[Dovecot] Dovecot and ManageSieve crash trace

2011-03-03 Thread Samuel Hassine

Hi all,

I am trying to deploy Dovecot with Sieve support and I choose the easy 
way: install ManageSieve.

But I have a problem here, and I did not find how to deal with.

I tested the communication to the server with the telnet command. Here 
the result: http://pastebin.com/dgvhEwxJ

And I do not understand how to link IMAP authentification and Sieve 
authentification. I just want to allow creation of Sieve filters for any 
IMAP user (based on LDAP).

Thanks for your answer.

Best regards.
Samuel Hassine

Re: [Dovecot] logging issues w/ login_max_processes_count on 1.x

2011-03-03 Thread Timo Sirainen
On 4.3.2011, at 1.12, Douglas Mortensen wrote:

> Today I found our dovecot 2.x gracefully logged:
> dovecot: master: Warning: service(imap-login): process_limit reached, client 
> connections are being dropped
> Does anyone know whether there is a way to get dovecot 1.x to log this type 
> of error?

As long as all of the connection slots aren't used for SSL connections, it 
should log:

Disconnected: Connection queue full

as some (not yet logged in) client's disconnection reason. It kills the oldest 
client away. This is actually what v2.0 also does in that situation, it just 
logs that extra warning. If all of the login processes are busy serving SSL 
sessions, v1.x logs:

All login processes are in use. You may need to increase 

[Dovecot] logging issues w/ login_max_processes_count on 1.x

2011-03-03 Thread Douglas Mortensen
Today I found our dovecot 2.x gracefully logged:
dovecot: master: Warning: service(imap-login): process_limit reached, client 
connections are being dropped

I am confident that we had the very same problem on our previous dovecot 1.x 
box. Of course with dovecot 1.x, the same relative setting is 
login_max_processes_count. I believe that I turned up all dovecot logging & 
debugging to the max (also checked with the 1.x wiki), but nothing was ever 
logged relating to this.

Does anyone know whether there is a way to get dovecot 1.x to log this type of 

Doug Mortensen
Network Consultant
Impala Networks Inc
CCNA, MCSA, Security+, A+
Linux+, Network+, Server+
P: (505) 327-7300
F: (505) 327-7545

Re: [Dovecot] All mails unread after short while

2011-03-03 Thread Willie Gillespie

On 3/3/2011 10:06 AM, francwal...@gmx.net wrote:

But anyway, where can i find the place where the mails are set to read or 

Pulling this out of memory, so someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

You mentioned earlier that you were using the Maildir format.
Look in the /cur part of the mail folder.  The file will end with 
"2,(flags)" where (flags) are:

Flag "P" (passed): the user has resent/forwarded/bounced this message to 
someone else.

Flag "R" (replied): the user has replied to this message.
Flag "S" (seen): the user has viewed this message, though perhaps he 
didn't read all the way through it.
Flag "T" (trashed): the user has moved this message to the trash; the 
trash will be emptied by a later user action.
Flag "D" (draft): the user considers this message a draft; toggled at 
user discretion.

Flag "F" (flagged): user-defined flag; toggled at user discretion.


Copied some info from http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html

Re: [Dovecot] Problem with sieve and namespace

2011-03-03 Thread Patrick Westenberg

Patrick Westenberg schrieb:

Feb 26 00:39:25 endeavour dovecot: lmtp(6967, m...@jasbafliesen.de):
Error: 1WYlBCE1aE03GwAA0CSSVw: sieve: msgid=<4d683da5.7030...@gmx.de>:
failed to store into mailbox m...@jasbafliesen.de': Unknown namespace

Feb 26 00:39:25 endeavour dovecot: lmtp(6967, m...@jasbafliesen.de):
Error: 1WYlBCE1aE03GwAA0CSSVw: sieve: script
/usr/local/etc/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve failed with unsuccessful
implicit keep

FYI: After upgrading to the latest versions these problems don´t occur 


Re: [Dovecot] process_min_avail being ignored?

2011-03-03 Thread Douglas Mortensen
Nevermind. My bad.

Only now did I realize that my dovecot -n is totally missing anything regarding 
the "service imap-login", which I defined in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf as:

service imap-login {
process_min_avail = 200
process_limit = 1000
#vsz_limit = 64M

This brought to mind a recollection that building dovecot from source (& using 
the init.d startup script from the dovecot wiki) caused it to want to look to:
/usr/local/var/run/dovecot/dovecot.conf for its config file. Meaning I edited 
the wrong file this morning.

I just added the same configuration to the config file at 
/usr/local/var/run/dovecot/dovecot.conf, and it worked as expected (currently 
237 imap-login sessions).

It's time for me to create some sym links so that if I forget this in the 
future, it won't take me an hour of troubleshooting to remember.

Doug Mortensen
Network Consultant
Impala Networks
P: 505.327.7300

[Dovecot] /etc/pam.d/dovecot missing? during high load

2011-03-03 Thread Douglas Mortensen
This morning on our newly built server, the following was logged twice:
auth: Error: pam(username, pam_authenticate() failed: Authentication 
failure (/etc/pam.d/dovecot missing?)

This also happened to be during a time of 100+ imap-login processes, where we 
were seeing:
master: Warning: service(imap-login): process_limit reached, client connections 
are being dropped

The initial error was correct, in that I had not yet created 
/etc/pam.d/dovecot. I have since created the file. However, we brought this 
server into production yesterday & there were no complaints, nor was the error 
logged besides twice this morning within 3.5 minutes of eachother.

In looking at pam documentation, it is my understanding that when a service 
(dovecot) does not have its own file existing under /etc/pam.d, then pam will 
instead use the settings from /etc/pam.d/others as defaults. This seems logical 
to me, and would explain why things have been working fairly well with no 
errors regarding pam (other than the 2 logged this morning). However, what this 
does not explain, is why dovecot auth logged about the file missing at all. I 
can only guess that it was related to logins being dropped due to high load, 
and was incorrectly logged??

For reference, my current /etc/pam.d/dovecot is:
authrequiredpam_unix.so nullok
account requiredpam_unix.so

My current /etc/pam.d/other is:
@include common-auth
@include common-account
@include common-password
@include common-session

Which results in (confirmed via : grep -v ^# common-auth common-account 
common-password common-session)
auth[success=1 default=ignore]  pam_unix.so nullok_secure
authrequisite   pam_deny.so
account [success=1 new_authtok_reqd=done default=ignore]pam_unix.so
account requisite   pam_deny.so
password[success=1 default=ignore]  pam_unix.so obscure sha512
passwordrequisite   pam_deny.so
session [default=1] pam_permit.so
session requisite   pam_deny.so
session requiredpam_permit.so
session requiredpam_unix.so

So there definitely is quite a difference between the dovecot pam file I 
created (based on the dovecot2 wiki), and the system default (other). I don't 
know whether this could have been related, so I figured I'd share.

Otherwise, I'm running dovecot 2.0.9 compiled from source. dovecot -n at the 
time of the pam errors was probably:

# 2.0.9: /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 x86_64 Debian 6.0
auth_debug = yes
auth_mechanisms = plain login
disable_plaintext_auth = no
log_timestamp = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S "
mail_debug = yes
mail_location = maildir:~/
mail_privileged_group = mail
passdb {
  driver = pam
protocols = imap pop3
service auth {
  unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
group = postfix
mode = 0660
user = postfix
  user = root
ssl_cert = 

[Dovecot] TB, dovecot & trailing slash - again

2011-03-03 Thread Bruno Tréguier

Hi there,

I have been browsing the mailing list archives in search of a solution 
to my problem, related to the quite infamous "trailing slash" issue with 
Thunderbird, but I don't seem to have found any closely related 
discussion. Please forgive me if this problem has already found a 
solution. Here I go;

We use a lot of TB clients (2.x and 3.x), and we are using Dovecot 1.2.4 
on our production server (mbox format). As told in many places, 
including this list, I added the option "tb-extra-mailbox-sep" in my 
dovecot.conf file.

The checkbox regarding the mix of mailbox/submailbox and 
mailbox/messages is unchecked in the advanced options of our TB standard 

I snooped the connection with "ngrep" when creating a folder meant for 
containing subfolders. Here is the trace:

 6 create "ABCDE/"..

<  6 OK Create completed...

 7 subscribe "ABCDE/"..

<  7 OK Subscribe completed...

 8 list "" "ABCDE/"..

<  * LIST (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" "ABCDE/"..8 OK List completed...

So far, so good. But when you have a look at the .subscriptions file, 
you can see that the ABCDE folder has no trailing slash: it has been 
stripped off, apparently due to an "enhancement" made in 2009:


It may be intended, but the drawback is that TB then gets a bit 
confused, as it has no way, during a "LIST" operation, to distinguish 
between a "folder/subfolder" scheme and a "folder/message" scheme: 
consequently, you get an error message from TB whenever you click on the 
containing folder, stating that "the mailbox isn't selectable". The 
problem is not just cosmetic, though, as the subfolders of such folders 
are not synchronized when selected for offline reading.

I made a test with another version of Dovecot, of the 1.1 branch, and it 
behaves a little bit differently: the trailing slash is kept in the 
.subscriptions file, and everything is ok. TB is able to make the 
distinction between both kinds of folders.

For the moment, I simply erased the "tb-extra-mailbox-sep" from my 
config file, and this is what happens:

>  306 create "ABCDE/"..
<  306 OK Create completed...
>  307 subscribe "ABCDE/"..
<  307 NO Invalid mailbox name: ABCDE/..
>  308 list "" "ABCDE/"..
<  * LIST (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" "ABCDE/"..308 OK List completed...

In that case, the "subscribe" command fails, so the folder does not 
appear by itself in the .subscriptions file, but as it is not used (only 
"terminal" mailboxes, containing messages, which are files in the 
filesystem), this is not a problem. The directory is created on the 
disk, and you can then create subfolders without any problem...

Sorry for this long message, I just wanted to explain precisely what 

A last word: switching to maildir would be quite a hassle, as we use 
quite a lot of procmail-based  tools. Rewriting everything using Sieve 
is not planned for the moment.

Does anyone out there have a solution for this ? What am I doing wrong ? 
Is the "tb-extra-mailbox-sep" really necessary when using TB ? As far as 
I can tell, it rather got us into trouble here, than solved anything...

Thanks for any info/pointer/else !

Best regards,


- Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine - DO/MGS/INF
-  13, rue du Chatellier -  CS 92803  - 29228 Brest Cedex 2, FRANCE
- Phone: +33 2 98 22 17 49  -  Email: bruno.tregu...@shom.fr

Re: [Dovecot] expire plugin and sieve

2011-03-03 Thread cvb

On Thu, 10 Feb 2011 02:07:38 +0200, Timo Sirainen  wrote:

 However, the combination of sieve and expire does not seem to be
 working: When sieve moves messages into a folder, no entry is 
created in
 the database. Don't these plugins work together, or did I 


If you didn't yet find out:

   mail_plugins: expire
   mail_plugins: sieve

The second mail_plugins setting overrides the first one. Use:
mail_plugins = expire sieve

Thanks, this works to the extent that dates are now written into the 
database when mails are moved by sieve filters. What doesn't work (and I 
spent the last weeks testing and googling, hence my late reply) is the 
deletion of expired mails. When an expiration date occurs, the database 
is updated, but nothing is deleted.

I have implemented a test with a 1 day expiry. Dates get updated, 
nothing is deleted. Output of expire tool:

Info: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
Info: Module loaded: 

Info: expire: pattern=INBOX.Trash type=expunge secs=604800
Info: expire: pattern=INBOX.Mailing-Lists.test type=expunge secs=86400
Info: expire: pattern=INBOX.Spam type=expunge secs=2592000
Info: auth input: uid=5000
Info: auth input: gid=5000
Info: auth input: home=/home/vmail/example.com/user1
Info: Namespace: type=private, prefix=INBOX., sep=., inbox=yes, 
hidden=no, list=yes, subscriptions=yes

Info: maildir: data=/home/vmail//:INDEX=/var/indexes/
Info: maildir++: root=/home/vmail/, index=/var/indexes, control=, 

Info: auth input: uid=5000
Info: auth input: gid=5000
Info: auth input: home=/home/vmail/example.com/user2
Info: Namespace: type=private, prefix=INBOX., sep=., inbox=yes, 
hidden=no, list=yes, subscriptions=yes

Info: maildir: data=/home/vmail//:INDEX=/var/indexes/
Info: maildir++: root=/home/vmail/, index=/var/indexes, control=, 

Is this an issue with the mail_location setting? I know the wiki says 
something about a userdb lookup returning the mail location, but, 
frankly, I'm not sure what that's supposed to say...


[Dovecot] process_min_avail being ignored?

2011-03-03 Thread Douglas Mortensen
Today I found out we are having users w/ problems because:

Mar  3 09:57:33 jlgray dovecot: master: Warning: service(imap-login): 
process_limit reached, client connections are being dropped
Mar  3 09:58:42 jlgray dovecot: master: Warning: service(imap-login): 
process_limit reached, client connections are being dropped
Mar  3 10:02:51 jlgray dovecot: master: Warning: service(imap-login): 
process_limit reached, client connections are being dropped
Mar  3 10:04:29 jlgray dovecot: master: Warning: service(imap-login): 
process_limit reached, client connections are being dropped
Mar  3 10:05:41 jlgray dovecot: master: Warning: service(imap-login): 
process_limit reached, client connections are being dropped
Mar  3 10:06:58 jlgray dovecot: master: Warning: service(imap-login): 
process_limit reached, client connections are being dropped

So, based on the dovecot2 wiki, it would seem that the solution is to follow 
the recommendations at http://wiki2.dovecot.org/LoginProcess, and use them as a 
guide for our situation.

I have done so. But unless I misunderstand their purpose, I don't think they're 
working. Maybe I don't have them in the correct place?? I am expecting the 
imap-login process count to immediately jump up to 200 (based on my config 
below). But instead, they just slowly gradually increase. But even an hour 
after changing the config & restarting dovecot, I only have 78 login processes.

dovecot -n output is:

# 2.0.9: /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 x86_64 Debian 6.0
auth_debug = yes
auth_mechanisms = plain login
disable_plaintext_auth = no
log_timestamp = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S "
mail_debug = yes
mail_location = maildir:~/
mail_privileged_group = mail
passdb {
  driver = pam
protocols = imap pop3
service auth {
  unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
group = postfix
mode = 0660
user = postfix
  user = root
ssl_cert = http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Upgrading/2.0
Namely: doveconf -n -c dovecot-1.conf > dovecot-2.conf
Then we renamed dovecot-2.conf to dovecot.conf

I'm pretty sure there were no problems with that part.

We are running dovecot 2.0.9 compiled from source.

OS is 64-bit Debian Squeeze (6.0), as shown by  'cat /proc/version':
Linux version 2.6.32-5-amd64 (Debian 2.6.32-30) (b...@decadent.org.uk) (gcc 
version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) ) #1 SMP Wed Jan 12 03:40:32 UTC 2011

I really appreciate anyone helping me figure out why

Doug Mortensen
Network Consultant
Impala Networks Inc
CCNA, MCSA, Security+, A+
Linux+, Network+, Server+
P: (505) 327-7300
F: (505) 327-7545

Re: [Dovecot] All mails unread after short while

2011-03-03 Thread francwalter

Am 03.03.2011 um 17:56 schrieb Charles Marcus:
> Which is not much of a problem description, but obviously means you did
> something wrong... so, instead of finding/fixing the problem, you just
> reverted?

Yes, i reverted and put back the config-files of the old dovecot version. 
After this everything worked well again like i thought.
I will upgrade Dovecot in some weeks for sure because of Quota, but at the 
moment i am happy if just the little (?) Unread-problem is away ☺

But anyway, where can i find the place where the mails are set to read or 

Re: [Dovecot] All mails unread after short while

2011-03-03 Thread Charles Marcus
On 2011-03-03 11:16 AM, francwal...@gmx.net wrote:
>> Upgrading would be a very good idea and would likely solve your problem
>> in the process... there should be repos that have the latest versions
>> available.

> Unfortunately this was what i tried a month before, without success. 
> After upgrading the communication between Postfix and Dovecot stopped.

Which is not much of a problem description, but obviously means you did
something wrong... so, instead of finding/fixing the problem, you just


Best regards,


Re: [Dovecot] dovecot share

2011-03-03 Thread Charles Marcus
On 2011-03-03 11:19 AM, Eric Broch wrote:
> Oh! After upgrading to v2 everything worked as expected, and it was
> quite easy to set up!
> Thanks, Charles.

No worries, glad you got it sorted...


Best regards,


Re: [Dovecot] dovecot share

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Broch
 On 3/3/2011 8:57 AM, Charles Marcus wrote:
> On 2011-03-02 7:50 PM, Eric Broch wrote:
>> Sorry, Charles , I didn't see your request not to top post.
> No problem...
>> Is there s certain procedure for upgrading from dovecot 1.x to 2.x?
>> Do I uninstall the current version on my machine?
>> Or, is there an upgrade option during install?
>> I just want to do it correctly.
> When in doubt, rtfm... ;)
> http://wiki.dovecot.org/Upgrading/
Oh! After upgrading to v2 everything worked as expected, and it was
quite easy to set up!

Thanks, Charles.

Re: [Dovecot] All mails unread after short while

2011-03-03 Thread francwalter
> Upgrading would be a very good idea and would likely solve your problem
> in the process... there should be repos that have the latest versions
> available.

Unfortunately this was what i tried a month before, without success. 
After upgrading the communication between Postfix and Dovecot stopped.

Re: [Dovecot] dovecot share

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Broch
 On 3/3/2011 8:57 AM, Charles Marcus wrote:
> On 2011-03-02 7:50 PM, Eric Broch wrote:
>> Sorry, Charles , I didn't see your request not to top post.
> No problem...
>> Is there s certain procedure for upgrading from dovecot 1.x to 2.x?
>> Do I uninstall the current version on my machine?
>> Or, is there an upgrade option during install?
>> I just want to do it correctly.
> When in doubt, rtfm... ;)
> http://wiki.dovecot.org/Upgrading/
Thanks, Charles!

I had looked at that web page previously but it didn't offer any
assistance on upgrading tarballs. So, I went ahead and started
experimenting on my test server. Here is my procedure...

(Stop Qmailtoaster)
1) qmailctl stop
(Uninstall dovecot v1.2.3)
2) cd /my/dovecot/dir/dovecot-1.2.3
3) sudo make uninstall

(Install dovecot v2.0.9)
4) cd /my/dovecot/dir
5) wget http://dovecot.org/releases/2.0/dovecot-2.0.9.tar.gz
6) tar -zxvf dovecot-2.0.9.tar.gz
7) cd dovecot-2.0.9
8) ./configure --with-vpopmail --with-ssl=openssl
9) make
10) sudo make install

(Create the v2.0.9 configuration file from v1.2.3 configuration file andput it 
in v2 directory)
11) cp /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf
12) cd /usr/local/etc/dovecot
13)  doveconf -n>  dovecot-2.conf (Create v2 compatible file)
14) cp dovecot-2.conf dovecot.conf (Rename v2 compatible file)

(Edit v2 file)
15) Removed the following setting from dovecot.conf  (IMAP will not work with 
this setting)

service auth {
  user = vpopmail

16) qmailctl start

Oh, and I've been informed that I missed creating the 'dovenull' user.



Re: [Dovecot] All mails unread after short while

2011-03-03 Thread Charles Marcus
On 2011-03-03 8:53 AM, francwal...@gmx.net wrote:
> Dovecot 1.0.10.

Upgrading would be a very good idea and would likely solve your problem
in the process... there should be repos that have the latest versions


Best regards,


Re: [Dovecot] dovecot share

2011-03-03 Thread Charles Marcus
On 2011-03-02 7:50 PM, Eric Broch wrote:
> Sorry, Charles , I didn't see your request not to top post.

No problem...

> Is there s certain procedure for upgrading from dovecot 1.x to 2.x?
> Do I uninstall the current version on my machine?
> Or, is there an upgrade option during install?
> I just want to do it correctly.

When in doubt, rtfm... ;)



Best regards,


Re: [Dovecot] auth on tcp socket?

2011-03-03 Thread Hajo Locke


is it possible to provide service auth on tcp-socket instead of 
I changed my conf and dovecot 2.0.5 is restarting but on telnet test it 
dovecot: auth: Fatal: getsockname(12) failed: Socket operation on 

Want to separate smtp and imap to different servers but keep using 
dovecot auth for postfix-sasl.
Whats to do? hmm, is postfix able to use non-unix socket for 

Well, added support for that:

Thanks for that.
is it save to use
smtpd_sasl_path = inet:localhost:1434
in postfix's main.cf?

there are some warnings in log:
"when SASL type is "dovecot", SASL path "inet:localhost:1434" should be a 
socket pathname"

( Datei src/xsasl/xsasl_dovecot_server.c )


[Dovecot] All mails unread after short while

2011-03-03 Thread francwalter

I have on Ubuntu 8.04 Postfix 2.5.1 and Dovecot 1.0.10.
The mails are saved in maildir format.

In one account on my server all mails are unread all the time. If i set them as 
read in my client (IMAP with Mac Mail 4.4 or IMAP with Squirrelmail, it doesn’t 
matter) they seem to be checked as read for some minutes or less, but very soon 
they are unread again, so i guess, only my client thinks that they are read, 
but after the next check, the client reads again that they are unread.

Now i don’t know where to look or change the “Has been read”-Flag in the 
Is it in some file or where is it, the flag?

It is only one account, the other accounts on the same domain and on other 
domains are working quite well. 
Maybe it is only after a Squirrelmail update last week, but I am not sure.

Thank you, 

Kind Regards,

frank walter

Re: [Dovecot] Does dovecot proxy support message caching?

2011-03-03 Thread Ed W

On 02/03/2011 18:10, Timo Sirainen wrote:

I was just told by my boss that it's a
feature he thinks would be useful and he'd offer his developers to help.

Well, there's the message body caching that I'm not that interested in writing 
myself. It can probably be pretty easily separated from the rest of the code, 
so not much Dovecot knowledge is required either.

I remain interested to sponsor such a feature though?  Just make it 


Ed W