I have a simple question regarding blocking single and ranges of IP addresses using the blacklist of Spamassassin to block spam site

My under standing I can block a single IP address in the local.cf file by simply typing in the IP address

But say I wanted to block an entire range to 255 can I enter it as 111.222.222.* ?

But say I only wanted to block part of a range could I enter 111.222.333.0 - 111.222.333.128 or maybe

It is worth point out at this point that I am on a hosted web package, I only have access to user_pref which hold the blacklist which I can edit freehand or update via cpanel. I do not have access to add other databases for Spamassassin to compare against

Everything I have read is pointed at block individual IP addresses.

(IP Addresses provided are just for explanation)


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