[libreoffice-documentation] Getting Started Guide

2021-02-27 Thread Libre Office User


The following paragraph in the "Getting Started Guide" (6.4 p. 50 / 7.0 
p. 51) doesn't seem to be correct:

Load user-specific settings with the document
A LibreOffice document contains certain settings that are read from the 
user’s system. When
you save a document, these settings are saved with it. Select this 
option so that when a
document loads, it ignores the stored settings in favor of the settings 
on your computer.

I think it should say "Deselect" (this option), instead of "Select".

In contrast the Writer 6.4 Guide says this:

Load user-specific settings with the document
When a LibreOffice document is saved, certain settings from the user's 
system are saved
with it. When the document is opened on another user’s system, it 
will use the settings saved
from the previous user’s system. Deselecting this option causes the 
current user’s settings to

override the settings previously saved with the document.

Also, giving an example of what these settings are would be helpful.

Thanks and Regards,


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Proposal for a change to the NextCloud workflow

2020-09-15 Thread User
Minor correction in terminology:"other team members might wish to include some 
identification."Should have read:"other team members might wish to include 
some additional *oralternative* identification."On 15/09/2020 16:22, DaveB 
wrote:Hi Peter,Sounds good. There are a couple of things we need to
  clarify/finalise;Would you be kind enough to put forward a proposal for 
the file
  namingconvention to be used for the new workflow/structure? I would be
  happywith something like "GS7001 Introducing LibreOffice #1.odt" but
  you andother team members might wish to include some additional
  identification.It would be good if the team can reach consensus on this 
asap.The 7.0 template needs to be finalised. I will raise a separate
  threadabout this.Officially Retired? Good grief, I don't know how I ever 
found time
  foreveryday work :)))Best RegardsDave Original Message 
From: Peter Schofield [mailto:psaut...@gmail.com]Sent: Tuesday, 
September 15, 2020, 13:32 UTCTo: DaveBCc: LibreOfficeSubject: 
[libreoffice-documentation] Proposal for a change to theNextCloud workflowHello 
DaveI shall trial the new folders for th Draw Guide 7.0 having just
created the skeleton of the guide. In other words, creating
chapters using the 7.0 template and posting in basic
information.It is not so onerous doing the two guides. More than half 
go the
Draw Guide is already done. It is called the Impress Guide. Just
have to check all screen shots to make sure they are OK for the
Draw GuideIt keeps me busy now being officially retired.RegardsPeter 
Schofieldpsauthor@gmail.comOn 15 Sep 2020, at 12:46, 
DaveBuser.net@posteo.netwrote:Hi Peter and Team,My responses are given 
in-line. Original Message From: Peter Schofield 
[mailto:psaut...@gmail.com]Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 07:50 UTCTo: 
DaveBCc: LibreOfficeSubject: [libreoffice-documentation] Proposal for a change 
  theNextCloud workflowHello Dave and SamanthaI am with you and agree 
to the proposed changes, despite
having slight disagreement about folders.That's good to know. I am 
sure we can find a way to resolve
  smalldisagreements.Work in Progress is definitely the
best name for a working folder. Archive folder fits the bill
perfectly.WIP (Work in Progress) seems to be a more accurate 
  of thefolder's purpose and I can think of no good reason to change
  the Archivefolder name.File naming is the only thing that
bugs me. Adding the date into the filename is not necessary
and does make it cumbersome.As I said in my reply to Sam, I am 
comfortable with whatever
  file namingconvention the team reaches consensus on.Adding a version 
number (01,02, etc)
to the filename would be insurance IF someone forgets to
move old files into Archive.Sure. Each filename being being unique 
is the only thing I
  consider tobe important. How that unique identity is defined is for 
  team toagree upon.As I am already working on th Impress

Guide as a whole, I suppose I have editorial control???Also, I am 
starting to work on the Draw Guide, which, in
theory, I also have editorial control???The Draw Guide and Impress 
Guide are very similar and I am
swapping information between the two guides.Since you have taken on 
the (IMO somewhat onerous) task of
  almostsingle-handedly rewriting those guides, I doubt that anyone
  wouldquestion that you should have editorial control of those
  guides.I have been asked to take on the role of "Guide Coordinator"
  for version7 of the Getting Started Guide, but I have no intention (or
  ability) tosingle-handedly rewrite all the chapters for that guide. I 
  veryimpressed by Steve Fanning's management of the Calc Guide, but
  I doubtthat I will be able to make the same level of commitment to
  GettingStarted Guide. More on this point in the next few 
days.RegardsPeter Schofieldpsauthor@gmail.comBest RegardsDaveOn 14 Sep 2020, at 
21:09, DaveBuser.net@posteo.netwrote:Hi Sam,Many thanks for your input. My 
responses are given in-line
  with thepoints in your original message.On 12/09/2020 21:03, 
Samantha Hamilton wrote:I think ultimately this is a
discussion about versioning and collaborationin a program 
(NextCloud) that is not a collaborative
version control site.I think that simplifying the folder 
structure would be
helpful to organizethe iterations of a document, but it would 
also mean
that the file namingconvention would be very important for 
versioning.Let's move away from the unnecessary complications of file
  naming andversioning. The only important point is that each edit 

Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Proposal for a change to the NextCloud workflow

2020-09-12 Thread User
Hi Peter,

I am not particularly concerned about the naming of files, my only real
interest is that there is a simple straight forward and reliable way to
identify the last edition of the file and where a previous edition of
that file exists, it can easily be researched and/or recovered.
All files with any name difference automatically acquire a modified
date, so identification is extremely simple. Inclusion of the author
initials serves no real worthwhile purpose, this identification is
already taken care of in the status sheet and the contributors section
of every guide chapter. Part of the reasoning behind my suggestion that
we all identify our initials to names on the status sheets.

If we had even a dozen or more regular contributors then a rigorous file
naming regime might serve a useful purpose.

Having files stored in just 2 sub-directories (sub-folders) eliminates
any possibility of the same file being edited twice. Personally I don't
give a "flying fig" what name the folders are given. If it were up to me
I would name them WIP (Work In Progress) to hold the most recently
edited editions of the files and Archive to hold previously edited
editions. I am yet to be convinced about the value of the Published
folder, but my view on that point is of no importance.

My one and only motivation is to simplify our workflow. To me
simplification and ease of understanding of our workflow is an important
part of getting and keeping new contributors involved. New contributors
are what the team will always need, because "creaking old geezers" like
you and I who understand how things were done "In the good ol' days"
won't be here forever.

OK, I've had my 2c ramble. Now I will leave it to the rest of the team
to decide what we do.

Best Regards

PS. I am subscribed, to the list so the private mail is unnecessary :)

 Original Message 
From: Peter Schofield [mailto:psaut...@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2020, 10:38 UTC
To: DaveB
Cc: LibreOffice
Subject: [libreoffice-documentation] Proposal for a change to the
NextCloud workflow

> Hello Dave
> Another thought to help in keeping track of files and this comes from the day 
> when I used to earn money in tech writing.
> First draft of a file and its filename use a sequence number and the 
> creator’s initials, for example IG7005-ManagingGraphicObjects-01-PS.odt.
> First review of a file, the reviewer adds their initials to the filename, for 
> example IG7005-ManagingGraphicObjects-01-PS-DB.odt.
> Second draft of a file, the sequence number increases changing the filename 
> and the creator adds their initials, for example 
> IG7005-ManagingGraphicObjects-02-PS.odt.
> Second review of a file, the reviewer adds their initials to the filename, 
> for example IG7005-ManagingGraphicObjects-02-PS-DB.odt.
> When the file is published, the filename does not have a sequence number or 
> any initials added, for example IG7005-ManagingGraphicObjects.odt.
> This does give a good indication of which file is which and prevents the 
> wrong file from being edited again. It worked very well for me and a team of 
> technical writers.
> We will agree to disagree about folder names, but still think Feedback is the 
> wrong name to use. A Published folder is a definite.
> Regards
> Peter Schofield
> psaut...@gmail.com
>> On 11 Sep 2020, at 16:18, DaveB  wrote:
>> For the benefit of those who were not part of yesterday's team meeting,
>> or haven't yet read the minutes. I put forward a proposal as per the
>> subject line of this post.
>> A copy of my proposal is available from:
>> https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/9FqwWK3m6Cy2zHQ
>> The proposal has 5 points together with my rational for the changes.
>> If there are no reasonable objections, I propose to start updating our
>> NextCloud instance on Friday, 18th. September.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Proposal for a change to the NextCloud workflow

2020-09-11 Thread User

Then Peter we must agree to disagree, because our opinions are totally


*From:* Peter Schofield [mailto:psaut...@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Friday, September 11, 2020, 14:43 UTC
*To:* DaveB
*Cc:* LibreOffice
*Subject:* [libreoffice-documentation] Proposal for a change to the
NextCloud workflow

> Hello Dave
> Could please add that the creator and reviewer of a chapter MUST add their 
> initials into the filename.
> For example IG7005-ManagingGraphicObjects-PS.odt as I am the creator of the 
> file.
> If you review this chapter, then your initials are added to the filename 
> IG7005-ManagingGraphicObjects-PS-DB.odt.
> I will then make the changes as necessary and filename is changed to 
> IG7005-ManagingGraphicObjects-PS-DB-PS.odt.
> I think this way shows the history of the file better. There is no need to 
> add the date into the filename.
> I also think that Drafts folder stays because the chapter file is in draft 
> mode until published. The Feedback folder, in my opinion, causes confusion.
> Regards
> Peter Schofield
> psaut...@gmail.com
>> On 11 Sep 2020, at 16:18, DaveB  wrote:
>> For the benefit of those who were not part of yesterday's team meeting,
>> or haven't yet read the minutes. I put forward a proposal as per the
>> subject line of this post.
>> A copy of my proposal is available from:
>> https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/9FqwWK3m6Cy2zHQ
>> The proposal has 5 points together with my rational for the changes.
>> If there are no reasonable objections, I propose to start updating our
>> NextCloud instance on Friday, 18th. September.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
>> -- 
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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] 6.x template file

2020-05-20 Thread User
Hi Peter,

The template you have used seems to be identical to the originally
agreed 6.x_template and might not need modification when you publish.


On 20/05/2020 12:40, Peter Schofield wrote:
> Attached  is the template I have used for the Draw Guide and I will be using 
> this one when I publish the Draw Guide. It may need modification to create a 
> publish guide, so watch this space.
> Regards
> Peter Schofield
> psaut...@gmail.com
>> On 20 May 2020, at 13:27, User  wrote:
>> On 20/05/2020 11:03, Steve Fanning wrote:
>>> All,
>>> For the sake of clarity, I believe that the master
>>> template for 6.x guides is the file LibreOffice_6.x_Template.ott, in
>>> the Nextcloud folder LibreOffice Documentation > English > Contributor
>>> Resources.
>>> Please could anybody who thinks otherwise provide
>>> information about an alternative location?
>>> Regards,
>>> Steve
>> We now appear to have at least 12 variations and revisions of the
>> originally agreed template scattered around several Nextcloud folders.
>> Now we learn that some contributors are inventing their own.
>> Regards
>> Dave
>> -- 
>> "The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from."
>> Andy Tannenbaum - Creator of the MINIX OS

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] 6.x template file

2020-05-20 Thread User
On 20/05/2020 11:03, Steve Fanning wrote:
> All,
>     For the sake of clarity, I believe that the master
> template for 6.x guides is the file LibreOffice_6.x_Template.ott, in
> the Nextcloud folder LibreOffice Documentation > English > Contributor
> Resources.
>     Please could anybody who thinks otherwise provide
> information about an alternative location?
> Regards,
> Steve

We now appear to have at least 12 variations and revisions of the
originally agreed template scattered around several Nextcloud folders.
Now we learn that some contributors are inventing their own.

"The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from."
Andy Tannenbaum - Creator of the MINIX OS

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] CG6401 Introducing Calc

2020-04-27 Thread User
Just to make a little historical contrition to this thread,. When it was
decided to make the move from ODF Authors Plone instance to the the TDF
instance of Nextcloud, I established the Nextcloud directory structure
to as closely as possible replicate what we had on the ODF Authors
website with the intention that it would have, in so far as possible,
exactly the the same workflow, as outlined in Jean's workflow diagram

Obviously much of this original intention has "gone by the board", but
FWIW I strongly recommend the team endeavour to adopt Jean's original
workflow principles. Even though Jean always claimed that organising the
team was like "herding cats", that principle got the job done and gave
us the basis if the documentation we have today.

I will now say goodbye and wish you all to stay safe, stay well and take
very good care of yourselves.

Best Regards
Dave Barton

On 27/04/2020 09:03, Steve Fanning wrote:
> Hi Kees,
> I don't know whether you are right or not.
> The workflow description on the Contributor's Guide page on the wiki
> indicates that when review comments are placed in the Feedback folder,
> then "the writer (or someone else, depending on book and
> circumstances) revises draft, removes change tracking up to that
> point, uploads file to Draft folder."
> As we aware, the Contributor's Guide needs updating and this may not
> reflect current practice.
> But it's the best information I have, until somebody can give me a
> definitive answer!
> Regards,
> Steve
> -Original Message- From: kees...@libreoffice.org
> Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 6:03 AM
> To: LibreOffice Documentation
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-documentation] CG6401 Introducing Calc
> Why is it back in the Draft folder?
> After the first review it is in the Feedback folder and after the second
> one it remains in the Drft folder or when it is ready for publishing it
> goes to the Published folder.
> Am I right?
> Kees
> Stephen Fanning schreef op 26.04.2020 12:03:
>> Thanks Leo.
>> I have accepted the changes in the Preface and Chapter 1, and both
>> are back
>> in the Draft folder ready for a second reveiwer.
>> With regards to your comment on Chapter 1, page 15 (about changing the
>> direction of focus movement for the Enter key), I agree that more
>> needed to
>> be said as per your comment. However I changed the wording you
>> proposed -
>> please let me know if you aren't happy with what is now written.
>> Regards,
>> Steve
>> Regards,
>> Steve
>> On Sat, 25 Apr 2020 at 21:28, Leo Moons  wrote:
>>> Hej all,
>>> Reviewed and placed in feedback folder.
>>> Regards
>>> Leo
>>> Op 25/04/2020 om 20:58 schreef Leo Moons:
>>> >
>>> > Dear all,
>>> >
>>> > I will start reviewing Chapter 1 of the Calc Guide.
>>> >
>>> > Best regards
>>> >
>>> > Leo

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