Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.

2015-05-04 Thread Philip Lacroix
My response to Coker's ill-conceived rant is still awaiting moderation 
on his blog. I'm posting it here verbatim:

Philip Lacroix
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
May 3, 2015 at 23:31

Dear Mr Coker

If your intention was to honestly analize the social issue related to 
SystemD, then you trashed a good opportunity with your own hands, by 
posting an ambiguous, childish, superficial and offensive statement 
about users who dislike SystemD and allegedly hate women. That was not 
a very intelligent move on your part.

It doesn't make sense, now, to talk about correlations and try to say 
that people have misunderstood you. If you want to be involved in a 
constructive conversation, then please don't post stupid things like 
this in the first place, don't spread FUD, stop calling hater everyone 
who doesn't agree with your opinion, and don't play the victim when 
people respond to you accordingly. I've seen quite a bit of this on the 
Internet, and it's always the same pattern.

Now what's next? Are we going to be informed that there's a correlation 
between people who dislike SystemD and those who eat children, dance 
with the Devil and drink turnip juice?

Support your SystemD init if you like it, but please refrain from 
writing manipulative rants and insults about people who don't, 
especially if they are doing something useful and constructive on their 
own. Who are you to tell people what they should do? Who are you, for 
instance, to denigrate the Devuan project, its volunteers, and 
everything else that doesn't match your personal opinion about init 
systems and project forks?

The Debian technical committee decided? OK, then let other people make 
*their own* decisions, as the Debian committee is not the axis mundi.

Best regards,
Philip Lacroix

Am 02.05.2015 18:03 schrieb DLL Hell:

[... rant ...]

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.

2015-05-03 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 03/05/2015 06:44, Steve Litt wrote:

What is the motivation for a person to join the mailing list
of an anti-systemd, pro-choice distro, and start spouting pro-systemd
stuff? What kind of a use of time is that? Why do several people keep
doing this? What could they possibly gain?

 Be fair. There are also people who go and troll pro-systemd mailing-lists.
Not as many, but the ratio to the total amount of anti-systemd or
pro-systemd people is about the same in both camps.
 Trolling isn't a matter of opinion, but of immaturity, which is shared
equally and cannot be fought with rationality, so don't devote too much
brain time to wondering about its reasons. :)


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.

2015-05-03 Thread Jaromil

dear Steve,

On Sun, 03 May 2015, Steve Litt wrote:
 # Anti-systemd people hate women intellectual DLL Hell
 * From.*
 * ^(To|Cc).*


Besides, policy for participation is not just against any
discrimination on gender, but queer-friendly. As long as Devuan is bound
to our organization, this will be a necessary condition. To this add
that Devuan's community has already a certain gender diversity among its
leaders which we expect only to grow in the future.

we will not tollerate any aggression of this sort to the communities we
host, all what has been posted here has to be regarded as an aggression
and will be acted upon, within reasonable time considering the weekend.

we are still not applying a moderation filter on all emails coming in.


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Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.

2015-05-03 Thread Ron
On Sat, 2 May 2015 09:03:30 -0700
DLL Hell wrote:

 anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support 
 anti-systemd stance.

You forgot to say that anti-systemd people also love to hurt small animals, 
that they claim the holocaust of 12 million killed by the Nazi did not happen, 
and that they are all G.W.Bush-hating Democrats...
   Puella Rigensis ridebat
Quam tigris in tergo vehebat;
  Exsterna profecta,
   Interna revecta,
 Risusque cum tigre manebat.

   -- --

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.

2015-05-03 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2015 02 May 23:47 -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Sat, 2 May 2015 09:03:30 -0700
 DLL Hell wrote:
  For some reason the men in the Linux community who hate women the
  most seem to have taken a dislike to systemd. I understand that being
  “conservative” might mean not wanting changes to software as well as
  not wanting changes to inequality in society but even so this
  surprised me.
 First, the general, rhetorical question, for everybody (not for
 DLL-Hell): What is the motivation for a person to join the mailing list
 of an anti-systemd, pro-choice distro, and start spouting pro-systemd
 stuff? What kind of a use of time is that? Why do several people keep
 doing this? What could they possibly gain?
 These are rhetorical questions, of course: I hope this thread dies
 quickly, and that Mr. Hell is left to experience the silence of a
 breezeless rural Wisconsin summer afternoon.

Steve, DLL-Hell was quoting a blog post of Russell Coker and his reply
comments.  The URL was ill formed but included at the top of his message
to this list:

As I still read Planet Debian from to time, I saw Russell's post in
Liferea and read about half before I lost interest.  I didn't read far
enough to encounter his intellectual non sequitur equating a technical
objection to a piece of software to a social/legal/economic issue
championed by all manner of SJWs these days.  Apparently anyone can jump
to a conclusion and be comfortable with it while pointing fingers at the
other side for doing the same.  Everything in the email to this list
that shows etb: was written by Russell not DLL Hell as comparing the URL
above to the OP of this thread shows.

 But speaking of uses of time, to maximize mine, I did this:
 # Anti-systemd people hate women intellectual DLL Hell
 * From.*
 * ^(To|Cc).*

I don't know who DLL Hell is, although I have suspicions.  From that
post I really don't know his agenda as all but one or two sentences were
originally written by Russell Coker, a prominent Debian Developer.  Your
recipe, although instructive (after 16 years of using it I really need
to get a better handle on Procmail), is, IMO, unfair to DLL Hell at this
time.  Also, I doubt Russell will be posting here.

- Nate


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

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Dng mailing list

[Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.

2015-05-02 Thread DLL Hell

Anti-Systemd People
For the Technical People

This post isn’t really about technology, I’ll cover the technology briefly skip 
to the next section if you aren’t interested in Linux programming or system 

I’ve been using the Systemd init system for a long time, I first tested it in 
2010 [1]. I use Systemd on most of my systems that run Debian/Wheezy (which 
means most of the Linux systems I run which aren’t embedded systems). Currently 
the only systems where I’m not running Systemd are some systems on which I 
don’t have console access, while Systemd works reasonably well it wasn’t a 
standard init system for Debian/Wheezy so I don’t run it everywhere. That said 
I haven’t had any problems with Systemd in Wheezy, so I might have been too 

I recently wrote a blog post about systemd, just some basic information on how 
to use it and why it’s not a big deal [2]. I’ve been playing with Systemd for 
almost 5 years and using it in production for almost 2 years and it’s performed 
well. The most serious bug I’ve found in systemd is Bug #774153 which causes a 
Wheezy-Jessie upgrade to hang until you run “systemctl daemon-reexec” [3].

I know that some people have had problems with systemd, but any piece of 
significant software will cause problems for some people, there are bugs in all 
software that is complex enough to be useful. However the fact that it has 
worked so well for me on so many systems suggests that it’s not going to cause 
huge problems, it should be covered in the routine testing that is needed for a 
significant deployment of any new version of a distribution.

I’ve been using Debian for a long time. The transitions from libc4 to libc5 and 
then libc6 were complex but didn’t break much. The use of devfs in Debian 
caused some issues and then the removal of devfs caused other issues. The 
introduction of udev probably caused problems for some people too. Doing major 
updates to Debian systems isn’t something that is new or which will necessarily 
cause significant problems, I don’t think that the change to systemd by default 
compares to changing from a.out binaries to ELF binaries (which required 
replacing all shared objects and executables).
The Social Issue of the Default Init

Recently the Debian technical committee determined that Systemd was the best 
choice for the default init system in Debian/Jessie (the next release of Debian 
which will come out soon). Decisions about which programs should be in the 
default install are made periodically and it’s usually not a big deal. Even 
when the choice is between options that directly involve the user (such as the 
KDE and GNOME desktop environments) it’s not really a big deal because you can 
just install a non-default option.

One of the strengths of Debian has always been the fact that any Debian 
Developer (DD) can just add any new package to the archive if they maintain it 
to a suitable technical standard and if copyright and all other relevant laws 
are respected. Any DD who doesn’t like any of the current init systems can just 
package a new one and upload it. Obviously the default option will get more 
testing, so the non-default options will need more testing by the maintainer. 
This is particularly difficult for programs that have significant interaction 
with other parts of the system, I’ve had difficulties with this over the course 
of 14 years of SE Linux development but I’ve also found that it’s not an 
impossible problem to solve.

It’s generally accepted that making demands of other people’s volunteer work is 
a bad thing, which to some extent is a reasonable position. There is a problem 
when this is taken to extremes, Debian has over 1000 developers who have to 
work together so sometimes it’s a question of who gets to do the extra work to 
make the parts of the distribution fit together. The issue of who gets to do 
the work is often based on what parts are the defaults or most commonly used 
options. For my work on SE Linux I often have to do a lot of extra work because 
it’s not part of the default install and I have to make my requests for changes 
to other packages be as small and simple as possible.

So part of the decision to make Systemd be the default init is essentially a 
decision to impose slightly more development effort on the people who maintain 
SysVInit if they are to provide the same level of support – of course given the 
lack of overall development on SysVInit the level of support provided may 
decrease. It also means slightly less development effort for the people who 
maintain Systemd as developers of daemon packages MUST make them work with it. 
Another part of this issue is the fact that DDs who maintain daemon packages 
need to maintain init.d scripts (for SysVInit) and systemd scripts, presumably 
most DDs will have a preference for one init system and do less testing for the 
other one. Therefore the choice of systemd as 

Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.

2015-05-02 Thread Isaac Dunham
Well, I'll comment on a couple points, since the material you quoted
is rather misleading at best.

Full disclosure:
My only associations with the VUA are (1) subscribing to this list;
(2) using the devuan repositories, and (3) having an account on the
devuan gitlab, which I have only used to mirror a single repository
containing packaging for mdev.
I have used Debian and Ubuntu in the past, but I was only active in
the Debian User Forums, the Ubuntu Forums, and on Launchpad (I have
not been involved in Debian development beyond commenting on/filing
a very few bug reports, but would be technically capable, as I've
had a couple PPAs).
I am also involved in multiple unrelated projects where the community
is decidedly opposed to systemd (musl, busybox, toybox, puppy), and
in one where there are multiple technical barriers to using systemd
(Alpine Linux: grsec is the default kernel, musl is the libc).

* The laptop for a developer (pieced together from personal knowledge
 and comments here):
 Dima Krasner (Iguleder on the Puppy Linux forums) describes himself
 as an independent RD freelancer; he has done a lot of work related
 to Puppy Linux, including Debian-based editions of Puppy.
 He was *not* one of the original VUAs or other participants in
 the fork process.
 His latest project before Devuan was announced was a vaguely Puppy-like
 independent distro, built from source for i486/32 megabyte systems
 (it may have been 20 megabytes minimum):
 in other words, aimed at *bare minimum* hardware.
 I can't tell for sure what hardware he had, but I would be rather
 surprised if it was significantly over 1.6 GHz (based on the minimal
 specs he was aiming at).
 As soon as the Devuan fork announcement was out, he started working on
 a stub library, then came up with a shim to use software compiled for
 logind with consolekit2 (loginkitd)
 The most productive approach for testing system software is to fire
 up a vm, which can be *extrememly* slow with limited hardware.
 Possibly for this reason, the VUAs agreed to get him a new laptop for
 testing and development of loginkitd.

* MikeeeUSA:
 There have been occasional posts from some individuals which
 resembled MikeeeUSA's rants.
 Said individuals have been flamed, banned, or possibly ignored; the
 first such poster accused the list in general of being SJWs, and
 tried to flame me when I requested that he moderate his language,
 saying that the New Testament was feminist. (In case you don't see
 the irony, I'm a Pentecostal/Fundamentalist Christian, and am
 generally disgusted with most feminists...and all MRAs.)

 There have also been some posts in technical threads directing
 vulgarities at systemd and its supporters as such; the reaction to
 these has varied from ignoring or *lightly* criticizing them to
 full agreement. Personally, I wish that this would stop: obscenity
 says litle beyond who the speaker is, especially about the target,
 though perhaps it's excusable to acknowledge the stupidity that
 some code has. (Insult the *code* if needed; not the coder, and even
 more certainly not the users.) I try to delete mails and threads that
 end up like this.

Isaac Dunham
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.

2015-05-02 Thread James Powell
Sorry, for my input here, but the title says nothing but laughable bullshit. 
There is no evidence anywhere scientific or not that being anti-systemd makes 
you a woman hater. I'm anti-systemd and have been happily married for 12 years.

This seems more of a spin mastering by radicals wanting to push systemd and 
make the opposition seem to be the bad guys. This actually sounds like the same 
Lennart brown-noser who publishes a FreeBSD hate blog called The Truth about 

The only thing we do hate is the constant pandering of bullshit coming from 
the pro-systemd crowd and the constant rhetoric we face regarding sound and 
sane projects being cancelled, forcibly deprecated without merit or reason, and 
continual parading of hipsterisms and low brow tactics coming from the systemd 
cabal, while the rest of the community is being forced to fork deprecated 
projects to revive them for our own usage.

In short... nobody wants, likes, or is willing to tolerate cheap hipster 
fadware. We all know still how bad certain software has been and still 
continues to be from the systemd authors. Udev still has a host of problems 
with rules and duplication issues of auto-generated rules conflicting each 
other, and systemd still has it's hiccups and crashes, especially with 
journalled file systems like JFS, EXT4, BTRFS, etc. where the system hangs 
during halt phases and the system is still executing code while the shutdown 
sequence is trying to move on resulting is an improperly dismounted file system 
during shutdown that causes massive corruption to systemd-journald's binary 
logs. Plus, on top of that Lennart and crew have been reluctant to admit there 
is a problem and been willing to fix it.

(To be perfectly honest we actually found a fix on Slackware and LFS both to 
correct journalled file systems improperly shutting down (such as JFS) during 
writebacks using sysvinit, runit, etc. by using procps-ng's pkill application 
in conjunction with sv, killall5, etc. by executing killall5 or sv (in the kill 
mode) first, then turning around and running pkill to collapse the remainder of 
the process tree exiting all processes before the /(root) file system is 
remounted in read-only mode. If this was available to systemd it would fix 
everything, but Lennart keeps his fingers in his ears going La-la-la!!! when 
he's been told of the issue numerous times and a plethora of patches and fixes 
submitted and expunged and banned from the tree.)

My 2 cents, but this stupidity has gone on for far too long. I am getting to 
the point that we need a full split of the Linux community, possibly even the 
kernel, or have people who want a Microsoft-like GNU OS (which seems to be the 
ultimate goal of systemd to mimic svchost) to go help develop and promote 
ReactOS more. Enough seriously, is getting to be enough with these people.

Sorry for the rant, but damn,


 Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 15:49:51 -0700
 Subject: Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus 
 respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.
 Well, I'll comment on a couple points, since the material you quoted
 is rather misleading at best.
 Full disclosure:
 My only associations with the VUA are (1) subscribing to this list;
 (2) using the devuan repositories, and (3) having an account on the
 devuan gitlab, which I have only used to mirror a single repository
 containing packaging for mdev.
 I have used Debian and Ubuntu in the past, but I was only active in
 the Debian User Forums, the Ubuntu Forums, and on Launchpad (I have
 not been involved in Debian development beyond commenting on/filing
 a very few bug reports, but would be technically capable, as I've
 had a couple PPAs).
 I am also involved in multiple unrelated projects where the community
 is decidedly opposed to systemd (musl, busybox, toybox, puppy), and
 in one where there are multiple technical barriers to using systemd
 (Alpine Linux: grsec is the default kernel, musl is the libc).
 * The laptop for a developer (pieced together from personal knowledge
  and comments here):
  Dima Krasner (Iguleder on the Puppy Linux forums) describes himself
  as an independent RD freelancer; he has done a lot of work related
  to Puppy Linux, including Debian-based editions of Puppy.
  He was *not* one of the original VUAs or other participants in
  the fork process.
  His latest project before Devuan was announced was a vaguely Puppy-like
  independent distro, built from source for i486/32 megabyte systems
  (it may have been 20 megabytes minimum):
  in other words, aimed at *bare minimum* hardware.
  I can't tell for sure what hardware he had, but I would be rather
  surprised if it was significantly over 1.6 GHz (based on the minimal
  specs he was aiming at).
  As soon as the Devuan fork announcement was out, he started working on
  a stub library, then came up

Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.

2015-05-02 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 2 May 2015 09:03:30 -0700
DLL Hell wrote:

 For some reason the men in the Linux community who hate women the
 most seem to have taken a dislike to systemd. I understand that being
 “conservative” might mean not wanting changes to software as well as
 not wanting changes to inequality in society but even so this
 surprised me.

First, the general, rhetorical question, for everybody (not for
DLL-Hell): What is the motivation for a person to join the mailing list
of an anti-systemd, pro-choice distro, and start spouting pro-systemd
stuff? What kind of a use of time is that? Why do several people keep
doing this? What could they possibly gain?

These are rhetorical questions, of course: I hope this thread dies
quickly, and that Mr. Hell is left to experience the silence of a
breezeless rural Wisconsin summer afternoon.

But speaking of uses of time, to maximize mine, I did this:

# Anti-systemd people hate women intellectual DLL Hell
* From.*
* ^(To|Cc).*


Steve Litt 
April 2015 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

Dng mailing list