[DNSOP] RFC8499bis path forward after extended WGLC

2023-05-19 Thread Benno Overeinder

Dear WG,

The extended WGLC for rfc8499-bis did not conclude with rough consensus 
on either of the two proposed definitions of the term "lame delegation".

There was some consensus in a subthread on one of the proposed 
definitions, earlier formulated on the mailing list, see the original 
 For readability, I will include the proposed definition again:
"A lame delegation is said to exist when one or more authoritative 
servers designated by the delegating NS RRset or by the child's apex NS 
RRset answers non-authoritatively for a zone".

In another subthread, new terms and definitions appeared because the 
definition above was not specific enough, but this thread didn't lead to 
a specific definition.

There are now three paths forward:
1) Stick with the current text in the document – the original definition 
from RFC8499 plus a note that "These early definitions do not match the 
current use of the term "lame delegation", but there is no consensus on 
what a lame delegation is."
A possible follow-up to this is for someone to start a WG consensus 
document on "lame", which can update 8499bis.
2) We still find a rough consensus on the definition proposed in the 
"Meaning of lame delegation" email thread, and the WG can agree that 
this is a definition useful to DNS engineers/operators.
3) Withdraw the document from WGLC so we can add definitions.  Do not 
propose any new terms and definitions at this stage if we choose this 

The third option is the least desirable outcome since the document is 
already this far in the process and has seen many reviews and edits.

In order for the WG to decide how to proceed, we plan to schedule an 
interim meeting in June and discuss the three options with the WG.

Thank you,

Suzanne, Tim and Benno

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Working Group Last Call for draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-validator-requirements

2023-05-19 Thread Peter Thomassen

Hi Daniel,

On 5/18/23 02:26, Daniel Migault wrote:

On 5/17/23 22:01, Daniel Migault wrote:
 > I agree but as far as can see the cap of the TTL with a revalidation 
will only resync the resolver and the zone more often than could be expected 
otherwise but does not result in the cached RRsets differing from those provided 
by the zone.

These two things are not the responsibility of the resolver. It is 
precisely the task of the TTL to set the expectation for expiry and, when 
changes are made, for the convergence time to eventual consistency.

I agree but if a DRO can implement some mechanism that avoids the cache to 
remain incoherent,

No, it is almost a defining feature of the DNS that it only gives eventually 
consistent responses. The DNS is not a real-time database.

I think that is good - especially in a situation where many different zones are 
involved. Typically, the DRO remains the one serving responses and if one says: 
the cache does not reflect what I see on the authoritative side...

Some may find that unfortunate, but capping TTLs at the lowest value in the 
trust chain harms scalability.

In addition, when resolvers apply various ways of "fixing" the auth's TTls, 
behavior will end up differing across the Internet. That harms interoperability and makes 
debugging harder.

this is seen by many MNOs as an issue.

How can it be an issue if the zone operator declares that this is the TTL they 

It's completely legit for an auth to set a TTL of (say) 1 day, at the cost of 
slow updates, but with the benefit of more resiliency against short period of 
auth unreachability. Why take that flexibility away from them?

Then, do we have an easy way to implement Viktor's revalidation ? TTL cap is at 
least a (costly) way to implement it.

That said, I still don't understand what it's needed for: it seems that 
it's just not necessary to do revalidation / refetches (= early expiry) after 
the minimum of TTL_RRset and all of the TTL_DNSKEY, TTL_DS in the chain; you 
can achieve the same output reliability by doing it when a change in the trust 
chain is detected and validation would otherwise fail.

Then I might be missing how this could be implemented. How do we check that the 
validation will fail? Does the resolver check the key tags for every response ?

There is no extra check. Imagine the following situation:

Day 1
- DS/DNSKEY TTL 1 hour, records fetched at 10:30am UTC
- MX TTL 24 hrs, record fetched at 10:30am UTC
- cache otherwise empty

Day 2
- DS/DNSKEY not currently in cache (expired 1 hour after the fetch on Day 1)
- MX TTL is still valid! (until 10:30am)

Imagine that some time in the morning of Day 2, the  record is queried, 
let's say at 06:00am UTC. The DS/DNSKEY records are have long expired from the 
cache (on Day 1), so they will also be re-fetched in order to validate the  

If the DS and DNSKEY records turn out are the same as before, no problem. But 
let's say that the re-fetched the keys have changed completely since yesterday, 
for whatever reason. The resolver will then use the new key information to 
validate the  response.

And it is *now* that the resolver could say "oh, actually, I still have this MX 
record cached until 10:30am, but I know that the keys I used for its validation are no 
longer there". The resolver COULD then remove the MX record from the cache.

This is very different from applying the minimum of the various TTLs: when you 
do that, the MX record would already have expired on Day 1 at 11:10am.

I'm fine with resolvers doing that, but I'm not in favor of a general 
recommendation. It's primarily the zone maintainer's task to get their zone 
content in order.



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