DOCBOOK-APPS: Increase default number of pagesequence masters/RFE

2002-06-12 Thread Jens Stavnstrup

In a typical scenario, when using the book element as root to
generate FO pages. Pagemaster sequences are typical selected by e.g. the
named template pagesetup.xsl/select.doublesided.pagemaster, where one of
two page-sequence-masters choices are returned either titlepage1 or

The current design of division.xsl (rule template book) uses titlepage1
as the master-reference attribute when defining the current
fo:page-sequence for both the titlepage, the preamble, and misc. table
of contents.

The twoside1 pagesequence are used for the rest of the pages in the

Allthough I could redefine book myself. I would think that most users have
a different design for the titlepage (among other things header and
footer) than for the rest of the pages which aso uses the titlepage
pages-sequence, i.e. preamble, and toc.

I would therefore suggest, that the pagesetup.xsl define an additional
pagesequence master used specificly for these pre document elements,
and then only use the titlepage1 for the actual titlepage.



DOCBOOK-APPS: customized HTML-Layout of output files

2002-06-12 Thread Joachim Liedtke


I'm porting our documentations to DocBook to generate HTML-files for our
intranet. So far I sorted out how to manipulate the output by setting
differnet values in the 'html/param.xsl' and how to chunk the document into
many 'pieces' (thanks for the 'helping hand' from some listmembers).

Now I'm stuck, trying to get the generated output into our CI according
layout. I'm aware that this is probably a very simple matter. But after
going through the various .xsl-files, I'm completly confused where to put
the 'non DocBook-HTML' to make the output look like the rest of our site.

So far I tried to manipulate the 'docbook.xsl' but it didn't work the way I
expected it to.

What is a good and elegant way to get a manual similar to the PHP manual ( ).

I Hope this question isn't too demanding, but I'm really stuck.

Thanks a lot

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: customized HTML-Layout of output files

2002-06-12 Thread Jens Stavnstrup


First of all you don't wan't ever to modify Norms stylesheets, but rater
write you own customized stylesheet, which may modify some of the
default behaviour.

What you basically need is to write a number html frames (top, left,
buttom html pages). The empty area could then be a chunked html version of
your document.

You refered to the PHP net as an example of what you would like. Try look
at, which contains a Documentation
howto link, which I assume answers all your questions.



On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Joachim Liedtke wrote:

 I'm porting our documentations to DocBook to generate HTML-files for our
 intranet. So far I sorted out how to manipulate the output by setting
 differnet values in the 'html/param.xsl' and how to chunk the document into
 many 'pieces' (thanks for the 'helping hand' from some listmembers).
 Now I'm stuck, trying to get the generated output into our CI according
 layout. I'm aware that this is probably a very simple matter. But after
 going through the various .xsl-files, I'm completly confused where to put
 the 'non DocBook-HTML' to make the output look like the rest of our site.
 So far I tried to manipulate the 'docbook.xsl' but it didn't work the way I
 expected it to.
 What is a good and elegant way to get a manual similar to the PHP manual ( ).
 I Hope this question isn't too demanding, but I'm really stuck.
 Thanks a lot


2002-06-12 Thread Michael Wiedmann

Is there any reason why the solution for Chunk.xsl produce no valid 
xhtml nor doctype as suggested in:
is not incorporated in the DocBook XSL stylesheets?

In general it works like suggested and could make it much easier to 
generate chunk HTML with a DOCTYPE declaration by just setting some 
variables in param.xsl.


DOCBOOK-APPS: passivetex reading xslt fo file?

2002-06-12 Thread Marc Haber


I have a test book written in docbook-xml and use xsltproc to
generate HTML from that book. Works fine.

Now I would like to make a PDF file from the docbook, while avoiding
jade and any java code. So I settled on passivetex, which was a bitch
to install. I am running Debian unstable, which has tetex as its tex
distribution. Since writing documents is not my main job, I'd like to
stick with the TeX that comes with our distribution instead of using
TeXlive as it is usually recommended.

My passivetex can now convert the to a correct pdf file, so
at least I did this right.

Now to convert my own test docbook.

$ xsltproc -o 
/usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/xsl/nwalsh/fo/docbook.xsl firstdocbook.xml
Making portrait pages on USletter paper (8.5inx11in)
$ ls -al firstdocbook*
-rw-rw-r--1 haberhaber 13k Jun 12 12:11
-rw-rw-r--1 haberhaber1.3k Jun 11 16:52 firstdocbook.xml
$ pdflatex pdfxmltex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-1.00a-pretest-2004-ojmw (Web2C 7.3.7)
LaTeX2e 2001/06/01
Babel v3.7h and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, n 
ohyphenation, loaded.
xmltex version: 2000/09/07 v1.8y (Exp):
No File: firstdocbook.cfg
 xmlns:fo = 5
 5:root (/home/haber/.tetex/texmf/tex/latex/passivetex/fotex.xmt

URI: 6 =
 xmlns:fotex = 6
 xmlns:fo = 5


 0:master-name = left2
 0:odd-or-even = even  


  0:id = id2773334
  0:hyphenate = true
  0:master-name = titlepage1
  0:language = en  
   0:flow-name = xsl-region-body  
! Missing \endcsname inserted.
to be read again
l.85 fo:flow flow-name=xsl-region-body


The probably relevant part of the fo file reads:
fo:page-sequence-master master-name=twoside2
fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-name=blank 
fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-name=right2 odd-or-even=odd/
fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-name=left2 odd-or-even=even/
  fo:page-sequence id=id2773334 hyphenate=true master-name=titlepage1 
fo:flow flow-name=xsl-region-body
fo:block font-family=Helvetica font-weight=bold font-size=24.8832pt 
text-align=center space-before=18.6624pt
  fo:block keep-with-next.within-column=always hyphenate=falseSimple XML 
Sample Document/fo:block
fo:block font-family=Helvetica font-weight=bold font-size=17.28pt 
text-align=center space-before=10.8pt keep-with-next=alwaysJohn Doe/fo:block
fo:block break-after=page/

Do I understand correctly that xsltproc wrote a fo file that
passivetex can't read? Can this issue be fixed?

I have read in the mailing list archive that the old DSSSL-Toolchain
is more mature. Does this still hold, and am I better off in using the
old toolchain? However, openjade takes 13 seconds to process my 1.4
Kbyte XML file to HTML, and even longer for the FO conversion.

Which toolchain is the recommended way for PDF creation from docbook
XML sources at this very moment?

Any hints will be appreciated.


Marc Haber | I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany |  lose things.Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: passivetex reading xslt fo file?

2002-06-12 Thread Michael Wiedmann

Marc Haber wrote:
 Which toolchain is the recommended way for PDF creation from docbook
 XML sources at this very moment?

For a working temporary solution - until the direct transformations from
FO to PDF work better - you should give 'htmldoc' 
( a try which takes your HTML output and 
creates PDF or PS output which is IMHO quite usable.


Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: customized HTML-Layout of output files

2002-06-12 Thread js


Here is an outline of solution based on the following layout. Names in
drawing is frame target names.

|| head  |
||   |
| navbar |   |
||   chunkarea   |
||   |

Note the stylesheet utilises XSLT 1.1 elements (multiple document
output) (supported by Saxon in xsl:document)

Another thing you should be aware of, is that the navigation bar of your
chunked documents should properly be modified. Especially the reference
to the Home and/or Up link (Be carefull not to create recursive frames).

xsl stylesheet xmlns:xsl=... version=1.1
  xsl:import href=docbok-xsl/html/chunk.xsl   !-- Norms chunk
stylesheet --


  !-- Chunking parameter --

  xsl:param name=root.filename select=firstpage

xsl:template match=/

  !--  Chunk the document : Note root chunk will be called firstpage
  xsl:apply-imports / 

  xsl:messageCreating volume xsl:number value=$volnum /
framemaster page /xsl:message

  !--  Create the frame master for this document -- 
  xsl:call-template name=create-frame-master / 

  !--  Create the header for the master document -- 
  xsl:call-template name=create-header
xsl:with-param name=css select='../style/bars.css' / 
xsl:with-param name=img select='../images' / 

  !--  Create the toolbar page for this document -- 
  xsl:messageCreating volume xsl:number value=$volnum /
navigationbar page /xsl:message

  xsl:document href=navbar.html method=html
  headlink rel=stylesheet href=../style/bars.css
type=text/css //head

 Something here: e.g. links to chapters, appendixes.
 Note, that each link should point to rhe target chunkarea.



xsl:template name=create-frame-master
   xsl:document href=frame-master.html method=html
   frameset framespacing=0 frameborder=0 cols=140,*
 frame src=navbar.html name=navbar marginwidth=0
marginheight=0 framespacing=0 frameborder=0 border=0 / 
 frameset framespacing=0 frameborder=0 rows=95,*
   frame src=head.html name=head noresize=noresize
scrolling=no / 
   frame src=firstpage.html name=chunkarea scrolling=auto

!--  ===
!-- Fuction: Create a header document
   Params:  All paramaeters are required
 css:  name of styleheet file
 img:  name of image directory


xsl:template name=create-header
  xsl:param name=css / 
  xsl:param name=img / 
  xsl:document href=head.html method=html
link rel=stylesheet href={$css} type=text/css / 
div class=headbar
  xsl:value-of select=//bookinfo/title / 
  br / 
  xsl:variable name=volnum select=//bookinfo/volumenum / 
  Volume xsl:number value=$volnum /   
  xsl:value-of select=//bookinfo/subtitle / 
  br / 
  Version xsl:value-of
select=//bookinfo/revhistory/revision[1]/revnumber / 
  xsl:value-of select=//bookinfo/revhistory/revision[1]/date
  ] - 
  xsl:value-of select=//bookinfo/corpauthor / 



-Original Message-
Hi Jens,

thanks for helping. I read the 'documentation how-to'. Unfortunately I
didn't find the answer to the following:

 What you basically need is to write a number html frames (top, left, 
 buttom html pages). The empty area could then be a chunked html 
 version of your document.

This is exactly what I want. But how do I get them together? Could you
help again?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jens Stavnstrup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2002 14:10
An: Joachim Liedtke
Betreff: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: customized HTML-Layout of output files


First of all you don't wan't ever to modify Norms stylesheets, but rater
write you own customized stylesheet, which may modify some of the
default behaviour.

What you basically need is to write a number html frames (top, left,
buttom html pages). The empty area could then be a chunked html version
of your document.

You refered to the PHP net as an example of what you would like. Try
look at, which contains a
Documentation howto link, which I assume answers all your questions.



On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Joachim Liedtke wrote:

 I'm porting our documentations to DocBook to generate HTML-files for 
 our intranet. So far I sorted 

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: passivetex reading xslt fo file?

2002-06-12 Thread Marc Haber

On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 03:52:19PM +0300, Togan Muftuoglu wrote:
 * Marc Haber; [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12 Jun, 2002 wrote:
 Do I understand correctly that xsltproc wrote a fo file that
 passivetex can't read? Can this issue be fixed?
 Have you enabled passivetex extensesion ? By default they are not on

I did not specifically enable them. How do I do that? THe only file I
have written myself is the XML input, and the XSL file is from the


Marc Haber | I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany |  lose things.Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: passivetex reading xslt fo file?

2002-06-12 Thread Marc Haber

On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 02:53:00PM +0200, Michael Wiedmann wrote:
 Marc Haber wrote:
  Which toolchain is the recommended way for PDF creation from docbook
  XML sources at this very moment?
 For a working temporary solution - until the direct transformations from
 FO to PDF work better - you should give 'htmldoc' 
 ( a try which takes your HTML output and 
 creates PDF or PS output which is IMHO quite usable.

I don't really like that approach.

htmldoc's output looks like some web page printed from the browser
which does not surprise since it's essentially the same function in a
command line utility.

That alternative approach will be a nice workaround, but I'd
appreciate getting the real toolchain to work because I hope the
output will look better.


Marc Haber | I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany |  lose things.Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: passivetex reading xslt fo file?

2002-06-12 Thread Marc Haber

On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 03:25:36PM +0200, Jens Emmerich wrote:
 for most purposes you shold be fine with the DSSSL way, i.e. one of:
 (XML source)-openjade-(jadetex)-pdfjadetex-(pdf)
 (XML source)-openjade-(rtf)-MS Word/Acrobat-(pdf)
 (XML source)-openjade-(mif)-FrameMaker/Acrobat-(pdf)
 I'd recommend the first one if this does fulfill your requirements. We use
 the rtf output frequently as it allows non-DocBookers to insert remarks etc.
 into the rtf for reviews.

I tried the openjade approach, but decided to ditch it because
openjade takes 13 seconds to process my one-page test document. If
documents reach decent sizes, this will probably be worse.

But it is good to know that there are now two ways available to
process the XML document: openjade-pdfjadetex, and xsltproc-htmldoc.

But I'd like still to see output from xsltproc-passivetex.


Marc Haber | I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany |  lose things.Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

DOCBOOK-APPS: alcovebook-sgml 0.1.2 released

2002-06-12 Thread Yann Dirson

I just released version 0.1.2 of AlcoveBook-SGML.  

Changes: This release has been updated to work with sgml2x 0.99.7, and
integrates a couple of packaging fixes.


AlcoveBook is a strict subset of the DocBook DTD. The ultimate goal is
to provide a series of DTDs for enterprise use, commercial proposal,
whitepaper, etc. For now, this is one single SGML DTD. The stylesheets
are usable with both DocBook and AlcoveBook. They include a set of
extensions over Norman Walsh's modular docbook stylesheets
(docbook-dsssl), and a book-like layout for articles.

Technical support managerResponsable de l'assistance technique
Senior Free-Software Consultant  Consultant senior en Logiciels Libres
Debian developer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])Développeur Debian

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Increase default number of pagesequence masters/RFE

2002-06-12 Thread Bob Stayton

On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 12:58:13PM +0200, Jens Stavnstrup wrote:
 In a typical scenario, when using the book element as root to
 generate FO pages. Pagemaster sequences are typical selected by e.g. the
 named template pagesetup.xsl/select.doublesided.pagemaster, where one of
 two page-sequence-masters choices are returned either titlepage1 or
 The current design of division.xsl (rule template book) uses titlepage1
 as the master-reference attribute when defining the current
 fo:page-sequence for both the titlepage, the preamble, and misc. table
 of contents.
 The twoside1 pagesequence are used for the rest of the pages in the
 Allthough I could redefine book myself. I would think that most users have
 a different design for the titlepage (among other things header and
 footer) than for the rest of the pages which aso uses the titlepage
 pages-sequence, i.e. preamble, and toc.
 I would therefore suggest, that the pagesetup.xsl define an additional
 pagesequence master used specificly for these pre document elements,
 and then only use the titlepage1 for the actual titlepage.

This is a good idea.  Can you file an RFE at the
DocBook SourceForge site?  That's the best way
to get it into Norm's queue.


Bob Stayton 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect  Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications  voice: (831) 427-7796
Caldera International, Inc. fax:   (831) 429-1887

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Increase default number of pagesequence masters/RFE

2002-06-12 Thread Dave Pawson

At 12:58 12/06/2002 +0200, Jens Stavnstrup wrote:

I would therefore suggest, that the pagesetup.xsl define an additional
pagesequence master used specificly for these pre document elements,
and then only use the titlepage1 for the actual titlepage.

 From what I've heard on this list, peoples 'pre document' needs
are so specific, that its difficult to generalise,
hence the 'do it yourself' approach, which is good,
and eventually meets most needs grin/ Just that there
is a little learning in between.

regards DaveP

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: xsl fop and glossary format in pdf trouble

2002-06-12 Thread zope-mailinglist

Bob Stayton wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 05:21:20PM +0200, zope-mailinglist wrote:
hello all

i'm using the xsl stylesheets to create a pdf file using fop
everything in the latest version

i have a problem with my glossary
due to the fact, that e have relatively long terms, the term is written 
over the definition in pdf, where the glossary is in table format.

1. is there a variable to get my glossary in block format like for 
variablelist through:
xsl:param select=1/

2. is there a possibility to make the term wrap in its table cell, this 
would be the best.
 Well, a glossary isn't in a table.
 The current fo stylesheet puts a glossary in a
 fo:list-block, glossentries in a
 fo:list-item, the glossterm in a fo:list-item-label
 and the glossdef in a fo:list-item-body.
 So the fo output is already doing the equivalent of
 the variablelist.  The label just isn't being handled
 properly by FOP when it is longer than its designated

thanks for your response

there are so many small issues with fop, that i have switched to 
passivetex for pdf generation


DOCBOOK-APPS: change header in glossary xsl fo

2002-06-12 Thread zope-mailinglist


i think i understood something wrong, hm
i try to customize the header in my glossary, because for some reason, 
the title of the last chapter of my book is in there ?!
seems to be a bug i think, normally the title of the glossary should 
appear in the header of a glossary, right?

for testing it i put this in my custom.xsl:

xsl:template match=glossary mode=running.head.mode
xsl:texthello the running head/xsl:text

but this has no effect on the pdf output

thanks in advance, bernd

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: change header in glossary xsl fo

2002-06-12 Thread zope-mailinglist

Bob Stayton wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 12:02:19AM +0200, zope-mailinglist wrote:

i think i understood something wrong, hm
i try to customize the header in my glossary, because for some reason, 
the title of the last chapter of my book is in there ?!
seems to be a bug i think, normally the title of the glossary should 
appear in the header of a glossary, right?

for testing it i put this in my custom.xsl:

xsl:template match=glossary mode=running.head.mode
xsl:texthello the running head/xsl:text

but this has no effect on the pdf output
 That's not surprising since the running.head.mode 
 outputs the proper fo: tags around the text to
 get it to appear in the running head.
 The running.head.mode outputs only chapter or appendix
 information in the current 1.51.1 fo stylesheets.  If your
 glossary is a separate element following your last chapter
 (not inside the chapter), then it should have no running head at all.
 If it does, then that's a fo processor bug.
 If your glossary element is inside your last chapter
 element, then that explains why the running head is for the
 last chapter.
 Assuming you put your glossary as a sibling element
 after your last chapter, you still want the running head to show.
 It looks like adding the glossary to the list of
 elements with a running head is not that simple.
 You'd have to copy the entire template
 xsl:template match=chapter|appendix mode=running.head.mode
 from pagesetup.xsl to your customization file and then
 change the match to glossary, or perhaps to
 chaper|appendix|glossary if you plan further
 customizations of all the running heads.
 The reason the template is so long is that it outputs
 the fo:static-content elements and handles
 the left/right/center alignment based on the
 master page type.
 Or you could file an RFE on the DocBook SourceForge site
 to request that change for the next distribution.  8^)

thanks for the fast response

  If your glossary element is inside your last chapter
  element, then that explains why the running head is for the
  last chapter.

i also thought that this is the case, but it's a sibling

do you have any suggestions about whats the best docbook xml to pdf 
method? either on  win32 or unix

i'm nearly finished with writing my thesis and can't get a proper pdf output

i tried fop before, but there are other issues, regarding vector images
fop seems to be unable to handle advanced svg drawings created with 


Fwd: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Announce: DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.51.1

2002-06-12 Thread wjoyce

To: Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Alex Lancaster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 06:44:06 -0700
 NW == Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NW Sigh. There's a small glitch in common/en.xml in 1.51.0. So I'm
NW releasing 1.51.1. Hey, at least it gave me an opportunity to try
NW out the new three part numbering system, right?

Hi Norm,

Sorry to report that you might need to to use the three part numbering
system again... ;-)

There's a problem with the generated docs in both the distribution and
the website: they are not in sync with current docsrc.  In particular
the recent changes to the section on XSLT processors (in
docsrc/publishing.xml) are not included.  I've filed this under the
Documentation Request tracker at SourceForge (not sure if this is
the appropriate tracker or not):

Alex Lancaster * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * SourceForge Developer

Fwd: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Announce: DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.51.1

2002-06-12 Thread wjoyce

To: Alex Lancaster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 12:07:22 -0400
/ Alex Lancaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| There's a problem with the generated docs in both the distribution and
| the website: they are not in sync with current docsrc.  In particular
| the recent changes to the section on XSLT processors (in
| docsrc/publishing.xml) are not included.  I've filed this under the
| Documentation Request tracker at SourceForge (not sure if this is
| the appropriate tracker or not):

Thanks, Alex. I fixed the documentation online, and I've fixed the
Makefile so this won't happen again. If no one reports any other
errors in the next couple of days, I'll go ahead and make a 1.51.2

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Any sufficiently advanced | technology is indistinguishable
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | from a rigged demo.