[Dovecot] Hanging IMAP sessions on Mac OS X with dovecot 2.1.10 - worked fine with 2.0.15

2012-09-22 Thread Clemens Schrimpe
Ok, here's a toughie:

Out of a whim (and because of the bad weather) I today decided to upgrade my 
completely functioning 2.0.15 installation on my Mac OS X 10.6.7 system. NB: 
It's not a Mac OS X Server, as sold by Apple - I have compiled my dovecots 
myself for quite a while.

Anyhow: At first everything appeared to work fine after the upgrade. Up until I 
created a new user and -while testing- SELECTed his INBOX.
The SELECT was stuck. Though the process seemed to be alive I could only get 
rid of it with a kill -9 pid.

The same happened when selecting a newly created mailbox on any of the other 
(otherwise functioning) accounts, so the problem had nothing to do with the new 
account, but rather with the fact, that it's INBOX was empty. 

Using dtruss and gdb I found out, that the dovecot process was trying to obtain 
a GUID and in the course of doing so invoked gethostbyname(), which intern 
caused a lot of mach message handling and somewhere, deep down there, the 
process was stuck.

Well, that led my to believe, that there was something wrong with the -so 
called- mach bootstrap context. I usually start dovecot from with a 
(home-brewn) startup-script, which invokes it (practically) like so:

sudo /usr/libexec/StartupItemContext dovecot

(again: all this was working fine under 2.0.15)

Now with 2.1.10, when I manually invoke dovecot with just

sudo dovecot

Everything appears to work fine - at least the sessions don't get stuck any 
more. But as soon as I logout (with dovecot still running in the background) it 
loses it's mach bootstrap context and finds itself unable to perform even the 
simplest tasks, like mapping a username to a uid, etc. pp. -- so starting it 
without the /usr/libexec/StartupItemContext in the background is out of the 

Now -with all that said- here's my question: 

What has changed with regards to processual context between 2.0.15 and 2.1.10 
when the imap process is spawned/exec'd? Any environmental cleanups, closing 
of unknown fds, deletion/modification of environment variables, 
process-group-handlers, etc.?

It appears, that the imap process no longer inherits the StartupItemContext 
from the main process, so some change between 2.0.15 and 2.1.10 must have 
broken it ... 

Any help is highly appreciated -


PS: I google'd around a lot and searched the mailing-lists, of course. I only 
found a post of someone who ran into the same/similar problem dating back to 
Feb 21st 2012 under the subject dovecot freezes when trying to get mail from 
maildir with mail, but it was quickly dismissed without ever getting resolved 
and that was that.

PS2: I intentionally didn't include any configs with this mail as they seem to 
be irrelevant, but of course I can generate the necessary output if needed.

[Dovecot] Update: Hanging IMAP sessions on Mac OS X with dovecot 2.1.10 - worked fine with 2.0.15 (and 2.0.21)

2012-09-22 Thread Clemens Schrimpe
Update: I tried with 2.0.21 and this also works just fine. So it must be 
something which came in with 2.1.x

PS: Where is the documentaion for 2.1.x - i.e. for all the nice additions Timo 
made? The Website only has 2.0.x, as far as I can tell?
(might be wrong here - hadn't touched the whole thing for a while, as my civil 
life had occupied me :-)



[Dovecot] (vaguely) related to: doveadm auth user ...

2010-11-27 Thread Clemens Schrimpe
While digging through the code I remember having seen something like an (yet 
undocumented) update_query for SQL (and I guess something similar for the 
LDAP faction as well)?!

Can that be used to augment the doveadm pw function to actually /set/ the 
password for a given user instead of just calculating the hash, so that an 
operator can copywaste it into the respective passdb?

Just curious ... I guess it would be nice to have doveadm become as central 
point of administration (yeah, yeah - we would still need a create user and 
delete user, etc. -- but we would at least be further on our way, wouldn't 
we? :-)

Just 2ยข from


[Dovecot] (summarized) wishlist :-)

2010-11-24 Thread Clemens Schrimpe
Hello All (and Timo in particular :-) --

While reading through some of the conversations on this list over the past two 
weeks or so, I always thought how would this particular problem affect you 
and how would you address it in your environment?.

This results in a few suggestions, or thing to wish for, which I thought 
others may find useful, hence I'm posting this here.

1) the whole post login scripting is a mighty tool, yet it presently lacks a 
few more words in the documentation, i.e., the syntax of the corresponding 
config files isn't /entirely/ clear to me. Yes, I can replay the examples 
given, but I'm not fully sure, what happens when, etc. I'm perfectly willing, 
though, to contribute to that, by documenting findings in the Wiki2 (I'm just 
using 2.0.x, sorry). I'd appreciate a few more examples, so if anyone has a 
funny, working configuration, making good use of post login scripting, I'd 
appreciate it, if you'd show them! :-)

Anyway: A bit more control over PLS would be nice. For example, I'd like to 
have a script invoked every time a new session starts (new IMAP/POP3 
connection from a unique ID), as many clients open multiple connections at once 
and usually I wouldn't want to see the second, third, nth connection - just the 
first. Nice would also a post logout scripting feature - again: Both for 
all connections, as well as just for the last one. Yes, this certainly 
requires a bit more discussion, I know - but I hope to trigger just that with 
this message! :-)

2) The local x.x.x.x { feature is very nice, yet it could use some 
polishing, I guess. Inclusion of ports and wildcards for either addresses or 
ports, for instance. I'm imagining a syntax like this:

local   { ... } like now to remain backward compatible
local* { ... } same result, just different new syntax - don't 
care about port
local  { ... } add port restriction
local *:4711{ ... } don't care for address, but match on port

and -of course- (yes, I am really USING IPv6), the use of 
[2001::::] instead of in the examples show above. If 
one would like to become really funky, the optional /xx addition to specify a 
prefix-length would leave no more wishes open. (Well ... maybe the use of 
names derived from DNS instead of literal addresses, of course :-)
[if this feature becomes clearer to me, I'd -again- be happy to help document 
it within the Wiki2]

3) The iterate_query in the SQL interface (I assume, there is something 
similar in the LDAP realm?) could be supplied with a few (optional, of course) 
%x variables, i.e., %s could deliver the service again, like with the 
other queries. This could tell the database engine, what the show me all 
users query is being used for (quota, expunge, ... basically all functions 
of doveadm, where you can supply a -A parameter). A %{env:HOST} could be 
used to tell the DB interface, which node of a multi-node installation is 
asking. I.e., if you have your users distributed over multiple nodes, each 
one might want to perform cleanups only for their own users, saving a lot of 
bandwidth for unnecessary NFS traffic, etc. 

That's it - for now. Otherwise I'm pretty happy with dovecot, let me make that 
very clear here! :-) :-) :-)


Re: [Dovecot] IMAP aggregation and MUPDATE protocolo

2010-11-24 Thread Clemens Schrimpe
 I'm planning on implementing IMAP client backend for lib-storage, which 
 means you could create namespaces that are proxied to remote IMAP server. Or 
 even make Dovecot act as a caching IMAP proxy for your real IMAP server.

Yes, yes --- Y, please!!! :-)


[Dovecot] multiple IMAP ports, each announcing different capabilities

2010-11-22 Thread Clemens Schrimpe
Hello -

is it syntacticly possible to define different imap_capability settings per 
each inet-listener?

I might have to provide a service through a caching proxy sitting in front of 
dovecot, which might involve restrictions re: the announced imap capabilities.

Any hint is highly appreciated!



Re: [Dovecot] multiple IMAP ports, each announcing different capabilities

2010-11-22 Thread Clemens Schrimpe
 is it syntacticly possible to define different imap_capability settings 
 per each inet-listener?
 local {
  imap_capability = a
 local {
  imap_capability = b

Understood. How would that work for different /ports/ (i.e., 143 vs. 10143)?

Thanks again for the quick response


[Dovecot] proctitle woes with 2.0.7 vs. 2.0.6

2010-11-12 Thread Clemens Schrimpe
Hello -

I just noticed, that there seems to be a change in the way process titles are 
being set between 2.0.6 and 2.0.7:

Behavior of 2.0.6: (ps aux | fgrep dovecot)

root 30803   0.0  0.0   601540708   ??  S 1:08AM   0:00.00 
_dovecot 30802   0.0  0.0   601544624   ??  S 1:08AM   0:00.00 
root 30801   0.0  0.0   600460472   ??  Ss1:08AM   0:00.01 
_dovecot 30819   0.0  0.0   607304   1672   ??  S 1:08AM   0:00.01 
dovecot/auth [0 wait, 0 passdb, 0 userdb]
_dovenul 30818   0.0  0.0   603512   1724   ??  S 1:08AM   0:00.01 
dovecot/imap-login []
root 30805   0.0  0.1   601776   3640   ??  S 1:08AM   0:00.02 

Behavior of 2.0.7:

_dovecot 35104   0.0  0.0   607308   1676   ??  S 1:11AM   0:00.01 
_dovenul 35103   0.0  0.0   603516   1736   ??  S 1:11AM   0:00.01 
root 35099   0.0  0.1   601780   3652   ??  S 1:11AM   0:00.02 
root 35097   0.0  0.0   601544716   ??  S 1:11AM   0:00.00 
_dovecot 35096   0.0  0.0   601552692   ??  S 1:11AM   0:00.00 
dovecot/anvil [4 connections]
root 35095   0.0  0.0   600464460   ??  Ss1:11AM   0:00.01 

(of course the configuration remained 100% identical - I just compiled 2.0.7, 
again using the same ./configure parameters and did a make install)

It seems, that while anvil has gained some verbosity, auth and imap-login (and 
maybe pop-login) seem to have lost their voice.

Is there any intention behind this or did I ran into a bug?

Greetings from Berlin -


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Re: [Dovecot] proctitle woes with 2.0.7 vs. 2.0.6

2010-11-12 Thread Clemens Schrimpe
 It seems, that while anvil has gained some verbosity,
 auth and imap-login (and maybe pop-login) seem to have lost their voice.
 Is there any intention behind this or did I ran into a bug?
 Maybe. What OS?

Mac OS X 10.6.5

But again: I had just swapped binaries - everything else, including the OS, of 
course, remained the same.

Seeing that anvil can do it I presume, that the process_title_set() routine 
still works?!


PS: Anything I can do to help test/debug this?

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