Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - Less than One Week Tonight

2019-11-30 Thread D-LUG
On Friday, 29 November 2019 20:45:22 GMT Hamish MB wrote:
> I can go. I think it's my turn to drive this time.

Yes it is.  It should have been Paul, but he can't go this month.

I'll see you about 7:30.

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Re: [Dorset] Cannot get into KWallet after copying my Home directory from an old Spinning Rust Drive to a new SSD

2019-11-29 Thread D-LUG
On Thursday, 28 November 2019 17:59:09 GMT Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> I think Hamish had it right if you're happy with your old system and
> don't want to start from a fresh install of Kubuntu from installation
> media.  On the other hand, if you think a fresh install might have
> benefits then I'd do it from installation media and not by copying an
> existing 19.10 installation.

I've already done a clean install.
> Boot something like Clonezilla from a USB stick and have it copy all the
> used old disk, partition table and all partitions, to the new disk.

I'm using Parted Magic, so I have everything!

> Given the caddy is probably a bottleneck, I'd put the old disk in there
> as reading is normally quicker than writing and the caddy may have less
> impact.  Also, caddy interfaces can be flaky compared to having the
> drive installed properly.

I suppose I could do the copy with both discs connected to the SATA buses, by 
removing the smaller SSD that contains my root partition and plugging the old 
one in its place.  I only have two buses, so I can't simply connect everything 
at once.

> Afterwards, if the new disk is working well, boot from a USB stick again
> and use something like gparted to adjust the partitions to use more of
> the disk if you want, e.g. expand /home assuming that's the last
> partition before all the free space.  Or you can combine partition
> resizing with the initial copying in Clonezilla if you're confident.
> -advanced-param.php

That's pretty much what I was intending to do when I'd restored the Redo 
Backup image.
> If you want to juggle partitions around on the new disk then it may be
> better to do it all with gparted from a live USB stick, creating the
> partition table, then copying/resizing each partition in turn to create
> your preferred layout and sizes.

I'll see what works best when I get back to Dorset on Monday.

See Y'all Tuesdaay.



  Next meeting: BEC, Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2019-12-03 20:00
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[Dorset] Cannot get into KWallet after copying my Home directory from an old Spinning Rust Drive to a new SSD

2019-11-27 Thread D-LUG

The drive containing my Home directory on my desktop filled up and despite some 
vicious paring was still over 70% full.  This severely limited what I could do 
with VMs.

I purchased a shiny new SSD (1TB) and using Partition Magic I cloned the old 
drive to another Spinning Rust Drive in a USB caddy.  I'm pretty sure that 
would have worked OK but unfortunately, I discovered that the drive in the USB 
caddy had read errors.

I had no other spare drive to hand so tried various ways to copy the data to 
the new drive.  To cut a long story short, I eventually did a clean 
installation of Kubuntu and copied the data from the old drive installed in 
the caddy.  I copied everything, including all the hidden files and directories 
and the exercise seemed to work apart from one or two files that I wasn't 
worried about (they were nothing relating to configuration).

When I rebooted, everything seemed OK until I tried to open my email client 
(Kontact).  This uses KWallet to store the account configurations and all the 
passwords but I couldn't open it because it rejected my password.

I used KWallet for all my passwords for websites etc too so this is a bit 
serious.  Has anyone any ideas about how I can recover the data for KWallet 
that contains my password?  All I've found on the internet so far is that 
deleting the .kwl file allows a new password to be entered, but apparently this 
no longer works.  (It didn't work for me.)

This laptop is still working, but the KWallet database on here only contains a 
few passwords (fortunately most of the email related ones).


Terry Coles

  Next meeting: BEC, Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2019-12-03 20:00
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[Dorset] Next Meeting - Less than One Week Tonight

2019-11-27 Thread D-LUG

The next meeting is less than one week tonight on Tuesday, 2019-12-03 20:00 at 
the Bournemouth Electric Club.  See:

Paul, Hamish,

Are you going?

PS.  Sorry about the late posting; I put a new SSD into my desktop PC and 
somehow b**d it up.  I don't know why, but it has taken me at least four 
attempts to copy my home directory to the new drive.

I have a question about that, which I'll post shortly.


Terry Coles

  Next meeting: BEC, Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2019-12-03 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - One Week tonight

2019-06-29 Thread D-LUG
On Saturday, 29 June 2019 09:59:10 BST Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> CAMRA's allows filtering of location-based results
> by lots of criteria, including ‘quiet’, that I presume means no music or
> TV audio.  Someone with time and local knowledge could come up with
> contenders for future consideration.  An example, it doesn't have to be
> Winton.

Many years ago, we used to go to Pubs around Wimbone:-)

> s=Quiet

I think the BEC probably suits most people at the moment.

Perhaps we should do this exercise before we rejoin in September?


Terry Coles

  Next meeting: BEC, Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2019-07-02 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - One Week tonight

2019-06-29 Thread D-LUG
On Saturday, 29 June 2019 10:17:00 BST Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Nope.  It's
> ng.jpeg

That link played havoc with my Android phone.  First it refused to let me 
proceed unless I allowed notifications.  When I backed out of the page I got 
dire warnings about my phone being infected with a virus and inviting me to 
click on a link to clean it up (clean up my bank account was probably more 

Anyway, I didn't and my phone's virus scanner confirmed that there was nothing 

So others who may be reading this list on a non-Linux machine; be warned!

And Yes.  There certainly do seem to be benches there, so I think we should be 
able to avoid the screaming hordes if need be 


Terry Coles

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[Dorset] The Village Hotel - Yet Again

2018-08-07 Thread D-LUG
Ralph has just told me that none of my messages on this topic reached the 
list, so having checked back, I see that my follow-up that I sent from home 
went to Tim instead of the list - Doh!

Here is what I was trying to send:


At the last Meeting we discussed the possibility of changing the venue after 
the problems that we had during the World Cup.  Prior to the Meeting someone 
had suggested the Village Hotel bar off list, but no-one seemed to know what 
it was like.

As it happens, I've just given someone a lift to the Royal Bournemouth 
Hospital which is just across the road so I'm typing this from their bar.  
Before I describe the place in detail, be aware that it is a hotel, not a pub, 
so there's no discounted beer or special offers.  Beer is between £4 and £5 a 
pint and the only draught bitter is Boddingtons.  They do have a reasonable 
range of other beers etc on tap (see photo).

Anyway, the bar is quite large and has quite a lot of tables, (all a very 
suitable height for laptops; some of the chairs are a bit hard though :-) ).  
It is divided up into areas (see photos).

At one end there are lots of tables on either side of the big screen and in 
the other two areas there are more tables which are separate from the big 
screen area.  The area that I'm in has no screen at all.

WiFi access is free and fast, but you do have to give an email address (if you 
fail to check the 'Please send me lots of useless spam' box, it still works).  
The car par is large, but is probably quite busy at night when all the 
residents are in.

I've just realised that I can't upload the promised photos from here because I 
don't have my FTP password with me, but I'll do it from home this evening.

After my trials I didn't bother to put up the pictures, since I think we need 
a place with Internet that works


Terry Coles

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2018-08-07 20:00
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[Dorset] CV148 Description and Spec

2018-06-05 Thread D-LUG

Peter has brought a bit of history to the Meeting; a CV148 infrared image 
converter, dating from the late 40s.  Here is the link to the description and 


Terry Coles

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2018-06-05 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
Reporting bugs well: / TO THE LIST OR THE AUTHOR