Re: Dovecot Oy merger with Open-Xchange AG

2015-03-23 Thread Adrian Zaugg
I think everyone shares your concerns. But there are no rules that the
outcome of this merger must get something bad, so let's see what
happens. I hope that it's true what Timo said and that dovecot can
evolve and get even better as it is today. Good luck guys!

Regards, Adrian.

On 23.03.15 15:08, Andreas Kasenides wrote:
 I find it extremely interesting that no one has commented on the merger
 of Dovecot Oy and Open-Xchange AG as announced by Timo on the 19th. Is
 this something that was known a long time ago and I missed? OK checked
 the on-line archive of the mailing list, no comments there - its not my
 email set-up - LOL.
 I am usually emotionally (at least) against of open-source projects
 loosing their independence to large corporations. Possibly due to bad
 experiences in the past when OSS were driven from Open to Obscure in the
 process of trying to make money out of them. I have several examples in
 mind but I will not give names. At least that is the impression I have
 which might be entirely wrong since when big companies begin to ask for
 large sums of money we just have to move away due to the small budget.
 Anyway this is not to about judging the move. Which I cannot do since I
 have no knowledge whatsover of the Dovecot enterprise internals and the
 difficulties that come with managing a leading software product. And,
 secondly, since I am (my employer ie) a non paying customer!!
 I was just struck by the fact that no one has commented on it.
 I wish Dovecot the best in the new environment.
 On 19/03/15 12:26, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 Hi all,

 Today I can finally announce that Dovecot Oy company has merged with
 Open-Xchange AG. This helps us to get more Dovecot developers, support
 people and so on. Most importantly, eventually it should allow me to
 get back to doing what I like the most: Designing new and interesting
 stuff for Dovecot and perfecting the old stuff :) OX is a great match
 to Dovecot going forward. They also really like open source and share
 our plans for the future. Nothing big will change as a result of this
 merger: Dovecot will stay Dovecot with its own name and release
 schedules. We're not going to force OX and Dovecot to be the same
 product, other than having a somewhat deeper integration between them.

 Here are the press release links about it:

Re: [Dovecot] master password

2014-01-21 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Regards, Adrian.

Am 21.01.14 21:31 schrieb Marc Perkel:
 This is probably easy but how would a set a secret static master
 password so that if I typed it in for any login it would be happy? I
 can't use the * separator method in this case because it screws up

Re: [Dovecot] Sizing MTA servers

2014-01-17 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Am 17.01.14 10:53 schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
 On 1/16/2014 6:56 PM, Murray Trainer wrote:
 MTA = disk.  Always has always will.  Disk throughput is always the
 critical factor for queue performance, and an MTA is little more than a
 queue.  Which makes it surprising that so many people ignore disk when
 talking about mail servers, as you have done here.
Exim tries to deliver every message without queueing it first. Exim
writes only those messages to the queue, which can't be delivered
immediately or if too many connections are coming in at a time. This
doesn't invalidate what Stan said, it should just clarify that under
normal operation the disks won't be stressed that much under exim.

It will be much more of a challenge to design the whole infrastructure
for reliability and to make the right decisions on your mail storage and
those machines than your mail frontend.

Regards, Adrian.

Re: [Dovecot] int/ext mailserver

2014-01-15 Thread Adrian Zaugg
Hi Mr.Pine

Am 19.12.13 08:59 schrieb Mr.Pine:
 1. I have a root access to ext mail server. But do not know my ext
 user password!. How can I use getmail to move ext mail to internal
You better ask this on the getmail mailing list:

 2. What is your idea about syncing users password in internal/external
 mail server?! I think its needed for getmail!

 3. How can I restrict my internal users to send mail only internally!?
This probably is done best in postfix.

Your setup seems very weird to me, I suppose I am not the only one -
anyway you will have your reasons.

Regards, Adrian.

Re: [Dovecot] SSL/TLS handshake stays forever without timeout

2014-01-14 Thread Adrian Zaugg
Hi Pascal

Am 14.01.14 20:26 schrieb Pascal Volk:
 On 01/14/2014 04:42 PM morrison wrote:
 Please define 'forever'
 I just did `time openssl s_client -connect
 -starttls imap` (and nothing else):

This is not the test morrison has suggested. Doing his test with telnet
and thus not complete the SSL handshake, the connection stays open much
longer than 3 Minutes. I closed the connection now manually after a
little more than 2 hours. This is on Dovecot 2.1.7.

Regards, Adrian.

[Dovecot] imap auto create mailbox: we're not in group 8(mail)

2014-01-09 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Dear List

Somehow I don't understand the intended work flow to have new mailboxes
auto created. On login of a new user with no mailbox, I get

2014-01-09 12:53:06 imap(tester): Error: user tester: Initialization
failed: Namespace '': mkdir(/var/mail/tester) failed: Permission denied
(euid=1016(tester) egid=1016(tester) missing +w perm: /var/mail, we're
not in group 8(mail), dir owned by 0:8 mode=0771)

The imap process runs as the user the login performed and thus it has
only the privileges of that user. This is good and desired, when a
mailbox already exists. I do not want to allow all users to write to
/var/mail, only they should write to their dirs inside /var/mail.

Same story for LMTP, if no mailbox exists yet:
2014-01-09 13:01:47 lmtp(20416, tester): Error: user tester:
Initialization failed: Namespace '': mkdir(/var/mail/tester) failed:
Permission denied (euid=1016(tester) egid=1016(tester) missing +w perm:
/var/mail, we're not in group 8(mail), dir owned by 0:8 mode=0771)

How can I configure the auto create mailbox feature that it works and
let run LMTP and IMAP process as user %u and group mail and let create
the mailboxes in /var/mail as (example user tester) with the following


drwxrwx--x  root mail3072 Dec 18 01:43 .
drwx--  tester   tester  1024 Jan 09 12:53 tester

...or do I need a different approach?

Thank you for helping me.

Best regards, Adrian.

My setup:

* Exim delivers to LMTP socket as user %u, group mail
* maildir storage in /var/mail

doveconf -n:

# 2.1.7: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 x86_64 Debian 7.3 ext3
auth_cache_negative_ttl = 0
auth_cache_size = 5 M
auth_cache_ttl = 4 hours
auth_failure_delay = 3 secs
auth_mechanisms = plain login digest-md5 cram-md5 apop rpa
auth_username_format = %n
auth_verbose = yes
auth_worker_max_count = 128
first_valid_gid = 1000
first_valid_uid = 1000
last_valid_gid = 6
last_valid_uid = 6
lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes
lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes
log_path = /var/log/dovecot/dovecot.log
log_timestamp = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S 
login_log_format_elements = user=%u method=%m rip=%r lip=%l mpid=%e %c %k
mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/./%u/:INDEX=MEMORY
mail_prefetch_count = 1024
maildir_stat_dirs = yes
managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope
encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric
relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify
environment mailbox date ihave vacation-seconds
namespace inbox {
  inbox = yes
  location =
  mailbox Drafts {
auto = subscribe
special_use = \Drafts
  mailbox Sent {
auto = subscribe
special_use = \Sent
  mailbox Trash {
auto = subscribe
special_use = \Trash
  prefix =
  type = private
passdb {
  args = scheme=SHA512-CRYPT username_format=%u /etc/cram-md5.pwd
  driver = passwd-file
plugin {
  sieve = /var/mail/%u/sieve/.dovecot.sieve
  sieve_before = /var/mail/%u/sieve/vacation.sieve
  sieve_dir = /var/mail/%u/sieve
  sieve_extensions = +vacation +vacation-seconds
  sieve_max_actions = 1024
  sieve_vacation_default_period = 12d
  sieve_vacation_max_period = 0
  sieve_vacation_min_period = 1d
postmaster_address = postmaster@
protocols =  imap lmtp sieve pop3
service auth-worker {
  user = $default_login_user
service auth {
  group = mail-security
  unix_listener auth-client {
mode = 0660
user = Debian-exim
  unix_listener auth-userdb {
mode = 0666
  user = $default_internal_user
service imap-login {
  inet_listener imap {
port = 143
  inet_listener imaps {
port = 993
ssl = yes
  process_min_avail = 5
service lmtp {
  process_min_avail = 10
  unix_listener lmtp {
mode = 0666
service managesieve-login {
  inet_listener sieve {
port = 4190
  inet_listener sieve_deprecated {
port = 2000
  service_count = 1
  vsz_limit = 64 M
service pop3-login {
  inet_listener pop3 {
port = 110
  inet_listener pop3s {
port = 995
ssl = yes
service pop3 {
  process_limit = 256
ssl_cert = /etc/ssl/
ssl_cipher_list =
ssl_key = /etc/ssl/
ssl_parameters_regenerate = 128 hours
userdb {
  args = blocking=no
  driver = passwd
  override_fields = home=/var/mail/%u mail=maildir:/var/mail/%u
protocol lmtp {
  mail_plugins =  sieve
protocol lda {
  mail_plugins =  sieve
protocol imap {
  mail_max_userip_connections = 64
protocol pop3 {
  mail_max_userip_connections = 32
  pop3_client_workarounds = oe-ns-eoh
  pop3_save_uidl = yes

Re: [Dovecot] imap auto create mailbox: we're not in group 8(mail)

2014-01-09 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Hi Steffen

Am 09.01.14 13:36 schrieb Steffen Kaiser:
 The errors says all.
Almost ...

If I understand you correctly, I can chose one of the three options you
presented to me, right? If so,
3) I did until now.
2) no way.
To 1):
I now set
mail_privileged_group = mail

drwxrwx--x  94 root  mail  3072 Dec 18 01:43 /var/mail

But I still get the same error. The LMTP and the IMAP process do still
get executed under group %u, when they try to create the mailbox. What's

Thank you for your help!

Best regards, Adrian.

 1) See:
 # Group to enable temporarily for privileged operations. Currently this is
 # used only with INBOX when either its initial creation or dotlocking
 # Typically this is set to mail to give access to /var/mail.
 #mail_privileged_group =
 # Grant access to these supplementary groups for mail processes. Typically
 # these are used to set up access to shared mailboxes. Note that it may be
 # dangerous to set these if users can create symlinks (e.g. if mail
 group is
 # set here, ln -s /var/mail ~/mail/var could allow a user to delete others'
 # mailboxes, or ln -s /secret/shared/box ~/mail/mybox would allow
 reading it).
 #mail_access_groups =
 2) chmod 1777 /var/mail
 3) pre-create your user dirs

Re: [Dovecot] LMTP with virtual and system users

2014-01-08 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Am 07.01.14 13:21 schrieb Philipp Kolmann:
 I didn't want to have lda SUID root...
Is this necessary? Exim calls the dovecot-lda as user $local_part and if
you setup your mail storage to have the right permissions, this should
work without SUID. But maybe I'm wrong; anyway in the wiki there is a
section on how-to use LDA without setting the process SUIDed.
- towards the end of the page

Cheers, Adrian.

Re: [Dovecot] How to remove Dovecot (LMTP) information from Email header

2014-01-02 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Dear Anant

According to RFC 3848 you should not remove those headers. RFC 5321 
(SMTP), Section 4.4. also says that trace information is mandatory to 
add and RFC 2033 (LMTP) makes no exception to this.
If you do not like those headers, use LDA for local storage, it doesn't 
add any headers.

Regards, Adrian.

On 02/01/14 15:03, Anant wrote:

Hello All,

I want to remove  Dovecot (LMTP) information from Email Header, Please
help me. I am using Dovecot 2.0.9 with Exim.

Received: from
 by*(Dovecot) with LMTP id*  XIuTJkJFxVLKTwAAG2fxGQ
 for; Thu, 02 Jan 2014 10:59:28 +
Received: from [] (helo=[])
 by with esmtp (Exim 4.72)
 id 1Vyfzr-0005Oy-7H
 for; Thu, 02 Jan 2014 10:59:28 +

Thanks  Regards,
Anant Saraswat

Re: [Dovecot] LMTP with virtual and system users

2014-01-01 Thread Adrian Zaugg
Hi Philipp

You are completely right, the proposed solution doesn't work. It seems
exim always qualifies an address without a domain, I believe this is
because LMTP requiers to get only qualified addresses (LMTP is based on
SMTP and the RFC, if I read it correctly specifies it like this).

So, another solution would be to use LDA for your local users and LMTP
for the rest. The configuration for exim would be: a router and a
transport for your local users using LDA, and your virtual users setup
as you have it using LMTP.

debug_print = R: local_user for $local_part@$domain
driver = accept
domains =  @ : localhost : ${primary_hostname}
transport = dovecot_lda
cannot_route_message = Unknown user

driver = pipe
command = /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda \
-f $sender_address \
-a $original_local_part@$original_domain
user = $local_part
group = mail
temp_errors = 64 : 69 : 70 : 71 : 72 : 73 : 74 : 75 : 78

Please check man dovecot-lda and the dovecot wiki
( for details. Also check the
permissions you need for dovecot-lda to write to your mailspool (user
and group options from the transport).

I haven't tried the above, but I think it works like this ...

Best regards, Adrian.

Am 30.12.13 09:40 schrieb Philipp Kolmann:
 Hi Adrian,
 Am 26.12.2013 12:20, schrieb Adrian Zaugg:
 You can use exim to prepare the address as you wish: only the user name
 for pam users and the full address for virtual users.

 Configure a new router to strip the domain part for pam users:

 debug_print = R: strip domain for local pam users
  driver = redirect
 domains = @ : localhost : ${primary_hostname}
  data = ${local_part}
  redirect_router = local_user

 I'm not 100% sure of the domains condition; it should restrict the
 router to your domain(s) where your pam users receive their email. The
 redirect_router designates the router which routes your local deliveries
 to your lmtp transport. Place the new router to run just before your
 local_user router.

 Since your config works for your virtual users, you don't need to do
 anything in addition.
 I had tried this once already. I have used your snipplet and attached
 the debug output from exim. Sadly it didn't work, because the mtp
 process got the foll email again and not just the username.

Re: [Dovecot] LMTP with virtual and system users

2013-12-26 Thread Adrian Zaugg
Hi Philipp

You can use exim to prepare the address as you wish: only the user name
for pam users and the full address for virtual users.

Configure a new router to strip the domain part for pam users:

debug_print = R: strip domain for local pam users
driver = redirect
domains = @ : localhost : ${primary_hostname}
data = ${local_part}
redirect_router = local_user

I'm not 100% sure of the domains condition; it should restrict the
router to your domain(s) where your pam users receive their email. The
redirect_router designates the router which routes your local deliveries
to your lmtp transport. Place the new router to run just before your
local_user router.

Since your config works for your virtual users, you don't need to do
anything in addition.

Regards, Adrian.

Am 25.12.13 08:16 schrieb Philipp Kolmann:
 I have a mailsystem where i have some local users with shell access and
 full home dirs which receive mail and also several SQL virtual users
 only for mail.
 With the virtual users, everything works fine. Mail is delivered via
 LMTP and also sieve works :)
 The SQL Lookup knows what to do with
 The problem is the system user. If exim delivers the mail to the lmtp
 socket, the LMTPd can't find
 I would be able to specify the global auth_username_format=%n but then
 my SQL queries break and I like the possibility to have
 and routed to two different accounts.
 As I have seen in the source, I can't specify username_format=%n in the
 passdb {  driver = pam } backend. Do you have any suggestion how to
 solve this issue?

Re: [Dovecot] configure lmtp to deliver to email addresses case insensitively

2013-12-20 Thread Adrian Zaugg

I've updated the wiki under:

to document the discussed problem. Maybe someone can review this.

Regards, Adrian.

Am 19.12.13 22:59 schrieb Timo Sirainen:
 auth_username_format = %u
 protocol lmtp {
   auth_username_format = %Lu

Re: [Dovecot] configure lmtp to deliver to email addresses case insensitively

2013-12-18 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Am 18.12.13 11:33 schrieb Timo Sirainen:
 I think this would work as well:
 protocol lmtp {
   auth_username_format = %Lu

I tried this with dovecot 2.1.7, but it did not work. It may work on a
newer dovecot?

Regards, Adrian.

Re: [Dovecot] configure lmtp to deliver to email addresses case insensitively

2013-12-17 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Hi again

Thanks for helping me on this, especially to Steffen. If you do not need
case sensitivity on user names the use of a redirect router in exim to
lowercase the local part of the address to deliver works well.

If one wants for whatever reasons to have support for user names, that
just differ in its case, you could put more logic in that router to make
that work. Since I did not need that, I can't post it here...

So the solution to the problem is:

A) Either:
Configure dovecot auth to lower case user names, which LMTP inherits, by
auth_username_format = %Lu

Co-Effect: authenticating logins with wrongly cased user names do also

B) Or:
Configure your MTA to do the Job. With exim, add a new router just
before local delivery takes place, like this:

  debug_print = R: lower case local_part for local delivery
  driver = redirect
  redirect_router = local_user
  data = ${lc:${local_part}}

and proceed with the local_user router:

  debug_print = R: local_user for $local_part@$domain
  driver = accept
  domains = +local_domains
  local_parts = ! root
  transport = dovecot_lmtp
  cannot_route_message = Unknown user

then add your LMTP transport:

  driver = lmtp
  socket = /var/run/dovecot/lmtp
  batch_max = 256
  timeout = 2m

Has just the effect that login names stay case sensitive (if nothing
else is set in dovecot by auth_username_format) but not email addresses,
and in spite of being treated as case insensitive, email addresses
retain their case.

Maybe some one can add this to the wiki under
The code there is anyway not very nice by using the manualroute router with:
   route_data = whatmeworry # required but not useful

Thanks again to everyone for helping.

Regards, Adrian.

Am 17.12.13 09:38 schrieb Steffen Kaiser:
 On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, Steffen Kaiser wrote:
 However, it's maybe best to lowercase the local part in the exim
 lmtp-transport and leave dovecot's LMTP in peace.
 that's what I wanted to suggest :)
 More or less, it is the duty of the MTA, IMHO.
 Um, sorry, forgot the link:
 that looks promising.
 -- Steffen Kaiser

[Dovecot] configure lmtp to deliver to email addresses case insensitively

2013-12-16 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Dear List

Using dovecot 2.1.7 with LMTP and exim4 I want to accept local parts 
regardless of their case.

Exim does all virtual alias handling and delivers the messages to 
dovecot LMTP addressed to the right mailbox name. This works well except 
for addresses which do not need to be resolved by exim and which do have 
the wrong case in the local part.

For example: There is a mailbox and a user on the mailsystem called user. Mails to get delivered 
just as they should. If an incoming message is addressed to with upper case local part, exim passes the message 
to LMTP with the case unaltered (RFC 2821 conform), but LMTP fails with:

LMTP error after RCPT
550 5.1.1 User doesn't exist:

How can I tell dovecot to deliver USER to the mailbox user aswell?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards, Adrian.

(I have tried to use %Ln and %Lu in mail_location setting with no success.)

Re: [Dovecot] configure lmtp to deliver to email addresses case insensitively

2013-12-16 Thread Adrian Zaugg
Hi Marcus

The change of adding an L to

auth_username_format = %Ln

indeed has the side effect, that LMTP delivers wrongly cased addresses.
But the main effect and disadvantage is, that authenticating logins with
wrongly cased usernames do also succeed, which I actually do not like to

Isn't there another solution? A feature request for a new option

Regards, Adrian.

Am 16.12.13 21:25 schrieb Charles Marcus:
 On 2013-12-16 2:36 PM, Adrian Zaugg wrote:
 How can I tell dovecot to deliver USER to the mailbox user aswell? 
 LDAP lookups are case-insensitive. Unless you somehow normalize the
 username, it's possible that a user logging in as user, User and
 uSer are treated differently. The easiest way to handle this is to
 tell Dovecot to change the username to the same case as it's in the LDAP
 database. You can do this by returning user field in the pass_attrs,
 as shown in the above example.
 If you can't normalize the username in LDAP, you can alternatively
 lowercase the username in dovecot.conf:
 auth_username_format = %Lu
 This really should be the default...

Re: [Dovecot] configure lmtp to deliver to email addresses case insensitively

2013-12-16 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Am 16.12.13 22:55 schrieb Charles Marcus:
 On 2013-12-16 4:32 PM, Adrian Zaugg wrote:
 But the main effect and disadvantage is, that authenticating logins with
 wrongly cased usernames do also succeed, which I actually do not like to
 Trying very hard to understand why this would be a problem.
On *nix hosts login names are always case sensitive. Why should this
change with the same login name for eMails when it doesn't for for ssh,
FTP, Webserver-Login, Database-Login ... ? It's nicer if a system acts

Regards, Adrian.

Re: [Dovecot] configure lmtp to deliver to email addresses case insensitively

2013-12-16 Thread Adrian Zaugg

Hi David

 I believe RFC822 email addresses are case-insensitive, and (in some

RFC 2821, Page 13, 1st paragraph:
   The local-part of a mailbox
   MUST BE treated as case sensitive.  Therefore, SMTP implementations
   MUST take care to preserve the case of mailbox local-parts.  Mailbox
   domains are not case sensitive.  In particular, for some hosts the
   user smith is different from the user Smith.  However, exploiting
   the case sensitivity of mailbox local-parts impedes interoperability
   and is discouraged.

 cases, especially ones where there's just a mail server) it's entirely
 possible that people remember their account names  with some capital
 letters that aren't in user db. (System knows you as
 mrsmithy@mail.domain, while the user may remember the account as
 MrSmithy@mail.domain or MrsMithy@mail.domain...). Also, people with

I just want login names to be case sensitive but not email addresses,
and in spite of being treated as case insensitive email addresses should
retain their case, just like defined and suggested in the RFC.

This reduces support calls because it's con-formant and we have a clear
policy: Usernames are always lower case, non-email addresses, the same
simple and short name for all our services. There is nothing easier than
this. We use this since 17 years and it works without confusion. If a
user now spots that suddendly any capitalization of usernames is working
when logging in to the webmail, how can I explain that this doesn't work
with other services like FTP?

 smartphones may not notice that the phone helpfully uppercased the
 first letter of a lowercase user name. Forcing case reduces support
 calls, which is always a good thing.
That's why email addresses should be allowed containing capitalizations.
On smartphone people tend to use MUAs and there the username is saved
and not entered each and every time, so for the username this is less
true, I think.

Back to dovecot: Using LDA as a transport for the dovecot store, it used
to work perfectly (with dovecot 1.x). It's just LMTP that spits, because
it looks up the local part in the userdb, which is PAM in our case. I
won't change PAM to act case insensitive: I'm not in the position to
change a common sense in the computing world as it always was. It's
enough Microsoft did that and probably just because of that we're having
this discussion here...

However, it's maybe best to lowercase the local part in the exim
lmtp-transport and leave dovecot's LMTP in peace.

Best regards, Adrian.