It shouldn't be impossible, but I've tried countless ways and not even ChatGPT
4o was able to help me! :D
I use three LDIF files to get OpenLDAP ready for testing. In the first LDIF I
just modify the schema to add the associatedDomain attributes (then I could
configure the server to serve more than one domain). The second LDIF is to add
4 objects to the schema that I use to differentiate accounts that actually
receive/send emails and have a password; another thing done in it is to add a
"groupOfUniqueNamesWithMail" object that allows the "mail" and "mailEnabled"
attributes that are then necessary to use in the entries created in the
"shared-mailboxes" OU. Finally, the third LDIF populates the LDAP by creating
OUs, user accounts and creating entries in "shared-mailboxes" that serve to say
which user accounts have access to which other user accounts.
When I start the email server, sending and receiving emails works perfectly.
And mailbox shares work as expected if I manually use, for each share, the
doveadm acl set -u INBOX
lookup read write write-seen write-deleted insert post expunge create delete
But just as authentication works perfectly via LDAP, I believe there must be a
way to configure Dovecot to dynamically adjust ACLs via LDAP.
The configuration in principle would be this:
acl_search_base = ou=shared-mailboxes,dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
acl_search_filter =
acl_user = %u
Testing this filter on the command line with "ldapsearch" the expected results
are returned. I mean, I enter an email address from a user account and the
result is all the other user account email addresses that the first one would
have access to.
Any charitable soul who is willing to help and needs more information, just say
what you need and I will try to respond as quickly as possible.
I will place the content of the three LDIFs below.
[ 01-modify_domain.ldif ]
dn: dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
changetype: modify
add: objectClass
objectClass: domainRelatedObject
add: associatedDomain
add: associatedDomain
[ 02-add_my_object_classes_to_schema.ldif ]
# Object class for system user accounts
dn: cn=SystemAccount,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: SystemAccount
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'SystemAccount' DESC 'Object
class for system accounts' SUP top AUXILIARY )
# Object class for department user accounts
dn: cn=DepartmentAccount,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: DepartmentAccount
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'DepartmentAccount' DESC 'Object
class for department accounts' SUP top AUXILIARY )
# Object class for mailing user accounts
dn: cn=MailingAccount,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: MailingAccount
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'MailingAccount' DESC 'Object
class for mailing accounts' SUP top AUXILIARY )
# Object class for person user accounts
dn: cn=PersonAccount,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: PersonAccount
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'PersonAccount' DESC 'Object
class for person accounts' SUP top AUXILIARY )
# Object class that allows groupOfUniqueNames to have a mail attribute
dn: cn=groupOfUniqueNamesWithMail,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: groupOfUniqueNamesWithMail
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'groupOfUniqueNamesWithMail' SUP
groupOfUniqueNames STRUCTURAL MAY ( mail $ mailEnabled ) )
[ ]
### Create organizaitonal units
dn: ou=system-accounts,dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
ou: system-accounts
objectClass: organizaitonalUnit
objectClass: top
dn: ou=department-accounts,dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
ou: department-accounts
objectClass: organizaitonalUnit
objectClass: top
dn: ou=mailing-accounts,dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
ou: mailing-accounts
objectClass: organizaitonalUnit
objectClass: top
dn: ou=person-accounts,dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
ou: person-accounts
objectClass: organizaitonalUnit
objectClass: top
dn: ou=shared-mailboxes,dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
ou: shared-mailboxes
objectClass: organizaitonalUnit
objectClass: top
## Create System User Accounts
#not related to a person
#can be accessed directly or indirectly by more than one person
uid: admin
userPassword: {SSHA}
displayName: My Domain - Admin
givenName: System
sn: Admin
cn: System Admin
mail: ad...@mydomain