I found a way that seems ok:
I installed Raspbian Stretch and migrated it to Devuan Ascii.
The package raspberrypi-kernel is in
"http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ stretch main", so i left this in
my sources list, but pinned it with priority 200, so no other packages
are installed by accident.
Another way to update bootloader and kernel is through rpi-update.
At the moment all is working ok.
Am 2018-09-16 15:52, schrieb J. Fahrner:
I dd'ed devuan_ascii_2.0.0_armhf_raspi2.img on sd card for my
Raspberry Pi 2 model B, but it does not boot. No action, black screen.
Are here any experiences with that model?
In the past I installed Raspbian Jessie and migrated that to Devuan,
but this no longer works because they changed installation of kernel
with Stretch. In Jessie bootloader and kernel were in a separate
section of repository (rpi) and could also be upgraded in parallel to
Devuan repositories. But in Stretch it appears kernel and bootlader
are in the main section, so they no longer get updates when switching
to Devuan repositories.
Are there packages for the Raspberry Pi kernel and bootloader also in
Devuan repositories? If yes, what are the correct package names?
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