[Dnsmasq-discuss] bogus-nxdomain + opendns + ipv6

2012-11-15 Thread Andrew Elwell
Hi Folks

(warning, this is behaviour noticed with the version of dnsmasq on my router -
version.bind.   0   CH  TXT "dnsmasq-2.61"
apologies if fixed in a newer version)

I've been using OpenDNS with nxdomain to filter out their annoying
brain-dead NXDOMAIN mangling. however If I do this, it breaks on IPv6

ie - an expected result

$ host indicodev2.ipv6.cern.ch
Using domain server:

indicodev2.ipv6.cern.ch has IPv6 address 2001:1458:201:b5b9::100:10

-- there's an IPv6  record, but no A record for this machine

howver if I use opendns I get

$ host indicodev2.ipv6.cern.ch
Using domain server:

indicodev2.ipv6.cern.ch has address   BOGUS
indicodev2.ipv6.cern.ch has IPv6 address 2001:1458:201:b5b9::100:10

and with bogus-nxdomain it bails after the A record and
doesn't try  unless specifically asked

$ host indicodev2.ipv6.cern.ch
Host indicodev2.ipv6.cern.ch not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

$ host -t  indicodev2.ipv6.cern.ch
indicodev2.ipv6.cern.ch has IPv6 address 2001:1458:201:b5b9::100:10

Any ideas if I can work around this via configuration or do I have to
give up with opendns

Many thanks


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] reducing SPOFs

2010-06-17 Thread Andrew Elwell
> In this case, about half the queries in your network will hit the
> router rather than you dnsmasq box. If they try to resolve a dynamic
> (dhcp) host (like when you try to ping another pc in your lan using
> its name), if the query is handled to the linksys it will answer with
> nxdomain...

hmm, *hopefully* all 'known' devices have a real hostname
(tv,soundbridge,wii,laptop-a) etc in /etc/hosts - I only have a v
small 'guest' dhcp range for unknown mac addresses
and they too are in /etc/hosts with the original name of dhcp-01 to dhcp-15

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] reducing SPOFs

2010-06-16 Thread Andrew Elwell
> if so, is the simplest way to sync /etc/hosts from my master onto it
> and run in DNS only mode?

OK - following up my own post incase anyone looks through the archives
for debugging

got this working - main (dnsmasq does DHCP and DNS) server is
second box (linksys with dd-wrt) just doing DNS is

altered dnsmasq.conf on master to include

and the linksys box has an scp'd copy of my master /etc/hosts and runs
dnsmasq with the following config:

domain=example.com (well, not really)

[Dnsmasq-discuss] reducing SPOFs

2010-06-16 Thread Andrew Elwell
Hi Gang,

At the moment I have an /etc/hosts with all the internal machines on
my home LAN, served by dnsmasq (which does the Right Thing - Thanks
for a decent program) as DHCP / DNS server, however I'd like to have a
second DNS server (hey, if DHCP goes down all bets are off) as a
backup. I have a wrt-54g running dd-wrt as an access point downstairs
- would this be the best way?

if so, is the simplest way to sync /etc/hosts from my master onto it
and run in DNS only mode?

(plan B of using opendns/google DNS servers means I can't resolve
internal hosts)

or is there a Better Way (tm)?


Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] tftp service

2010-05-28 Thread Andrew Elwell
> PXE supports it, for netbooting clusters of 100s or 1000s of machines.
> I've never come across anybody who actually uses it. Big clusters these
> days tend to have fast networks that laugh off the traffic involved in
> unicasting netboot images to a few thousand machines.

You tend to get hit by timeouts on the server with booting multiple
machines at once - we found about 1/2 a rack at a time was the best we
could get. (but the cluster head node also acted as the kickstart
server so traffic got kinda busy come upgrades)

Switching to gPXE / gpxelinux and using http rather than tftp for
transferring the boot image was a much better improvement than trying
to sync and multicast

another nice scalable installer is to use bittorrent - see the Rocks
'Avalanche' installer
(on the other hand, reimaging a callcentre at once using norton ghost
+ multicast was waaay cool when I did it oooh 10 yrs ago)


Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Huge number of lookups for 'yes'

2010-04-28 Thread Andrew Elwell

That'll be a screwup in my samba config then

"wins server = yes"


[Dnsmasq-discuss] Huge number of lookups for 'yes'

2010-04-28 Thread Andrew Elwell
Hi Folks,

I don't think dnsmasq is the culprit (yet) but I'm not sure what is:
I have a linux box at home which does the DNS for my lan ~4 laptops
one desktop + odds n sods.

root@mythic:~# head /var/log/daemon.log
Apr 25 06:34:00 mythic
root@mythic:~# tail /var/log/daemon.log
Apr 28 10:32:06
root@mythic:~# grep 'yes.elwell.org.uk from'
/var/log/daemon.log | wc -l

now it strikes me that thats a *lot* of requests for a non-existent
host on my network. Is there any way to trace what application is
likely to be guilty? I couldn't see anything in the source code for
dnsmasq (the only yes in there was in the suse config)

Its running ubuntu 9.mumble, the timestamps don't tie in with cron
entries. I've stopped mythtv but it's not that (as far as I can tell)

has anyone else noticed similar 'rogue' lookups?

Many thanks
