Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Less than One Week Tonight

2019-11-29 Thread Hamish MB
I can go. I think it's my turn to drive this time.


On 27/11/2019 19:06, D-LUG wrote:
> Hi,
> The next meeting is less than one week tonight on Tuesday, 2019-12-03 20:00 at
> the Bournemouth Electric Club.  See:
> Paul, Hamish,
> Are you going?
> PS.  Sorry about the late posting; I put a new SSD into my desktop PC and
> somehow b**d it up.  I don't know why, but it has taken me at least four
> attempts to copy my home directory to the new drive.
> I have a question about that, which I'll post shortly.
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Re: [Dorset] Cannot get into KWallet after copying my Home directory from an old Spinning Rust Drive to a new SSD

2019-11-29 Thread D-LUG
On Thursday, 28 November 2019 17:59:09 GMT Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> I think Hamish had it right if you're happy with your old system and
> don't want to start from a fresh install of Kubuntu from installation
> media.  On the other hand, if you think a fresh install might have
> benefits then I'd do it from installation media and not by copying an
> existing 19.10 installation.

I've already done a clean install.
> Boot something like Clonezilla from a USB stick and have it copy all the
> used old disk, partition table and all partitions, to the new disk.

I'm using Parted Magic, so I have everything!

> Given the caddy is probably a bottleneck, I'd put the old disk in there
> as reading is normally quicker than writing and the caddy may have less
> impact.  Also, caddy interfaces can be flaky compared to having the
> drive installed properly.

I suppose I could do the copy with both discs connected to the SATA buses, by 
removing the smaller SSD that contains my root partition and plugging the old 
one in its place.  I only have two buses, so I can't simply connect everything 
at once.

> Afterwards, if the new disk is working well, boot from a USB stick again
> and use something like gparted to adjust the partitions to use more of
> the disk if you want, e.g. expand /home assuming that's the last
> partition before all the free space.  Or you can combine partition
> resizing with the initial copying in Clonezilla if you're confident.
> -advanced-param.php

That's pretty much what I was intending to do when I'd restored the Redo 
Backup image.
> If you want to juggle partitions around on the new disk then it may be
> better to do it all with gparted from a live USB stick, creating the
> partition table, then copying/resizing each partition in turn to create
> your preferred layout and sizes.

I'll see what works best when I get back to Dorset on Monday.

See Y'all Tuesdaay.



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Re: [Dorset] Cannot get into KWallet after copying my Home directory from an old Spinning Rust Drive to a new SSD

2019-11-29 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Patrick,

> I don't know how prevalent this sort of failure is, but it taught me
> never to fully trust a USB-to-SATA interface when troubleshooting disk
> problems.

It does seem there's lots of cheap implementations, probably based on a
few poor controller chips, that work fine for 99·99…% of transactions
and that's probably okay if just accessing a few files but the number of
sectors on a drive makes that 0·00…1% bite.

What I've done in the past is take a digest of source with it not in the
caddy, move it to the caddy, copy source to destination, flush any
caches, compare the earlier digest to one of the destination.  It needs
careful tracking of what's being digested though to ensure it's the same
both times, e.g. the destination drive might be bigger.

Cheers, Ralph.

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