> "DC" == David Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
DC> Suppose you are working on a book with chapters that are file
DC> entities in a master book file. You can use wrappers, as Jirka
DC> explains, to validate or process the individual chapters, but to
DC> edit one of those chapters with the help that tools like emacs
DC> and XMetaL provide, you have to add the doctype from the
DC> containing document, do your editing, and then remember to
DC> delete it before saving.
DC> Is there a way around this? For example, is there a way to let
DC> emacs or XMetaL know that a document gets its document type
DC> declaration from another document?
I use the following approach: All my subdocuments contain their *own*
DOCTYPE declaration. I include them in the main document via a system
entity referring to them with a *special file extension* (e.g. .sgm
instead of .sgml). I've got a makefile that generates the .sgm form of
the subdocuments with sgmlnorm:
sgmlnorm -wno-idref -iDOC.INCLUDE subdocument.sgml >subdocument.sgm
Then I can process both the main document and a single sub-document
simply with `make thedocument.ps' and there is no need for special
wrappers and/or changes in the documents.
Milan Zamazal
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