Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-06-02 Thread Isaac Dunham
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 12:19:51PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 07:16:55PM -0700, Isaac Dunham wrote:
  On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 04:54:53PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:
   On 27/05/2015 12:12, Hendrik Boom wrote:
   I'm in the process of writing (yet) a(nother) editor and output 
   and on reading this, I started to wonder -- just how could one separate
   a command-line version from the UI?  I can see that the output
   formatter can be so separated (and very usefully), but the actual
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, as I'm unfamiliar with the
   internal of editors. But IIUC, an editor is, by definition, a user
   interface, so the command-line / UI separation looks impossible or
   irrelevant to me here.
However, there are still some separations that you can perform when
   designing an editor. Right off the top of my head:
- Core functions vs. actual interface, which could be terminal-based
   or X-based. Think vim vs. gvim, or emacs -nw.
- programmable editor commands vs. interface to enter those commands.
   Think the sed engine in vi, or the LISP engine in emacs.
If you factor your work correctly, it should be trivial for a program
   to get access to your editor commands via a library function call - and
   you can make a command-line tool to wrap useful calls. Also, there could
  nvi (the Berkeley rewrite of vi, after abandoning their first version)
  uses a shared backend (vi-ipc) connected to the frontend via pipe().
  There are about four frontends: terminfo-based (curses was derived
  from the code for this), tk, motif, and gtk.
  I ended up finding out this as a result of making the motif frontend
  build/work again.
 Thanks.  I should probably look into that.  It might be illumination.
 Which version of the code or inteernal documentation should I be 
 looking for?  And where?

I think what I used was, and the vi-ipc code
is in ipc/.
However, I'm not seeing much of anything by way of documentation.

Isaac Dunham
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-06-01 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 31/05/2015 22:34, Laurent Bercot a écrit :

On 31/05/2015 18:35, Didier Kryn wrote:

AFAIU, this thread has turned to be about interfacing whatever app to
a scripting language. I consider this a very usefull feature for all
but basic applications. In particular, I consider that interfacing
init - The init program which is pid 1 - with a scripting language
would provide ultimate init freedom.

 init is the pinnacle of a basic application. It's not even an
application, it's a system program. There is NO reason why you'd want
to interface init to a scripting language - what are you trying to
accomplish that can't be accomplished outside of process 1 ?

init freedom, whatever that means, is a political goal, and has to be
reached with political tools. Trying to use technical tools to reach a
political goal is not a good idea; it usually produces bad software and
ends up being unsatisfying for everyone.


I know the argument that init should be kept small to be 
rock-solid. Does it mean that it must be written in C and not in Lua or Ash?

Anyway Sysvinit is not so small, invokes a great deal of shell 
scripts to do the job, and leaves service supervision to the admin.

Please take it easy. I'm not saying this would be the fastest or 
the most secure of all init programs. But it would be a base for 
experimentation and hacking and I think it would be pretty educative.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-06-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Mon, 01 Jun 2015 11:25:03 +0200
Didier Kryn wrote:

  I know the argument that init should be kept small to be 
 rock-solid. Does it mean that it must be written in C and not in Lua
 or Ash?

Yes. In my opinion it does. Init must be tiny, and it must be rock
solid. Lua is written in C, so it adds more stuff than a pure C

  Anyway Sysvinit is not so small, invokes a great deal of shell 
 scripts to do the job, and leaves service supervision to the admin.


A great many evils have been perpetrated based on being better than
Sysvinit. In a few days, I will attempt to install an 89 line init
(Suckless Init), on Plop C. Now *that's* small, although to compare
apples with apples you must add daemontools-encore to the 89 lines,
because Suckless Init does no process management, so that all must be
done by daemontools-encore. And Laurent would probably point out that
what I'll be attempting has PID1 single-time running its /etc/rc script
instead of respawning it, so it's not appropriate for a real distro.
But anyway, Sysvinit should never be used as a justification for

  Please take it easy. I'm not saying this would be the fastest or 
 the most secure of all init programs. But it would be a base for 
 experimentation and hacking and I think it would be pretty educative.

Now that you're talking about experimentation, you're talking *my*
language. If it's just for experimentation, yeah, write it in Lua,
write it in bash, split it into start/reap signals and process
management. Rewriting daemontools in Lua --- that would be interesting.
I personally think daemontools is more a philosophy than an

LOL, imagine writing startup scripts in Lua. How cool would that be?

But once again, this is for experimentation only. My official position
on real work type computers is to do it with Epoch, runit, s6, or
secondarily with Sysvinit + Daemontools or Sysvinit + OpenRC.

One more thing. Your mileage may differ, but I've found it an order of
magnitude easier to lay down Epoch or runit on a no-systemd distro than
on a poetterized distro. So Devuan is the perfect host for *the
individual user* to decide to jumper in Epoch, runit, or s6.


Steve Litt 
June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-06-01 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 01/06/2015 12:59, Laurent Bercot a écrit :

 Oh, sure - I'm all for learning by experimenting and hacking away.
It's just that this mailing-list is about a distribution that aims
to be Debian-sized, so I thought you were suggesting it for Devuan.
I think you'll agree that on a distribution, stability, not grounds
for experimentation, is the primary concern.

Yes, but the whole thread is off-topic :-) And this is not a 
project, only a dream.

 (PM: I tried to send you an e-mail and the MX rejected it,
for unknown reasons, and the postmaster isn't answering me. Do you
have another e-mail address I could write you to ?)

Strange. I know the server is strict about whatever conformance of 
the mail format and address of the sender to whatever existing standard, 
as a non-intrusive means to reject part of the spam. So maybe there is 
something unexpected from your mail agent.

You can also reach me at or


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-31 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 01:54:50PM +, Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:
 If I may... If you google me you will find old old reasons to hate
 me, and those reasons are connected to GUIs. I do know one or two
 thinks about the subject.
 It is possible to make a good GUI that is separated from its
 functionality in the manner many contributors to this thread are
 thinking of. But it has a touch of RFC1925 compliance: Pigs fly
 just fine, given sufficient thrust. Committees like to design such
 things, implementing them is hard work.
 An example may make it clearer:
 You have all seen disabled menu items. Those often correspond to CLI
 switches that lead to error messages in a given situation. But there
 is a difference: using the CLI switched lead to an error message
 when the user issues a command, while the menu items have to be
 disabled before the user issues the command.
 A GUI generally needs much closer contact with the object it
 manipulates before it issues a command than a CLI does. The CLI
 needs better error error reporting for actions that fail, the GUI
 needs much more information ahead of time... if it is to be good.
 There are other differences as well, e.g. good GUIs divide complex
 operations up into simpler ones in a manner that does not quite
 resemble good CLIs.

Yes, clearly the interface that a GUI uses needs to be designed to 
facilitate interaction.  But it us probaby a mistake to design it along 
the lines of one command = one mouse click.  You'd want this 
programmatic interface to have the data gathering and imperative tools 
that any decent API would have.

How to present this to the user and interpret her intentions is the 
proper domain of user-interface design.  Making sure that the 
information needed is accessible is the proper domain for API design.  
The two are different.

-- hendrik

 Writing sucky code is easy. But who wants to do that.
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-31 Thread Didier Kryn
AFAIU, this thread has turned to be about interfacing whatever app 
to a scripting language. I consider this a very usefull feature for all 
but basic applications. In particular, I consider that interfacing init  
- The init program which is pid 1 - with a scripting language would 
provide ultimate init freedom. There are few things the shell cannot 
do well enough to be a good init program; but I don't think it is 
possible to interface an application with the shell, I mean let the 
shell execute commands belonging to the application without forking a 

To come back to the list of scripting languages, I remember one 
very nice feature of Lua: AFAIR it has built in multitasking primitives. 
Another language was designed precisely to be interfaced to 
applications: Tcl. With Tk, it also involves the toolbox to make a GUI.

My two cents.
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-31 Thread Steve Litt
On Sun, 31 May 2015 08:51:58 -0400
Hendrik Boom wrote:

 On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 11:58:55PM -0400, Jude Nelson wrote:

 (II) Lua
 Lua is also popular as a scripting language.  I believe it was 
 *designed* as a scripting language.

I already mentioned that I'd prefer each application have its own
Domain Specific Language (DSL) as its core, rather than an actual
programming language. That has not changed, but let me tell you my
opinion of Lua:

Lua is IMHO the best all-around computer language in existance. With
its all complex data represented by tables philosophy, it's
conceptually simple and easy to learn and code. Its first class
function philosophy makes binding data and algorithm together easy,
without the artificial constraints of OOP. Its easy to implement
closures make some pretty complex stuff easy.

Every human on earth should learn Lua. Learning Lua is like taking a
Data Structures and Algorithms class. All this stuff that you used to
read about, that you just couldn't quite understand, pops into place
once you learn Lua.

The only reason I use Python instead of Lua is that Python comes with
tried and true and tested addons such that you know if you start it in
Python, you'll finish it in Python. Lua addons haven't reached that
level of ubiquity and reliability, and having Lua addons do so isn't a
priority for the project.

Another thing. If you want to bind C to a scripting language back and
forth, there's no better language than Lua. That was a major priority
in Lua's design.

Oh, and one more thing: Lua's faster than greased lightning, and if you
want faster still, you can use its Just In Time facility, LuaJit.

Here's some Lua info I've put together:

I vote for each app having its own non-Turing-complete DSL as its core.
But if a Turing-Complete language *must* be selected, I can think of
none better than Lua. By a long shot.


Steve Litt 
May 2015 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-31 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 31/05/2015 18:35, Didier Kryn wrote:

AFAIU, this thread has turned to be about interfacing whatever app to
a scripting language. I consider this a very usefull feature for all
but basic applications. In particular, I consider that interfacing
init - The init program which is pid 1 - with a scripting language
would provide ultimate init freedom.

 init is the pinnacle of a basic application. It's not even an
application, it's a system program. There is NO reason why you'd want
to interface init to a scripting language - what are you trying to
accomplish that can't be accomplished outside of process 1 ?

init freedom, whatever that means, is a political goal, and has to be
reached with political tools. Trying to use technical tools to reach a
political goal is not a good idea; it usually produces bad software and
ends up being unsatisfying for everyone.

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-31 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

On 05/31/2015 05:01 AM, Jude Nelson wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

Yes I know, I was trolling.  But it was a friendly troll.  See, I
included a hash at the end of my email.  Here is my
Proof-of-Troll(tm) that matches that hash:

echo Sorry but I couldn't resist trolling you here. :) Still
intrigued by your file-system based widget idea, though. | sha256sum

Haha, good one!

In retrospect I should have been more detailed that the troll was
playing dumb about Visual Basic, but if you switch the order
of my two categories you can see the strong evidence. :)

If anything, I think it validates the case for a system like
shui.  The fact that different applications in different problem
domains independently gain built-in support for scripting
suggests that there's a naturally-occurring need to be able to
interact with applications programmatically as well as
interactively.  So, why not design applications with this need in
mind from the get-go?

I think because you would need to have all the applications use
the same language.

Not necessarily.  See below.

For example, if I use the 'lg' console in Gnome Shell (which is
essentially just a poor man's HTML5 devtools) I can get access
to javascript objects that represent the various elements of the
DE.  But when I say 'element' I only mean the x11 windows
and the pre-fabbed Gnome widgets and stuff.  For example, I can't
inspect the Save button in Thunderbird and change its
attribute display to none.  That makes 'lg' so limited that I
can safely say I've never used it in all the time I've used Gnome.

Funny you bring up GNOME as a related example.  A few GNOME developers 
on Twitter just spent the last few days hating on the very idea of a 
scriptable UI (and the Devuan community in general), all in response 
to this very email thread.

I use the devtools in Chrome and Firefox all the time, however.  I
do this because most of the time I can inspect every element
that makes up the web page or app I happen to be viewing.  (I can
also get FPS, profile, and all kinds of other invaluable
instant feedback.)  Exceptions are of course webgl and HTML5
canvas (because those contents are just pixels), but I don't run
into those so often in my normal browsing.

This is already slow with all apps on the web (well, most) using
the same language (and being optimized on the fly on modern
browsers).  Seems like for this to be workable on the desktop
you'd need wrappers for various languages which would add even
more overhead.

But it's quite possible I've misunderstood the upshot of the
system you're describing.

The design is still pretty rough in my head (I brought it up because 
it was related to Hendrik's original post, and it seemed like a good 
time to get feedback), but I don't think shui needs to have the same 
design as a Web browser.  It wouldn't track nearly as much 
information, for example.  All it would need to do is render the 
application's UI and run helper programs as subprocesses to handle UI 
events.  It's not a perfect fit for every graphical application, but 
my goal would be to make it easier to make applications whose 
behaviors can be systemically extended and automated by the user.

I'd highly suggest looking at Qt and QML for inspiration.  One of their 
key goals seems to be lowering the cost of developing UIs. It's a 
supportive community chock full of documentation so you should be able 
to quickly get a sense of their approach.



Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-31 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 07:16:55PM -0700, Isaac Dunham wrote:
 On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 04:54:53PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:
  On 27/05/2015 12:12, Hendrik Boom wrote:
  I'm in the process of writing (yet) a(nother) editor and output formatter,
  and on reading this, I started to wonder -- just how could one separate
  a command-line version from the UI?  I can see that the output
  formatter can be so separated (and very usefully), but the actual
   Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, as I'm unfamiliar with the
  internal of editors. But IIUC, an editor is, by definition, a user
  interface, so the command-line / UI separation looks impossible or
  irrelevant to me here.
   However, there are still some separations that you can perform when
  designing an editor. Right off the top of my head:
   - Core functions vs. actual interface, which could be terminal-based
  or X-based. Think vim vs. gvim, or emacs -nw.
   - programmable editor commands vs. interface to enter those commands.
  Think the sed engine in vi, or the LISP engine in emacs.
   If you factor your work correctly, it should be trivial for a program
  to get access to your editor commands via a library function call - and
  you can make a command-line tool to wrap useful calls. Also, there could
 nvi (the Berkeley rewrite of vi, after abandoning their first version)
 uses a shared backend (vi-ipc) connected to the frontend via pipe().
 There are about four frontends: terminfo-based (curses was derived
 from the code for this), tk, motif, and gtk.
 I ended up finding out this as a result of making the motif frontend
 build/work again.

Thanks.  I should probably look into that.  It might be illumination.
Which version of the code or inteernal documentation should I be 
looking for?  And where?

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2015, 23:58:55 schrieb Jude Nelson:
  Just imagine the possibilities if Powerpoint gave you access to an
  environment like that!
 It didn't occur to me when I wrote my original email, but it turns out
 Powerpoint can be scripted with VBA.  So can Libreoffice (it supports
 Javascript and Python as well as Libreoffice Basic).  There are others,
 like Blender, GIMP, KDE (i.e. SuperKaramba, Plasma, Kross), GNOME 3, the
 NetBSD kernel (Lua), the Linux kernel (ePBF), and so on, that I had
 forgotten to list.

In addition to that there are dbus interfaces of applications.

But of course they only export a subset of state and functionality. That 
what the developer has implemented into the dbus API.

And for KDE/Plasma/Qt there is QML / Qt Quick which is some kind of markup 
for the GUI and JavaScript or C++ for the logic behind it.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-31 Thread Jude Nelson
Hi Jonathan,

 Yes I know, I was trolling.  But it was a friendly troll.  See, I included
 a hash at the end of my email.  Here is my Proof-of-Troll(tm) that matches
 that hash:

 echo Sorry but I couldn't resist trolling you here. :) Still intrigued by
 your file-system based widget idea, though. | sha256sum

Haha, good one!

 In retrospect I should have been more detailed that the troll was playing
 dumb about Visual Basic, but if you switch the order
 of my two categories you can see the strong evidence. :)

  If anything, I think it validates the case for a system like shui.  The
 fact that different applications in different problem domains independently
 gain built-in support for scripting suggests that there's a
 naturally-occurring need to be able to interact with applications
 programmatically as well as interactively.  So, why not design applications
 with this need in mind from the get-go?

 I think because you would need to have all the applications use the same

Not necessarily.  See below.

 For example, if I use the 'lg' console in Gnome Shell (which is
 essentially just a poor man's HTML5 devtools) I can get access
 to javascript objects that represent the various elements of the DE.  But
 when I say 'element' I only mean the x11 windows
 and the pre-fabbed Gnome widgets and stuff.  For example, I can't inspect
 the Save button in Thunderbird and change its
 attribute display to none.  That makes 'lg' so limited that I can
 safely say I've never used it in all the time I've used Gnome.

Funny you bring up GNOME as a related example.  A few GNOME developers on
Twitter just spent the last few days hating on the very idea of a
scriptable UI (and the Devuan community in general), all in response to
this very email thread.

 I use the devtools in Chrome and Firefox all the time, however.  I do this
 because most of the time I can inspect every element
 that makes up the web page or app I happen to be viewing.  (I can also get
 FPS, profile, and all kinds of other invaluable
 instant feedback.)  Exceptions are of course webgl and HTML5 canvas
 (because those contents are just pixels), but I don't run into those so
 often in my normal browsing.

 This is already slow with all apps on the web (well, most) using the same
 language (and being optimized on the fly on modern
 browsers).  Seems like for this to be workable on the desktop you'd need
 wrappers for various languages which would add even more overhead.

 But it's quite possible I've misunderstood the upshot of the system you're

The design is still pretty rough in my head (I brought it up because it was
related to Hendrik's original post, and it seemed like a good time to get
feedback), but I don't think shui needs to have the same design as a Web
browser.  It wouldn't track nearly as much information, for example.  All
it would need to do is render the application's UI and run helper programs
as subprocesses to handle UI events.  It's not a perfect fit for every
graphical application, but my goal would be to make it easier to make
applications whose behaviors can be systemically extended and automated by
the user.

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-31 Thread Arnt Gulbrandsen
If I may... If you google me you will find old old reasons to hate me, 
and those reasons are connected to GUIs. I do know one or two thinks 
about the subject.

It is possible to make a good GUI that is separated 
from its functionality in the manner many contributors to this thread 
are thinking of. But it has a touch of RFC1925 compliance: Pigs fly 
just fine, given sufficient thrust. Committees like to design such 
things, implementing them is hard work.

An example may make it 

You have all seen disabled menu items. Those often correspond 
to CLI switches that lead to error messages in a given situation. But 
there is a difference: using the CLI switched lead to an error message 
when the user issues a command, while the menu items have to be 
disabled before the user issues the command.

A GUI generally needs 
much closer contact with the object it manipulates before it issues a 
command than a CLI does. The CLI needs better error error reporting for 
actions that fail, the GUI needs much more information ahead of time... 
if it is to be good. There are other differences as well, e.g. good 
GUIs divide complex operations up into simpler ones in a manner that 
does not quite resemble good CLIs.

Writing sucky code is easy. But who 
wants to do that.

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-31 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 11:58:55PM -0400, Jude Nelson wrote:
 Hi Jonathan,
 Shell-based command access to software like Powerpoint would indeed be
  great.  But I wonder if we can raise the bar a bit
  and consider an approach that could serve the largest audience.
  Especially users who themselves aren't developers or
  It seems to me such a system must be characterized by the following two
  * basic - the language itself should be simple enough that the user
  doesn't have to spend too much time on boilerplate and
  learning eccentricities of the language.  (And the environment should be
  able to generate as much of the boilerplate on its own,
  especially for common patterns.)
 What language would you propose?

(I) Scheme

The official scripting language for the GNU project seems to be 
Scheme, as implemented by 'guile'.  I suspect other implementations 
could do as well.  SOme of the modern Scheme inplementations actually 
compile to byte code or machine code during  interpretation, makint it 
relatively efficient.

I'm told it's the scripting language for the Gimp.

It is the report generator in gnucash.  In fact, gnucash was originally 
written in Scheme (I think in fact it was guile) with specific parts in 
C or C++.  The current gnucash developers don't like Scheme much, and 
have pretty well eliminated it from most of the code.  It still remains 
in the report generator.  To the extend they are still using a 
scripting language, they're using python now.

I think their reasons for avoiding Scheme are:
(1) the interface between Scheme and the C/C++ code is undocumented, 
making it pretty well unusable, and
(2) they don't like parentheses.

Of course emacs is mostly implemented in its own dialect of Lisp, 
which serves as a scripting language as well, but (*big* defiency)
does *not* do static binding of identifiers properly.

(II) Lua

Lua is also popular as a scripting language.  I believe it was 
*designed* as a scripting language.

The revision control system monotone uses lua for its user-coded 
plug-ins.  Independent of this, it also has an 'automate' interface 
allowing monotone to be controled from another process, with a text 
interface piped biderectionally through Unix pipes.  I don't know how 
this interface works on Windows.

 If I create shui, I'd make it
 language-agnostic so users can select whatever language(s) they want.  My
 example with shell scripts was just to illustrate the possibility :)

Make it a library, so that the various language users can easily do 
their own bindings.  Avoid needing pointers to data that's managed by 
the user's programming language so that garbage collection wont make 
everything go blooey when the data are moved.  Especially avoid storing 
pointers to user data long-term.  Of course, this may be unavoidable 
for some purposes (such as callbacks).

-- hendrik

  * visual - we know the user is already interacting with a graphical
  system.  So it makes sense that the command-based
  system should include graphical modes of interaction and visualize as much
  as it can.  (For example, letting the user choose
  from a set of familiar widgets rather than making them memorize a baroque
  naming system.)  It should look as familiar as it
  can without sacrificing power, letting the user see as much of the data
  flow without having to create the entire mental model
  on their own.
 Yeah, a RAD tool would be a natural extension of the idea!
  Just imagine the possibilities if Powerpoint gave you access to an
  environment like that!
 It didn't occur to me when I wrote my original email, but it turns out
 Powerpoint can be scripted with VBA.  So can Libreoffice (it supports
 Javascript and Python as well as Libreoffice Basic).  There are others,
 like Blender, GIMP, KDE (i.e. SuperKaramba, Plasma, Kross), GNOME 3, the
 NetBSD kernel (Lua), the Linux kernel (ePBF), and so on, that I had
 forgotten to list.
 If anything, I think it validates the case for a system like shui.  The
 fact that different applications in different problem domains independently
 gain built-in support for scripting suggests that there's a
 naturally-occurring need to be able to interact with applications
 programmatically as well as interactively.  So, why not design applications
 with this need in mind from the get-go?
 PS  Not sure why, but your email hit my (Gmail's) spam filter.  Just
 thought you should know :)

 Dng mailing list

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-29 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

On 05/28/2015 11:58 PM, Jude Nelson wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

Shell-based command access to software like Powerpoint would
indeed be great.  But I wonder if we can raise the bar a bit
and consider an approach that could serve the largest audience. 
Especially users who themselves aren't developers or


It seems to me such a system must be characterized by the
following two properties:
* basic - the language itself should be simple enough that the
user doesn't have to spend too much time on boilerplate and
learning eccentricities of the language.  (And the environment
should be able to generate as much of the boilerplate on its own,
especially for common patterns.)

What language would you propose?  If I create shui, I'd make it 
language-agnostic so users can select whatever language(s) they want.  
My example with shell scripts was just to illustrate the possibility :)

* visual - we know the user is already interacting with a
graphical system.  So it makes sense that the command-based
system should include graphical modes of interaction and visualize
as much as it can.  (For example, letting the user choose
from a set of familiar widgets rather than making them memorize a
baroque naming system.)  It should look as familiar as it
can without sacrificing power, letting the user see as much of the
data flow without having to create the entire mental model
on their own.

Yeah, a RAD tool would be a natural extension of the idea!

Just imagine the possibilities if Powerpoint gave you access to an
environment like that!

It didn't occur to me when I wrote my original email, but it turns out 
Powerpoint can be scripted with VBA. So can Libreoffice (it supports 
Javascript and Python as well as Libreoffice Basic).  There are 
others, like Blender, GIMP, KDE (i.e. SuperKaramba, Plasma, Kross), 
GNOME 3, the NetBSD kernel (Lua), the Linux kernel (ePBF), and so on, 
that I had forgotten to list.

Yes I know, I was trolling.  But it was a friendly troll.  See, I 
included a hash at the end of my email.  Here is my Proof-of-Troll(tm) 
that matches that hash:

echo Sorry but I couldn't resist trolling you here. :) Still intrigued 
by your file-system based widget idea, though. | sha256sum

In retrospect I should have been more detailed that the troll was 
playing dumb about Visual Basic, but if you switch the order

of my two categories you can see the strong evidence. :)

If anything, I think it validates the case for a system like shui.  
The fact that different applications in different problem domains 
independently gain built-in support for scripting suggests that 
there's a naturally-occurring need to be able to interact with 
applications programmatically as well as interactively. So, why not 
design applications with this need in mind from the get-go?

I think because you would need to have all the applications use the same 

For example, if I use the 'lg' console in Gnome Shell (which is 
essentially just a poor man's HTML5 devtools) I can get access
to javascript objects that represent the various elements of the DE.  
But when I say 'element' I only mean the x11 windows
and the pre-fabbed Gnome widgets and stuff.  For example, I can't 
inspect the Save button in Thunderbird and change its
attribute display to none.  That makes 'lg' so limited that I can 
safely say I've never used it in all the time I've used Gnome.

I use the devtools in Chrome and Firefox all the time, however.  I do 
this because most of the time I can inspect every element
that makes up the web page or app I happen to be viewing.  (I can also 
get FPS, profile, and all kinds of other invaluable
instant feedback.)  Exceptions are of course webgl and HTML5 canvas 
(because those contents are just pixels), but I don't run into those so 
often in my normal browsing.

This is already slow with all apps on the web (well, most) using the 
same language (and being optimized on the fly on modern
browsers).  Seems like for this to be workable on the desktop you'd need 
wrappers for various languages which would add even more overhead.

But it's quite possible I've misunderstood the upshot of the system 
you're describing.



PS  Not sure why, but your email hit my (Gmail's) spam filter.  Just 
thought you should know :)

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-28 Thread Isaac Dunham
On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 04:54:53PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:
 On 27/05/2015 12:12, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 I'm in the process of writing (yet) a(nother) editor and output formatter,
 and on reading this, I started to wonder -- just how could one separate
 a command-line version from the UI?  I can see that the output
 formatter can be so separated (and very usefully), but the actual
  Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, as I'm unfamiliar with the
 internal of editors. But IIUC, an editor is, by definition, a user
 interface, so the command-line / UI separation looks impossible or
 irrelevant to me here.
  However, there are still some separations that you can perform when
 designing an editor. Right off the top of my head:
  - Core functions vs. actual interface, which could be terminal-based
 or X-based. Think vim vs. gvim, or emacs -nw.
  - programmable editor commands vs. interface to enter those commands.
 Think the sed engine in vi, or the LISP engine in emacs.
  If you factor your work correctly, it should be trivial for a program
 to get access to your editor commands via a library function call - and
 you can make a command-line tool to wrap useful calls. Also, there could

nvi (the Berkeley rewrite of vi, after abandoning their first version)
uses a shared backend (vi-ipc) connected to the frontend via pipe().
There are about four frontends: terminfo-based (curses was derived
from the code for this), tk, motif, and gtk.
I ended up finding out this as a result of making the motif frontend
build/work again.

Isaac Dunham
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-28 Thread Jude Nelson
Hi Jonathan,

Shell-based command access to software like Powerpoint would indeed be
 great.  But I wonder if we can raise the bar a bit
 and consider an approach that could serve the largest audience.
 Especially users who themselves aren't developers or

 It seems to me such a system must be characterized by the following two
 * basic - the language itself should be simple enough that the user
 doesn't have to spend too much time on boilerplate and
 learning eccentricities of the language.  (And the environment should be
 able to generate as much of the boilerplate on its own,
 especially for common patterns.)

What language would you propose?  If I create shui, I'd make it
language-agnostic so users can select whatever language(s) they want.  My
example with shell scripts was just to illustrate the possibility :)

 * visual - we know the user is already interacting with a graphical
 system.  So it makes sense that the command-based
 system should include graphical modes of interaction and visualize as much
 as it can.  (For example, letting the user choose
 from a set of familiar widgets rather than making them memorize a baroque
 naming system.)  It should look as familiar as it
 can without sacrificing power, letting the user see as much of the data
 flow without having to create the entire mental model
 on their own.

Yeah, a RAD tool would be a natural extension of the idea!

 Just imagine the possibilities if Powerpoint gave you access to an
 environment like that!

It didn't occur to me when I wrote my original email, but it turns out
Powerpoint can be scripted with VBA.  So can Libreoffice (it supports
Javascript and Python as well as Libreoffice Basic).  There are others,
like Blender, GIMP, KDE (i.e. SuperKaramba, Plasma, Kross), GNOME 3, the
NetBSD kernel (Lua), the Linux kernel (ePBF), and so on, that I had
forgotten to list.

If anything, I think it validates the case for a system like shui.  The
fact that different applications in different problem domains independently
gain built-in support for scripting suggests that there's a
naturally-occurring need to be able to interact with applications
programmatically as well as interactively.  So, why not design applications
with this need in mind from the get-go?


PS  Not sure why, but your email hit my (Gmail's) spam filter.  Just
thought you should know :)
Dng mailing list

[Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands (was: Re: The more things change, the more they remain the same

2015-05-27 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 03:32:00PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:

  As a rule of thumb, developers should always use the smallest possible
 amount of dependencies for a project, and clearly separate layers - e.g.
 if a project comes with an engine and a GUI, then the engine should come
 as a command-line tool in its own package with no dependencies on graphical
 stuff, which would be the role of the GUI package. But I'm a dinosaur AND
 a fan of minimalism, so I don't expect many people to think like me.

I mean this as a serious question, not as a piece of sarcasm,
though it could easily be misconstrued as such.

I am testing the limits of the advice to separate interaction from 
command line, though.  Sometimes limit testing leads to discoveries.

I'm in the process of writing (yet) a(nother) editor and output formatter,
and on reading this, I started to wonder -- just how could one separate 
a command-line version from the UI?  I can see that the output 
formatter can be so separated (and very usefully), but the actual 

Brainstorming welcome.

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands (was: Re: The more things change, the more they remain the same

2015-05-27 Thread Jude Nelson
Hi Hendrik,

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 6:12 AM, Hendrik Boom

 On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 03:32:00PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:

   As a rule of thumb, developers should always use the smallest possible
  amount of dependencies for a project, and clearly separate layers - e.g.
  if a project comes with an engine and a GUI, then the engine should come
  as a command-line tool in its own package with no dependencies on
  stuff, which would be the role of the GUI package. But I'm a dinosaur AND
  a fan of minimalism, so I don't expect many people to think like me.

 I mean this as a serious question, not as a piece of sarcasm,
 though it could easily be misconstrued as such.

 I am testing the limits of the advice to separate interaction from
 command line, though.  Sometimes limit testing leads to discoveries.

 I'm in the process of writing (yet) a(nother) editor and output formatter,
 and on reading this, I started to wonder -- just how could one separate
 a command-line version from the UI?  I can see that the output
 formatter can be so separated (and very usefully), but the actual

 Brainstorming welcome.

I've been thinking about the general form of this problem (and a general
solution) for months, and I think I'm almost ready to provide a formal
design document.

[The Problem]
Many programs couple the business logic to the presentation logic.  The
code that drives the UI is too intermingled with the code that provides the
application's core functionality to use them separately, or develop on them
independently.  However, we would like to be able to do this in order to
allow the user to apply existing tools and skills in one domain without
affecting the other domain, and allow developers to innovate in one domain
without affecting the other.  This should be possible, since rendering a UI
is usually (but not always) a separate, orthogonal concern from performing
the desired functionality.

I was watching my SO create a (long) Powerpoint presentation the other day,
and she wanted to add a fade in animation to each bullet point on each
slide.  Powerpoint (and every office suite I'm familiar with) makes you do
this by hand, bullet-point by bullet-point, with a mouse.  The UNIX hacker
in me saw this, and wondered why it's not possible to simply open a shell
and run something like for ppt_bullet in $(ppt-ls bullets); do
ppt-animate fade-in $ppt_bullet; done.  This would have saved an hour
of tedious, repetitive effort.

The reason this isn't possible is because Powerpoint (and every other
office suite) does not offer a command-oriented UI.  What could Powerpoint
have done?  One option is to add a program-specific command-language (like
how vim and emacs do).  However, I don't think this the answer either, for
two reasons:
(1) The UI (the command-language in this case) is still tightly coupled to
the program, and has rules and semantics that are only applicable to the
(2) Without careful design, the user can't bring to bear existing knowledge
or existing tools to address problems.  This is a general gripe I have
against vim and emacs too--if you're going to offer a Turing-complete
command language, why not offer one that is widely-used already and lets
people use external tools?

What I would like the most is if Powerpoint were somehow designed so that
its runtime state was exposed to the system shell, so I could operate on it
directly.  Powerpoint wouldn't need to ship with its own custom language,
and I could use whatever tools I wanted.

[Related Work]
This is something that Smalltalk/SQUEAK got right, as well as SecondLife
(but to a lesser extent).  In these environments, a UI element is fully
scriptable by the user, and can access functionality in other UI elements
and store persistent state within them.  As a user, I can easily add my own
functional overlays on top of the application, as well as my own custom UIs
that extend the functionality of the application on-the-fly.  If Powerpoint
were written as a SQUEAK application, I might have been able to write and
attach a button on-the-fly that iterated through each bullet point and
added an animation.

This is something that RESTful Web services sometimes get right as well.
The business logic in a RESTful Web service is meant to be decoupled from
the CSS/HTML/Javascript UI, so you should be able to use use any
HTTP-speaking client to interact with the business logic on the remote
servers.  For example, this lets Web front-end developers create mash-ups
of multiple services, and it lets devops and back-end developers write
scripts with curl to interact with services.  The downside is that you're
limited by the availability and expressiveness of the RESTful API (which
you do not control).

Applescript, ActiveScript, and nowadays Powershell try to do something like
this, but they fall short architecturally in that they can't access and
operate on all of the application's state (i.e. the 

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands (was: Re: The more things change, the more they remain the same

2015-05-27 Thread Teodoro Santoni
On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 06:12:15AM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 03:32:00PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:
   As a rule of thumb, developers should always use the smallest possible
  amount of dependencies for a project, and clearly separate layers - e.g.
  if a project comes with an engine and a GUI, then the engine should come
  as a command-line tool in its own package with no dependencies on graphical
  stuff, which would be the role of the GUI package. But I'm a dinosaur AND
  a fan of minimalism, so I don't expect many people to think like me.
 I mean this as a serious question, not as a piece of sarcasm,
 though it could easily be misconstrued as such.
 I am testing the limits of the advice to separate interaction from 
 command line, though.  Sometimes limit testing leads to discoveries.
 I'm in the process of writing (yet) a(nother) editor and output formatter,
 and on reading this, I started to wonder -- just how could one separate 
 a command-line version from the UI?  I can see that the output 
 formatter can be so separated (and very usefully), but the actual 

It's a matter of building an editor like leafpad, or building a vi or an ed.
What are you working on?
If you're working on the latter, take vim, neovim and vis as examples: they do 
a lot more than writing in place, save, colorize and undo. Thus, decoupling 
the engine from the UI means that you have already on draft what does the 
editor do and how as for example as a list of commands. Then the UI, as a 
command line client, probably would behave like a shell script, or like ed or 
ex; as a full blown editor, no matter if curses or GUI, probably would grab 
commands (through modes or menus) and input, and synchronizes with the engine 
(which executes special commands, changes files, write to them, and whatever 
else). If everything is in the same process, this synchronization is mostly 
done as code execution; otherwise it's developed in a client-server model: the 
UI shows to the user her/his edits, while passing messages to the engine, for 
example sending text or msgpack through a socket read by clients (where the 
user types) and the editor engine. This aids mostly code reuse, because you 
could have any kind of GUI and the powerful set of commands you feel comfy 
about for editing text.

Teodoro Santoni
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-27 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 27/05/2015 12:12, Hendrik Boom wrote:

I'm in the process of writing (yet) a(nother) editor and output formatter,
and on reading this, I started to wonder -- just how could one separate
a command-line version from the UI?  I can see that the output
formatter can be so separated (and very usefully), but the actual

 Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, as I'm unfamiliar with the
internal of editors. But IIUC, an editor is, by definition, a user
interface, so the command-line / UI separation looks impossible or
irrelevant to me here.
 However, there are still some separations that you can perform when
designing an editor. Right off the top of my head:
 - Core functions vs. actual interface, which could be terminal-based
or X-based. Think vim vs. gvim, or emacs -nw.
 - programmable editor commands vs. interface to enter those commands.
Think the sed engine in vi, or the LISP engine in emacs.

 If you factor your work correctly, it should be trivial for a program
to get access to your editor commands via a library function call - and
you can make a command-line tool to wrap useful calls. Also, there could
be an editor-base package with very few dependencies, providing your main
library; and an editor-text package depending on editor-base and ncurses
(for instance), and an editor-gui package depending on editor-base and
your favorite graphical libraries. So text-only users wouldn't have to
install editor-gui and pull the whole plate of spaghetti.

 My 2 cents,


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands (was: Re: The more things change, the more they remain the same

2015-05-27 Thread Ángel Ramírez Isea

Hi, Hendrik.

Your post reminds me of a chapter in The Art of Unix Programming, by 
Eric Steven Raymond, which I always recommend.

El 2015-05-27 06:12, Hendrik Boom escribió:

I am testing the limits of the advice to separate interaction from
command line, though.  Sometimes limit testing leads to discoveries.


Brainstorming welcome.

Saludos cordiales,

Ángel Ramírez Isea.
Usuario de Devuan y Canaima GNU / Linux # 460737.

Coordinador General.
Cooperativa Simón Rodríguez para el Conocimiento Libre, RS.
(261) 524.55.93 -:- (426) 369.57.18
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-27 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 04:54:53PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:
 On 27/05/2015 12:12, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 I'm in the process of writing (yet) a(nother) editor and output formatter,
 and on reading this, I started to wonder -- just how could one separate
 a command-line version from the UI?  I can see that the output
 formatter can be so separated (and very usefully), but the actual
  Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, as I'm unfamiliar with the
 internal of editors. But IIUC, an editor is, by definition, a user
 interface, so the command-line / UI separation looks impossible or
 irrelevant to me here.

From your reply, I conclude you understood exactly what I meant.  

Thank you. 

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands (was: Re: The more things change, the more they remain the same

2015-05-27 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 02:27:17PM -0400, Jude Nelson wrote:
 Hi Hendrik,
... (much snipped)  (I'm sorry, I hadn't meant to take you away from 
vdev for the amount of time it took to write this lengthy and 
interesting reply) 

 An interesting consequence of structuring applications this way is that you
 can trivially solve both network transparency and application distribution:
  simply put the application on an NFS mount (or some network filesystem),
 and run the interpreter on the local client.  The application stores
 runtime state as files within its directory hierarchy, so they get
 automatically written to the NFS server.  Users could run remote
 applications locally simply by mounting the remote volume and running the
 interpreter on them in-place.

 I was considering building such an interpreter as well as and a suite of
 applications for Devuan at some point, after finishing vdev.  I was
 thinking of calling it shui--both from the concept of feng shui (the
 idea of harmonizing everyone with their environment), as well as serving as
 an acronym for SHell-oriented User Interface.

Sounds interesting.  But for applications like ordinary text editing, 
it might become a little slow if you end up running a shell script 
with every character typed.  The idea did seem to work somewhat for 
the ancient mail handler MH (if I recall correctly).

But as for the file system ... I wonder if the completely virtual file 
system in something like Inferno could help things along -- put more 
of the primitive operations into the file itself.  Or have I 
misunderstood Inferno?

Of course, taking this to its logical conclusion would move the 
file system rather seriously in the direction of a typed persistent 
objects system, with methods and so forth.   A very different beast 
from what we're used to.

-- hendrik

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands (was: Re: The more things change, the more they remain the same

2015-05-27 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 27 May 2015 14:27:17 -0400
Jude Nelson wrote:

 I've been thinking about the general form of this problem (and a
 general solution) for months, and I think I'm almost ready to provide
 a formal design document.
 [The Problem]
 Many programs couple the business logic to the presentation logic.
 The code that drives the UI is too intermingled with the code that
 provides the application's core functionality to use them separately,
 or develop on them independently. 

Hi Jude,

Be careful what you wish for. MVC was created to solve this problem,
and it looks to me like, in the hands of most developers, like MVC
makes an unfathomable Easter Egg Hunt where a reasonably simple
algorithm can't go six lines without the need to go look something up
somewhere else. And yet, in the hands of most practitioners, my
observation is they *still* manage to intersperse program logic, data
and UI.

Separation is good, but not all ideas for separation are good.


 I was watching my SO create a (long) Powerpoint presentation the
 other day, and she wanted to add a fade in animation to each bullet
 point on each slide.  Powerpoint (and every office suite I'm familiar
 with) makes you do this by hand, bullet-point by bullet-point, with a
 mouse.  The UNIX hacker in me saw this, and wondered why it's not
 possible to simply open a shell and run something like for
 ppt_bullet in $(ppt-ls bullets); do ppt-animate fade-in
 $ppt_bullet; done.  This would have saved an hour of tedious,
 repetitive effort.
 The reason this isn't possible is because Powerpoint (and every other
 office suite) does not offer a command-oriented UI.  What could
 Powerpoint have done?  One option is to add a program-specific
 command-language (like how vim and emacs do).  However, I don't think
 this the answer either, for two reasons:
 (1) The UI (the command-language in this case) is still tightly
 coupled to the program, and has rules and semantics that are only
 applicable to the program.

I think #1 above is a *good* thing. There's a reason it's called a
*domain* specific language. It's the functions of this program's
business logic, and nothing more.

 (2) Without careful design, the user can't bring to bear existing
 knowledge or existing tools to address problems.  This is a general
 gripe I have against vim and emacs too--if you're going to offer a
 Turing-complete command language, why not offer one that is
 widely-used already and lets people use external tools?

That's just it. I think packaging a Turning-complete language is
overkill, much the same as having the init system take charge of login
logic. I'm an elder in the Church of the Parsimoneous Scope. I'd prefer
to expose every business logic function, such that it's callable from
the command prompt and other places. Those functions are the thin
interface connecting business logic and appearance. There's nothing
Turing complete about them. If you want Turing completedness, that's
for the program

Years ago GoLUG's Gary Miller told me something I never forgot. When
writing a program, he makes his entire user interface as input and
output to a socket. That way, on his side of the socket, there's no
need for Python-Tk, nor Curses, nor GTk nor tk nor HTML generation nor
mod-apache-whatever: None of that complication. Nothing but business
logic algorithms and the functions that implement them. Write it in
simple, no-dependency C, Python, Perl, Ruby, Lua, whatever.

Then Gary publicizes the commands that socket takes, so the other guy
can write a program with Curses or Python-Tk or whatever, to present the
info to the user, as needed. This presentation program has all the GUI
molassas, but no business logic, so it's pretty straightforward. And
you have complete separation of business logic from presentation,
enforced by a socket.

But of course, the thing on the far side of the socket can be more than
a UI. It can be a script. It can be a program that turns a config file
into a script. It can be a command prompt (using telnet) to tweak. You
can accomplish almost anything, except adding a function or changing a
function's actions on Gary's side of the program. If you want to do
that, do it on Gary's side.

 What I would like the most is if Powerpoint were somehow designed so
 that its runtime state was exposed to the system shell, so I could
 operate on it directly.  Powerpoint wouldn't need to ship with its
 own custom language, and I could use whatever tools I wanted.

I'm pretty sure Gary's method would do just that.


 [Design Notes]
 The idea I I'm working on can be thought of as a re-telling of the
 SQUEAK story for the UNIX environment:
 * The shell is the binding language between different aspects of the
 application, as well as between the application and external tools
 (this replaces Smalltalk).
 * Persistent state is encoded as files

As a djb enthusiast, I'm always happy when state is encoded as files
and directories.


Re: [Dng] OT: separate GUI from commands

2015-05-27 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

On 05/27/2015 02:27 PM, Jude Nelson wrote:

Hi Hendrik,

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 6:12 AM, Hendrik Boom wrote:

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 03:32:00PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:

  As a rule of thumb, developers should always use the smallest
 amount of dependencies for a project, and clearly separate
layers - e.g.
 if a project comes with an engine and a GUI, then the engine
should come
 as a command-line tool in its own package with no dependencies
on graphical
 stuff, which would be the role of the GUI package. But I'm a
dinosaur AND
 a fan of minimalism, so I don't expect many people to think like me.

I mean this as a serious question, not as a piece of sarcasm,
though it could easily be misconstrued as such.

I am testing the limits of the advice to separate interaction from
command line, though.  Sometimes limit testing leads to discoveries.

I'm in the process of writing (yet) a(nother) editor and output
and on reading this, I started to wonder -- just how could one
a command-line version from the UI?  I can see that the output
formatter can be so separated (and very usefully), but the actual

Brainstorming welcome.

I've been thinking about the general form of this problem (and a 
general solution) for months, and I think I'm almost ready to provide 
a formal design document.

[The Problem]
Many programs couple the business logic to the presentation logic.  
The code that drives the UI is too intermingled with the code that 
provides the application's core functionality to use them separately, 
or develop on them independently.  However, we would like to be able 
to do this in order to allow the user to apply existing tools and 
skills in one domain without affecting the other domain, and allow 
developers to innovate in one domain without affecting the other.  
This should be possible, since rendering a UI is usually (but not 
always) a separate, orthogonal concern from performing the desired 

I was watching my SO create a (long) Powerpoint presentation the other 
day, and she wanted to add a fade in animation to each bullet point 
on each slide. Powerpoint (and every office suite I'm familiar with) 
makes you do this by hand, bullet-point by bullet-point, with a 
mouse.  The UNIX hacker in me saw this, and wondered why it's not 
possible to simply open a shell and run something like for ppt_bullet 
in $(ppt-ls bullets); do ppt-animate fade-in $ppt_bullet; 
done.  This would have saved an hour of tedious, repetitive effort.

Shell-based command access to software like Powerpoint would indeed be 
great.  But I wonder if we can raise the bar a bit
and consider an approach that could serve the largest audience. 
Especially users who themselves aren't developers or


It seems to me such a system must be characterized by the following two 
* basic - the language itself should be simple enough that the user 
doesn't have to spend too much time on boilerplate and
learning eccentricities of the language.  (And the environment should be 
able to generate as much of the boilerplate on its own,

especially for common patterns.)
* visual - we know the user is already interacting with a graphical 
system.  So it makes sense that the command-based
system should include graphical modes of interaction and visualize as 
much as it can.  (For example, letting the user choose
from a set of familiar widgets rather than making them memorize a 
baroque naming system.)  It should look as familiar as it
can without sacrificing power, letting the user see as much of the data 
flow without having to create the entire mental model

on their own.

Just imagine the possibilities if Powerpoint gave you access to an 
environment like that!



Dng mailing list