Re: [Dovecot] cannot update mailbox - unable to lock for exclusive access

2012-11-26 Thread 1st WebDesigns

Thanks, all your comments are noted.

As I said, you can migrate users individually.  You could easily do 10
users a day during coffee breaks etc and be done in a month plus.  Do 40
a day and you're done in 10 days.  The only time you'll burn is in the
learning curve, not the actual mailbox migration which takes no time at
all with POP accounts.

That's interesting, as I (wrongly) assumed switching from mbox to 
maildir was an all or nothing process.  You're saying we can run half 
the mailboxes in mbox format and the other half in maildir format?

In which case we can get going with this sooner than I thought.

Always test with a dummy mailbox first to iron out any issues.  Then
start migrating the problem users first, the smart phone users who tie
up their mailboxes for many minutes during download.

Thank you - I would probably start with the CEO's mailbox first and then 
go from there >:-D

Re: [Dovecot] cannot update mailbox - unable to lock for exclusive access

2012-11-26 Thread 1st WebDesigns

So this is a step in the right direction.  But still far less than
optimal.  The read/write lock contention on mbox is unnecessarily eating
up system resources (mainly memory), and causing unnecessary delivery
delays to the mailbox.  You should really start looking at migrating to
maildir.  It's not that difficult (though maybe more so with 1.0.7) if
you don't have a ton of mailboxes, and especially with POP since the
mailboxes typically wont be holding much mail to migrate.  How many do
you have?

There's around four hundred mail boxes or so.  Some used more 
intensively than others.

Our server is with Rackspace, and RHEL5 is the OS they offered us as an
upgrade path from RHEL4.  So they're getting the support from Red Hat
and we're getting the support from Rackspace.

The plot thickens again.  You're using a rented server.  Sigh...

This entire thread could have been greatly shortened, saving all of us
much time, if you'd have given all these details up front.

Is this a cloud server (shared host), or a dedicated server?

It's a dedicated server

FWIW, you don't have RHEL5, but CentOS 5.  Hosting companies don't pay
for RHEL licenses for 10s of thousands of hosts.

It's RHEL5:

$cat /etc/issue
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8 (Tikanga)

The cost of the license is included in our contract.

I have a few salient recommendations for you:

1.  Migrate to maildir.  It is far more appropriate for a POP workload.

Yes, this will be our next course of action

2.  Switch to a hosting provider that offers much more recent software.

We can upgrade the software if we wish, but will no longer get full 
support from Rackspace if we do this.

3.  Or, get a colo server so you can use whatever software you wish.

We can install whatever software we wish at the moment, but see the 
point above.

Finally, if this email service you're providing isn't all that critical
to you or your organization, simply prod along as you have been,
fighting these problems frequently along the way.

It's kind of working ok now but we will go with your recommendation of 
switching to maildir when we have time.  Thanks for your help

Re: [Dovecot] cannot update mailbox - unable to lock for exclusive access

2012-11-23 Thread 1st WebDesigns

On 23/11/2012 06:07, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

On 11/22/2012 3:26 PM, 1st WebDesigns wrote:

Output of dovecot -n is as follows:

# 1.0.7: /etc/dovecot.conf
login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(pop3): /usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login
mail_privileged_group: mail
mail_location: mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
mbox_lock_timeout: 600
mail_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(pop3): /usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3
mail_plugin_dir(default): /usr/lib64/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(imap): /usr/lib64/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(pop3): /usr/lib64/dovecot/pop3
auth default:
 driver: pam
 driver: passwd

Are your mailboxes on NFS storage?  You haven't stated on what storage
your mailboxes reside.  NFS complicates locking.  If you use an NFS
server, did anything on it change recently, such as an upgrade to RHEL5?

No they are not on NFS storage, the mailboxes are stored on the local 

I found a thread stating RHEL5 has a bad FCNTL implementation that could
be related to your write lock delay problem.  Try using dotlock only for
read and write and see if that helps.  It has additional filesystem IO
overhead, but nothing like the many minutes of delay you have now.

mbox_read_locks = dotlock
mbox_write_locks = dotlock

Thank you I will try this.  I did read that when using Postfix and 
Dovecot, both systems should use a matching locking mechanism, which I 
had already tried.  However, I hadn't tried just dotlock, only FCNTL and 
a combination of FCNTL and dotlock.

We upgraded from RedHat 4 to RedHat 5.  The problem didn't exist with
RH4 and an even older version of Dovecot.

That may be, but you're surely not planning on downgrading back to RHEL4.

No, not at all.

When emails are stuck in the queue, doing this:

Dovecot doesn't use queues.  It writes directly to the mailbox files.

lsof /var/spool/mail/

These are mailbox files, your user inbox mbox files, not spool files.
Spool implies temporary storage.  Don't let "spool" fool you.  On
many/most systems /var/spool/mail is a link to /var/mail.

Yes that's correct.

shows the spool file in use by a pop3 login and the Dovecot deliver
process.  Since changing mbox_lock_timeout from 300 to 600 the pop3
process eventually finishes before 600 seconds and the deliver process
is able to complete.   I admit this is masking the problem rather than
solving it.

Does the larger timeout value completely eliminate the errors?  If so
this may be the best outcome you can get with Dovecot 1.0.7, mbox
storage, on RHEL5, unless a different locking method fixes it.

Yes it completely eliminates the errors.  If a pop3 connection has the 
lock, the mail simply sits there and is eventually delivered in (less 
than) 600 seconds.  Whereas before, it would get deferred.  When 
re-delivery was attempted, it's possible that the box would be locked 
again, and the mail would get deferred again, leading to a delay of 
several hours on a busy day.

As discussed before our version of Dovecot is dated now, however it's
the version provided by RedHat and the version supported by our support
company (who aren't doing a great job, hence me posting here).

It's the version provided by RHEL5.  RHEL6.3 has Dovecot 2.0.9.  There
are 3rd party 1.2.x RPMs available for RHEL5.x as well as 2.x.x RPMs for

What "support company"?  If you're using RHEL, Red Hat provides the
support.  That's the whole reason for "paying for" a Linux distro.  What
is preventing you from upgrading to RHEL 6.3, the current release?
Which BTW is behind nearly all other distros WRT package versions.  For
instance Debian stable has Dovecot 2.1.7 available in the backports repo.

Our server is with Rackspace, and RHEL5 is the OS they offered us as an 
upgrade path from RHEL4.  So they're getting the support from Red Hat 
and we're getting the support from Rackspace.

Re: [Dovecot] cannot update mailbox - unable to lock for exclusive access

2012-11-22 Thread 1st WebDesigns

Output of dovecot -n is as follows:

# 1.0.7: /etc/dovecot.conf
login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(pop3): /usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login
mail_privileged_group: mail
mail_location: mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
mbox_lock_timeout: 600
mail_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(pop3): /usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3
mail_plugin_dir(default): /usr/lib64/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(imap): /usr/lib64/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(pop3): /usr/lib64/dovecot/pop3
auth default:
driver: pam
driver: passwd

We upgraded from RedHat 4 to RedHat 5.  The problem didn't exist with 
RH4 and an even older version of Dovecot.

When emails are stuck in the queue, doing this:

lsof /var/spool/mail/

shows the spool file in use by a pop3 login and the Dovecot deliver 
process.  Since changing mbox_lock_timeout from 300 to 600 the pop3 
process eventually finishes before 600 seconds and the deliver process 
is able to complete.   I admit this is masking the problem rather than 
solving it.

As discussed before our version of Dovecot is dated now, however it's 
the version provided by RedHat and the version supported by our support 
company (who aren't doing a great job, hence me posting here).


On 22/11/2012 12:09, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

On 11/12/2012 5:15 AM, 1st WebDesigns wrote:

Thanks for your replies.  I switched to Dovecot LDA this morning, but
the issue still persists, albeit logged slightly differently by Dovecot
now instead of Postfix:

"save failed to INBOX: Timeout while waiting for lock"

The reason is because some pop3 clients

Full stop.  This is the first time you've mentioned POP that I recall.
FYI, Dovecot is primarily an IMAP server.  Unless an OP states up front
that he's using primarily POP, everyone assumes IMAP and counsels
accordingly.  You should have stated POP in your first post.  Actually,
you should have included many more details prior to now.  Please post
your complete 'dovecot -n' output.

are holding their connection for
5 or 6 minutes (don't ask me why - and the iPhone seems to be the major

I'm no smartphone POP expert, but old rural tower, poor tower
connection, etc, all cause low data rates, which could cause this.
However, you state this problem cropped up out of nowhere after a distro
upgrade to CentOS 5.  Can you confirm that the problem didn't exist
before the upgrade?  Your definitive answer to this question dictates
the troubleshooting course of action.

In dovecot.conf I changed:

mbox_lock_timeout = 300


mbox_lock_timeout = 600

Which seems to have helped.  I am unclear if this value only applied to
Dovecot LDA or if it would have worked previously before switching to
Dovecot LDA?

This simply changes how long Dovecot will wait to acquire a lock.
Increasing this value simply increases delays, masks the underlying
problem without really helping much.

The only real architectural solution to such a POP/mbox locking problem
due to slow/long client downloads is, as you mentioned, moving to a
lockless mailbox format, such as maildir or sdbox.

Worth noting, we are both/all at fault in the slow progress of this
issue, you for not stating POP up front, and me/us for not asking.

Your 'dovecot -n' output may allow us to help get mbox working a little
better, but the long term solution is very likely moving to maildir/sdbox.

Re: [Dovecot] cannot update mailbox - unable to lock for exclusive access

2012-11-12 Thread 1st WebDesigns

On 08/11/2012 23:53, Ben Morrow wrote:

At  3AM -0600 on  8/11/12 you (Stan Hoeppner) wrote:

1.0.7 is absolutely ancient and no longer officially supported.  You
need 1.2.x minimum, 2.x.x even better.  And you say you just recently
upgraded your Linux distro?  What planet do you live on son?  You're a
few light years behind current stable software.

[A light-year is a measure of distance, not of time.]

LDA completely eliminates lock contention.

As we have discussed before, using the LDA does not prevent lock
contention, it just prevents the problems that arise when different
software is using different locking strategies on the same mailbox
(assuming nothing except LDA and imap is touching the mailbox directly).

There are valid reasons for not using the LDA: the OP might be already
using procmail, for instance, and have users with procmail recipies
which sort into IMAP folders. These folders will need to be locked by
procmail even if the default delivery to INBOX is changed (globally) to
happen through dovecot-lda. While migrating to sieve (and mdbox, and
LMTP) would, IMHO, be the best long-term solution, this isn't necessarily
something that can be set up overnight.


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Thanks for your replies.  I switched to Dovecot LDA this morning, but 
the issue still persists, albeit logged slightly differently by Dovecot 
now instead of Postfix:

"save failed to INBOX: Timeout while waiting for lock"

The reason is because some pop3 clients are holding their connection for 
5 or 6 minutes (don't ask me why - and the iPhone seems to be the major 

In dovecot.conf I changed:

mbox_lock_timeout = 300


mbox_lock_timeout = 600

Which seems to have helped.  I am unclear if this value only applied to 
Dovecot LDA or if it would have worked previously before switching to 
Dovecot LDA?

[Dovecot] cannot update mailbox - unable to lock for exclusive access

2012-11-08 Thread 1st WebDesigns

Hi there,

We're using Dovecot version 1.0.7 and Postfix, and since upgrading our 
Linux box we're getting this in the maillog:

Nov  8 07:49:11 server1 postfix/local[27901]: 04B8E7081DA: 
to=, orig_to=, relay=local, delay=19, 
delays=0.07/0/0/19, dsn=4.2.0, status=deferred (cannot update mailbox 
/var/spool/mail/abc for user abc. unable to lock for exclusive access: 
Resource temporarily unavailable)

Postfix is currently set to:
mailbox_delivery_lock = fcntl, dotlock

Dovecot has this:
mbox_read_locks = fcntl
mbox_write_locks = fcntl dotlock

I've scoured the web and tried all kinds of different locking mechanisms 
and combinations to no avail.  The mail is eventually delivered but on a 
busy day this can take several hours.

In the evening it generally doesn't happen, which leads me to believe it 
occurs during the day when people have their mail clients open. 
However, this particular issue doesn't affect every user that has their 
mail client open, only some!

We currently have the mailboxes in mbox format - yes I know we should 
upgrade to maildir which we will eventually, however we've been using 
mbox for the last 10 years and this has only become an issue since 

What I have discovered this morning is a Dovecot connection that is open 
for 6 minutes before disconnection.  During this 6 minutes the above 
problem occurs (new mail cannot get an exclusive lock).  The same user 
will have connected and disconnected several times before and after, 
with a connection taking no more than a few seconds.  But it seems 
sometimes the connection is taking longer than it should and I suspect 
the problem lies here.

Please can anyone help!

Thank you,