address,
  not a specific user."

  So DNS queries can be lined with HTTP requests, and if you
  pay attention to the number of sites with googleanalytics or
  googleapis in them, it is trivial for google work out the full
  set of DNS requests on a per person basis too. You said you worked 
  for multiple ISPs - surely this would be obvious then ?

  Now recall that google was bust in France for collecting not only
  street-view pictures but also sniffing wireless access points. And now
  with all the andriod phones in the wild, we have google trying to
  know the password, mac addresses and building photo for most access 
  points on the planet - are you really sure we should trust them 
  with even more data ?

  Could it be we have some sort of Stockholm Syndrome where people
  whose data is captured at google start emphasising with the captor ? 
  Or maybe we dimly remember that somewhere they use Linux and claimed 
  that they weren't doing evil, so that is all ok, lalala ? Maybe we 
  aren't immune to marketing after all, and careful lines of reasoning 
  get clobbered by those with adwords ?


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] [dng] vdev status updates

2015-05-02 Thread marcxdv
> On 30/04/2015 22:35, Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> >exactly this PATH issue is what I expect and appreciate here: I do NOT 
> >expect
> >command autocompletion of normal user to get confused by command names that
> >are not supposed to even be in user's PATH
>  0700 for root-only binaries would hide them from your shell's 
>  autocompletion.

Which would be lots of stat() system calls. Which is probably fine 
on a horribly overspecced PC, but not so great on a phone or watch
or smart-dust or whatever the next big thing is going to be.

Also on paranoid systems /sbin and /usr/sbin can itself be made 0700 or 
0750, so that random users can't even work out what admin commands might 
be there (hide suid exploits)

Or /sbin can be deleted/omitted entirely on containers/virtual images 
where all admin has been done already. 

So there are very good reasons for keeping the classic/standard layout.
I am going continue following up this in another one of your emails - 
a number of assertions you make should not go unchallenged


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] [dng] FS structure: Was vdev status updates

2015-05-02 Thread marcxdv
Me again

So I am going to quote Laurent a bit out of order, sorry about
that, but it seems the best way to explain things:

> >Now as for other assertions in this thread that the FHS itself is
> >obsolete and violations of it should not be considered a bad thing, just
> >no.
>  I don't think anyone said that.

And then in another mail the same Laurent says:

>  Some of the original design decisions for the Unix directory structure,
>  that you still find in the FHS today, never made sense. Most of them made
>  sense at the time, but are obsoleted by today's needs. And some of them
>  still make sense today.

... confusing - it is unclear if he is arguing that departures from the
standard should be entertained or not. 

My argument is that the FHS should be followed, particularly for 
devuan - the way I see it the motivation to work on devuan is that 
debian has lost the plot and is making large-scale and ill-conceived
changes, and there are enough people who are keen on a classical unix
init/desktop/filesystem to fork to retain this.

Over to Laurent again:

> >The FHS was carefully designed
>  Stopped reading there.

I think that is the problem right there.

Maybe design is the incorrect phrase, maybe say "carefully evolved".
There is a view that large complex systems do not get designed
in one go, they get built incrementally - and that the collective
experiences of many years of use are encoded in it.

Specific to the unix world, I think it was Henry Spencer who
said "Those who do not understand unix are doomed to re-invent
it[, poorly]".

And lets see this in action: The original unix approach was to
have a small/fast filesystem with just the essentials on it to
get the system going, so that the rest could be gotten somewhere
else, maybe /usr (ro) of the network and say /home (rw) from
some other server.

And now we have the inexperienced but loud-mouthed crowd show up and 
tell us that the world has changed, that this isn't needed, disks 
are all large and fast, nobody uses NFS and get with the times, 
and /bin and /usr/bin get mushed together. All very modern.

Except we now have an initramfs which, big surprise, is a small fast
filesystem there to get the system going, so that the rest of
of the system can be gotten via, say raid/lvm over iSCSI - over
the network. The more things change the more they stay the same...

Except initrds are a poor imitation: Their layout varies wildly between
distributions, they are usually hidden from view, they can easily
become out of sync, they duplicate binaries and modules unnecessarily,
require a brittle pivot_root operation (amongst other deficiencies).
Yes I know *why* they exist - the bootloader loads them rather than
the kernel. I am not saying that there is absolutely no use for them...

But in a sane world there would be and option to have initrd
and {/{bin,lib,sbin} be the same - there would be no pivot_root.
It would require some care - /etc (and maybe /dev) would have to be
their own fileystems, and there would be a command called sync-initrd
which would take the root filesystem and build the initrd image to save
in /boot - essential kernel modules would live in /lib, the rest
would be symlinks into /usr/lib/modules, or modprobe would
use PATH concepts. And everybody would understand exactly why /bin
and /usr/bin are separate entities, and the cost of bloating up /sbin
or /bin would be obvious in increased bootup times and memory use.
Maybe devuan, once it it has solved all the other debian problems can
tackle this :)

More generally: The way I understand it, devuan is a reaction to
radical changes in debian and most other linux distributions - if
we take the classical/conservative/reactionary/careful tack, then 
sticking to the FHS is consistent with that approach. People who want
to try new!exiting!web2.0! stuff have no shortage of other
distributions to try. Pity for them is that just when they have
gotten used to it, there will be more new!exiting! stuff, cause
last years filesystem hierarchy is obsolete too - upgrade treadmill 
for the win.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] [dng] vdev status updates

2015-05-03 Thread marcxdv
Hello again

> >>  0700 for root-only binaries would hide them from your shell's
> >>  autocompletion.
> >
> >Which would be lots of stat() system calls.
>  If a shell doesn't make them, then it doesn't verify that a file is
> executable either. (I just checked with zsh: it doesn't indeed.)
> Sure, few people will install non-executable files in PATH search
> locations, but if autocompletion doesn't guarantee that a filename
> it prints will be executable, then it shouldn't be relied on, and
> it's not a good argument for /bin and /sbin separation.

So you have just argued that to hide things from autocompletion,
one should make things 0700. We have also established that
for this scheme to work the shell needs to do a stat() *for* *each*
*candidate* executable. But the my /bin/bash does not do a
stat() - which is sensible, cause that would be slow. And I
couldn't parse if your zsh does or does not. So your proposed
solution does not work for most users. So then you say one shouldn't 
rely on the autocompletion, because your advice (of merging /bin, /sbin
and then marking user-uninteresting executables 0700) will make that
mechanism unreliable, where it was quite reliable before. So your
solution breaks autocompletion.

> >Also on paranoid systems /sbin and /usr/sbin can itself be made 0700 or
> >0750, so that random users can't even work out what admin commands might
> >be there (hide suid exploits)
>  I don't support security through obscurity, and you shouldn't either.

Security through obscurity is a term often misunderstood.
It states that knowledge of the implementation should
not allow one to break the access control/restriction. The
example I listed does none of the above. Here are the steps:

* You have say a setgid executable which probably isn't perfectly
  secure. You trust your admin crowd to run it, but maybe not
  a php script which has escaped apache.

* So you put it into /usr/sbin and do

  chmod 750 /usr/sbin
  chgrp admin /usr/sbin

* And now if an exploit for said setgid tool becomes available
  then the php script won't be able to run it. 

There is no knowledge of how this mechanism works which would
allow an attacker to bypass it.

And in general, the R bit on files is there to hide data. If you
confuse that with obscurity then there would be no confidentiality 
at all (and confidentiality, along with availability and integrity
are what make up security).

> >Or /sbin can be deleted/omitted entirely on containers/virtual images
> >where all admin has been done already.
>  People who tailor images with exactly the binaries they need will do
> it regardless of the location of those binaries. 

Note I didn't say exactly, I implied it was a cheap option to
give cp/tar/rsync to not build the full image and thereby improve
the security and reduce the size of the image. Selecting packages
and files individually is a lot more effort. Think about /sbin
as a "tag" on the executable saying "probably not interesting
to a normal user". This information isn't kept elsewhere,
and so automating this by other means isn't that easy.

> If you don't need
> /sbin/route, you probably don't need /bin/mount either.

Mount has an excuse to be a run by a user, given that fstab
supports the "user" mount option. If that is a good idea or
not is unclear. But this discussion relates to the quality 
and assignment of the tag "not interesting to a normal user", you 
are arguing for abolishing that tag entirely. More meta-information 
under your own (not corporate/government ;-) control is typically 
a good thing, especially if it has been compiled already. 

Assume that we merge bin and sbin: Chances are in some years some 
clever spark will then abuse posix labels to tag executables 
as "for admin (historic sbin)" and everybody will think this is a 
big breakthrough.

> >So there are very good reasons for keeping the classic/standard layout.
>  The reasons you gave so far are pretty minor.

I listed concerns relating to autocompletion and security which
are important to me


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] [dng] vdev status updates

2015-05-05 Thread marcxdv

>  * I then argue that in the current world, autocompletion is not
> reliable, because since it does not stat(), it cannot hide filenames
> the user cannot execute, such as a 0644 file. What your autocompletion
> is currently printing is an approximation of the programs you can run,
> not an accurate list - in other words, merging /bin and /sbin would not
> "break" autocompletion, because it is already "broken". You are just
> not seeing it because the (good) convention of not putting anything
> non-executable in /bin is widely followed - but the whole mechanism
> is simply relying on a convention, and stricto sensu you should not
> entirely trust it. 

So ultimately everything in the computer world is just a convention.
It is just convention that stat() gives you real filesystem permissions - 
strictly speaking you should first check the kernel source, that nobody
has broken that, and then the hardware underneath that too. 

But snark aside, maybe view that these things are just conventions
allows you to argue that they should be changed easily, while my position 
is that many things (like the shell) do rely on them being that way, and 
then won't work (or work as well) if they are changed. If they are 
called conventions, rules or laws doesn't make that much difference.

> >* You have say a setgid executable which probably isn't perfectly
> >   secure. You trust your admin crowd to run it, but maybe not
> >   a php script which has escaped apache.
> >
> >* So you put it into /usr/sbin and do
> >
> >   chmod 750 /usr/sbin
> >   chgrp admin /usr/sbin
> >
> >* And now if an exploit for said setgid tool becomes available
> >   then the php script won't be able to run it.
>  OK, thanks for clarifying. This isn't security through obscurity
> indeed. However, you could achieve the exact same result by putting
> this tool in /usr/bin - or anywhere else - with chown root:admin
> and chmod 2750 - you don't need a separate directory to hold binaries
> you only want a specific group to run.

No, sorry. Doing chown root:admin && chmod 2750 does not give anybody
in the admin group (the ones who should be allowed to run it) any
extra rights - they are already running with admin group privileges - 
setgid would be used to grant controlled access to another group 
(like disk, dialout, mail, etc, etc). 

So I think I understand your desire to clean things up, rationalise
them - but the thing is that everybody uses a classical unix
system in a slightly different way - a feature that is considered
antiquated by some is essential to others, so these structures should
change slowly and in a backward compatible manner. 

There are lots of examples of that, eg vim is a superset of vi,
and in vim you can still drop down to ex mode which is the
successor to ed. Maybe to use a sentimental analogy: A city
with layers of history is much more rich/interesting and often
more liveable than somewhere which has been bulldozed flat and
centrally planned by a funky architect. In this regard systemd
is so irritating since it demolishes so much established code
to be replaced with something which I think is likely to spald
and leak in a few years time :)


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification

2015-06-12 Thread marcxdv
> For months, literally, the supervision list
> has been wringing its hands over the very real problem that, for process
> dependency purposes, one must know that process X is not only running,
> but ready to handle its business. Knowing process X is running isn't
> sufficent, because some processes take a long time between running
> and being ready for business. 

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, this problem has been
known for decades, and has been solved for decades (eg, see the
sysklogd sources). 

The trick is for the daemon process to only background when 
it is ready to service requests (ie its parent process exits
when the child is ready). 

And I am pretty sure I did (apologies for the repeated spam)
mention my writeup at 
on this very list. It even contains a bit of sample code to 
reduce things to a single function call, and later a close() to stderr

Actually, looking at the devuan archives, I actually mentioned it in 
a reply to you - not sure if this is sad or funny.


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Re: [DNG] "Stretch" plans

2017-07-17 Thread marcxdv
> > > > > - Devuan Beowulf will be the next testing, and will follow Ascii
> > > > 
> > > > You do realize issues when talking about this on Slashdot, naked and
> > > > petrified?
> > > 
> > > I am evidently missing something, but I can't see what.
> > 
> > That particular release might be deemed particularly suitable for 
> > clustering applications ...
> I presume you mean the release name, not the release.  Calling out next 
> testing release "beowulf" might be confusing.  That might be better name 
> for *any* Devuan thats designed to make a cluster.  So wed end up with 
> a jessie beowulf, an ascii beowulf, nd so forth.

That was exactly Adams point/joke - any linux hardware advance had
a "imagine a beowulf cluster of those" in the comments somewhere


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Fwd: April's fools mess

2019-04-02 Thread marcxdv
> The surviving Devuan core team members will take zero or
> more steps to prove Devuan trustworthy and sysadmins will
> each decide for themselves or with their lawyers whether
> they can continue to use Devuan.

Weirdly enough I trust devuan a bit more after this incident:

 - I now know that the devuan servers are run by a very small
   team. Small is good. I now know that there isn't a humorless
   communications, legal or hr department which can overrule public 
   facing communications. That is good for the longevity of the project,
   as it means the odds of it staying fun for longer are better.
   Too many procedures cause necrosis. Also: there is somebody
   who has the inclination and ability to build a complex technical
   prank. That means that somebody sees this as more than just a job
   and has some technical and time reserves.

 - This event has had more than one person think about what would
   happen if devuan were really compromised. How would you have
   restored/rolled back your systems ? So instead of complaining
   about a bad joke, consider it a dress-rehearsal for a real
   compromise. Is it worth the effort to keep a many month old
   copy of devuan sources offline, as a starting point for
   recovery from a catastrophic compromise ? Should you pick
   a few packages and mirror their upstream sources ? Can you 
   even build a package from source - if not might it not be worth
   understanding how ? If you aren't thinking about these things
   now, then you aren't taking security seriously. 

This is not to say that the prank had problems: When confronted
with somebody asking on April 1st: "is this really true, were you
compromised ?" one doesn't answer "yes, we are investigating". One
either fesses up or tries to strech credulity beyond breaking: "Yes
we are investigating, and there is this green light shining from
server rack. It turns the hackers aren't just wearing green hats,
they are totally green and rather little - we are negotiating with
them at the moment for access to our leader. Must be this time
of year again..."


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Zoom? Rather not...

2020-08-05 Thread marcxdv
> I understand the security advantages of using zoom on a laptop not 
> much used for anything else. I suppose the sercurity conern is files 
> being accessible to intruders. Someone made the interesting suggestion 
> of settin up a new account just for zoom.

The concern about using any gratis commercial videoconferencing
service is that quite a bit of biometric information can be
collected from you - in particular your voice and your face. 
Your personal files are just a bonus. 

Recall a while ago some company called made the
news - given a picture of a person it finds all the other
photos of that person online, and does a good job of it too.

Any videoconferencing service is remarkably well positioned to
generate an excellent facial model of you - given that there
is a bit of motion and much data of you staring at the camera,
a high-quality 3D model of your face can be constructed easily.

This biometric information can be abused in so many ways, most
of which are still to be invented. But recall the cambridge
analytica scandal. It was supposed to have used rubbish online
personality quizzes to generate custom ads to fix elections and
referenda - with some success. Reportedly it is the reason brexit 
actually happened ...

Now instead of having to rely on "do you like cats or dogs",
the propaganda developers get to actually check out your
microexpressions and changes in voice pitch... while A/B
testing their evil on you.

Anyway, if you value your free will then not using closed 
source video conferencing systems is a must.

Similarly if you value your ability enter a store without 
hostile marketing logic giving you digital patdown... Remember 
the occasional news article showing off the big chinese control
centres monitoring the cameras in some far away city, with
a neat little onscreen name following every person walking down 
the street ? Odds are quite good that your video conferencing use 
will make it possible to add your name to that list.

Some people are going to say "not possible, the call is
end-to-end encrypted". Actually no. Illustrative example: The
intercept reported that zoom claimed end-to-end encryption,
but instead had one shared key, and used ECB (a really poor
way of using a cypher). That is why it works so well, as a
single lost packet doesn't garble the rest of the stream. More
importantly, unlike Balsamic Vinegar or Zero Percent Fat,
there is little enforcement of what these terms mean, and
governments are keen to weaken encryption further. So if you
ever hear "end-to-end video encryption" it is wise to
assume "encrypted from your end to their data centre end". It is 
fashionable to use zoom as an example, given their strong 
connections to mainland china, but odds are excellent that 
this is happening on services too, where it is probably done 
better and more discretely.  

It is probably also the reason why tiktok is in the news


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] measure memory usage

2020-08-22 Thread marcxdv
> On Friday 21 August 2020 at 22:23:16, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > Is there a way for  process to ask about its own memory usage?
> Assuming the process knows its own PD, try the 24th value in /proc/PID/stat

... or just /proc/self/stat



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