Re: MAPI Properties?

2015-10-26 Thread Bob Miller
The last time I investigated that was a couple years ago, but according 
to my understanding the IMAP protocol does not support the colour 
categories provided by Outlook, and therefore anything Outlook does in 
that respect is a "Local Only" feature.  That is, the colour categories 
cannot be stored by an IMAP server, nor shared via the IMAP protocol 
between multiple Outlook clients...

On 15-10-25 10:34 PM, Mark Foley wrote:

I'm using Dovceot/IMAP on Linux and Outlook clients on WIN7 workstations.  Mail
on Linux is stored in Maildir format.

I'm searching for where Outook keeps its information on color categories in
IMAP. According to Diane Poremsky at, "Outlook stores it in the
mapi properties of each message. If you use MFCMAPI to viuw the messages, you'll
see the properties." MAPI is a Windows thing and the recommended MFCMAPI is for
viewing these properties in Exchange. Not what I can use.

Outlook must be storing these properties somewhere in the Dovecot/IMAP system as
color categories can be set from Outlook. Can someone tell me where to look for
these properties?

THX - Mark

Re: LDAP authentication

2015-06-22 Thread Bob Miller


I would suggest starting with a simplified config.  by example:

hosts = my.server.local
auth_bind = yes
ldap_version = 3
base = CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=company,DC=local

base = DC=company,DC=local

scope = subtree
user_attrs = \
   =home=/home/imapproxy/%u, \

remove the user_attrs
In my config, home is defined in userdb in main dovecot.conf

pass_attrs = uid=%u, userPassword=%w

remove pass_attrs

pass_filter = ((objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%u))

pass_filter = (sAMAccountName=%Ln)
 And add:
user_filter = (sAMAccountName=%Ln)

auth_bind_userdn = company\%u

something tickles my brain that says my setup didn't like that.  anyway, 
my config has

If that works, then you can add the other bits one at a time till it 

If I try to login on the LDAP-Server using ldapsearch it works, but with
Dovecot not...
I see this in my log:

Jun 22 16:14:08 proxy01 dovecot: auth: Debug: client in:

Jun 22 16:14:08 proxy01 dovecot: auth: Debug: client passdb out:
Jun 22 16:14:08 proxy01 dovecot: auth: Debug: master in:

Jun 22 16:14:08 proxy01 dovecot: auth: Debug:
ldap(bertoncello,,+agW4xsZ4gAKADPG): user search:
scope=subtree filter=((objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=bertoncello)) fields=
Jun 22 16:14:08 proxy01 dovecot: auth: Error:
failed: Operations error
Jun 22 16:14:08 proxy01 dovecot: auth: Debug: master userdb out:
Jun 22 16:14:08 proxy01 dovecot: imap: Error: Internal auth failure
(client-pid=17122 client-id=1)
Jun 22 16:14:08 proxy01 dovecot: imap-login: Internal login failure
(pid=17122 id=1) (internal failure, 1 successful auths):
user=bertoncello, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,
mpid=17125, TLS, session=+agW4xsZ4gAKADPG

and if I sniff with ngrep the comunication with the AD I see:

T - [AP]
T - [AP]
T - [AP]
T - [AP]
T - [AP]
T - [AP]
T - [AP]


T - [AP]
   0e04DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C0906E8, comment:
In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed
on the connection., data 0, v1db1.
T - [AP]
T - [AR]

and I can't understand why:

1) I read objectClass..posixAccount
2) The authentication does not work...

Thanks for your help!
Luca Bertoncello

Re: Evolution clientware and Dovecot

2014-11-14 Thread Bob Miller

On Fri, 2014-11-14 at 11:46 -0700, The Doctor wrote:
 Got a customer using Evolution 2.12.3 and was using SSL and could not
 retrieve e-mail in the last week.  Got the custome to turn off
 SSL and he was able to retrieve e-mail.
 Recently I compiled SSL so that any comprimise was removed
 and then all apps using SSL including dovecot was recompiled.
 Could this be an app/Evolution issue?

Yes, but could be other things too.

did you confirm that you can connect to dovecot using openssl s_client?

If you are using a self-signed cert, did your evolution user accept the 
certificate as opposed to denying it?

Re: X-sieve-redirected-from

2014-10-04 Thread Bob Miller

Reading my message over I see it was the end of a long day at the end of
a long week, thank you for interpreting and replying,

  The mail is forwarded, but no vacation response is sent, and the mail is
  not forwarded. I find the lda error like this:

The mail is forwarded.  No not forwarding going on.  the vacation
response is not sent.  Hopefully that is more clear.

 Does the message have To: and From: headers? I recall getting the same 
 (or similar) output when those headers were missing during my testing. 
 Adding them fixed the issue.

The problem turned out to be my defaultdelivery file in qmail;
dovecot-lda was missing the -a argument for the recipient...  

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760


2014-10-03 Thread Bob Miller

I am chasing a problem with sieve vacation messages.  the sieve file
looks like this:

## Generated by Roundcube Webmail SieveRules Plugin ##
require [copy,vacation];

# rule:[]
if anyof (address :contains To,
address :contains Cc
redirect :copy;
:days 66
:subject autotest
hello back;

The mail is forwarded, but no vacation response is sent, and the mail is
not forwarded. I find the lda error like this:


I am presuming this is the source of my problem.  I am not sure why the
domain is being modified to reflect the fqdn of the mail server host.
When I look at the delivered mail, I find the following two headers:


I have been looking for a while now, and I can't figure out where it is
picking up the hostname from.  doveconf -a | grep hostname comes up
empty.  the hostname is not in any of the mta config files.  Anyone got
a hint?
Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

Re: Authentication using AD : bug ?

2014-09-22 Thread Bob Miller

 I authenticate my test user in AD well in Dovecot. However, if I change 
 this user's password in AD, the old password still works for 
 authentication in Dovecot and the new is working too.
 Is there a time to make Dovecot don't remember the old password or is 
 it a bug ?

Are you sure you aren't authenticating against something else as well,
like a local unix account with the same password, for example?

 Restarting Dovecot don't solve the problem.
 Do you already heard about this ?
 Please tell me what conf files you maybe need.
 Thanks in advance
 signature -

Re: LDAP authentication

2014-09-10 Thread Bob Miller
 Sep 10 11:27:00 localhost dovecot: auth: pam(testuser1,
 pam_authenticate() failed: Permission denied
 Sep 10 11:27:00 localhost dovecot: auth: ldap(testuser1,
 invalid credentials

I am not clear from this if you are using pam auth first and ldap auth
2nd, or if you are trying to use pam to do your ldap authentication for
you.  Assuming the former, I would guess that you are either failing the
auth_bind, or the attributes you are using for user_filter/pass_filter
aren't matching the username format.  I would start by checking the
settings in your dovecot-ldap.conf file...


 Sep 10 11:27:02 localhost dovecot: auth: Debug: client out:
 So, I don't know what permission is being denied by PAM, or if that was
 there or not when this did work.  I can access my LDAP server just fine.
 What else can I check?

Re: outlook 2013

2014-09-10 Thread Bob Miller

 That’s odd. The one and only thing that Lookout does pretty well is IMAP.

After several hours scouring the net last night, I am surprised to hear
that.  Certainly has never been my experience with outlook, especially

  is there some special trick that google is hiding from me?  
 Not really.

I went in armed with a list of possible fixes and did battle with the
two machines today.  started by installing thunderbird and shutting off
outlook, which absolutely proved outlook was the problem; as soon as I
started up outlook again, thunderbird showed mails being created and
deleted every few seconds.  Went through my list, everything from A-W
(account settings to windows updates). So far so good, it's too early to
say it is fixed, but I am past the two hour mark now with no problems...

Re: LDAP authentication

2014-09-10 Thread Bob Miller

 [joliver@localhost ~]$ cat /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
 hosts = localhost
 base = ou=Users,dc=my,dc=domain
 ldap_version = 3
 auth_bind = yes
 auth_bind_userdn = uid=%u,ou=Users,dc=my,dc=domain

this looks different than mine.  here is my example config file, maybe
it helps:

hosts =
debug_level = 0
auth_bind = yes
auth_bind_userdn =
base = dn=computerisms,dn=com
scope = subtree
user_filter = ((sAMAccountName=%Ln))
pass_filter = ((sAMAccountName=%Ln))

outlook 2013

2014-09-09 Thread Bob Miller
I am trying really hard to wrap my head around why people insist on
using this program...

Where I have outlook 2013 users, I have had nothing but problems getting
their mail to work with imap.  my solution has been to set them up with
pop, which works just like it always has.  Or move them to a different

recently, I have a customer who requires multiple machines, all using
outlook 2013, to access the same email address, so pretty much have to
use imap.  if I set up just one of the machines with imap, it works more
less as expected, with hiccups such as mail taking an hour or two or
more to show up.  But shortly after I connect a 2nd machine to the same
account, one or both machines start to go wonky.  Symptoms include
deleted items returning, read messages becoming unread again, and
duplicates being constantly created and deleted.  The last I can confirm
by watching in webmail and refreshing the inbox every few seconds; as
mail shows up and deletes in outlook, so it does in webmail too.

On my test machine connected to the same server, I have evolution,
outlook and thunderbird all connecting to one account with no problems.
Well, outlook hiccups, but it's not unusable.  And I have other users on
the system that share email accounts across a variety of other clients
and platforms, including older versions of outlook.

I have tried checking message rules, there are none; removing all folder
subscriptions; running scanpst, which finds errors even before the
account finishes syncing and ever time I run it after that; I have
looked for viruses/malware; I have confirmed there is no forwarding or
some trickery happening on the server; chkdsk and similar hardware
checks all come up clean, the computers are only a couple of months old;
I have got certs set up with SANs and the CA installed such that outlook
does not error on the certificate; and I have tried just about every
combination of settings that seem relevant.

The one thing that does seem to work, at least for a few minutes or an
hour or two, is deleting and recreating the accounts on one of the
computers.  But the problem inevitably returns in short order.  

Surely people have outlook 2013 connecting via imap to dovecot without
problems; is there some special trick that google is hiding from me?  
Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

Re: outlook 2013

2014-09-09 Thread Bob Miller
Hi Patrick,

Thanks for your reply.

 I have no idea what your doing to cause this issue :(
 I have a normal install of dovecot running, and I have 3 webmail pages  
 open, 2 phones using imap, and a thunderbird connected to it. I  
 started with outlook 2007, then 2010, and now 2013 for the last 2  
 years or 3years (I upgraded to it in beta at first). I haven't had any  
 issues at all, I can delete emails, move emails, ..., and they  
 instantly change in the other programs.

I have several accounts that are used by a variety of different programs
and devices, as well, but the only program that gives me any problem is
outlook 2013.  And not quite consistently, on some few machines I have
seen it work the same as any other client.  This one particular case has
me quite baffled though.

 I just use the normal outlook2013 config options for the account,  
 besides making sure the ssl settings are right.

 I think I have only used it on the 2.2 branch though, what dovecot  
 version are you using?

# dovecot --version

sigh.  At least now I know it should be working, so I will keep
searching fior a solution...

Re: Mailboxes are in Maildir format. Any good backup tips? Had success with version control?

2014-06-30 Thread Bob Miller
  Suggestions and warnings are most welcome.
 Since you're using maildir, you might want to check rsync out as well, 
 especially with --link-dest. In short, you call rsync on your backup 
 machine like this:
 rsync --link-dest=previous-backup-dir source new-backup-dir

check out rsnapshot.  Tried, tested, and true on my systems for just
short of a decade now...

Re: Dovecot authentication against active directory

2014-06-23 Thread Bob Miller
Hi ,

 My dovecot-ldap.conf:
 hosts = **
 dn = CN=*,OU=*,OU=*,OU=*,DC=**,DC=*,DC=de
 dnpass = 
 tls = no
 debug_level = -1
 ldap_version = 2
 base = OU=*,DC=*,DC=*,DC=de
 deref = never
 scope = subtree
 user_attrs = sAMAccountName=home
 user_filter = ((ObjectClass=user)(|(mail=%u)(sAMAccountName=%u)))
 pass_filter = ((ObjectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%u))
 default_pass_scheme = plain

I could be wrong, but I think you must have TLS to connect to AD.  

sAMAccountName, at least in cases I am familiar with, does not match a
full email address, try %n instead of %u, or filter on userPrincipal
instead.  do you have a mail attribute in your active directory?  I
would suggest start by getting it working with just the sAMAccountName
in your user/pass_filter lines, then flesh out your filters after you
have that working...

 could anybody help me with this problem?
 Thanks in advance!
 Tobias Dummert

Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot2 vs. AD, Inactivity during authentication

2014-02-27 Thread Bob Miller

have you verified from you AD logs that dovecot is sending the same
thing as your ldapsearch?

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Thu, 2014-02-27 at 12:58 +0100, Jeroen Scheerder wrote:
 Quoth Jeroen Scheerder (27 Feb 2014, 12:38):
  Here's what I see in the logs:
  Feb 27 12:25:49 ponyboy dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: 
  Inactivity during authentication (disconnected while authenticating, waited 
  172 secs): user=, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured, 
  Feb 27 12:26:42 mail.err ponyboy dovecot: auth: Error: 
  PLAIN(js,,r/ERi2HzQAB/AAAB): Request 74099.1 timed out after 225 
  secs, state=1
 Logging to file instead of syslog, I see a bit more:
 Feb 27 12:45:27 auth: Debug: Loading modules from directory: 
 Feb 27 12:45:27 auth: Debug: Wrote new auth token secret to 
 Feb 27 12:45:27 auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=74241)
 Feb 27 12:45:31 auth: Debug: client in: AUTH1   PLAIN   service=imap  
   secured session=9QHH22HzYgB/AAABlip=   rip=   
 lport=143   rport=64354 resp=hidden
 Feb 27 12:45:31 auth: Debug: ldap(js,,9QHH22HzYgB/AAAB): bind 
 search: base=dc=office,dc=on2it,dc=net 
 Feb 27 12:48:27 imap-login: Info: Disconnected: Inactivity during 
 authentication (disconnected while authenticating, waited 176 secs): user=, 
 method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured, 
 Feb 27 12:49:16 auth: Debug: ldap(js,,9QHH22HzYgB/AAAB): result: 
 sAMAccountName=js; sAMAccountName unused
 Feb 27 12:49:16 auth: Debug: ldap(js,,9QHH22HzYgB/AAAB): result: 
 Feb 27 12:49:16 auth: Error: PLAIN(js,,9QHH22HzYgB/AAAB): Request 
 74241.1 timed out after 225 secs, state=1
 Feb 27 12:49:16 auth: Debug: client in: CANCEL  1
 Feb 27 12:49:18 auth: Debug: client passdb out: FAIL1   user=js temp
 Using ldapsearch on this very host, I have verified that this particular ldap 
 query, with the same authenticated bind, actually works:
 ponyboy% time ldapsearch -o ldif-wrap=no -x -LLL -E pr=200/noprompt -w 
 suppressed \
   -H ldap:// -b dc=office,dc=on2it,dc=net -D 
 suppressed -s sub \
   '((ObjectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=js))' sAMAccountName
 dn: CN=Jeroen 
 sAMAccountName: js
 # refldap://,DC=office,DC=on2it,DC=net
 # pagedresults: cookie=
 ldapsearch -o ldif-wrap=no -x -LLL -E pr=200/noprompt -w [...] -H0.00s 
 user 0.00s system 19% cpu 0.019 total

Re: [Dovecot] lda+ldap multiple users

2014-02-17 Thread Bob Miller

 so not much to do on the qmail side. and thats the reason everything 
 user related is done in dovecot itself.


 ...but if nobody knows if its possible inside the dovecot lookup 
 process, a new/seperate lookup process that calls dovecot-lda with the 
 username instead of the mailaddress might be the only opportunity.

As I understand the original problem, you need one mail to be delivered
to several users, which means you need to figure out how to alias or
forward.  Steffen's approach is a super good idea I intend to stuff into
my back pocket, and is probably worth pursuing given your usage case.  

Other than that, and based on what I know, I would still be inclined to
try and solve this by creating a local user and configuring a .qmail
file to forward the mails to AD users, but tweaking your defaultdelivery
to accommodate a per-user .qmail file might be tricky or impossible in
your situation.  A global sieve script might be another approach to
forwarding mails from a virtual address to valid users, but I haven't
implemented one, so I can't say if it fits your situation or provide
advice on configuring one.  Another approach could be setting up a
mailing list, where the list address is the common address that delivers
to subscribed users.  Perhaps delivery to a single user and a shared
folder might provide a usable end result as well...

Whatever you end up doing, I am interested to hear what works for you in
the end...


Re: [Dovecot] lda+ldap multiple users

2014-02-14 Thread Bob Miller

Integrating qmail and active directory pretty much requires you to use
qmail-ldap.  without it you need to much bubblegum and band aids for it
to be suitable for a (publicly accessible) production environment.  And
I can't see how you wouldn't eventually run into problems without each
user having a unique email address.

In a pure qmail environment, I might work around the problem by giving
each user a unique mailaddress, then create a user XY and use a .qmail
file to override the LDA defaultdelivery and have it forward to the
various users, and not deliver to its own maildir.  But you still miss
important features like validrcptto and smtpauth if qmail can't talk to

But with qmail-ldap for sure you can set up multiple users with the same
alias and it works.  ie the users are configured with userPrincipal as
mail address with an alias of, then mails sent to will deliver to all users. 

I documented my sandbox qmail-ldap/dovecot system here, maybe it is
useful to you:,_Dovecot,_and_Related_Email_Services

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Fri, 2014-02-14 at 12:07 +0100, Steffen Kaiser wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Feb 2014, matthias lay wrote:
  On 02/14/2014 08:27 AM, Steffen Kaiser wrote:
  On Fri, 7 Feb 2014, matthias lay wrote:
  I experienced that if a Mailaddress matches several users the delivery is 
  dovecot: auth: Error: ldap( LDAP search 
  returned multiple entries
  dovecot: auth: ldap( unknown user
  dovecot: lda: Error: user Auth USER lookup 
  now my question, is there a way to have a mail like that delivered to all 
  users that matches the lookup?
  havent found anything in the docs.
  This is a job of your MTA.
  MTA is qmail and doesnt know anything about users. dovecot uses usernames 
  mailboxes. lets say
  both users have mailaddr mapped in Active Directory. Now 
  mails arrive lda is called like
  dovecot-lda -d -m INBOX
  and theres my problem.
 You have implicitly created mail aliases for your users. qmail has to 
 resolve this alias XY into the users A and B.
 You could wrap your call to the Dovecot LDA by a script resolving the 
 aliases somehow, e.g.:
 # save the message in case we have multiple recipients
 cat - $tmpf
 ldapsearch mailtarget=$1 samaccountname | \
   awk '$1 == sAMAccountName: { print $2 } ' | \
while read uid; do
 dovecot-lda -d $uid .  $tmpf
 if test $rc -gt 0; then
  rm -f $tmpf
  exit $rc
 rm -f $tmpf
 adjust ldap query and attribute names and call to MDA.
 This is not really nice, because you cannot handle individual problems, 
 e.g. what shall happen if delivery to userB fails? Shall userA get the 
 message, shall delivery to userA succeeded, but to retried to userB?
 Currently the first error is returned to qmail and probably one user gets 
 the same message again and again, because of a problem of another user's 
 mailbox. You could return $rc at the very end, then qmail gets the success 
 status of the delivery attemp to the last user.
 I wouldn't do such stuff in a non-private environment.

Re: [Dovecot] Authentification Dovecot + Samba4

2013-12-06 Thread Bob Miller
I wrote a wiki on how to build an ldap-authenticated network using
samba4.  the dovecot part is on this page, but there are other relevant
parts reachable from the main page as well:,_Dovecot,_and_Related_Email_Services
Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Fri, 2013-12-06 at 19:21 +0100, wrote:
 Hello list,
 I am struggling with setting up dovecot 2.1.7 with samba 4.1.2 on debian 
 wheezy. Dovecot should authenticate via LDAP, but I cannot get it to work 
 reliably. Sometimes auth works, sometimes not. Referals are already activated 
 in ldap.conf … LDAP-authentication works fine with other clients (Apache 
 Directory Studio, …) 
 Has somebody got a similar setup running? I would love some hints on how to 
 debug this issue …
 Thank you!
 hosts =
 dn = CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL
 dnpass = Test123
 auth_bind = yes
 ldap_version = 3
 tls = no
 debug_level = -1
 ldap_version = 3
 scope = subtree
 user_attrs = uidNumber=uid,gidNumber=gid
 user_filter = (((objectClass=Person)(sAMAccountName=%u)))
 pass_attrs = sAMAccountName=user,userPassword=password
 pass_filter = (((objectClass=Person)(sAMAccountName=%u)))
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=0)
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Debug: ldap(john): bind search: base=DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap_search
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_filter: 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_filter: AND
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_filter_list 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_filter: 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_filter: AND
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_filter_list 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_filter: (objectClass=Person)
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_filter: simple
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_simple_filter: objectClass=Person
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_filter: (sAMAccountName=john)
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_filter: simple
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: put_simple_filter: sAMAccountName=john
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap_build_search_req ATTRS: sAMAccountName
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap_send_initial_request
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap_send_server_request
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap_result ld 0x7fef48794580 msgid -1
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: wait4msg ld 0x7fef48794580 msgid -1 (timeout 0 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: wait4msg continue ld 0x7fef48794580 msgid -1 all 0
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ** ld 0x7fef48794580 Connections:
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: * host: DOMAIN.local  port: 0
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:   refcnt: 1  status: Connected
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:   last used: Fri Dec  6 19:08:49 2013
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: * host:  port: 389  (default)
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:   refcnt: 2  status: Connected
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:   last used: Fri 2013
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ** ld 0x7fef48794580 Outstanding Requests:
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:  * msgid 37,  origid 37, status InProgress
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:outstanding referrals 0, parent count 0
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:  * msgid 35,  origid 33, status InProgress
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:outstanding referrals 0, parent count 1
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:  * msgid 33,  origid 33, status RequestCompleted
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:outstanding referrals 1, parent count 1
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:   ld 0x7fef48794580 request count 3 (abandoned 0)
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ** ld 0x7fef48794580 Response Queue:
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:Empty
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error:   ld 0x7fef48794580 response count 0
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap_chkResponseList ld 0x7fef48794580 msgid -1 
 all 0
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap_chkResponseList returns ld 0x7fef48794580 NULL
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap_int_select
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: read1msg: ld 0x7fef48794580 msgid -1 all 0
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: read1msg: ld 0x7fef48794580 msgid 35 message type 
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap_chase_referrals
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: read1msg:  V2 referral chased, mark request 
 completed, id = 35
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: read1msg: ld 0x7fef48794580 0 new referrals
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: read1msg:  mark request completed, ld 
 0x7fef48794580 msgid 35
 srv1 dovecot: auth: Error: merged parent (id 33) error info:  result errno 1, 
 error 2020: Operation unavailable without

Re: [Dovecot] using dovecot in Asterisk imap storage

2013-10-21 Thread Bob Miller

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Tue, 2013-10-22 at 02:47 +0200, Asmaa Ahmed wrote:
 I am trying to use postfix/dovecot as mail server to be the imap storage for 
 my voicemail system.For that I installed postfix and dovecot and trying to 
 follow the instructions in this post

ugh.  it's hard to read your mail, some line breaks or new paragraphs
would be useful.

I have yet to find one wiki that answers all questions.  Expand your

FWIW, if you are using a recent version of freepbx you can configure
imap storage in there on a per-user/extension basis, so you don't need
to set up the masteruser...

Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot extremely slow!

2013-09-26 Thread Bob Miller

 Sep 26 11:03:23 wasabi dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 
 1 secs): user=, rip=, lip=, TLS, \
 Sep 26 11:03:26 wasabi dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=pato, method=PLAIN, 
 rip=, lip=, mpid=3973, TLS, session\

try enabling the debug settings in your dovecot.conf, maybe you can get
more info:

#auth_debug = yes
#auth_debug_passwords = yes
#mail_debug = yes

You also mention that your auth server is on a separate machine, and 60
seconds seems a lot like a timeout threshold, maybe you are having
intermittent problems there.  Maybe if you could tail the dovecot and
the ldap logs simultaneously then repeat your test, you would see a
discrepancy on the auth server when the dovecot logs show user=  

 ssl_cert = /etc/dovecot/wasabi.imap.crt
 ssl_key = /etc/dovecot/private/wasabi.imap.nopwd.key

Hmm... a low-level guess: maybe you need to speicify your CA here?  I
don't *think* that would explain your slowness, but I suppose there
could be a timeout looking for it...

 userdb {
driver = passwd

Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot extremely slow!

2013-09-25 Thread Bob Miller

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Wed, 2013-09-25 at 16:15 -0600, LuKreme wrote:
 On 25 Sep 2013, at 16:05 , Patricio Rojo wrote:
  I attach the 10-master configuration 
 That’s not that useful.
 doveconf -n is useful
As are the server logs, as opposed to the strace output...

Re: [Dovecot] Disagreement on where mail goes.

2013-08-16 Thread Bob Miller
One guess: your mail_location is misconfigured.

something like:

mail_location = maildir:/usr/local/%u/Maildir

might fix it up... 
Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Fri, 2013-08-16 at 17:09 -0600, LuKreme wrote:
 My virtual users have their mail stored in 
 dovecot wants to read the mail from 
 /usr/local/virtual/ which is causing problems since 
 all new mail is being written in /usr/local/virtual/ and 
 dovecot is looking in /usr/local/virtual/
 For the local users, /home/user/Maildir is the right directory.
 for right now I've had to kludge a script that moves mail from  
 /usr/local/virtual/ to 
 /usr/local/virtual/ every two minutes.

[Dovecot] lda and home directory

2013-08-15 Thread Bob Miller

I am using qmail and lda configured such that lda should not have to do
a lookup for delivery.  I set my defaultdelivery like so:

|HOME=/home/mail/$USER /var/qmail/bin/preline
-f /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda

Given that the email address being delivered to is, I expect $USER to be equal to bob.miller
and $HOME to expand to /home/mail/bob.miller/.  

The problem is lda reports:


The whole system up to here uses only the bob.miller part, and I can't
find where it keeps adding the domain part from.

I have tried changing all sorts of variables and config values to try
and make it quit adding the domain part, but no matter what I change lda
still tries to deliver the email address as username.  The only measure
of success I can report is that in some configurations mail delivers
to /home/mail//.

Where exactly is dovecot getting this value?

Side question: I note in places throughout the wiki and internet
variables such as $EXT, $USER, $DEST_USERNAME, and $FROM_ENVELOPE are
used.  I can find no documentation, beyond my own common sense anyway,
to explain how/when these variables are expanded, and what I do find
doesn't seem consistent to me.  For example, on the CheckPassword page,
$USER is implied to expand to Username, which could contain the domain
or not.  However on the lda/qmail page, the variable shown is $EXT@
$USER, which implies $USER will expand as only the domain part after the
@ symbol and $EXT as everything before, yet changing the variable from
$USER to $EXT in my defaultdelivery file has $HOME expand
to /home/mail//.  Where do I find the story on how these variables (as
opposed to the % variables) work?  (or more specifically, is there a
$VAR I can use instead of $USER that will expand to just the part before
the @?)

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

Re: [Dovecot] lda and home directory

2013-08-15 Thread Bob Miller
Hi Rick,

 I had/have the same issue.   In Dovecot 1.x I was able to use LDA with
 vpopmail and only environment variables to deliver to a home directory.  I
 was never able to get it to work with Dovecot 2.x - don't know if using
 environment variables is depricated, but I ended up having to setup an auth
 server to use lda with qmail/vpopmail.  :(

My hosting server uses vpopmail and lda, and I don't recall having to do
that.  If you want to compare configs, let me know.  

In this case, I authenticate against samba active directory, and a
(seemingly) small config change there led me on an epic quest of
configuration updates through the whole email system until I got stuck
in this lda box that didn't even have a problem in it.  sigh.  I was
doing so well

But you showed me the outside of the box:

 For your environment variable questions, those come from Qmail.  See:

It's stunningly obvious now that you point it out.  S obvious, in
fact, I probably would have been weeks figuring it out.  Thank you so

change my defaultdelivery to:

|HOME=/home/mail/$LOCAL /var/qmail/bin/preline
-f /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda

and lda looks for the correct directory again.

I guess environment variables are not deprecated, presumably that's good

Re: [Dovecot] Calling dovecot-lda from within Antispam pipe script (bash) seems to have no effect

2013-06-20 Thread Bob Miller
Hi Ben,

 Maybe using something like set -e to try and get some output from the

Adding the -e switch doesn't seem to produce any output, either.

To be clear, I meant putting the line:

set -e

near the top of your script.  I forget exactly how it functions, but it
makes it so when a script fails it spits out a why on stdout (or maybe
stderr).  I believe the -x argument does something useful for
troubleshooting too, but it's been too long.  `man bash` knows all...

 It really boils-down to the fact that I can call the following on the
 command-line and it functions as expected:
 su vmail -c '/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -a -d -m Training.SPAM -p
 Yet, when I attempt to do the exact same thing from within the pipe
 script that Dovecot Antispam calls, I receive exit code 75 from
 deliver/dovecot-lda and absolutely nothing is logged, with exception of
 the information of which I'm already aware (logged to syslog).
 I am echo-ing $(whoami) just before calling deliver within the pipe
 script and the output is vmail. So, it's not as though the vmail user
 somehow lacks the permissions required to send via dovecot-lda.

There are two things that came to mind when I read your mail yesterday.
They are the first things I check for when my commands work and my
scripts don't.  

The first is $PATH, I have found innumerable times when a script
wouldn't run it was because it wasn't running with a fully loaded $PATH
variable, and this is especially true if you are launching your script
from cron.  To work around this I either put a PATH= at the top of the
script, or I run the script as an argument to bash instead of using the
executable bit (ie `bash /path/to/` instead of `./`)
so the path is retained from the shell.  I decided against mentioning
this yesterday because I noted you only used full paths in your script,
which should also work to avoid this problem.

The other thing I didn't mention was the permissions on the path
to /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver (or any other path, really).  Directories
with no world read/execute can prevent scripts from using files beneath
them if they don't have permissions on each directory level in the path.
I didn't mention this yesterday because you said you ran the script as
vmail.  However, looking at your su vmail -c command, I remember some
times when su postrgres -c didn't work when su - postrgres then
running the command did.

Probably neither of these will be useful to you, but I mention them in
hope that they trigger and idea or set you on an investigative path that
proves helpful...

 What is the explanation for this behavior? It has to be something to do
 with how the plug-in calls the script. Does the plug-in call the script
 in some other context, like chroot?
 As a final point of note, is it just me, or is the 90-plugin.conf
 snippet incorrect at the bottom of ? Those values appear to be
 for the analogous Dovecot 1 plug-in, e.g., antispam_mail_sendmail is
 used, when the equivalent directive is called antispam_pipe_program in
 versions = 2.0.

Re: [Dovecot] Calling dovecot-lda from within Antispam pipe script (bash) seems to have no effect

2013-06-20 Thread Bob Miller
I got another quick idea, too; try running dovecot in the foreground.
Maybe something that isn't being written to the log will show up on the

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Thu, 2013-06-20 at 19:00 -0700, Bob Miller wrote:
 Hi Ben,
  Maybe using something like set -e to try and get some output from the
 Adding the -e switch doesn't seem to produce any output, either.
 To be clear, I meant putting the line:
 set -e
 near the top of your script.  I forget exactly how it functions, but it
 makes it so when a script fails it spits out a why on stdout (or maybe
 stderr).  I believe the -x argument does something useful for
 troubleshooting too, but it's been too long.  `man bash` knows all...
  It really boils-down to the fact that I can call the following on the
  command-line and it functions as expected:
  su vmail -c '/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -a -d -m Training.SPAM -p
  Yet, when I attempt to do the exact same thing from within the pipe
  script that Dovecot Antispam calls, I receive exit code 75 from
  deliver/dovecot-lda and absolutely nothing is logged, with exception of
  the information of which I'm already aware (logged to syslog).
  I am echo-ing $(whoami) just before calling deliver within the pipe
  script and the output is vmail. So, it's not as though the vmail user
  somehow lacks the permissions required to send via dovecot-lda.
 There are two things that came to mind when I read your mail yesterday.
 They are the first things I check for when my commands work and my
 scripts don't.  
 The first is $PATH, I have found innumerable times when a script
 wouldn't run it was because it wasn't running with a fully loaded $PATH
 variable, and this is especially true if you are launching your script
 from cron.  To work around this I either put a PATH= at the top of the
 script, or I run the script as an argument to bash instead of using the
 executable bit (ie `bash /path/to/` instead of `./`)
 so the path is retained from the shell.  I decided against mentioning
 this yesterday because I noted you only used full paths in your script,
 which should also work to avoid this problem.
 The other thing I didn't mention was the permissions on the path
 to /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver (or any other path, really).  Directories
 with no world read/execute can prevent scripts from using files beneath
 them if they don't have permissions on each directory level in the path.
 I didn't mention this yesterday because you said you ran the script as
 vmail.  However, looking at your su vmail -c command, I remember some
 times when su postrgres -c didn't work when su - postrgres then
 running the command did.
 Probably neither of these will be useful to you, but I mention them in
 hope that they trigger and idea or set you on an investigative path that
 proves helpful...
  What is the explanation for this behavior? It has to be something to do
  with how the plug-in calls the script. Does the plug-in call the script
  in some other context, like chroot?
  As a final point of note, is it just me, or is the 90-plugin.conf
  snippet incorrect at the bottom of ? Those values appear to be
  for the analogous Dovecot 1 plug-in, e.g., antispam_mail_sendmail is
  used, when the equivalent directive is called antispam_pipe_program in
  versions = 2.0.

Re: [Dovecot] Calling dovecot-lda from within Antispam pipe script (bash) seems to have no effect

2013-06-19 Thread Bob Miller
Hi Ben,

I checked over your script, and I don't see the problem either.  You
already checked everything that comes to my mind.

Maybe using something like set -e to try and get some output from the

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Wed, 2013-06-19 at 14:52 -0400, Ben Johnson wrote:
 I'm attempting to configure the Dovecot Antispam plug-in on Ubuntu 12.04
 LTS with Dovecot 2.0.19.
 Everything seems to be in order with one considerable exception: when my
 pipe script (a simple Bash shell script) calls the dovecot-lda
 executable, absolutely nothing seems to result.
 If I copy/paste the exact same command into the terminal, the mail is
 delivered to the target mailbox, as expected.
 Here's my pipe script:
 When I move a message from INBOX - Junk, or from Junk - INBOX, the
 pipe script is called, and here's the output:
 31465-start (--debug --username=amavis --ham)
 Checking if the command-line input argument string (--debug
 --username=amavis --ham) contains the string ham or spam
 Mode is HAM
 Calling (as user vmail) '/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d -m Training.HAM -p
 But, for some reason, the call to /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver doesn't
 seem to do anything.
 If I copy the above output and paste it into the terminal:
 /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d -m Training.HAM
 -p /tmp/sendmail-msg-31465.txt
 Dovecot does indeed deliver the message. This works whether I execute
 the above command as root or vmail.
 Why does this command have no effect when called from within the pipe
 Here is my doveconf -n output:
 # 2.0.19: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
 # OS: Linux 2.6.32-042stab076.8 x86_64 Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS
 auth_mechanisms = plain login
 disable_plaintext_auth = no
 listen = *,[::]
 log_timestamp = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S 
 mail_privileged_group = vmail
 passdb {
   args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
   driver = sql
 plugin {
   antispam_backend = pipe
   antispam_debug_target = syslog
   antispam_pipe_program = /usr/bin/
   antispam_pipe_program_args = --debug;--username=amavis
   antispam_pipe_program_notspam_arg = --ham
   antispam_pipe_program_spam_arg = --spam
   antispam_pipe_tmpdir = /tmp
   antispam_spam_pattern_ignorecase = SPAM;JUNK
   antispam_trash_pattern_ignorecase = trash;Deleted *
   antispam_verbose_debug = 1
   quota = dict:user::file:/var/vmail/%d/%n/.quotausage
   quota_rule2 = Trash:storage=+100M
   quota_rule3 = Junk:ignore
   quota_warning = storage=95%% quota-warning 95 %u %d
   quota_warning2 = storage=80%% quota-warning 80 %u %d
   quota_warning3 = -storage=100%% quota-below below %u %d
   sieve = /var/vmail/%d/%n/.sieve
 protocols = imap pop3
 service auth {
   unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
 group = postfix
 mode = 0660
 user = postfix
   unix_listener auth-userdb {
 group = vmail
 mode = 0600
 user = vmail
   user = root
 service quota-below {
   executable = script /usr/local/bin/
   user = vmail
 service quota-warning {
   executable = script /usr/local/bin/
   user = vmail
 ssl_cert = /etc/postfix/smtpd.cert
 ssl_key = /etc/postfix/smtpd.key
 userdb {
   args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
   driver = sql
 protocol imap {
   mail_plugins = quota imap_quota antispam
 protocol pop3 {
   mail_plugins = quota
   pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv
 protocol lda {
   info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot-lda.log
   log_path = /var/log/dovecot-lda-errors.log
   mail_plugins = sieve quota
 Thank you,

Re: [Dovecot] Passwordless auth?

2013-05-23 Thread Bob Miller

 You can also use doveadm for quite a lot of this sort of administration;
 this may be easier if you're scripting in shell rather than something
 more sophisticated.


Re: [Dovecot] Slooow imap copy to Sent folders

2013-04-18 Thread Bob Miller
We have a monopoly ISP who gives terrible upload speeds in their
internet packages.  it is pretty easy for most offices to flood the
upload side of the connection, and when that happens we see the symptoms
you describe.  Not sure if that is applicable to you, but that is what I
check when I get these reports...
Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Thu, 2013-04-18 at 15:21 +0200, Frank Bonnet wrote:
 Many users here use the copy to Sent folder using the IMAP protocol
 with Dovecot 2.1.15 on a FresBSD 9 server.
 Since few days this operation ( copy to sent folder ) became longer
 than before , it could takes several seconds to complete even the
 message is very short.
 Is there a parameter I could tweak to boost this a bit ?
 may users complain with reason
 thank you

Re: [Dovecot] qmail-ldap LDA Delivery and sieve

2013-04-17 Thread Bob Miller
 lda(sar): Fatal: Unknown argument: sar
 Usage: dovecot-lda [-c config file] [-a address] [-d username] [-p 
[-f envelope sender] [-m mailbox] [-e] [-k]
 It happens on messanges that could not be delivered and need to be
 returned to the sender.

I would think this indicates that lda is trying to deliver the message
to sar when it should be delivering to  Probably
you need to adjust your ldap user_attrs and user_filters so it returns
what lda needs, but that is just a guess after a short look at your

 I also tried to use this way, as documented here:
 | /var/qmail/bin/preline -f /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda

This is the way I did it, but I had to add the HOME variable like so:

|HOME=/home/mail/$USER /var/qmail/bin/preline
-f /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda

I dont' see anything obviously wrong with your settings, but I am
connecting to an active directory instead of an openldap server, so your
setup is different than mine:

 Follow my settings:
 scope = subtree
 user_attrs = uidNumber=11184,gidNumber=2110
 user_filter = ((objectClass=qmailUser)(uid=%u)(accountStatus=active))
 pass_filter = ((objectClass=qmailUser)(uid=%u)(accountStatus=active))
 iterate_attrs = uid=user
 iterate_filter = ((objectClass=qmailUser)(accountStatus=active))
 # dovecot -n output:
 # 2.1.7: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
 # OS: Linux 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 x86_64 Debian 6.0.7 ext4
 default_client_limit = 8000
 default_process_limit = 2048
 disable_plaintext_auth = no
 hostname =
 lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes
 lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes
 lda_original_recipient_header = X-Original-To
 mail_gid = vmail
 mail_location = maildir:/dados/vmail/%u/Maildir
 mail_plugins = zlib
 mail_privileged_group = vmail
 mail_uid = vmail
 managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
 managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope
 encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric
 relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify
 environment mailbox date ihave vacation-seconds
 namespace inbox {
   inbox = yes
   location =
   mailbox Drafts {
 special_use = \Drafts
   mailbox Junk {
 special_use = \Junk
   mailbox Sent {
 special_use = \Sent
   mailbox Sent Messages {
 special_use = \Sent
   mailbox Trash {
 special_use = \Trash
   prefix = INBOX.
   separator = .
   type = private
 passdb {
   args = /etc/dovecot/master-users
   driver = passwd-file
   master = yes
   pass = yes
 passdb {
   args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
   driver = ldap
 plugin {
   sieve = /dados/vmail/%u/.dovecot.sieve
   sieve_dir = ~/sieve
   sieve_extensions = +vacation +vacation-seconds
   sieve_global_dir = /var/lib/dovecot/sieve/global/
   sieve_vacation_default_period = 1h
   sieve_vacation_max_period = 30d
   sieve_vacation_min_period = 0
 postmaster_address =
 protocols =  imap lmtp sieve
 service dict {
   unix_listener dict {
 group = vmail
 mode = 0600
 user = vmail
 service imap-login {
   inet_listener imap {
 port = 143
   inet_listener imaps {
 port = 993
 ssl = yes
   process_min_avail = 10
 service imap {
   process_limit = 2048
 service managesieve-login {
   inet_listener sieve {
 port = 4190
 shutdown_clients = no
 ssl_cert = /var/qmail/control/cert.pem
 ssl_key = /var/qmail/control/cert.pem
 submission_host =
 userdb {
   args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
   default_fields = uid=vmail gid=vmail home=/dados/vmail/%u
   driver = ldap
 protocol lmtp {
   auth_socket_path = director-userdb
 protocol lda {
   mail_plugins = zlib sieve
 protocol imap {
   mail_max_userip_connections = 500
   mail_plugins = zlib imap_zlib
 protocol sieve {
   mail_max_userip_connections = 100
   managesieve_max_line_length = 65536
 Best regards,
 Rudá Porto Filgueiras

Re: [Dovecot] postfix, dovecot, samba, winbind

2013-02-28 Thread Bob Miller
It has been a few months since I worked out all the settings to
authenticate against samba's AD, but I think you can solve your problem
by putting a home argument in your userdb{} stanza.  If that doesn't
work, and assuming you are authenticating using ldap lookups, let me
know and I can share more of how I set things up...  
Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Thu, 2013-02-28 at 18:22 +0100, Denis Witt wrote:
 Hello List,
 we're currently working on the migration of our LDAP/Samba3-Domain to 
 Samba4-Active-Directory. So far everything works fine. Postfix can deliver 
 Mails using ProxyAddresses-Information from the AD and Dovecot delivers the 
 Unfortunately when Postfix tells Dovecot to deliver the mail he submit the 
 username without the AD-Domain part:
 Feb 28 17:17:59 tpdc postfix/pickup[30396]: 5DDAE2C0C2B: uid=0 from=root
 Feb 28 17:17:59 tpdc postfix/cleanup[30402]: 5DDAE2C0C2B:
 Feb 28 17:17:59 tpdc postfix/qmgr[30395]: 5DDAE2C0C2B:, size=463, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
 Feb 28 17:17:59 tpdc dovecot: lda(dwitt): saved mail 
 Feb 28 17:17:59 tpdc postfix/local[30404]: 5DDAE2C0C2B:,, 
 relay=local, delay=0.24, delays=0.1/0.01/0/0.13, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent 
 (delivered to command: /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver)
 Feb 28 17:17:59 tpdc postfix/qmgr[30395]: 5DDAE2C0C2B: removed
 So Dovecot saves the Mail to /var/mail/dwitt/, which is fine for me. The 
 Problem kicks in when I try to read my Mail. Dovecot uses TESTDOM\dwitt as 
 username and so he didn't find the Mailbox and create a new one in 
 I tried to fix it with auth_username_translation and auth_username_format but 
 it doesn't work.
 Any ideas?

Re: [Dovecot] How To Remove?

2013-01-02 Thread Bob Miller

 the pkg installer did not come with an uninstaller, and since the install is 
 pretty much useless, is there some list of what it installed so i can get rid 
 of it all?

This would actually be a function of your package manager.  For example
on debian you can do dpkg -L packagename to get a list of files.

Your package manager should also have an uninstalling utility of its
own.  Again for example on debian apt-get remove packagename.  

So your package shouldn't need to come with its own installer, nor
should you need to extract the files by hand...

 thanks, christian

Re: [Dovecot] How To Remove?

2013-01-02 Thread Bob Miller
 So your package shouldn't need to come with its own installer, nor
 should you need to extract the files by hand...

Bah! My neural pathways are shorting out.  That should read:

So your package shouldn't need to come with its own uninstaller, nor
should you need to delete the files by hand...

  thanks, christian

Re: [Dovecot] POLL: v2.2 to allow one mail over quota?

2012-10-29 Thread Bob Miller
+1 to one last mail, though it would be nice if the over percentage
could be configurable...
Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Mon, 2012-10-29 at 22:39 +0200, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 Currently if user is 1MB under quota and someone tries to deliver mail that 
 is over 1MB, Dovecot rejects the mail. But smaller mails aren't rejected 
 probably for days. So user might not even realize that they didn't receive 
 one of the mails. Also having a user almost over quota is a rather strange 
 state I think.
 So what do you think about v2.2 allowing delivery of one last mail even if it 
 brings the user over quota? Except add a limit that if the message size is as 
 much as the user's entire quota limit it wouldn't be added (or 50% or ..?). 
 Also IMAP wouldn't allow this, since user would get an error anyway. I could 
 make this also optional, but if nobody really wants to keep the old behavior 
 there's really no point in adding the option.

Re: [Dovecot] dovecot auth against AD on samba4

2012-10-24 Thread Bob Miller
I don't have it in production yet because there are other things I am
still trying to add to samba4, but my test server has dovecot
authenticating against samba4.  Without openchange or any other
non-native mechanism.  

Dovecot supports authenticating against ldap, the settings are in your
auth-ldap.conf file.  Samba4/Active Directory is just another ldap
implementation.  between the config files and the wiki, I believe all
the documentation you need is there... 

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

On Wed, 2012-10-24 at 11:48 +0200, Carsten Laun-De Lellis wrote:
 Hi group
 I am currently running a mail server on ubuntu 11.04 with postfix 2.8.5,
 dovecot dovecot 2.0.13 and openldap 2.4.23. I have now read about sogo and
 I am thinking about installing it because of it's native outlook support
 The ZEG appliance wouldn't be an option for me because I use a virtual
 server from a provider where I can't install my own vm or even an iso.
 When I go thru the documentation there is a part with installing
 OpenChange based on samba4. As far as I understood the OpenChange
 authentication is against the samba4 AD. Actually there is no support in
 syncing the AD against an OpenLdap Server and I would have to change the
 OpenLdap port because the AD is listening on port 389. To change the port
 wouldn't be a big deal, but what i was thinking about to run the dovecot
 auth also against the samba 4 AD.
 I searched around on the internet but didn't find a doc yet how to do that.
 Does anyone here could provide me with a link or a how-to ?
 Thanks very much in advance.
 Carsten Laun-De Lellis
 Hauptstrasse 13
 D-67705 Trippstadt
 Phone: +49 6306 992140
 Fax: +49 6306 992142
 Mobile: +49 151 27530865

Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot configuration and question about IP trusted

2012-10-06 Thread Bob Miller
Hi Mik,

 Also how do you understand this sentence
 # Don't use mmap() at all. This is required if you store indexes to shared
 # filesystems (NFS or clustered filesystem) or for some operating systems
 # which use a separate cache for mmap, such as OpenBSD.
 mmap_disable = yes
 I've read it 10 times, and I don't know if this should be set to yes or no 
 (probably because my english is not perfect).
 My operating system is OpenBSD and I don't share NFS or cluster filesystems.

Well, your english is monumentally better than my second language (if
you could even say I have one), so good on you...

I interpret this sentence as an if statement:

if [[ (using NFS||Cluster) == true || (using OS w separate cache for
mmap, such as OpenBSD) == true ]]; then
setting is required (set to yes/true)

 Thank you

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867-633-3760

Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot configuration and question about IP trusted

2012-10-05 Thread Bob Miller
 'm trying to tighten the security a little bit and added in dovecot.conf

 login_trusted_networks =
 Then restarted Dovecot
 My client has the IP and it's still able to retrieve emails. I 
 expected it to be forbidden. Am I missing something ?

My interpretation of the documentation indicates that the trusted
network setting causes certain authentication and security checks to be
bypassed if a computer is in the trusted network, and to not bypass
those authentication and security checks if the computer is not in the
trusted range.  I see nothing indicating this setting will forbid

 I feel that Dovecot is slow. I'm doing my test with my iphone as an imap 
 Test 1: I retrieve a mail on a remote server provided by a hosting company, 
 it takes 2 seconds
 Test 2: I retrieve a mail on my server which is on my LAN, the mail includes 
 a few letters in the subject and a few letters in the body. The action takes 
 about 8 seconds.
 It's quite subtule to measure so first I would like to know if Dovecot tries 
 to do a dns reverse lookup or something like that. And it would explain the 

I don't know about the reverse lookup, but this sounds like a caching
issue to me.

 Thank you

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867 633 3760

[Dovecot] sieve vacation

2012-09-27 Thread Bob Miller

I set up pigeonhole on a server and am using roundcube's sieverules to
create a set of rules.  When using the vacation feature, I can see in
the logs that dovecot is sending the vacation response, but the
recipient never receives it.   

What method does dovecot use to send the response?  Does it use the
sendmail binary, does it use the mail command, does it connect to some
smtp server somewhere, does it use qmail-inject if it finds it?  I find
no evidence it is using any of these methods on my server, but I am not
sure if one of these methods is failing or if there is some place else I
should be looking for the missing vacation response...

Thank you for any suggestions...

Bob Miller  
867-334-7117 / 867 633 3760

Re: [Dovecot] sieve vacation

2012-09-27 Thread Bob Miller

 The settings are listed in the example conf.d/15-lda.conf file. The
 important settings are:
 sendmail_path is used to send mails. Note that the default is
 /usr/sbin/sendmail, which doesn't necessarily work the same as
 Alternatively you can use submission_host to send mails via the
 specified SMTP server.

This is the missing piece of information I wasn't finding.  Thank you
very much...