Re: [docbook-apps] Page X of Y in user.footer.navigation

2008-04-07 Thread Diane Larin

Thanks a lot. It works!

Diane Larin

Mauritz Jeanson wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Diane Larin 
Some years ago, Bob Stayton sent me a piece of code to allow 
the display of the string page X of Y at the bottom of each 
chunk (see exchanges below). It worked perfectly. At that 
time I was using docbook-xsl-1.68.1 but since then I did 
regular updates and I am now using docbook-xsl-1.73.2. I have 
been asked to update the old document for which this special 
footer is needed but the output is no longer the one desired: 
I obtain page of 0 at the bottom of each page. I don't know 
which update broke the compatibility and I have problem 
understanding what I should modify. It seems the following 
lines are no longer processed correctly:

!-- Turn the chunk hierarchy into a node-set --
xsl:variable name=mychunks

The chunkfast divs are now in a special namespace (see chunk-code.xsl), so
you have to change the above variable to

xsl:variable name=mychunks 


RE: [docbook-apps] Page X of Y in user.footer.navigation

2008-04-01 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
 -Original Message-
 From: Diane Larin 
 Some years ago, Bob Stayton sent me a piece of code to allow 
 the display of the string page X of Y at the bottom of each 
 chunk (see exchanges below). It worked perfectly. At that 
 time I was using docbook-xsl-1.68.1 but since then I did 
 regular updates and I am now using docbook-xsl-1.73.2. I have 
 been asked to update the old document for which this special 
 footer is needed but the output is no longer the one desired: 
 I obtain page of 0 at the bottom of each page. I don't know 
 which update broke the compatibility and I have problem 
 understanding what I should modify. It seems the following 
 lines are no longer processed correctly:
   !-- Turn the chunk hierarchy into a node-set --
   xsl:variable name=mychunks

The chunkfast divs are now in a special namespace (see chunk-code.xsl), so
you have to change the above variable to

xsl:variable name=mychunks 


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Re: [docbook-apps] Page X of Y in user.footer.navigation

2008-03-28 Thread Diane Larin


Some years ago, Bob Stayton sent me a piece of code to allow the display 
of the string page X of Y at the bottom of each chunk (see exchanges 
below). It worked perfectly. At that time I was using docbook-xsl-1.68.1 
but since then I did regular updates and I am now using 
docbook-xsl-1.73.2. I have been asked to update the old document for 
which this special footer is needed but the output is no longer the one 
desired: I obtain /page of 0 /at the bottom of each page. I don't know 
which update broke the compatibility and I have problem understanding 
what I should modify. It seems the following lines are no longer 
processed correctly:

!-- Turn the chunk hierarchy into a node-set --
xsl:variable name=mychunks

!-- Get the total number of chunks --
xsl:variable select=count($mychunks)/

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

Diane Larin

Bob Stayton wrote:

Well, I never know how much information to give because list participants
have a wide range of experience with XSL.  8^)

Here is a sample customization of 'user.footer.content'.   The first three
variables are global (not inside a template), so they are computed once when
the stylesheet starts.

!-- Create the chunk hierarchy --
xsl:variable name=mychunk.hierarchy
  xsl:if test=function-available('exsl:node-set')
xsl:messageComputing chunks.../xsl:message
xsl:apply-templates select=/* mode=find.chunks/

!-- Turn the chunk hierarchy into a node-set --
xsl:variable name=mychunks

!-- Get the total number of chunks --
xsl:variable select=count($mychunks)/

!-- Add a line to the footer --
xsl:template name=user.footer.content

  !-- Get the id of the current chunk --
  xsl:variable name=genid select=generate-id()/

  !-- Get the position of the current chunk.
   You have to switch contexts using xsl:for-each to
   get the position within the node-set. --
  xsl:variable name=X
xsl:for-each select=$mychunks
  xsl:if test=@id = $genid
xsl:value-of select=position()/

  !-- Output the numbers --
 div class=nodecount
xsl:textNode /xsl:text
xsl:value-of select=$X/
xsl:text of /xsl:text
xsl:value-of select=$


I originally thought iterating over all the chunks using xsl:for-each would
slow things down, since it is done for each chunk.  But my tests show it
doesn't affect processing time much, even for a 400 chunk document.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

- Original Message - 
From: Diane Larin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Page X of Y in user.footer.navigation


I had a look at the 'process-chunk-element' template but I find
it quite cryptic (I don't have a lot of experience in writing/modifying
XSL stylesheets). I was expecting that I was not the first one to have
this need and that a recipe would exist :-(

Diane Larin

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Bob Stayton wrote:

I think this could be done by borrowing some of the chunkfast code.


precomputes a node-set of all the chunks.  Once you have that, you


count the nodes to get Y, and figure out the position of the current


in the node-set to get X.   Take a look at the first part of the


named 'process-chunk-element' in html/chunk-code.xsl.  It shows how to
process nodes in the chunk node-set.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

- Original Message - 
From: Diane Larin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Page X of Y in user.footer.navigation


I'm not sure I understand.  There are no page numbers in chunked


Do you mean to label the chunks with a sequence number X, with Y


the total number of chunks?

Exactly. This is for a tutorial where we want to be able to inform
the user what remains to be done.

Diane Larin