Sieve redirect does not collect the sendmail child process correctly (Dovecot, Pigeonhole 0.5.4)

2019-11-01 Thread Delian Krustev via dovecot


I got this simple test Sieve config:

# Sieve Filter
# Generated by Ingo ( (11/01/2019, 10:46:06 PM)

# Forwards
if true {
redirect "";
# Forward Keep Action
if true {

Which used to work fine with:

  # 2.2.27 (c0f36b0): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
  # Pigeonhole version 0.4.16 (fed8554)
  # OS: Linux 4.9.0-8-amd64 x86_64 Debian 9.11

Then I've tried migrating to:

  # (f79e8e7e4): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
  # Pigeonhole version 0.5.4 ()
  # OS: Linux 4.19.0-6-amd64 x86_64 Debian 10.1

And started getting the following errors:

  # cat .dovecot.sieve.log
  sieve: info: started log at Nov 01 22:55:50.
  error: msgid=<4221584.AlbrL4BjWX@home>: failed to redirect message to 
: Failed to execute sendmail (temporary failure).

A google search lead me to:

which blames systemd service changes:


, however I'm not running dovecot via systemd but use DJB's daemontools for
service supervision .

The page above suggested to change from:

  sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail


  submission_host = localhost

in "conf.d/15-lda.conf", which worked fine.
But since I don't have other problems with "sendmail" execution I've decided
to debug this further.

I have dovecot integrated with Qmail:

# apt-cache policy qmail
  Installed: 1.06-6+b1
  Candidate: 1.06-6+b1
  Version table:
 *** 1.06-6+b1 900
900 buster/main amd64 Packages

so sendmail's implementation comes from Qmail:

  # ls -al `which sendmail`
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Feb 23  2015 /usr/sbin/sendmail -> qmail-sendmail

I've strace-d the qmail-lspawn process which executes dovecot's LDA, which
processes the Sieve rules and executes "sendmail".
The sendmail process executes and returns successfully, the mail is delivered,
however the Sieve code does not wait for the child process correctly and tries
to kill the already exited process after 30 seconds timeout.

Here are the problematic Sieve syscalls:

22:55:15.283482 execve("/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver", ["/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver", 
"-e", "-a", ""], 0x5620b4330c40 /* 61 vars */) = 0
22:55:15.286845 pipe([5, 6])= 0
22:55:15.286870 fcntl(5, F_GETFL)   = 0 (flags O_RDONLY)
22:55:15.286889 fcntl(5, F_SETFL, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
22:55:15.286909 fcntl(6, F_GETFL)   = 0x1 (flags O_WRONLY)
22:55:15.286928 fcntl(6, F_SETFL, O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
22:55:15.286947 fcntl(5, F_GETFD)   = 0
22:55:15.286966 fcntl(5, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0
22:55:15.286985 fcntl(6, F_GETFD)   = 0
22:55:15.287003 fcntl(6, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0
22:55:15.287024 epoll_create(128)   = 7
22:55:15.287043 fcntl(7, F_GETFD)   = 0
22:55:15.287062 fcntl(7, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0
22:55:15.287084 epoll_ctl(7, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 5, 
{EPOLLIN|EPOLLPRI|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP, {u32=47201248, u64=94699781110752}}) = 0
22:55:15.294625 epoll_ctl(7, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 5, 0x7ffd59156b8c) = 0
22:55:15.294647 epoll_create(128)   = 12
22:55:15.294668 fcntl(12, F_GETFD)  = 0
22:55:15.294687 fcntl(12, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0
22:55:15.294708 epoll_ctl(12, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 5, 
{EPOLLIN|EPOLLPRI|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP, {u32=47455536, u64=94699781365040}}) = 0

  Dovecot/Sieve will wait for this pipe FD 5 later, but no event will arrive.

22:55:15.294740 rt_sigaction(SIGCHLD, {sa_handler=0x7f15404b3640, sa_mask=[], 
sa_flags=SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, sa_restorer=0x7f1540229840}, NULL, 
8) = 0
22:55:15.294763 pipe([13, 14])  = 0
22:55:15.294788 clone(child_stack=NULL, 
child_tidptr=0x7f15401ec2d0) = 6929

  The sendmail child process with PID 6929 is forked here.

22:55:15.294928 close(13)   = 0
22:55:15.294969 fcntl(14, F_GETFL)  = 0x1 (flags O_WRONLY)
22:55:15.295006 fcntl(14, F_SETFL, O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
22:55:15.295039 lseek(14, 0, SEEK_CUR)  = -1 ESPIPE (Illegal seek)
22:55:15.295065 getsockname(14, 0x7ffd59156a40, [28]) = -1 ENOTSOCK (Socket 
operation on non-socket)
22:55:15.295109 write(14, "EDITTED LONG MESSAGE DATA\n", 1461) = 1461
22:55:15.295150 close(14)   = 0
22:55:15.295175 wait4(6929, 0x562102d4fee4, WNOHANG, NULL) = 0
22:55:15.295211 epoll_wait(12, [], 1, 3) = 0

  Here's where the 30 second's timeout is requested and waited.

22:55:45.325580 kill(6929, SIGTERM) = 0
22:55:45.325769 epoll_wait(12, [], 1, 5000) = 0
22:55:50.331108 kill(6929, SIGKILL) = 0
22:55:50.332867 wait4(6929, [{WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s) == 0}], 0, NULL) = 
22:55:50.333020 epoll_ctl(12, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 5, 0x7ffd59156b6c) = 0
22:55:50.333060 epoll_ctl(7, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 5, 
{EPOLLIN|EPOLLPRI|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP, {u32=47201248, u64=94699781110752}}) = 0
22:55:50.333097 close(12)   = 0

Re: Bug report

2019-11-01 Thread @lbutlr via dovecot
On 01 Nov 2019, at 16:30, Peter Nabbefeld  wrote:
> ~/.getmail/log
> =
> 2019-11-01 21:44:20 Delivery error (command deliver 42245 error (127, exec of 
> command deliver failed (change UID/GID to vmail/vmail failed ([Errno 1] 
> Operation not permitted

Seems pretty clear, get mail is not running as the right user and doesn’t have 
permission to change to the right user. Seems to be a configuration issue with 
get mail (not sure what that is).

"Whose motorcycle is this?" "It's chopper, baby." "Whose chopper is
this?" "It's Zed's." "Who's Zed?" "Zed' dead, baby. Zed's dead.”

Bug report

2019-11-01 Thread Peter Nabbefeld via dovecot

I've got a problem fetching my emails using getmail. First question is, of 
course, what's causing the problems. I'm going to think that getmail get's an 
error code from dovecot when trying to connect and just signals the most common 
error, so it seems to be a problem with dovecot.

Sorry but I cannot upload any files with the silly web interface of my 
provider, so I cannot attach a core dump here.  :-(

Kind regards


2019-11-01 21:44:20 Delivery error (command deliver 42245 error (127, exec of 
command deliver failed (change UID/GID to vmail/vmail failed ([Errno 1] 
Operation not permitted

Oct 31 20:27:00 lda(<42409><2+iBJIQ1u12ppQAA7IIYzw>: 
Panic: file istream-crlf.c: line 24 (i_stream_crlf_read_common): assertion 
failed: (ret != -2)
Oct 31 20:27:00 lda(<42409><2+iBJIQ1u12ppQAA7IIYzw>: 
Error: Raw backtrace: /usr/lib/dovecot/ 
[0x7f4ec8e62784] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e627c1] 
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8dac3aa] -> 
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8daef62] -> 
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e74076] -> 
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e70291] 
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e70477] -> 
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e794a8] -> 
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e70291] 
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e70477] -> 
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e70f3c] -> 
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e8bbea] -> 
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e8da86] -> 
/usr/lib/dovecot/ [0x7f4ec8e8b86f] 
-> /usr/lib/dovecot/ 
[0x7f4ec901114e] -> 
[0x7f4ec8fafbe7] -> 
[0x7f4ec8f815b7] -> 
[0x7f4ec8f72388] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/ 
[0x7f4ec8fab99d] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/ 
[0x7f4ec90a2c46] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/ 
[0x7f4ec8af0004] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/ 
[0x7f4ec8f81b0c] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/ 
[0x7f4ec67e0db8] -> 
[0x7f4ec67d65cd] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/ 
[0x7f4ec67e9a79] -> 
[0x7f4ec67eac49] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/ 
[0x7f4ec685c76b] -> /usr/lib/dovecot/ 

dovecot -n
# 2.3.8 (9df20d2db): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# Pigeonhole version 0.5.8 (b7b03ba2)
# OS: Linux 5.3.7-arch1-2-ARCH x86_64 Arch Linux 
# Hostname:
auth_verbose = yes
disable_plaintext_auth = no
info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot-info.log
log_path = /var/log/dovecot.log
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs
mail_plugins = " fts fts_solr"
managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope encoded-character 
vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy 
include variables body enotify environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate 
mime foreverypart extracttext editheader
namespace inbox {
  inbox = yes
  location = 
  mailbox Entwürfe {
special_use = \Drafts
  mailbox Gesendet {
special_use = \Sent
  mailbox Spamverdacht {
special_use = \Junk
  mailbox Trash {
special_use = \Trash
  prefix = 
passdb {
  args = username_format=%u /etc/dovecot/passwd
  driver = passwd-file
plugin {
  fts = solr
  fts_solr = url=http://localhost:8983/solr/
  sieve = file:/home/vmail/sieve;active=/home/vmail/.dovecot.sieve
  sieve_extensions = +editheader
service stats {
  unix_listener stats-reader {
group = vmail
mode = 0666
user = vmail
  unix_listener stats-writer {
group = vmail
mode = 0666
user = vmail
ssl = no
ssl_dh = # hidden, use -P to show it
userdb {
  args = uid=vmail gid=vmail home=/home/vmail/%d/%n
  driver = static
protocol lda {
  mail_plugins = " fts fts_solr sieve"
  postmaster_address =

Help with master user

2019-11-01 Thread Marcio Merlone via dovecot


Trying to implement a master user (1) for auditing purposes without 
luck. Ubuntu 18.04.3, canonical official repos only, no ppa nor 
self-compiled anything. From the log below I understand the master 
password succeeds but AD auth fails. I am pretty sure I missed something 
here. Also, notice the messages "Ignoring unknown passdb extra field: 


Nov  1 14:02:32 netuno dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: 
Nov  1 14:02:32 netuno dovecot: auth: Debug: 
passwd-file(master,,master,): Master user 
lookup for login: test.account
Nov  1 14:02:32 netuno dovecot: auth: Debug: 
passwd-file(master,,master,): lookup: 
user=master file=/etc/dovecot/master-users
Nov  1 14:02:32 netuno dovecot: auth: 
passwd-file(master,,master,): Master user 
logging in as test.account
Nov  1 14:02:32 netuno dovecot: auth: 
ldap(test.account,,): invalid credentials
Nov  1 14:02:34 netuno dovecot: auth: Debug: client passdb out: 
Nov  1 14:02:34 netuno dovecot: imap-login: Debug: Ignoring unknown 
passdb extra field: original_user
Nov  1 14:02:34 netuno dovecot: imap-login: Debug: Ignoring unknown 
passdb extra field: auth_user
Nov  1 14:02:42 netuno dovecot: imap-login: Aborted login (auth failed, 
1 attempts in 10 secs): user=, method=PLAIN, rip=, 
lip=, secured, session=

doveconf -n:

root@netuno:/etc/dovecot# grep -v "^\s*#\|^\s*$" 

hosts =
auth_bind = yes
auth_bind_userdn = cn=%Lu,CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=example,DC=net
base = DC=ad,DC=example,DC=net
scope = base
user_attrs = \
    =home=/mnt/maildirs/%Lu, \
user_filter = (&(objectClass=person)(uid=%Lu)(mail=*

root@netuno:/etc/dovecot# cat /etc/dovecot/global-acls
* user=master lr


Best regards

*Marcio Merlone*

Re: warning: NFS hangs with dovecot 2.3.8 on Debian buster

2019-11-01 Thread Jan-Pieter Cornet via dovecot

On 25-10-19 19:41, Jan-Pieter Cornet via dovecot wrote:

We are in the process of contacting the linux-nfs folks about this, but I'm 
trying to reproduce this on a test-cluster first, to be able to present a 
well-documented case. Since this hang doesn't happen immediately, but takes a 
few hours to a day to occur in the wild, or a few thousand writes to the same 
mailbox, it's a bit hard to debug.

Just FTR, I finally sent mail to the linux-nfs list about this. See eg

No replies yet - if^H^Hwhen this gets resolved I'll report back to this list.

Jan-Pieter Cornet 
Systeembeheer XS4ALL Internet bv

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Dovecot and MySQL aborted connections.

2019-11-01 Thread Reio Remma via dovecot

On 01/11/2019 10:16, Reio Remma via dovecot wrote:

On 01/11/2019 01:19, Benjamin Connelly via dovecot wrote:

during the update the log_warnings changed from 1 to 2 therefore
showing lots of aborted connection notices in the logs

changing the log_warnings back from 2 to 1 solved this issue

Yes the same setting made the same change to the default with mysql: 

So now we know how to silence the "Aborted connection" mysql loglines 
thank you!

But still I wonder if Dovecot wants to handle these connections 
slightly differently - if it could be cleaner? Or is it moot?

Unfortunately there are (replication info) messages that I actually 
need from that log level and I wouldn't want to just hide issues 
anyway. :)

I monitored the situation in MySQL Workbench a little and it seems the 
userdb MySQL connection closes cleanly.

What doesn't close cleanly is the dict engine MySQL connection that is 
updating last login timestamp (its connection shows COMMIT as the last 

The dict connection closes after sleeping exactly 60 seconds (server 
net_write_timeout is 60 seconds).

The userdb connection closes after about 61-62 seconds for some reason.

I tried changing read/write_timeout in Dovecot MySQL connection to 
lower, equal and higher than those set by the server, but it didn't 
change anything.

Re: Dovecot and MySQL aborted connections.

2019-11-01 Thread Reio Remma via dovecot

On 01/11/2019 01:19, Benjamin Connelly via dovecot wrote:

during the update the log_warnings changed from 1 to 2 therefore
showing lots of aborted connection notices in the logs

changing the log_warnings back from 2 to 1 solved this issue

Yes the same setting made the same change to the default with mysql: 

So now we know how to silence the "Aborted connection" mysql loglines 
thank you!

But still I wonder if Dovecot wants to handle these connections 
slightly differently - if it could be cleaner? Or is it moot?

Unfortunately there are (replication info) messages that I actually need 
from that log level and I wouldn't want to just hide issues anyway. :)

Re: dovecot and ldap

2019-11-01 Thread Nikolai Lusan via dovecot
Hash: SHA512


On Thu, 2019-10-31 at 22:07 +0100, Maciej Milaszewski IQ PL via dovecot
> I use dovecot+ldap

So do I. It works well.

> How realy works (in dovecot-2.2.x ) lists of LDAP hosts to use ?
> -- dovecot.conf 
> hosts =
> #uris =
> This is simpe HA ? I mean if have problem another request
> go to ?

- From :

'If multiple LDAP servers are specified, it’s decided by the LDAP library
how the server connections are handled. Typically the first working server
is used, and it’s never disconnected from. So there is no load balancing or
automatic reconnecting to the “primary” server.'

So if you want/need HA it's up to you. :)

- -- 
Nikolai Lusan 
