Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-04-29 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico

> OK, but as you rightly pointed out a couple of messages ago, all these
> operations are performed before the service dnsmasq restart.
> Because of this I have performed an additional test to complete the
> picture:
> my usual 650K list of domains is now unzipped and I have simply scripted
> the usual formatting with address=/domain/. So no compression involved
> this time. e.g.
> /bin/cat /mnt/USB/adblock/ | /bin/sed -e "s:^:address=/:"
> -e "s:$:/:"
> The service dnsmasq restart went from 15.something sec of the script+zip
> version to 14.4 sec of this script only version.
> root at sparrow:/tmp/mnt/USB/adblock# time service dnsmasq restart

> Done.
> real0m 14.43s
> user0m 0.00s
> sys 0m 0.00s
> What I was trying to say is that feeding pre-formatted config (as per
> prev message posted here) takes 4.2 sec on the very same file.
> And you're right the aim here is to minimize storage hence RAM demand,
> but the dnsmasq restart time must also stay within acceptable levels as
> nobody wants the DNS resolution to be down for too long.
> So to summarize: Because the conf-script option works great on RAM
> reduction but takes a big hit on the restart time, I was suggesting if a
> different approach could/should be considered. Since we learnt from this
> last test that the zip operation add only 1-2 sec of delay on the restart
> root at sparrow:/mnt/USB/adblock# time gzip -d

> real0m 1.76s
> user0m 0.67s
> sys 0m 0.18s
> perhaps allowing the conf-file to process zipped content (internal zcat
> or something) would suffice to achieve the desired result to minimize
> storage demand and retain restart time within acceptable levels.
> Allowing something like conf-block and import domain only is indeed
> nice-to-have but secondary in my opinion compared to support for
> compressed config:
> root at sparrow:/mnt/USB/adblock# ls -lh
> -rwxrwxrwx1 root root   14.3M Mar 31 18:42
> root at sparrow:/mnt/USB/adblock# gzip
> root at sparrow:/mnt/USB/adblock# ls -lh
> -rwxrwxrwx1 root root4.2M Mar 31 18:42

Simon, it is not my intention to put pressure or else but I just wanted 
to give a final feedback on this topic. The conf-script is not usable on 
a router for large lists/config. It simply takes dnsmasq far too long to 
restart. There are a series of event that restart dnsmasq from a simple 
Save Config from the GUI to an automatic event e.g. a multiWAN swap due 
to external factors and anything in between. on a 1M record blocklist it 
takes dnsmasq almost 30 before before it can resolve domains again.

On one side I'm grateful this was considered by the dnsmasq team, on the 
other side I still believe (as per message above) that allowing dnsmasq 
to read natively a conf-file in .gz would actually be the simplest and 
possibly most effective of the solutions to resolve the large list 
issue. On plain config (conf-file) even a huge file takes dnsmasq 5-6 
seconds to restart. The gzip operation on such file are about 1 sec on 
top which is totally an acceptable compromise. Finally the size of a 1M 
records conf-file compresses down from 40M to 8Mb.

A win win.

I'm not sure if you still have interest in tackling this topic but I 
felt a feedback is expected as a minimum given all the work done so far. 
It would be good to know either ways if you don't mind.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-31 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico
My understanding is that the script-conf feature was to be used to 
reduce filesystem storage usage, ie instead of a conf-file full of lines 


Juts the list of domains could be stored, in compressed form, and then 
they would be decompressed and decorated with the address=/./ stuff 
on the fly before being fed into the dnsmasq configuration parser.

The  scripts you posted earlier seemed to

1) Download the block list.
2) compress it
3) feed it to dnsmasq which decompresses it

Which is the worst of all possible worlds, since it uses more storage 
for the compressed AND uncompressed versions, and more CPU to the 
compression and decompression. It also make the down-time depend on how 
fast the block list downloads.

OK, but as you rightly pointed out a couple of messages ago, all these 
operations are performed before the service dnsmasq restart.

Because of this I have performed an additional test to complete the 

my usual 650K list of domains is now unzipped and I have simply scripted 
the usual formatting with address=/domain/. So no compression involved 
this time. e.g.

/bin/cat /mnt/USB/adblock/ | /bin/sed -e "s:^:address=/:" 
-e "s:$:/:"

The service dnsmasq restart went from 15.something sec of the script+zip 
version to 14.4 sec of this script only version.

root@sparrow:/tmp/mnt/USB/adblock# time service dnsmasq restart

real0m 14.43s
user0m 0.00s
sys 0m 0.00s

What I was trying to say is that feeding pre-formatted config (as per 
prev message posted here) takes 4.2 sec on the very same file.

And you're right the aim here is to minimize storage hence RAM demand, 
but the dnsmasq restart time must also stay within acceptable levels as 
nobody wants the DNS resolution to be down for too long.

So to summarize: Because the conf-script option works great on RAM 
reduction but takes a big hit on the restart time, I was suggesting if a 
different approach could/should be considered. Since we learnt from this 
last test that the zip operation add only 1-2 sec of delay on the restart

root@sparrow:/mnt/USB/adblock# time gzip -d
real0m 1.76s
user0m 0.67s
sys 0m 0.18s

perhaps allowing the conf-file to process zipped content (internal zcat 
or something) would suffice to achieve the desired result to minimize 
storage demand and retain restart time within acceptable levels. 
Allowing something like conf-block and import domain only is indeed 
nice-to-have but secondary in my opinion compared to support for 
compressed config:

root@sparrow:/mnt/USB/adblock# ls -lh
-rwxrwxrwx1 root root   14.3M Mar 31 18:42
root@sparrow:/mnt/USB/adblock# gzip
root@sparrow:/mnt/USB/adblock# ls -lh
-rwxrwxrwx1 root root4.2M Mar 31 18:42

My 2 cents

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-31 Thread Simon Kelley

On 30/03/2022 12:13, Ercolino de Spiacico wrote:
It looks like your script which downloads the blocked domains file and 
compresses it takes 15s, then dnsmasq takes 15s to uncompress the list 
and load it into memory and sort.

The first delay can be solved by doing the download before stopping 
the old dnsmasq process. The second is amenable the new option to 
SIGTERM the old dnsmasq _after_ parsing the new config.

I run some additional test to verify the impact. I got the very same 
list (650K records) unzipped and pre-formatted (address=/$domain/) to be 
used by the standard conf-file directive. As we used to do before the 
conf-script was introduced. Here the result:

root@sparrow:/tmp/mnt/USB/adblock# time service dnsmasq restart
real    0m 4.21s
user    0m 0.00s
sys 0m 0.01s

The amazing part is that there's no measurable delay in the change of 
ownership from root to nobody. So 4.2 seconds and that's it which is 
completely acceptable for this list size. But then we're back to square 
1 before this conversation ever happened. So I'm starting to conclude 
that the scripting part (script-conf) and it's interpretation 
internally, despite being flexible in terms of wanted output, it doesn't 
scale well on large block-files. Fair enough admittedly this has never 
been the reason why dnsmasq was originally created.

This also make me think further about two (potentially even overlapping) 
ways to progress:

A- Going back to my original idea to have a new conf-block (or 
block-conf whichever) directive where any domain defined in the target 
file will be blocked (only domains without formatting) dnsmasq would do 
an internal interpretation of this list of domains based on the 
directive. So smaller list size and no extra processing needed. This 
perhaps could be an option to have the cake and eat it?

B- Allow the conf-block= and/or the existing conf-file= to read a zipped 
source e.g.

Again no scripting/manipulation but taking advantage of the on-the-fly 

My understanding is that the script-conf feature was to be used to 
reduce filesystem storage usage, ie instead of a conf-file full of lines 


Juts the list of domains could be stored, in compressed form, and then 
they would be decompressed and decorated with the address=/./ stuff 
on the fly before being fed into the dnsmasq configuration parser.

The  scripts you posted earlier seemed to

1) Download the block list.
2) compress it
3) feed it to dnsmasq which decompresses it

Which is the worst of all possible worlds, since it uses more storage 
for the compressed AND uncompressed versions, and more CPU to the 
compression and decompression. It also make the down-time depend on how 
fast the block list downloads.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-30 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico
It looks like your script which downloads the blocked domains file and 
compresses it takes 15s, then dnsmasq takes 15s to uncompress the list 
and load it into memory and sort.

The first delay can be solved by doing the download before stopping the 
old dnsmasq process. The second is amenable the new option to SIGTERM 
the old dnsmasq _after_ parsing the new config.

I run some additional test to verify the impact. I got the very same 
list (650K records) unzipped and pre-formatted (address=/$domain/) to be 
used by the standard conf-file directive. As we used to do before the 
conf-script was introduced. Here the result:

root@sparrow:/tmp/mnt/USB/adblock# time service dnsmasq restart
real0m 4.21s
user0m 0.00s
sys 0m 0.01s

The amazing part is that there's no measurable delay in the change of 
ownership from root to nobody. So 4.2 seconds and that's it which is 
completely acceptable for this list size. But then we're back to square 
1 before this conversation ever happened. So I'm starting to conclude 
that the scripting part (script-conf) and it's interpretation 
internally, despite being flexible in terms of wanted output, it doesn't 
scale well on large block-files. Fair enough admittedly this has never 
been the reason why dnsmasq was originally created.

This also make me think further about two (potentially even overlapping) 
ways to progress:

A- Going back to my original idea to have a new conf-block (or 
block-conf whichever) directive where any domain defined in the target 
file will be blocked (only domains without formatting) dnsmasq would do 
an internal interpretation of this list of domains based on the 
directive. So smaller list size and no extra processing needed. This 
perhaps could be an option to have the cake and eat it?

B- Allow the conf-block= and/or the existing conf-file= to read a zipped 
source e.g.

Again no scripting/manipulation but taking advantage of the on-the-fly 


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-29 Thread Simon Kelley

On 28/03/2022 11:49, Ercolino de Spiacico wrote:

This Internet list above ( is 40MB 
uncompressed, the regex extracts domains-only so shrinking it to 60% 
of its original size and the gzip compression shrinks much further. 
Decompressing and scripting it up of course takes time.

All of that looks like stuff which can be done before stopping 
dnsmasq, right. SO how long it takes makes no difference to how long 
DNS and DHCP service is interrupted for?

I just reported what's done to potentially try to replicate that's all. 
So going straight to the point:

root@sparrow:/# zcat /mnt/USB/adblock/ | wc -l

root@sparrow:/# time service dnsmasq restart

real    0m 15.76s
user    0m 0.01s
sys 0m 0.00s

But please note, at this point the process is still owned by root

root@sparrow:/# ps | grep [d]nsmasq
31137 root 13264 S    dnsmasq -c 4096 --log-async

Until this is delegated to nobody (15 more seconds I'd say) name 
resolution is not performed. So 30sec in total? And this is with a list 
of 650K records, well below the maximum we managed to push on the same 
router with unscripted config which accounted for 1.8M.

It looks like your script which downloads the blocked domains file and 
compresses it takes 15s, then dnsmasq takes 15s to uncompress the list 
and load it into memory and sort.

The first delay can be solved by doing the download before stopping the 
old dnsmasq process. The second is amenable the new option to SIGTERM 
the old dnsmasq _after_ parsing the new config.

Right! Could you please share more details on this idea? It could be 
a smart workaround indeed.

When dnsmasq starts up, it does roughly the following things:

1) Read config files (including execute script-conf
2) organise the data from the config into in-memory data structures
3) Open listening sockets on DNS and DHCP ports.
4) Enter the event loop.

1) and 2) are likely to take an appreciaable amount of time with big 
block lists. 3) and 4) never do.

A restart of dnsmasq  consists of

1) send SIGTERM to existing dnsmasq process to cause it to halt.
2) Run new dnsmasq instance, which goes through the four steps above.

If reading the congfig takes time, that causes service interruption. 
Note that you can't do those two steps in the opposite order, since 
the old dnsmasq process will still be listening on the DNS and DHCP 
ports, and the new one will fail to start up.

If we add an option to dnsmasq which takes a process-ID and sends a 
SIGTERM to that process-ID as step 2.5, the old dnsmasq process can 
continue to run during the parsing of the options, then the it gets 
toen down before opening listening sockets.

The restart now just runs the new dnsmasq instance, passing the PID of 
the old dnsmasq instance if it exists.

Ok understood. Interesting it raises 3 questions on my side:

1- say the old process is already handling 1M blocked domains, I suppose 
this means that for the time of the restarting the RAM demand will be 
pushed to the equivalent of 2M domains (1M old + 1M new), right?


2- this will certainly help the restart but there's nothing that can 
save us from the first ever start after a device reboot I suppose


3- Is there any option to hand over the existing resolution cache 
between the "leaver" and "joiner" process? Like a memory mapping swap or 

It could be done, but it's a huge rewrite.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-28 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico

This Internet list above ( is 40MB uncompressed, 
the regex extracts domains-only so shrinking it to 60% of its original 
size and the gzip compression shrinks much further. Decompressing and 
scripting it up of course takes time.

All of that looks like stuff which can be done before stopping dnsmasq, 
right. SO how long it takes makes no difference to how long DNS and DHCP 
service is interrupted for?

I just reported what's done to potentially try to replicate that's all. 
So going straight to the point:

root@sparrow:/# zcat /mnt/USB/adblock/ | wc -l

root@sparrow:/# time service dnsmasq restart
real0m 15.76s
user0m 0.01s
sys 0m 0.00s

But please note, at this point the process is still owned by root

root@sparrow:/# ps | grep [d]nsmasq
31137 root 13264 Sdnsmasq -c 4096 --log-async

Until this is delegated to nobody (15 more seconds I'd say) name 
resolution is not performed. So 30sec in total? And this is with a list 
of 650K records, well below the maximum we managed to push on the same 
router with unscripted config which accounted for 1.8M.

Right! Could you please share more details on this idea? It could be a 
smart workaround indeed.

When dnsmasq starts up, it does roughly the following things:

1) Read config files (including execute script-conf
2) organise the data from the config into in-memory data structures
3) Open listening sockets on DNS and DHCP ports.
4) Enter the event loop.

1) and 2) are likely to take an appreciaable amount of time with big 
block lists. 3) and 4) never do.

A restart of dnsmasq  consists of

1) send SIGTERM to existing dnsmasq process to cause it to halt.
2) Run new dnsmasq instance, which goes through the four steps above.

If reading the congfig takes time, that causes service interruption. 
Note that you can't do those two steps in the opposite order, since the 
old dnsmasq process will still be listening on the DNS and DHCP ports, 
and the new one will fail to start up.

If we add an option to dnsmasq which takes a process-ID and sends a 
SIGTERM to that process-ID as step 2.5, the old dnsmasq process can 
continue to run during the parsing of the options, then the it gets toen 
down before opening listening sockets.

The restart now just runs the new dnsmasq instance, passing the PID of 
the old dnsmasq instance if it exists.

Ok understood. Interesting it raises 3 questions on my side:

1- say the old process is already handling 1M blocked domains, I suppose 
this means that for the time of the restarting the RAM demand will be 
pushed to the equivalent of 2M domains (1M old + 1M new), right?

2- this will certainly help the restart but there's nothing that can 
save us from the first ever start after a device reboot I suppose

3- Is there any option to hand over the existing resolution cache 
between the "leaver" and "joiner" process? Like a memory mapping swap or 

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-27 Thread Simon Kelley

On 27/03/2022 08:52, Ercolino de Spiacico wrote:

 >> [ -f list.of.domain ] && { create the formatted configuration }
 >> would always fail at dnsmasq level if the doesn't exist
 >> despite the file existence condition defined. I'm not sure this is 

 >> to be and/or if there's a smart workaround that can be used.
 > I don't understand this, could you give more details.

Ok I have progressed on this point since. Basically I worked out the 
dnsmasq is checking the script exit code. as I had something like this 
in the script:

[ -f list.of.domain ] && { create the formatted configuration }

I just had to "force" the exit 0 to the command so:

[ -f list.of.domain ] && { create the formatted configuration } || { 
exit 0; }

This makes the script returning exit 0 regardless and have --test 
ignoring (rightly) any issue with that part of the script. Wanted so 
good enough for me.

 > Note that having loaded the config, dnsmasq has to sort all the domains,
 > which will be part of the time taken. Doing that once makes the lookups
 > much faster.

As part of the adblock.domain formatting I feed it to dnsmasq after a 
sort -u so somehow it's already sorted, Could this internal sorting be 
optionally skipped?

Not safely. If it's not sorted or sorted wrong, dnsmasq will break.

 > How long are you without DNS service?

It's proportional to the number of records in the adblock file. For 
large lists, on a fast router it can easy go into the 15+ seconds. This 
happens relatively frequently on a router where external conditions 
restart dnsmasq "just in case". So answering your question in detail, 
given a relatively basic scripting config:


/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate -T 15 -q -U "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; 
Linux x86_64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0.1" -O- | grep -Ev 
'^#.*|^!.*|^::|^\s*?$|^([a-f0-9:]+:+)+[a-f0-9]+' | grep -Eo 
| sort -u > $DOMAINS

gzip /tmp/

echo "script-conf=/tmp/" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf

echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n[ -f ${DOMAINS} ] && /bin/zcat ${DOMAINS}.gz 
| /bin/sed -e \"s:^:address=/:\" -e \"s:$:/:\" || exit 0" > /tmp/

chmod 777 /tmp/

At this point restarting should give you a magnitude of time. Of course 
on a fast PC/VM this might not be that much, on a router where in the 
best of the cases you have 2x 800/1000MHz the delay is surely noticeable.

This Internet list above ( is 40MB uncompressed, 
the regex extracts domains-only so shrinking it to 60% of its original 
size and the gzip compression shrinks much further. Decompressing and 
scripting it up of course takes time.

All of that looks like stuff which can be done before stopping dnsmasq, 
right. SO how long it takes makes no difference to how long DNS and DHCP 
service is interrupted for?

 > One possible solution is to add an option to dnsmasq which causes it to
 > send SIGTERM is a process-id _after_ reading config and _before_ opening
 > network sockets. That would delay stopping the old dnsmasq process until
 > the new one is almost ready to go. Would require some clever scripting
 > in the init system or systemd to make it work.

Right! Could you please share more details on this idea? It could be a 
smart workaround indeed.

When dnsmasq starts up, it does roughly the following things:

1) Read config files (including execute script-conf
2) organise the data from the config into in-memory data structures
3) Open listening sockets on DNS and DHCP ports.
4) Enter the event loop.

1) and 2) are likely to take an appreciaable amount of time with big 
block lists. 3) and 4) never do.

A restart of dnsmasq  consists of

1) send SIGTERM to existing dnsmasq process to cause it to halt.
2) Run new dnsmasq instance, which goes through the four steps above.

If reading the congfig takes time, that causes service interruption. 
Note that you can't do those two steps in the opposite order, since the 
old dnsmasq process will still be listening on the DNS and DHCP ports, 
and the new one will fail to start up.

If we add an option to dnsmasq which takes a process-ID and sends a 
SIGTERM to that process-ID as step 2.5, the old dnsmasq process can 
continue to run during the parsing of the options, then the it gets toen 
down before opening listening sockets.

The restart now just runs the new dnsmasq instance, passing the PID of 
the old dnsmasq instance if it exists.




Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-27 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico

>> [ -f list.of.domain ] && { create the formatted configuration }
>> would always fail at dnsmasq level if the doesn't exist
>> despite the file existence condition defined. I'm not sure this is 

>> to be and/or if there's a smart workaround that can be used.
> I don't understand this, could you give more details.

Ok I have progressed on this point since. Basically I worked out the 
dnsmasq is checking the script exit code. as I had something like this 
in the script:

[ -f list.of.domain ] && { create the formatted configuration }

I just had to "force" the exit 0 to the command so:

[ -f list.of.domain ] && { create the formatted configuration } || { 
exit 0; }

This makes the script returning exit 0 regardless and have --test 
ignoring (rightly) any issue with that part of the script. Wanted so 
good enough for me.

> Note that having loaded the config, dnsmasq has to sort all the domains,
> which will be part of the time taken. Doing that once makes the lookups
> much faster.

As part of the adblock.domain formatting I feed it to dnsmasq after a 
sort -u so somehow it's already sorted, Could this internal sorting be 
optionally skipped?

> How long are you without DNS service?

It's proportional to the number of records in the adblock file. For 
large lists, on a fast router it can easy go into the 15+ seconds. This 
happens relatively frequently on a router where external conditions 
restart dnsmasq "just in case". So answering your question in detail, 
given a relatively basic scripting config:


/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate -T 15 -q -U "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; 
Linux x86_64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0.1" -O- | grep -Ev 
'^#.*|^!.*|^::|^\s*?$|^([a-f0-9:]+:+)+[a-f0-9]+' | grep -Eo 
| sort -u > $DOMAINS

gzip /tmp/

echo "script-conf=/tmp/" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf

echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n[ -f ${DOMAINS} ] && /bin/zcat ${DOMAINS}.gz 
| /bin/sed -e \"s:^:address=/:\" -e \"s:$:/:\" || exit 0" > /tmp/

chmod 777 /tmp/

At this point restarting should give you a magnitude of time. Of course 
on a fast PC/VM this might not be that much, on a router where in the 
best of the cases you have 2x 800/1000MHz the delay is surely noticeable.

This Internet list above ( is 40MB uncompressed, 
the regex extracts domains-only so shrinking it to 60% of its original 
size and the gzip compression shrinks much further. Decompressing and 
scripting it up of course takes time.

> One possible solution is to add an option to dnsmasq which causes it to
> send SIGTERM is a process-id _after_ reading config and _before_ opening
> network sockets. That would delay stopping the old dnsmasq process until
> the new one is almost ready to go. Would require some clever scripting
> in the init system or systemd to make it work.

Right! Could you please share more details on this idea? It could be a 
smart workaround indeed.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-26 Thread Simon Kelley

On 24/03/2022 09:28, Ercolino de Spiacico wrote:

I've just added it to 2.87test8

Please test and report back.

Ok after a first implementation on my test environment this is my feedback:

A- Great feature! the scripting + gzip + zcat is a godsend. Yes it 
pushed the CPU up a bit, yes the the script takes longer to execute 
(although this is once/day in the early morning so not important), but 
most importantly the RAM demand decreased drastically.

B- Since conf-file and conf-script make dnsmasq fail if they are defined 
but the target file doesn't exist I have found a simple workaround to 
just touch the all the target files at the top of my adblock script and 
that does the job nicely.

Now the potential further points of improvements I could identify are:

1- Within the conf-script target file I map the list of domains as 
discussed e.g.:

address=/ + $domain + /

For some reason a condition like this:

[ -f list.of.domain ] && { create the formatted configuration }

would always fail at dnsmasq level if the doesn't exist 
despite the file existence condition defined. I'm not sure this is meant 
to be and/or if there's a smart workaround that can be used.

I don't understand this, could you give more details.

2- I have tried to push this into the million of records and I can 
confirm it still perform very well. There one down side though, the time 
needed to restart dnsmasq increased visibly. Somehow it takes too long. 
I guess the conf-script is run at every restart or relevant SIGHUP 

It will run during restart,, but not at SIGHUP.

given. Suppose I'm aware the scripting part is not modified is it worthy 
allowing an extra parameter to the conf-script to retain this specific 
part of the config? e.g.

script-conf=0, # do not recreate as part of dnsmasq 

script-conf=1, # (or "1," not defined) always recreate 
as part of restart

Not really practical. The config only exists in the the memory of the 
old dnsmasq process which is discarded as part of the restart.

This somehow also introduced a new minor feature request like allowing 
to detach the conf-script directive (creation of) from any SIGHUP and 
allow them to fully run in async. So that we could reload the dnsmasq 
config without necessarily run the script or all the way around 
regenerate the script manually simply asking dnsmasq to reload the 
(pre-generated) scripted config.

I'm not so much concerned about the adblock script as this ideally will 
run once/day; but I'm rather concerned about external factors triggering 
a dnsmasq restart multiple times/day. This potentially can be very 
disruptive. If this point 2) of mine is a possibility I see that as a 
perfect solution as there's full control on what to trigger and when 
without noticeable dnsmasq downtime.

Note that having loaded the config, dnsmasq has to sort all the domains, 
which will be part of the time taken. Doing that once makes the lookups 
much faster.

How long are you without DNS service?

One possible solution is to add an option to dnsmasq which causes it to 
send SIGTERM is a process-id _after_ reading config and _before_ opening 
network sockets. That would delay stopping the old dnsmasq process until 
the new one is almost ready to go. Would require some clever scripting 
in the init system or systemd to make it work.



Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-24 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico

I've just added it to 2.87test8

Please test and report back.

Ok after a first implementation on my test environment this is my feedback:

A- Great feature! the scripting + gzip + zcat is a godsend. Yes it 
pushed the CPU up a bit, yes the the script takes longer to execute 
(although this is once/day in the early morning so not important), but 
most importantly the RAM demand decreased drastically.

B- Since conf-file and conf-script make dnsmasq fail if they are defined 
but the target file doesn't exist I have found a simple workaround to 
just touch the all the target files at the top of my adblock script and 
that does the job nicely.

Now the potential further points of improvements I could identify are:

1- Within the conf-script target file I map the list of domains as 
discussed e.g.:

address=/ + $domain + /

For some reason a condition like this:

[ -f list.of.domain ] && { create the formatted configuration }

would always fail at dnsmasq level if the doesn't exist 
despite the file existence condition defined. I'm not sure this is meant 
to be and/or if there's a smart workaround that can be used.

2- I have tried to push this into the million of records and I can 
confirm it still perform very well. There one down side though, the time 
needed to restart dnsmasq increased visibly. Somehow it takes too long. 
I guess the conf-script is run at every restart or relevant SIGHUP 
given. Suppose I'm aware the scripting part is not modified is it worthy 
allowing an extra parameter to the conf-script to retain this specific 
part of the config? e.g.

script-conf=0, # do not recreate as part of dnsmasq 

script-conf=1, # (or "1," not defined) always recreate 
as part of restart

This somehow also introduced a new minor feature request like allowing 
to detach the conf-script directive (creation of) from any SIGHUP and 
allow them to fully run in async. So that we could reload the dnsmasq 
config without necessarily run the script or all the way around 
regenerate the script manually simply asking dnsmasq to reload the 
(pre-generated) scripted config.

I'm not so much concerned about the adblock script as this ideally will 
run once/day; but I'm rather concerned about external factors triggering 
a dnsmasq restart multiple times/day. This potentially can be very 
disruptive. If this point 2) of mine is a possibility I see that as a 
perfect solution as there's full control on what to trigger and when 
without noticeable dnsmasq downtime.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-08 Thread Rance Hall via Dnsmasq-discuss

Ercolino:I can't speak for Simon and the rest of the Dnsmasq team (mostly because I'm not on it) but I 
appreciate your discussion and explanation of your need.  I would have responded sooner, but I've had a 
medical emergency with my wife and was off the net for a few days being with family in the hospital.Now your 
comparison to the state of TFTP in my judgement isn't of the same caliber.  If the TFTP root is not present 
then the only issue is that a handful of netbooting clients wont work at all, and you'll get immediate 
feedback (on an impacted system) that you broke something, AND anything that booted on its own will be 
fine.If the supplemental config script were to not be present and skipped, you wouldnt get the immediate 
feedback that something wasn't working, AND you couldn't guarantee a safe state for the server instance.It 
seems to me that you have a legitimate issue, but there are other ways to implement what you need to happen 
that don't require changing Dnsmasq at all.1) manipulating the boot order such that Dnsmasq starts AFTER the 
USB subsystem is loaded and the supplemental file system is mounted.2) The file system on the embedded device 
shouldn't be read-only and you should be able to copy the supplemental config script from the USB key to the 
root filesystem of the device and then it would be available when the system booted and your mount sequencing 
issue would go away.RanceOn Mar 4, 2022, at 2:52 PM, Ercolino de Spiacico  
wrote:>How does dnsmasq behave if there is a configuration error in the config >file elsewhere?  If the 
syntax is broken then it fails hard. Don't see >why this wouldn't be true of a suplemental config script 
being referred >to in the main one.And as to --fail-safe:  I don't see how this is >reasonable, as it 
will lead to undesirable operation and possibly even >broken clients if the mistake includes part of the 
dhcp >configuration.Its annoying, but probably better for services not to >start if they can't 
interpret/understand their starting statI appreciate the reason why this was originally designed to be the 
default behavior however please allow me: this conf-script might be is another beast.I'm on a router 
developing this, the dnsmasq config is read at boot from the content of a nvram variable. By the time dnsmasq 
starts I must already have this conf-script target created, the USB mounting comes way after everything else 
and the script booting process is screwed; NTP doesn't sync, clients don't get an IP... you name it. Also if 
the device has no USB this needs to be referenced and created in /tmp (RAM) at boot, this is via the init 
script that again is coming in a bit too late in the SoE. Until this file is created dnsmasq fails. Moreover 
there's an additional risk here, part of the config content is coming from Internet so outside the 
administrative domain. A typo by the list maintainer might cause havoc, most importantly, this is not 
necessary when the device is initially set up, it can come after months and affect a large number of devices 
at one.I really don't want to sound insistent but let me put it this way, long time ago I brought up this 
very topic in the context of TFTP. If the destination folder of TFTP didn't exist it used to fail dnsmasq 
(big time on a router). Then fortunately the tftp-no-fail directive was introduced.This conf-script is pretty 
much the same case but in a different context. If this extra info here above is still not enough I'll drop 
the ball, but I'm just making a final effort because I see value in it, that's 
all.Regards___Dnsmasq-discuss mailing
Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-04 Thread Simon Kelley

On 04/03/2022 20:12, Ercolino de Spiacico wrote:
 >How does dnsmasq behave if there is a configuration error in the 
config >file elsewhere?  If the syntax is broken then it fails hard. 
Don't see >why this wouldn't be true of a suplemental config script 
being referred >to in the main one.And as to --fail-safe:  I don't see 
how this is >reasonable, as it will lead to undesirable operation and 
possibly even >broken clients if the mistake includes part of the dhcp 
 >configuration.Its annoying, but probably better for services not to 
 >start if they can't interpret/understand their starting stat

I appreciate the reason why this was originally designed to be the 
default behavior however please allow me: this conf-script might be is 
another beast.

I'm on a router developing this, the dnsmasq config is read at boot from 
the content of a nvram variable. By the time dnsmasq starts I must 
already have this conf-script target created, the USB mounting comes way 
after everything else and the script booting process is screwed; NTP 
doesn't sync, clients don't get an IP... you name it. Also if the device 
has no USB this needs to be referenced and created in /tmp (RAM) at 
boot, this is via the init script that again is coming in a bit too late 
in the SoE. Until this file is created dnsmasq fails. Moreover there's 
an additional risk here, part of the config content is coming from 
Internet so outside the administrative domain. A typo by the list 
maintainer might cause havoc, most importantly, this is not necessary 
when the device is initially set up, it can come after months and affect 
a large number of devices at one.

I really don't want to sound insistent but let me put it this way, long 
time ago I brought up this very topic in the context of TFTP. If the 
destination folder of TFTP didn't exist it used to fail dnsmasq (big 
time on a router). Then fortunately the tftp-no-fail directive was 

This conf-script is pretty much the same case but in a different 
context. If this extra info here above is still not enough I'll drop the 
ball, but I'm just making a final effort because I see value in it, 
that's all.

If the conf-script fails in a non-fatal manner, it has the option to 
return a zero exit code.

It must be the case that a conf-script should be able to cause an abort 
on start up, but it has contrl over that.

Another option would be to use the --test flag in the startup script.

if dnsmasq --test --conf-script=. fails, then start up dnsmasq 
without the --conf-script option, maybe?



Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-04 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico
>How does dnsmasq behave if there is a configuration error in the 
config >file elsewhere?  If the syntax is broken then it fails hard. 
Don't see >why this wouldn't be true of a suplemental config script 
being referred >to in the main one.And as to --fail-safe:  I don't see 
how this is >reasonable, as it will lead to undesirable operation and 
possibly even >broken clients if the mistake includes part of the dhcp 
>configuration.Its annoying, but probably better for services not to 
>start if they can't interpret/understand their starting stat

I appreciate the reason why this was originally designed to be the 
default behavior however please allow me: this conf-script might be is 
another beast.

I'm on a router developing this, the dnsmasq config is read at boot from 
the content of a nvram variable. By the time dnsmasq starts I must 
already have this conf-script target created, the USB mounting comes way 
after everything else and the script booting process is screwed; NTP 
doesn't sync, clients don't get an IP... you name it. Also if the device 
has no USB this needs to be referenced and created in /tmp (RAM) at 
boot, this is via the init script that again is coming in a bit too late 
in the SoE. Until this file is created dnsmasq fails. Moreover there's 
an additional risk here, part of the config content is coming from 
Internet so outside the administrative domain. A typo by the list 
maintainer might cause havoc, most importantly, this is not necessary 
when the device is initially set up, it can come after months and affect 
a large number of devices at one.

I really don't want to sound insistent but let me put it this way, long 
time ago I brought up this very topic in the context of TFTP. If the 
destination folder of TFTP didn't exist it used to fail dnsmasq (big 
time on a router). Then fortunately the tftp-no-fail directive was 

This conf-script is pretty much the same case but in a different 
context. If this extra info here above is still not enough I'll drop the 
ball, but I'm just making a final effort because I see value in it, 
that's all.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-04 Thread Rance Hall via Dnsmasq-discuss
You are most welcome.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 4, 2022, at 12:19 PM, Simon Kelley  wrote:
> Thanks Rance, you saved me from writing the same answer.
> Simon.
>> On 04/03/2022 17:00, Rance Hall via Dnsmasq-discuss wrote:
>> How does dnsmasq behave if there is a configuration error in the config file 
>> elsewhere?  If the syntax is broken then it fails hard.  Don't see why this 
>> wouldn't be true of a suplemental config script being referred to in the 
>> main one.
>> And as to --fail-safe:  I don't see how this is reasonable, as it will lead 
>> to undesirable operation and possibly even broken clients if the mistake 
>> includes part of the dhcp configuration.
>> Its annoying, but probably better for services not to start if they can't 
>> interpret/understand their starting state.
>> Rance
 On Mar 4, 2022, at 4:16 AM, Ercolino de Spiacico  
>>> > I've just added it to 2.87test8
>>> > Please test and report back.
>>> I'm finally managed to find a way to build from sources. One initial
>>> feedback:
>>> I cross referenceed the conf script e.g.
>>> conf-scrip=/tmp/
>>> If the file doesn't exists or has a broken syntax it will make the whole
>>> dnsmasq process failing with a message like "/tmp/
>>> returns a non 0 exit code something"
>>> This is perhaps a wider topic and goes a bit out of scope for this
>>> feature request, but perhaps we should:
>>> 1) remove this error control for conf-script and simply log+skip errors
>>> rather than crash land the whole dnsmasq.
>>> 2) perhaps introducing a new "--fail-safe" option for dnsmasq to extend
>>> point 1) to any broken directive in the configuration
>>> Thanks!
>>> ___
>>> Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list
>> ___
>> Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list
> ___
> Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-04 Thread Simon Kelley

Thanks Rance, you saved me from writing the same answer.


On 04/03/2022 17:00, Rance Hall via Dnsmasq-discuss wrote:
How does dnsmasq behave if there is a configuration error in the config 
file elsewhere?  If the syntax is broken then it fails hard.  Don't see 
why this wouldn't be true of a suplemental config script being referred 
to in the main one.

And as to --fail-safe:  I don't see how this is reasonable, as it will 
lead to undesirable operation and possibly even broken clients if the 
mistake includes part of the dhcp configuration.

Its annoying, but probably better for services not to start if they 
can't interpret/understand their starting state.


On Mar 4, 2022, at 4:16 AM, Ercolino de Spiacico 

> I've just added it to 2.87test8

> Please test and report back.

I'm finally managed to find a way to build from sources. One initial

I cross referenceed the conf script e.g.


If the file doesn't exists or has a broken syntax it will make the whole
dnsmasq process failing with a message like "/tmp/
returns a non 0 exit code something"

This is perhaps a wider topic and goes a bit out of scope for this
feature request, but perhaps we should:

1) remove this error control for conf-script and simply log+skip errors
rather than crash land the whole dnsmasq.

2) perhaps introducing a new "--fail-safe" option for dnsmasq to extend
point 1) to any broken directive in the configuration


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-04 Thread Rance Hall via Dnsmasq-discuss

How does dnsmasq behave if there is a configuration error in the config file elsewhere?  If the syntax is 
broken then it fails hard.  Don't see why this wouldn't be true of a suplemental config script being referred 
to in the main one.And as to --fail-safe:  I don't see how this is reasonable, as it will lead to undesirable 
operation and possibly even broken clients if the mistake includes part of the dhcp configuration.Its annoying, 
but probably better for services not to start if they can't interpret/understand their starting state.RanceOn 
Mar 4, 2022, at 4:16 AM, Ercolino de Spiacico  wrote:> I've just added it to 
2.87test8> Please test and report back.I'm finally managed to find a way to build from sources. One initial 
feedback:I cross referenceed the conf script e.g.conf-scrip=/tmp/adblock-expander.shIf the file doesn't exists 
or has a broken syntax it will make the whole dnsmasq process failing with a message like 
"/tmp/ returns a non 0 exit code something"This is perhaps a wider topic and goes 
a bit out of scope for this feature request, but perhaps we should:1) remove this error control for conf-script 
and simply log+skip errors rather than crash land the whole dnsmasq.2) perhaps introducing a new 
"--fail-safe" option for dnsmasq to extend point 1) to any broken directive in the 
configurationThanks!___Dnsmasq-discuss mailing
Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-03-04 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico

> I've just added it to 2.87test8

> Please test and report back.

I'm finally managed to find a way to build from sources. One initial 

I cross referenceed the conf script e.g.


If the file doesn't exists or has a broken syntax it will make the whole 
dnsmasq process failing with a message like "/tmp/ 
returns a non 0 exit code something"

This is perhaps a wider topic and goes a bit out of scope for this 
feature request, but perhaps we should:

1) remove this error control for conf-script and simply log+skip errors 
rather than crash land the whole dnsmasq.

2) perhaps introducing a new "--fail-safe" option for dnsmasq to extend 
point 1) to any broken directive in the configuration


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-02-10 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico

> I've just added it to 2.87test8

> Please test and report back.

I unfortunately don't have a build environment, so I hope someone else 
here can help with the testing...

Looking forward to the outcome.

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-02-06 Thread Andrew Miskell via Dnsmasq-discuss

> On Feb 6, 2022, at 15:55, Ercolino de Spiacico  
> wrote:
> From what version is this --conf-script made available?
> root@router:/tmp# dnsmasq -v
> Dnsmasq version 2.86  Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Simon Kelley
> Compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-UBus no-i18n no-IDN 
> DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth cryptohash 
> DNSSEC no-ID loop-detect inotify no-dumpfile
> This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
> Dnsmasq is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
> under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or 3.
> root@router:/tmp# dnsmasq --help | grep conf-script
> root@router:/tmp#
> ___
> Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

I don’t think it is actually available. I believe they were discussing the idea 
of such a feature.  
Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-02-06 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico

From what version is this --conf-script made available?

root@router:/tmp# dnsmasq -v
Dnsmasq version 2.86  Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Simon Kelley
Compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-UBus no-i18n 
no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth 
cryptohash DNSSEC no-ID loop-detect inotify no-dumpfile

This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Dnsmasq is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or 3.
root@router:/tmp# dnsmasq --help | grep conf-script

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-02-06 Thread Simon Kelley

On 06/02/2022 05:54, Ercolino de Spiacico wrote:

 > Opinions, all?

The scripting solution would indeed solve the original feature request 
in my view. But there's a new point that is now coming into scope.

Just to give the magnitude here I came across lists with 1.2M domains, 
40MB uncompressed pre 'address=//' formatting. Loading such a list 
consumes about 100MB of RAM.

For the sake of ads/domain blocking I have identified two metrics:
a) storage
b) RAM

We normally have two common scenarios:
1) routers without mass storage
2) routers with mass storage available (e.g. USB)

for case 1) the script solution would help both a) and partially b) as 
storage is essentially RAM on those devices.

for case 2) though only a) is affected and somehow not that important here.

Using the script solution I have the feeling that we are still going to 
get the full syntax 'address=/' in RAM. But if it was dnsmasq 
to give a different interpretation to the cached data though, so that 
only domains or perhaps a very shorten syntax (e.g. can be 
used, I would expect this to result into a demand reduction on b).

No. The RAM usage once the rule is parsed is always the same. (And you 
really need to be using 2.86 or later, which optimised both RAM and CPU 
for large lists.)


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-02-05 Thread Ercolino de Spiacico

> Opinions, all?

The scripting solution would indeed solve the original feature request 
in my view. But there's a new point that is now coming into scope.

Just to give the magnitude here I came across lists with 1.2M domains, 
40MB uncompressed pre 'address=//' formatting. Loading such a list 
consumes about 100MB of RAM.

For the sake of ads/domain blocking I have identified two metrics:
a) storage
b) RAM

We normally have two common scenarios:
1) routers without mass storage
2) routers with mass storage available (e.g. USB)

for case 1) the script solution would help both a) and partially b) as 
storage is essentially RAM on those devices.

for case 2) though only a) is affected and somehow not that important here.

Using the script solution I have the feeling that we are still going to 
get the full syntax 'address=/' in RAM. But if it was dnsmasq 
to give a different interpretation to the cached data though, so that 
only domains or perhaps a very shorten syntax (e.g. can be 
used, I would expect this to result into a demand reduction on b).

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-02-05 Thread Lonnie Abelbeck

> On Feb 5, 2022, at 5:32 AM, Simon Kelley  wrote:
> Let's try thinking out of the box here. Given the motivation to save storage, 
> I was wondering if there could be a way to use compression, gzip etc to save 
> more space.
> Building a decompressor into dnsmasq seems ugly, but then I came up with the 
> option of --conf-script=/path/to/script.

The 'zcat' utility is ubiquitous, no command-line options required ... could be 
called by dnsmasq directly with a "block-conf" file suffix of .gz, .bz2 or .xz 
.  Also 'zcat' returns non-zero for "no gzip/bzip2/xz magic"

> Opinions, all?

Consider processing a "block-conf" file (no text other than one domain/line) 
and with the proper file suffix pre-processed using 'zcat'.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-02-05 Thread Geert Stappers via Dnsmasq-discuss
On Sat, Feb 05, 2022 at 11:32:44AM +, Simon Kelley wrote:
> On 04/02/2022 09:46, Ercolino de Spiacico wrote:
> > I have a feature request.
> > 
> > Since dnsmasq is extremely popular on embedded devices with limited
> > resources (e.g. router) it would be a huge improvement to have a new
> > directive to block a list of domains.
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > Could we please have a new directive e.g. block-file
> > 
> > block-conf=/etc/dnsmasq.adblock
> > 
> > where only domains are needed in the mapped file?
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> > This would reduce drastically the demand on storage (so memory). Some of
> > the public adblock lists are huge hence having the adblock file
> > literally 1/2 of the original size would be amazing.
> > 
> Let's try thinking out of the box here. Given the motivation to save
> storage, I was wondering if there could be a way to use compression, gzip
> etc to save more space.
> Building a decompressor into dnsmasq seems ugly, but then I came up with the
> option of --conf-script=/path/to/script.
> Analogous to --conf-file, except that the standard output of the script is
> used as the configuration.
> So you could just have a script which consisted of
> #!/bin/sh
> set -e
> gunzip block-domains.gz | sed -e "s:^:address=/:" -e "s:$:/#:"
> The sed stuff might not be necessary: a decent compression algo should hide
> the repeated information pretty successfully itself.
> That solves you problem, and is more generally useful: It's also pretty
> trivial to implement.
> Opinions, all?

Another effect of `--conf-script` is that the script could be

set -e
curl http://server.lan:4242/config/magic

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Feature request = block-conf

2022-02-05 Thread Simon Kelley
Let's try thinking out of the box here. Given the motivation to save 
storage, I was wondering if there could be a way to use compression, 
gzip etc to save more space.

Building a decompressor into dnsmasq seems ugly, but then I came up with 
the option of --conf-script=/path/to/script.

Analogous to --conf-file, except that the standard output of the script 
is used as the configuration.

So you could just have a script which consisted of

set -e

gunzip block-domains.gz | sed -e "s:^:address=/:" -e "s:$:/#:"

The sed stuff might not be necessary: a decent compression algo should 
hide the repeated information pretty successfully itself.

That solves you problem, and is more generally useful: It's also pretty 
trivial to implement.

Opinions, all?


On 04/02/2022 09:46, Ercolino de Spiacico wrote:

I have a feature request.

Since dnsmasq is extremely popular on embedded devices with limited 
resources (e.g. router) it would be a huge improvement to have a new 
directive to block a list of domains.

Practical example:
We currently need to add an external file to the main config (preferred) 


and define the syntax in a relatively long way


Suggestion -

Could we please have a new directive e.g. block-file


where only domains are needed in the mapped file?

This would reduce drastically the demand on storage (so memory). Some of 
the public adblock lists are huge hence having the adblock file 
literally 1/2 of the original size would be amazing.


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list