Replying with hindsight:

On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 4:56 PM James Addison <> wrote:
... [snip] ...
>   * Catering for situations where rapid updates are applied to
> integrity records seems like it may be required, at least during short
> durations.  One typo fix is frequently followed by others, for
> example, and some application deployments require hotfixes after
> production metrics are received.  Those moments are cache-disruptive,
> and in a frustratingly annoying way: it shouldn't really be necessary
> for the authority to hold multiple integrity records -- what might be
> preferable is for a resolver to remember (or query) a few
> temporally-stale entries, and only to request an updated integrity
> record when content cannot be validated (suggesting that the workflow
> is in fact: DNS A* lookup, followed by an HTTP(S) request, followed by
> an optional DNS integrity request).

Recapping: the requirement to hold multiple valid integrity checksums
following a homepage update seems invioable given the practical
reality of a gradual-deployment model (where rollout of web content to
hosts occurs incrementally, and therefore clients may receive stale
content from some hosts).

I do not believe that the DNS protocol does -- or should -- support
client queries that include a time dimension/parameter, and so despite
the wording of my previous message, I certainly would not propose
anything like that in relation to the proposed webintegrity record.

Therefore a RR type or SvcParamKey to support webintegrity must (I
think - I'm wary of using that word) provide for multi-valued
contents.  To re-state my preference: I think the existing W3C SRI
multi-value-capable base64-encoded hash format would be suitable,
since browsers are likely to contain code to parse that format

My sense is that SHA-512 checksums are probably a good baseline to
cater for.  From practical experience, up to two base64-encoded SHA512
hashes with corresponding 'sha512-' prefixes fit within the
most-widely-compatible practical implementations of TXT records (255
bytes) -- despite TXT records theoretically providing support for
longer-length string values.

Given that RecipeRadar's deployment process hasn't yet had a
requirement for more than two (current, stale) concurrent hash values
at any given point-in-time, and given that I believe that the value
provided by adoption of a webintegrity feature should, in itself,
eventually encourage both web clients, site operators, and DNS
management interfaces to push for greater support for extended-length
TXT records, I feel comfortable to proceed using the existing
unmodified TXT RRtype to offer webintegrity for clients.

Thank you for your time,

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