Re: [Dovecot] Webmail Recommendation

2008-01-11 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On giovedì 10 gennaio 2008, Peter Eriksson wrote:
> All the suggested ones have just one big FAT problem - they are all
> written in that security bug ridden language that the hackers just love
> to exploit - PHP. Running a web application available to the whole wide
> internet written in PHP is just asking for someone to break into your
> systems.

Oh my god!  Never heard nothing more ... bah .. no words!

Not to flame, but please permit me to just point out some ideas:

- PHP is one of the many scripting languages
- PHP is oriented to web development (but not only)
- PHP (and PHP4 in particular) had is huge success thanks to its simplicity 
and the lackness of strict type check and so on...

The last point is the glory and the pain of the language, as this makes 
unskylled people to rapidly develop in PHP *working* software...

yes, I said "working" software, that is not a good written, projected, 
hardened software!!  Squirrelmail itself is (at least before the OOP 
recoding) very very poorly written...

Finally, the simple and unconfutable fact that a wide number of web server are 
exploited thanks to bad PHP script in *not* and intrinsic hole in the 
language, the are simple very very bad coded script/apps!!!

I can assure that writeing a secure PHP application is not a nightmare, is 
simply coding in a professional way.

The simple fact of using (using in a professional way, not just installing and 
coding !!!) a good Framework and ORM can already make the application SQL 
Injection free, more secure, portable and so on ...

My 2 cents


Re: [Dovecot] Webmail Recommendation

2008-01-11 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On giovedì 10 gennaio 2008, Andreas Schneider wrote:
> It is the best webmailer I've found. You give it a try.

I do not agree sorry, I found horde a very huge collaboration framework and 
IMP (the hosrde webmail component) is too much bounded to the rest of the 
framework ...  I think that if you need only a webmail horde is too much ... 

.. moreover I found its UI too much hard to completely customize. There was 
not (at least when I tried it) a good MVC architecture.

The best would be to find a WM basedon a good modern MVC framework, such as 
(spoking about the PHP world) symfony of Zend FW).. but I don't know if such 
a kimera exists :)


[Dovecot] overquota message

2007-11-26 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)

  is it possible to customize the overquota message ?
I'd like very much if it was possible to use the %d in the postmaster mail 
address (and overquota message) too ... in virtual domain environment it is 
very likely ..

thanks in advance


Re: [Dovecot] upgrading to dovecot 1.0

2007-05-03 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On giovedì 3 maggio 2007, aza zel wrote:
> i can know you not understand the question.
> good product, bad people

You can simply override ... everi 1.x release is compatible with each other


Re: [Dovecot] 1.0 in Debian etch

2007-04-26 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On mercoledì 25 aprile 2007, John Gray wrote:
> I believe I saw 1.0 in unstable.  Shouldn't be a big deal to backport
> that to sarge.
> Paul wrote:
> > Is there a plan to upgrade the stable package from 1.0-rc15?

Here is a .deb I have used on sarge, but it seems to work fine in etch too...

read README first plz :-)


Re: [Dovecot] message-of-the-day feature?

2007-04-19 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Thursday 19 April 2007 17:13, Steven F Siirila wrote:
> For example, would it be possible to place the
> message into some file which Dovecot periodically checks for, and if the
> file exists, either present it to the user as a new message, or
> automatically deliver it at that time via Dovecot LDA?

it'd be a very nice feature :-)


Re: [Dovecot] v1.0.0 released

2007-04-13 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Friday 13 April 2007 14:04, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> It took almost 5 years, but it's finally ready. I'm not expecting to
> release v1.0.1 anytime soon, unless someone's been sitting on a major
> bug just waiting for v1.0 to be released. :)
> People wanting new features should start testing the upcoming v1.1.
> contains now snapshots from CVS HEAD. It
> already has tons of new features. I've been using it myself for half a
> year, so it should be mostly stable too. I'll write a separate mail
> about this later.

Congratulations Timo! Very great job! :)


Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot deliver agent - dovecot.conf permissions

2007-04-11 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Tuesday 10 April 2007 18:59, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On 10.4.2007, at 19.56, Daniel L. Miller wrote:
> > I started playing with deliver, and saw a permission error in the
> > logs for dovecot.conf.  Under my distro install, /etc/dovecot.conf
> > was installed owner/group root, with only user rw rights.  I added
> > "other" read privileges and deliver is happy - is this necessary?
> For now, yea. Or of course if you can change its user/group to same
> as what runs deliver.

yea, but I have the same issue with log files ... and I don't like to make the 
logs readable by anyone not being root ... It's impossible to run the deliver 
in postfix without changing the logs owner ???


Re: [Dovecot] [ rc28 ] dict{} seems to be ignored

2007-04-06 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Friday 06 April 2007 09:46, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> Well, I don't know about this. Do they never get it? Setting  
> mail_debug=yes should show in logs for those users if Dovecot sees  
> all the quota settings.

I decided not to use the DB storage for now, so I'll investigate better in the 
future :-)  thank for the help

> >   in the wiki the quota table suggested structure uses 2 varchar
> > (255) fields,
> > with a PK on ... but the maximum allowed lenght for an index il  
> > only 500 ..
> > at least on my version of mysql 
> >
> > I suggest to correct in 255 for the user and 245 for the path :-)
> Changed path to 100. It's never more than 14 characters currently.

Ok, very well ... another issue with this is that if the table is  utf-8 then 
the maximum index size is 1000, but every char takes 4 .. so even with 255 
and 14 it should overflow this limit...

but user has to be 255 as it can be an email address (and, if I remember an 
email address can be 255 chars) ...  maybe the quota table should never be 
utf-8 ... as I suppose, can you confirm ??

have a nice day

Re: [Dovecot] [ rc28 ] dict{} seems to be ignored

2007-04-03 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Monday 02 April 2007 16:37, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> So here should be:
> CONCAT('dict:storage=2', ceil(quota/1000), ' proxy::quotadict') AS quota

ok, this is working some way (without the "2" in the storage= ... right?) ..

but I have still some things not clear...  only some users have their quota 
updated on the DB ... 

both pop3 and imap have the "quota" in their mail_plugin parameter, imap has 
imap_quota too ...

  in the wiki the quota table suggested structure uses 2 varchar(255) fields, 
with a PK on ... but the maximum allowed lenght for an index il only 500 .. 
at least on my version of mysql 

I suggest to correct in 255 for the user and 245 for the path :-)


Re: [Dovecot] [ rc28 ] dict{} seems to be ignored

2007-04-02 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Monday 02 April 2007 16:37, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> If you want to use the userdb_* here you should also enable prefetch
> userdb, otherwise they're ignored.

yes, I'm using the preftch :-) ..

I have a meeting now, so I'll try your changes ASAP, if it is the issue I 
suggest to make the wiki just a little more "misunderstanding people" 
aware :-PP

thank you so much for your help 

Re: [Dovecot] [ rc28 ] dict{} seems to be ignored

2007-04-02 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Monday 02 April 2007 14:58, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On 2.4.2007, at 14.13, Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT) wrote:
> > On Monday 02 April 2007 12:30, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> >> Sorry, but your reply is way too vague for me to even guess what the
> >> problem could be. Show me the exact settings you have. Show
> >> dovecot-sql.conf, your SQL tables and contents of one user's row.
> >> Maybe
> >> even set mail_debug=yes and show what the logs say. Then I can point
> >> exactly where the problem is without having to guess.
> >
> > uh?.. but I have attached also the output of dovecot -n ... some
> > msgs ago in the thread as you asked ..
> dovecot -n unfortunately doesn't show dovecot-sql.conf's contents.
> Maybe in Dovecot v2.0 it'll do that. :)

:-)  sorry 

> > CONCAT('maildir:storage=', CEIL(quota/1000)) AS userdb_quota FROM
> > mailbox WHERE username = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> There is the "maildir". It should say "dict" there instead if you
> want it to use dict. So change it from user_query.

dovecot: Apr 02 16:11:36 Error: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): dict quota: URI 
missing from parameters: dict:storage=10240

maybe I have totally misundestood how this plugin works ... ;-(

this is the lines in my dovecot.cof:
dict {
  quotadict = mysql:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-quota.conf
plugin {
  quota = dict:storage=20480:messages=1000 proxy::quotadict

dovecot-dict-quota.conf  has only the mysql connection, table and field 
settings, no connection problem appears in the logs...

and here are the SQL queries in the dovecot-sql.conf:

user_query = SELECT 1 AS uid, 1 AS gid, '/var/vmail/domains/%d/%n' as 
 'maildir:/var/vmail/domains/%d/%n' as mail, 
 CEIL(quota/1000)) AS quota 
 FROM mailbox WHERE username = '%u' AND active = '1'

password_query = SELECT username as user, password, 
 '/var/vmail/domains/%d/%n' as userdb_home, 
 'maildir:/var/vmail/domains/%d/%n' as userdb_mail, 
 1 AS userdb_uid, 1 AS userdb_gid, 
 CONCAT('maildir:storage=', CEIL(quota/1000)) AS userdb_quota 
 FROM mailbox WHERE username = '%u'

These are 1 per line, I wrapped it only for readability ...

thank again


Re: [Dovecot] [ rc28 ] dict{} seems to be ignored

2007-04-02 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Monday 02 April 2007 12:30, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> Sorry, but your reply is way too vague for me to even guess what the
> problem could be. Show me the exact settings you have. Show
> dovecot-sql.conf, your SQL tables and contents of one user's row. Maybe
> even set mail_debug=yes and show what the logs say. Then I can point
> exactly where the problem is without having to guess.

uh?.. but I have attached also the output of dovecot -n ... some msgs ago in 
the thread as you asked ..

ok, I'll try to give you more infos:

1) mail_debug=yes  does *not* show any info about the "quota update" process, 
  but shows the correct quota for the user given by the userdb_quota:

dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth(default): client in: AUTH   1   PLAIN   
service=IMAPlip=  rip=  resp=
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth-worker(default): sql([EMAIL 
PROTECTED], query: SELECT username as user, password, 
'/var/vmail/domains/' as userdb_home, 
'maildir:/var/vmail/domains/' as userdb_mail, 1 AS 
userdb_uid, 1 AS userdb_gid, CONCAT('maildir:storage=', CEIL(quota/1000)) 
AS userdb_quota FROM mailbox WHERE username = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth(default): client out: OK1   [EMAIL 
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth(default): master in: REQUEST17  
17470   1
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth-worker(default): sql([EMAIL 
PROTECTED], SELECT 1 AS uid, 1 AS gid, 
'/var/vmail/domains/' as home, 
'maildir:/var/vmail/domains/' as mail, 
CONCAT('maildir:storage=', CEIL(quota/1000)) AS quota FROM mailbox WHERE 
username = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' AND active = '1'
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth(default): master out: USER  17  [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]   uid=1   gid=1   
mail=maildir:/var/vmail/domains/   quota=maildir:storage=10240
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Loading modules from 
directory: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Module loaded: 
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Module loaded: 
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Effective uid=1, 
gid=1, home=/var/vmail/domains/
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): maildir: 
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): maildir: 
index=/var/vmail/domains/, control=, inbox=
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: imap-login: Login: user=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth(default): client in: AUTH   1   PLAIN   
service=IMAPlip=  rip=  resp=
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth-worker(default): sql([EMAIL 
PROTECTED], query: SELECT username as user, password, 
'/var/vmail/domains/' as userdb_home, 
'maildir:/var/vmail/domains/' as userdb_mail, 1 AS 
userdb_uid, 1 AS userdb_gid, CONCAT('maildir:storage=', CEIL(quota/1000)) 
AS userdb_quota FROM mailbox WHERE username = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth(default): client out: OK1   [EMAIL 
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth(default): master in: REQUEST18  
17512   1
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth-worker(default): sql([EMAIL 
PROTECTED], SELECT 1 AS uid, 1 AS gid, 
'/var/vmail/domains/' as home, 
'maildir:/var/vmail/domains/' as mail, 
CONCAT('maildir:storage=', CEIL(quota/1000)) AS quota FROM mailbox WHERE 
username = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' AND active = '1'
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: auth(default): master out: USER  18  [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]   uid=1   gid=1   
mail=maildir:/var/vmail/domains/   quota=maildir:storage=10240
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: imap-login: Login: user=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Disconnected
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Loading modules from 
directory: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Module loaded: 
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Module loaded: 
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Effective uid=1, 
gid=1, home=/var/vmail/domains/
dovecot: Apr 02 13:01:11 Info: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): mail

Re: [Dovecot] [ rc28 ] dict{} seems to be ignored

2007-04-02 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Sunday 01 April 2007 08:51, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> >> If you still can't get it to work, set mail_debug=yes and see if
> >> there's anything interesting in the logs.
> >
> > already done .. nothing and nothing ... I can see the login SQL  
> > queries ..
> > I can see the quota fetched from the userdb_quota field ... but  
> > nothing about
> > the quota update on the mysql storage ... dovecot updatets the  
> > maildir quota
> > on the filesystem ...
> If it updates maildir quota, it sees quota=maildir setting somewhere.  
> So since it's not in dovecot.conf, apparently it gets that from  
> userdb's user_query?

yes it gets it from the userdb_quota field ... and infact the quota are 
honoured for the users ... only the "quota storage" seems to be ignored... 

the total quota a user has assigned to is retrieved from the "quota" field in 
the "mailbox" table (where user's info are stored, if he is active, and so 
on) ... 

As saied in the wiki I'm tring to "store" the actual quota used by the user in 
*another* SQL table ("quota") ... but it seems to be ignored ...


Re: [Dovecot] [ rc28 ] dict{} seems to be ignored

2007-03-30 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Thursday 29 March 2007 19:15, Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT) wrote:
> it's attached ...
> tomorrow i'll compile and try the rc29 ...

just tried rc29 .. nothing changed for me ..

Any suggestion ?


Re: [Dovecot] [ rc28 ] dict{} seems to be ignored

2007-03-29 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Wednesday 28 March 2007 18:56, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On 28.3.2007, at 11.38, Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT) wrote:
> >> If you still can't get it to work, set mail_debug=yes and see if
> >> there's anything interesting in the logs.
> >
> > already done .. nothing and nothing ... I can see the login SQL
> > queries ..
> > I can see the quota fetched from the userdb_quota field ... but
> > nothing about
> > the quota update on the mysql storage ... dovecot updatets the
> > maildir quota
> > on the filesystem ...
> >
> > any idea ?
> Show the whole dovecot -n output

it's attached ...

tomorrow i'll compile and try the rc29 ...

# /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
log_path: /var/log/dovecot/dovecot.log
info_log_path: /var/log/dovecot/dovecot-info.log
protocols: imaps pop3s imap pop3
ssl_cert_file: /etc/ssl/certs/mail-cert.pem
ssl_key_file: /etc/ssl/private/mail-key.pem
login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable(default): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(pop3): /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3-login
login_greeting: I'm ready.
valid_chroot_dirs: /var/vmail/domains
first_valid_uid: 1
first_valid_gid: 1
mail_extra_groups: vmail
mail_location: maildir:/var/vmail/domains/%d/%n
mail_debug: yes
mail_executable(default): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(imap): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(pop3): /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3
mail_plugins(default): quota imap_quota
mail_plugins(imap): quota imap_quota
mail_plugins(pop3): quota
mail_plugin_dir(default): /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
mail_plugin_dir(imap): /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
mail_plugin_dir(pop3): /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/pop3
imap_client_workarounds(default): outlook-idle delay-newmail
imap_client_workarounds(imap): outlook-idle delay-newmail
imap_client_workarounds(pop3): outlook-idle
pop3_uidl_format(pop3): %v.%u
pop3_client_workarounds(pop3): outlook-no-nuls oe-ns-eoh
auth default:
  user: dovecot-auth
  verbose: yes
  debug: yes
driver: sql
args: /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
driver: sql
args: /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
driver: prefetch
type: listen
  path: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
  mode: 384
  quota: dict:storage=20480 proxy::quotadict
  quotadict: mysql:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-quota.conf

Re: [Dovecot] Version numbering

2007-03-28 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Wednesday 28 March 2007 10:48, Magnus Holmgren wrote:
> Also as a packager, I must remark on the ambiguity of (a). Normally letters
> come after numbers in order. Luckily in Debian, it can be transformed
> into "1.1~UNSTABLE.MMDD", where "~" is ranked lower than even the empty
> string.

I agree .. I vote for the linux kernel (old) style .. 'b'


Re: [Dovecot] rc28 : can't set quotas with userdb + passwd file

2007-03-28 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Tuesday 27 March 2007 23:57, David Anderson wrote:
> Can anyone confirm that this is working for them? If it is, can you post
> the relevant bits of your configuration, please?

I think this is the same issue of my previous post ...
so, I think I can confirm 

Re: [Dovecot] [ rc28 ] dict{} seems to be ignored

2007-03-28 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)
On Tuesday 27 March 2007 22:21, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> It is, unless you tell quota code to use it, like:
>    quota = dict:storage=10240:messages=1000 proxy::quotadict

I have already done it ... in the plugin{ .. } section and it does nothing

> If you still can't get it to work, set mail_debug=yes and see if  
> there's anything interesting in the logs.

already done .. nothing and nothing ... I can see the login SQL queries ..
I can see the quota fetched from the userdb_quota field ... but nothing about 
the quota update on the mysql storage ... dovecot updatets the maildir quota 
on the filesystem ...

any idea ?



[Dovecot] [ rc28 ] dict{} seems to be ignored

2007-03-27 Thread Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT)

Hi all,
 I'm new to the list, so ... hello everybody :-)

Let's go to the point... I'm implementing quota over imap support in my 
mail server, so since a number of days I'm tring to upgrade to the new 1.x 
version (debian sarge) ...

After having a number of troubles using the debian backport packege I am now
using the -rc28 package that I have built by myself...

I installed libmysqlclient14 and compiled dovecot with the following configure 

   ./configure --with-ssl=openssl \
--with-mysql \
--disable-ipv6 \
--with-cyrus-sasl2 \
--with-gssapi \
--with-deliver \
--host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) \
--build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) \
--prefix=/usr \
--sysconfdir=/etc/dovecot \
--libexecdir=\$${prefix}/lib \
--localstatedir=/var \
--mandir=\$${prefix}/share/man \
--infodir=\$${prefix}/share/info \

as taken from the sarge-backports debian package and after having removed 
pgsql, ldap and ipv6 support, as I don't need them...

The imap over quota seem to work perfectly, since I can see quota info in IMAP 
clients (and via telnet) the only thing I can't make work is the dict: 
storage for quota info!!

It seems the dict{ .. } section in the dovecot.conf file is *totally* ignored:

dict {
  quotadict = mysq:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-quota.conf

As you can see I have a typo in the driver name, but no error nor error 
message is given ...

I followed the wiki instruction about Quota/Dict and I have created the 
necessary table ... that is not filled of course ..

Anybody can tell me if may be a compilation problem, a configuration one or a 
bug in the current dovecot release ??

Thanks in advance