On Sat, 10 Dec 2022 at 15:27, Stephen Wolff <step...@maxgatedigital.com>

> Hi Ralph,
> > Unified Modeling [sic] Language is at the end of a long lineage of
> > systems for using diagrams to analyse requirements, develop software,
> > and document behaviour.  It grew out of the Object Orientated movement.
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Modeling_Language
> What I tried to say in my previous reply (which seemed to be empty in my
> mail client) - was that I came across something called ‘Mermaid’ recently -
> which is a tool for diagramming - including UML -
> https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/

Yes, and we use mermaid-js for representing upgrade paths for a specific
type of software (OpenShift operators):

(Quick ref: Each operator knows which previous version(s) it can upgrade
directly from. A 'channel' is a named version stream of a particular
operator. An operator 'catalog' is a collection of operators and channels.)

I've also used sequence diagrams quite a lot, sometimes with UML along with
eg. this:

but mostly with mermaid-js.

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