Sieve can't find Extprograms or Extdata

2015-03-07 Thread E.B.

On a new install-from-source with Dovecot 2.2.16rc1, Piegeonhole 0.4.6 and a 
grab of the newest Extdata code, I confirmed basic Sieve functionality is 
working (made a simple sieve script with a test on message subject resulting in 
a fileinto action).

But I cannot get Sieve to see Extdata or Extprograms. sievec reports Warning: 
sieve: ignored unknown extension 'vnd.dovecot.filter' while configuring 
available extensions and the same for vnd.dovecot.extdata.  And of course for 
the user script, error: require command: unknown Sieve capability 
`vnd.dovecot.filter' (same with extdata)

I'm pretty sure this is a library path problem, but I've tried symlinking and 
restarting dovecot with as many iterations of library paths as I can think of 
but still same problem.

The and are in 
/usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve and all the rest of the normal dovecot libraries 
are one level above in /usr/local/lib/dovecot.

I tried creating symlinks for a modules directory and a modules/sieve 
directory, I tried symlinking these two librarie files themselves into the top 
level dovecot library directory, and a few other ideas, but no luck.

Is there a way I can tell where Sieve expects its libraries to reside? To see 
where it is looking? I didn't provide any arguments to the configure command 
for pigeonhole as well as extdata and it seems like the libs got placed 
somewhere sensible, but I don't know what else to do.

Expunge messages older than

2015-03-07 Thread
Hi, I am using Dovecot 2.2.13 on cPanel server.
Is there a way to delete messages older than some date for a number of users 
(in every subfolder)?
Thank you

Re: Expunge messages older than

2015-03-07 Thread Gedalya

On 03/07/2015 01:20 PM, wrote:

Hi, I am using Dovecot 2.2.13 on cPanel server.
Is there a way to delete messages older than some date for a number of users 
(in every subfolder)?
Thank you

Re: v2.2.16 release candidate released

2015-03-07 Thread Timo Sirainen
On 06 Mar 2015, at 21:58, Daniel Miller wrote:
 On 3/6/2015 7:53 AM, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 Looks like it's been a long time since v2.2.15. There have been a ton of 
 changes since it was released though, so here's a release candidate first to 
 find out if somebody can find any bugs before the final v2.2.16.
 Unfortunately I haven't had time/energy to read Dovecot mailing list for a 
 while now. I'm hoping this will change, but I don't really expect it to 
 happen anytime soon. On the positive side for Dovecot, it's now becoming 
 used in more and more multi-million user installations, which brings all 
 kinds of nice new improvements.
 Great to hear both Dovecot and you are doing well.  I do need to ask you to 
 check the list for two threads:
 mdbox attachment errors
 Rebuilding SIS attachment links from log
 A few of us have been having SIS problems.

Unless there's a way to reproduce a bug I don't think I can do anything about 
it (I could spend hours looking at the code or trying to reproduce it and come 
up with nothing). But a while ago I did think about a SIS redesign that would 
make it much less likely to break - just need to get it actually implemented:

Currently single instance storage works by having one global directory that 
contains all the attachments. They are hashed by the attachment content, so for 
example /var/attachments/ac/7d/ac7d1274891248912489124 would be the attachment. 
Then each instance would have its own hard link to it, e.g. 
/var/attachments/ac/7d/hashes/ac7d1274891248912489124-1234567890. sdbox and 
mdbox can use these by containing the ac7d1274891248912489124-1234567890 in 
the header metadata. When mail is deleted, the hard link is deleted. If the 
link count had been 2, the original attachment file was deleted also. (There's 
of course some race conditions here, but in those rare situations the 
attachment would just be duplicated, which isn't too bad.)

The main problem with the old design is that all the users' attachments are 
dumped into a single global directory. It's difficult to take backups and in 
general it seems too difficult to manage correctly so I haven't really 
recommended using it in any bigger installations.

So here's the new idea, which is nearly the same as the old, but with a small 
change that makes it much nicer I think:

Instead of storing the attachment hard links to a global dir, store the hard 
links under the user's mail dir. This way taking backups doesn't require 
anything complicated, just tar the user's mail dir. You can rm -rf the user 
without forever leaving the user's attachments lying around in the global dir 
(assuming there's a job that periodically cleans out attachments with link 
count=1). In general there's no easy way to accidentally break things.

The only new complication here is that if users are split to multiple 
filesystems, hard linking across them isn't going to work. So this would then 
require not only having a per-user mail directory but also per-user attachment 
directory (which would actually be the per-filesystem attachment dir).

The SIS is implemented as lib-fs backend wrapper, so a new one could be 
implemented easily without breaking the old one.

Outlook 2013/2010 nightmare

2015-03-07 Thread David.M.Clark

Hi All,

This is my first post so forgive me if this hits the wrong list.

I have been using dovecot for years happily with SendMail on mainly 
CentOS servers, and my customers are starting to more and more use 
Thunderbird, so my perfect model is:

Linux -- Dovecot -- SendMail -- Thunderbird (or mobile phone e-mail app).

I do have some customers using Outlook or Windows Live Mail, and these 
are for the most part working fine with IMAP - I don't do POP.

My mod to the dovecot.conf file:


My mod to conf.d/10-mail.conf:

#mail_location =
mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%u

My mod to conf.d/10-master.conf:

#default_internal_user = dovecot

service imap-login {
  inet_listener imap {
port = 143
  inet_listener imap_second {
port = 10143
  inet_listener imaps {
#port = 993
#ssl = yes

- I do the 10143 bit so I can pseudo hide port 143 for clients with 
devices that access both internally and externally - port forwarded on 
MikroTik routers for my customers.

All goes well for many years with the above configs, and continues to be 
awesome as always.

Under the user's ${HOME} directory they end up with a lovely 'mail' 
directory and all of the e-mail client folders live in harmony under there.

This weekend I am helping a customer cut over his customer from legacy 
POP based e-mail uses with splatterings of Outlook 2010 and 2013 
throughout the company, to using Linux with IMAP in the setup as 
described above as per my standard configs.

The issue starts when you add an IMAP user to the Outlook client and 
upon opening it, initially, it tries to find a Sent Items folder under 
IMAP to send from. To this end I have traditionally gone into the 
dialogue box that opens, click on the IMAP account to receive a list of 
possible folders, but it now immediately crashes indicating Outlook has 
had an error, and it all goes to hell from there. Outlook then cannot 
open but keeps crashing with its unknown error.
Up to last week at another site with Windows Live Mail, this was not an 

By modifying the e-mail account via Control Panel, I can delete or 
modify the account and try again.

Here is what I found:

If I don't specify a 'root' folder under the Advanced tab which also 
contains the port selections for 143 and 25, it fails.

If I follow the MS recommended root folder example from Microsoft and 
use INBOX, or Inbox, it 'does' stop the error but you can't create 
subfolders - I am assuming as this is picking up the .imap/INBOX folder 
or something and makes sense that it can't create folders under 
INBOX/Inbox, particularly if this is a file rather than a directory that 
dovecot/Outlook are pointing to.

What I have found is I can 'lie' to Outlook and put in a 'mail' folder. 
This results in a ${HOME}/login_name/mail/mail folder, but I don't care, 
as it happily puts files under mail/mail.

Now here is something totally strange: If I try to put this same account 
on another PC so users can 'share' the same e-mail account, even with my 
'mail' root folder work-around, it crashes again.

All through this, Thuderbird works fine and so does RoundCube - SOGo 
will be up and working a bit later once I get the initial part up and 
going... but I digress but good to know it is only Outlook doing this.

To share multiple accounts I am currently getting the subsequent PCs 
that need to share a universal account to select a root folder mail2, 
mail3 etc. I then delete these folders and symbolic link the mail2, 
mail3 etc to the mail directory - yucky fix, but kind of works with some 
auto scripting of .subscriptions to follow so all of the Outlook clients 
sync to the one 'real' root folder.

I have never seen this before and have customers running all kinds of 
IMAP e-mail clients to dovecot on Linux.

I saw an MS posted bug on something for IMAP and they recommend rolling 
back MS updates to fix it - but I am not sure the client can or will do 

This kind of random issue that only affects this site at present is why 
I only recommend people use e-mail clients like Thunderbird because it 
just 'works'. The users at this site would not switch and will cite they 
have been working in a POP situation on their other Linux box since Adam 
was a boy.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

I like to think I can do this with my eyes shut by now, but this one has 
got me stumped.


As always, I remain at your service.

Kindest Regards,
David.M.Clark (Director - Senior Linux/UNIX Consultant)
 Davrom Consulting Pty LtdE-mail :
 PO Box 1644, Sunnybank Hills, 4109   Twitter: @DavidClark1961
 ABN: 81 096 990 804  MSN:
 Phone/Fax: 61-7-32720267 Skype: dmc1961
 Mobile: 0418-763124  Google: