[Dovecot] problems with SSH-based clustering dovecot 2.1.1

2012-03-12 Thread Michescu Andrei

I'm using dovecot 2.1.1 with vpopmail 5.4.30 with multiples domains and I
have problems setting up synchronization in between multiple computers.

All act like master (my clients can connect to any of the them and read
their emails either via POP3 either via IMAP, inbound email gets on any of
the machines). Each machine is on a different continent, there is no
shared drive in between and the synchronization is supposed to be
asynchronous via cron scripts.

To simplify the case, let's consider 2 machines (mx1.a and mx2.a) with 3
virtual domains (a and b and c). On both machine domain a is the default
domain (needs only username to connect to imap).

Initially I synchronize mx1.a with mx2.a using rsync. I check that I can
login using dovecot.

I tried any of the following commands to synchronize the 2 machines:

mx1.a$ doveadm -Dv sync -u user1@a -f ssh mx2.a doveadm dsync-server -u

mx1.a$ doveadm -Dv sync -u user1@a ssh mx2.a doveadm -u user1@a

mx1.a$ doveadm -Dv sync -u user1@a user1@a

The only thing that happens is that the on each machine the folders get
doubled with some random extension (eg. Inbox becomes

Also, another bug, if there is a domain setup as default
(auth_default_realm) dsync simply ignores the specified -u  and
attempts to sync the first email in the default domain.

Please advise.

# 2.1.1: /etc/dovecot/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 2.6.38-b i686 Slackware
auth_debug = yes
auth_debug_passwords = yes
auth_default_realm = a
first_valid_gid = 89
first_valid_uid = 89
last_valid_gid = 89
last_valid_uid = 89
listen = *
log_path = /dev/stderr
login_greeting = A
login_trusted_networks =
mail_debug = yes
mail_gid = vchkpw
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
mail_privileged_group = vchkpw
mail_uid = vpopmail
passdb {
  driver = vpopmail
protocols = imap pop3
service auth-worker {
  unix_listener auth-worker {
user = vpopmail
  user = vpopmail
service auth {
  user = vpopmail
service imap-login {
  user = vpopmail
service pop3-login {
  user = vpopmail
ssl = no
userdb {
  driver = vpopmail

Re: [Dovecot] FIXED Re: Trouble adding sasl support via dovecot

2012-03-12 Thread Charles Marcus

Since you got it working, I'll just comment on a couple of things...

On Mon, 12 Mar 2012, Richard Troy wrote:

When I do "postconf-a" it indicates cyrus and dovecot, so I take it that
means Postfix has been built with sasl support. (I presume this means I
don't have to compile it from source.)


From the working environ, only listening on port 25, I simply added the
following (as per directions already cited above):

You really should separate AUTH to the port that is designed for it: 
port 587 (aka the 'submission' port/service)... just uncomment it (and 
its attendant lines) in master.cf

The documentation found here:


claims (intimates) that it's not possible to run a site on a self-signed

Where does it state any such thing? I've been using self-signed certs 
for 8+years with postfix...

You do have to 'accept' the certs in the clients though, and that cn 
scare some users. I've had zero problems with this in Android, and none 
in recent versions of iOS, although earlier versions required you to 
install the cert manually (could be done using Safari on the iPhone)...

Also, Outlook provides no simple way to Accept a Cert and store it 
permanently (Thunderbird does), so unless/until Outlook users import the 
Cert, they'll have to accept it each time they fire up Outlook and check 

And, by the way, what's port 465 all about? Some clients propose that's
what should be used to send...

It is the *deprecated* SMTPS (smtp over SSL). All modern clients can use 
the submission service, but some older versions of Outlook/Outlook 
Express can only use 465. It doesn't hurt anything to have it enabled, 
but you shoiuld absolutely tell all other clients to use the normal 
submissions service (STARTTLS on port 587).


Best regards,


Re: [Dovecot] Another hint from the clue box 8-) imapc/imap proxy user mailbox server location

2012-03-12 Thread Terry Carmen

On 03/04/2012 09:58 AM, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On 4.3.2012, at 16.48, Terry Carmen wrote:

 pass_attrs = ..., \

 If the prefix differs, but all of the exchange server names have  
the same length, for example 10, you can also do:

 pass_attrs = ..., \
 There's no otherwise nice way to parse this string.

If by prefix, you mean the  
"/O=example/OU=INT/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/" part, then, yes,  
they're different.

OK, so if the prefix or suffix isn't always the same length you  
can't do the above.

I could export the data to a text file as  
username:homeexchangeserver (or whatever other format is needed).


Is it possible to do a lookup in a text file to get this?

If you can use userdb passwd-file and export the data to that file,  
it'll work. http://wiki2.dovecot.org/AuthDatabase/PasswdFile

Example line:


Note that you can't then return any userdb fields from passdb ldap lookup.

That doesn't seem to work because I can't create the passdb file  
containing the user's password, since they're only known to the remote  
IMAP server that I want imapproxy to connect to.

What would be perfect is if I could do something like this:

Proxy only server

. . .

In this document I assume that Dovecot is installed under  
/opt/dovecot, by default it is installed under /usr/local when  
compiling from source. Examples in this document are for MySQL but  
configs do not differ much with PostgreSQL.

SQL table structure

Create SQL table like

  user varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  host varchar(16) default NULL,
  destuser varchar(255) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (user)


All I really need is a way to lookup the user's home IMAP server when  
given the username, as above.

Does imapproxy still support this 1.x feature?



[Dovecot] FIXED Re: Trouble adding sasl support via dovecot

2012-03-12 Thread Richard Troy

Hi All,

it turned out to be the order of entries in stmpd_recipient_restrictions.


On Mon, 12 Mar 2012, Richard Troy wrote:

> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 10:14:09 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Richard Troy 
> To: postfix-us...@cloud9.net, dovecot@dovecot.org
> Subject: [Dovecot] Trouble adding sasl support via dovecot
> Hello Folks,
> I've been the admin of a site that uses Postfix with Dovecot on RedHat
> since, oh, gosh, maybe 1996? It's been a long time. I've never built it
> from source, though, just used the rpms (and I wonder if maybe that's my
> problem now). It just works, is reliable, and lets me be a very-part-time
> administrator.
> Repeatedly over the last few years I've been asked to have our mail system
> "join the modern age" and provide mail sending capabilities for clients
> that aren't on our internal network - via their smart-phones, from home,
> etc. OK... Well, way back when the site was set up, smtp servers didn't do
> any kind of "auth", but along the way to solving this problem (trying to
> configure pop-before-smtp, someone mentioned that Postfix now has an auth
> mechanism that uses Dovecot and I should use that instead! Great!  ...
> Except that I've spent between 16 and 20 hours on this with no joy, and
> while I hate having to ask for help, it's time to ask what things that are
> obvious to the less ignorant that I must be doing wrong... Certainly,
> given the solid history of Postfix and Dovecot, I must be the problem!
> My problem statement is simply, "it should be working", but doesn't, and I
> don't get any announcement of "auth" when testing connections to Postfix
> as per directions here:
> At least I haven't broken the normal functionality!
> I'm building a new server on the latest Fedora Core (16), but it's lacking
> in some hardware and won't be ready for a while, so I'm working with FC
> 14, running Postfix 2.5.6, and Dovecot 1.2.8. It uses the "cram-md5" auth
> scheme (which works fine and I'd hate to change it if I don't have to).
> The system has been up and functional on these versions for a couple of
> years, and quite stable, we just can't send if we're not local.
> When I do "postconf-a" it indicates cyrus and dovecot, so I take it that
> means Postfix has been built with sasl support. (I presume this means I
> don't have to compile it from source.)
> First Dovecot. Its set up to provide all protocols, but only imaps and
> pop3s have ports forwarded through the firewall. Plain-text auth is
> disabled, ssl is set to yes, ssl_listen is not specified, and the cert and
> key files are in the default locations - and work. No cipher list is used.
> Dovecot's chrooted. The protocol sections imap and pop3 take ALL the
> defaults, as does lda (I've ignored sendmail_path = /usr/lib/sendmail) as
> I don't think it matters. "auth default {" has mechanisms set to cram-md5,
> digest-md5, plain, and login, with passdb passwd-file pointing to a file
> in /etc where the cram data goes. It's not using pam, and there's an OLD
> comment in the config:
> # Experience says we need an empty passdb - passwd group:
> which is followed by passdb passwd{}. Later, there's "userdb passwd {}.
> All of that was configured long ago and has been functional.
> The changes I've made to add sasl support primarily pertain to the "socket
> listen section of "auth default". There, the master section remains
> commented out while the client section has been uncommented, the path set
> to /var/spool/postfix/private/auth, mode set to 0660, and the user and
> group have been set to postfix. ...This is all as described here:
> http://www.postfix.org/SASL_README.html
> and
> http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/PostfixAndDovecotSASL
> That's it for Dovecot. Now, to Postfix itself.
> >From the working environ, only listening on port 25, I simply added the
> following (as per directions already cited above):
> smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
> smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth
> smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
> broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
> smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext
> smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext
> smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous
> smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous
> And, of course, permit_sasl_authenticated was added to
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions.
> I got the impression from the baove sources that Postfix will then use
> Dovecot's authentication mechanism via a socket it finds in its
> private/auth subdirectory.
> NOT documented in any of those places, someone suggested I must turn on
> TLS. OK...
> The documentation found here:
> http://www.postfix.org/TLS_README.html
> claims (intimates) that it's not possible to run a site on a self-signed
> certificate, however, there's ZERO budget for a signed certificate, so
> unless I can get one for ten bucks somewhere, that could be a
> deal-breaker here. However, we've been us

[Dovecot] Trouble adding sasl support via dovecot

2012-03-12 Thread Richard Troy

Hello Folks,

I've been the admin of a site that uses Postfix with Dovecot on RedHat
since, oh, gosh, maybe 1996? It's been a long time. I've never built it
from source, though, just used the rpms (and I wonder if maybe that's my
problem now). It just works, is reliable, and lets me be a very-part-time

Repeatedly over the last few years I've been asked to have our mail system
"join the modern age" and provide mail sending capabilities for clients
that aren't on our internal network - via their smart-phones, from home,
etc. OK... Well, way back when the site was set up, smtp servers didn't do
any kind of "auth", but along the way to solving this problem (trying to
configure pop-before-smtp, someone mentioned that Postfix now has an auth
mechanism that uses Dovecot and I should use that instead! Great!  ...
Except that I've spent between 16 and 20 hours on this with no joy, and
while I hate having to ask for help, it's time to ask what things that are
obvious to the less ignorant that I must be doing wrong... Certainly,
given the solid history of Postfix and Dovecot, I must be the problem!

My problem statement is simply, "it should be working", but doesn't, and I
don't get any announcement of "auth" when testing connections to Postfix
as per directions here:


At least I haven't broken the normal functionality!

I'm building a new server on the latest Fedora Core (16), but it's lacking
in some hardware and won't be ready for a while, so I'm working with FC
14, running Postfix 2.5.6, and Dovecot 1.2.8. It uses the "cram-md5" auth
scheme (which works fine and I'd hate to change it if I don't have to).
The system has been up and functional on these versions for a couple of
years, and quite stable, we just can't send if we're not local.

When I do "postconf-a" it indicates cyrus and dovecot, so I take it that
means Postfix has been built with sasl support. (I presume this means I
don't have to compile it from source.)

First Dovecot. Its set up to provide all protocols, but only imaps and
pop3s have ports forwarded through the firewall. Plain-text auth is
disabled, ssl is set to yes, ssl_listen is not specified, and the cert and
key files are in the default locations - and work. No cipher list is used.
Dovecot's chrooted. The protocol sections imap and pop3 take ALL the
defaults, as does lda (I've ignored sendmail_path = /usr/lib/sendmail) as
I don't think it matters. "auth default {" has mechanisms set to cram-md5,
digest-md5, plain, and login, with passdb passwd-file pointing to a file
in /etc where the cram data goes. It's not using pam, and there's an OLD
comment in the config:

# Experience says we need an empty passdb - passwd group:

which is followed by passdb passwd{}. Later, there's "userdb passwd {}.

All of that was configured long ago and has been functional.

The changes I've made to add sasl support primarily pertain to the "socket
listen section of "auth default". There, the master section remains
commented out while the client section has been uncommented, the path set
to /var/spool/postfix/private/auth, mode set to 0660, and the user and
group have been set to postfix. ...This is all as described here:


That's it for Dovecot. Now, to Postfix itself.

>From the working environ, only listening on port 25, I simply added the
following (as per directions already cited above):

smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext
smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous
smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous

And, of course, permit_sasl_authenticated was added to

I got the impression from the baove sources that Postfix will then use
Dovecot's authentication mechanism via a socket it finds in its
private/auth subdirectory.

NOT documented in any of those places, someone suggested I must turn on
TLS. OK...

The documentation found here:


claims (intimates) that it's not possible to run a site on a self-signed
certificate, however, there's ZERO budget for a signed certificate, so
unless I can get one for ten bucks somewhere, that could be a
deal-breaker here. However, we've been using self-signed certificates for
a while now and wonder why an "exception" mechanism wouldn't exist. As
that web page talks about "Netscape" I suspect it's very old and may no
longer apply.

In any event, I tried this, too (after trying without). On the good side,
an available Android phone, previously reading fine, but unable to send,
no longer complained when the setup was changed to the imap username and
password, same server address, TLS security type, and the server port of
25. HOWEVER, no mail 

Re: [Dovecot] mdbox + gzip and rsync

2012-03-12 Thread Timo Sirainen
On 12.3.2012, at 17.10, Micah Anderson wrote:

> Jean-Daniel Beaubien  writes:
>> After reading the following paragraph from the dovecot doc, I've been
>> wondering how it would affect rsync (when combined with gzip):
>> "Expunging a message only decreases the message's refcount. The space is
>> later freed in "purge" step. This is typically done in a nightly cronjob
>> when there's less disk I/O activity. The purging first finds all files that
>> have refcount=0 mails. Then it goes through each file and copies the
>> refcount>0 mails to other mdbox files (to the same files as where newly
>> saved messages would also go), updates the map index and finally deletes
>> the original file. So there is never any overwriting or file truncation."
> Interesting, so it would be recommended to those using mdbox format to
> run a 'dovadm purge -A' every night to clean up these unused files? It
> seems like without this, mail storage usage will just grow infinitely.


> It does appear that using an rsync backup process for mdbox would not be
> able to detect this and backups would also grow infinitely.

rsync --delete would delete the old files, right? Anyway, I'd avoid using rsync 
for mdbox unless you're doing it on a filesystem snapshot. dsync backup should 
work better.

Re: [Dovecot] mdbox + gzip and rsync

2012-03-12 Thread Micah Anderson
Jean-Daniel Beaubien  writes:

> After reading the following paragraph from the dovecot doc, I've been
> wondering how it would affect rsync (when combined with gzip):
> "Expunging a message only decreases the message's refcount. The space is
> later freed in "purge" step. This is typically done in a nightly cronjob
> when there's less disk I/O activity. The purging first finds all files that
> have refcount=0 mails. Then it goes through each file and copies the
> refcount>0 mails to other mdbox files (to the same files as where newly
> saved messages would also go), updates the map index and finally deletes
> the original file. So there is never any overwriting or file truncation."

Interesting, so it would be recommended to those using mdbox format to
run a 'dovadm purge -A' every night to clean up these unused files? It
seems like without this, mail storage usage will just grow infinitely.

It does appear that using an rsync backup process for mdbox would not be
able to detect this and backups would also grow infinitely.



Re: [Dovecot] dot named folders

2012-03-12 Thread Micah Anderson
Robert Schetterer  writes:

> Am 08.03.2012 17:27, schrieb Micah Anderson:
>> Willie Gillespie  writes:
>>> On 03/07/2012 12:43 PM, Micah Anderson wrote:

 When a user makes a folder called 'x.y' it actually creates a folder
 called 'x' with a folder called 'y' inside, rather than a folder called
 'x.y'. I'm guessing this has to do with an internal folder separator
 namespace configuration, but I'm a bit confused by how this works.
>>> Correct.
>>> Similar to how in Linux, I could create a folder
>>> mkdir test1/test2
>>> It will create test2 inside of test1.
>>> The difference being that IMAP doesn't necessarily need the parent mailbox 
>>> to
>>> exist, where Linux would throw an error if test1/ didn't exist first.
>>> So basically, as far as I know, you can't have a folder with a "." in the 
>>> name
>>> with the namespaces you have set up.
>> That makes sense, however I'm not sure that I need these namespaces any
>> longer if I no longer am using the maildir format (mdbox). 
>> In either case, it seems like the internal folder separator should not
>> be exposed to the user like this. What is happening now is the user gets
>> something other than they expect (a folder within a folder, instead of a
>> folder with a dot in the name) because of some unknown internal
>> configuration. 
>> If moving to mdbox is not enough to remove these namespace
>> configurations that cause this, then it would be good if the user was
>> unable to create such a folder, because it was prohibited, rather than
>> creating something other than they expect.
>> micah
> http://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins/Listescape
> may help

Interesting, thanks for the pointer, although I think I prefer if users
are just prohibited from making a 'folder.withadot' and told that it is
prohibited right away, rather than giving them a way to do it.



Re: [Dovecot] Extracting mbox format from Dovecot IMAP (mdbox)

2012-03-12 Thread Giles Coochey

On 12/03/2012 13:39, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Mon, 2012-03-12 at 13:37 +, Giles Coochey wrote:

Any thoughts appreciated.

With v2.0: dsync -m spam backup mbox:~/mbox-mails/

There are also doveadm move and doveadm import commands that can do

OK, That would do a mailbox called spam no?
I have a normal user who has an IMAP folder called 'Junk E-mail'

Is there a similar syntax?

Yeah, the -m parameter just specifies the mailbox name. So:

dsync -m 'Junk E-mail' backup mbox:~/mbox-mails/

If different accounts have different names, then I guess you'll just
have to run dsync twice with each name.

Thanks - was experimenting and got it. Works a treat!

Best Regards,

Giles Coochey
NetSecSpec Ltd
UK Mobile: +44 7983 877 438
Business Email: giles.cooc...@netsecspec.co.uk
Email/MSN/Live Messenger: gi...@coochey.net
Skype: gilescoochey

Re: [Dovecot] Extracting mbox format from Dovecot IMAP (mdbox)

2012-03-12 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Mon, 2012-03-12 at 13:37 +, Giles Coochey wrote:
> >> Any thoughts appreciated.
> > With v2.0: dsync -m spam backup mbox:~/mbox-mails/
> >
> > There are also doveadm move and doveadm import commands that can do
> > this.
> >
> >
> OK, That would do a mailbox called spam no?
> I have a normal user who has an IMAP folder called 'Junk E-mail'
> Is there a similar syntax?

Yeah, the -m parameter just specifies the mailbox name. So:

dsync -m 'Junk E-mail' backup mbox:~/mbox-mails/

If different accounts have different names, then I guess you'll just
have to run dsync twice with each name.

Re: [Dovecot] No passdbs specified in configuration file with passdb/userdb in protocol sections

2012-03-12 Thread /dev/rob0
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 12:00:11AM -0400, b...@bitrate.net wrote:
> the problem with this is that while each of the passdb/userdb
> configs for the various protocols does indeed work, if a result
> is not found in one of them, the global passdb appears to then
> function as a catch-all.
> how can i tell dovecot it doesn't need a global passdb?  each
> of the protocols' passdb/userdb configs is functioning as
> desired, but having dovecot look elsewhere upon failure ends
> up defeating the purpose.

A simple workaround: use an empty passwd-file passdb as global.
  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

Re: [Dovecot] Extracting mbox format from Dovecot IMAP (mdbox)

2012-03-12 Thread Giles Coochey

On 12/03/2012 13:19, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Mon, 2012-03-12 at 13:09 +, Giles Coochey wrote:


I'm looking for a quick tool that can connect to my IMAP account grab
all the messages in a particular folder and dump them to a mbox format file?

Anyone know a quick easy tool to do that?

This is a spam folder that I'd like to do some Bayes spam learning on,
but since I've migrated to mdbox I don't think I can do this directly on
the mailbox.

Any thoughts appreciated.

With v2.0: dsync -m spam backup mbox:~/mbox-mails/

There are also doveadm move and doveadm import commands that can do

OK, That would do a mailbox called spam no?
I have a normal user who has an IMAP folder called 'Junk E-mail'

Is there a similar syntax?

Best Regards,

Giles Coochey
NetSecSpec Ltd
UK Mobile: +44 7983 877 438
Business Email: giles.cooc...@netsecspec.co.uk
Email/MSN/Live Messenger: gi...@coochey.net
Skype: gilescoochey

Re: [Dovecot] Extracting mbox format from Dovecot IMAP (mdbox)

2012-03-12 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Mon, 2012-03-12 at 13:09 +, Giles Coochey wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a quick tool that can connect to my IMAP account grab 
> all the messages in a particular folder and dump them to a mbox format file?
> Anyone know a quick easy tool to do that?
> This is a spam folder that I'd like to do some Bayes spam learning on, 
> but since I've migrated to mdbox I don't think I can do this directly on 
> the mailbox.
> Any thoughts appreciated.

With v2.0: dsync -m spam backup mbox:~/mbox-mails/

There are also doveadm move and doveadm import commands that can do

Re: [Dovecot] Question about folder creation/delete and logging

2012-03-12 Thread Maria Arrea
mail_log plugin is just what we need, thank you for your support.

 Yes, we are using bacula+doveadm import for this project.

 If you are interested, we have in production an home-brew message-tracking 
system for our end-users. We parse qmail / postfix / clamav / spamassassin/ 
dovecot / sieve logs and insert them in a mysql database, and a logged user in 
our webapp can see what happened with her mails (sent mails or messages waiting 
for arrival). Affero GPL software, of course.

 Some screenshots (Spanish only, sorry) here:


 URL of the project (Seguimiento, spanish word for "tracking"):




- Original Message -
From: Timo Sirainen
Sent: 03/12/12 02:04 PM
To: Maria Arrea
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Question about folder creation/delete and logging

 On Mon, 2012-03-12 at 12:56 +0100, Maria Arrea wrote: > > - Is there any way 
of Dovecot logging to write when a folder is > deleted or created? We do not 
want to increase too much our "normal" > logging level. We use Dovecot 
2.0.18+mdbox+zlib You can configure mail_log plugin to only log mailbox 
creations and deletions. http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Plugins/MailLog > - Does 
anybody know of any other project to create an easy-restore > for Dovecot? I 
guess you're using "doveadm import"? So other than that, haven't heard of any.

[Dovecot] Extracting mbox format from Dovecot IMAP (mdbox)

2012-03-12 Thread Giles Coochey


I'm looking for a quick tool that can connect to my IMAP account grab 
all the messages in a particular folder and dump them to a mbox format file?

Anyone know a quick easy tool to do that?

This is a spam folder that I'd like to do some Bayes spam learning on, 
but since I've migrated to mdbox I don't think I can do this directly on 
the mailbox.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Best Regards,

Giles Coochey
NetSecSpec Ltd
UK Mobile: +44 7983 877 438
Business Email: giles.cooc...@netsecspec.co.uk
Email/MSN/Live Messenger: gi...@coochey.net
Skype: gilescoochey

Re: [Dovecot] Question about folder creation/delete and logging

2012-03-12 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Mon, 2012-03-12 at 12:56 +0100, Maria Arrea wrote:
>  - Is there any way of Dovecot logging to write when a folder is
> deleted or created? We do not want to increase too much our "normal"
> logging level. We use Dovecot 2.0.18+mdbox+zlib

You can configure mail_log plugin to only log mailbox creations and
deletions. http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Plugins/MailLog

>  - Does anybody know of any other project to create an easy-restore
> for Dovecot?

I guess you're using "doveadm import"? So other than that, haven't heard
of any.

Re: [Dovecot] Question about folder creation/delete and logging

2012-03-12 Thread Urban Loesch


perhaps the mail_log plugin is what you need.


On 12.03.2012 12:56, Maria Arrea wrote:


  We are working in a web based restore system for our Dovecot users. In this 
web form a user must log-in and after successful login can estore a deleted 
folder from date X. We will release it under the GPL. I have a couple of 

  - Is there any way of Dovecot logging to write when a folder is deleted or created? We 
do not want to increase too much our "normal" logging level. We use Dovecot 
  - Does anybody know of any other project to create an easy-restore for 



[Dovecot] Dovecot LDA breaking .qmail forwarding?

2012-03-12 Thread Wouter van der Schagt
Good morning all,


I've a problem, I'm using the Dovecot LDA in my .qmail file:


|/var/qmail/bin/preline -f /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver -d $EXT@$USER


However when I add a forward, such as:


|/var/qmail/bin/preline -f /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver -d $EXT@$USER



The mail isn't forwarded and stays in the queue on the mail server, the same
is the case when I reverse the lines. The error in the log file is:


@40004f5de5f7033bc434 delivery 824026: deferral:


When using another LDA, for example when specifying the Maildir, it works,
but then i cannot use Sieve scripts.


Any ideas? Am I doing anything wrong?



-Wouter van der Schagt

[Dovecot] Question about folder creation/delete and logging

2012-03-12 Thread Maria Arrea

 We are working in a web based restore system for our Dovecot users. In this 
web form a user must log-in and after successful login can estore a deleted 
folder from date X. We will release it under the GPL. I have a couple of 

 - Is there any way of Dovecot logging to write when a folder is deleted or 
created? We do not want to increase too much our "normal" logging level. We use 
Dovecot 2.0.18+mdbox+zlib
 - Does anybody know of any other project to create an easy-restore for Dovecot?

