Re: [Dovecot] Password authentication and character set

2008-11-19 Thread Fredrik Grönqvist

19.11.2008 14:33, Geert Hendrickx wrote:

In case someone else is looking for info about this, this workaround
works for DB backed accounts, as you mention, but will probably not work
with an LDAP (or other) backend.

Right, it's just a hack that fits your particular setup. :-)

For a proper solution the IMAP specification would have to be updated to
allow non-ASCII characters in logins/passwords, and apparantly they _are_
discussing that.  But even if the IMAP protocol gets updated to allow it,
this would also impact eg. POP3 and SMTP authentication which in many
setups use the same passwords.  And of course all IMAP (and other) client
software (including webmails etc) would have to be adapted, too.

Yep, that would be the proper solution, and it's good that there is some 
progress towards this, but I'm not holding my breath for this to 
actually happen any time soon.

The need for backwards compatibility will probably make the adoption a 
slow (and possibly painful) transition.

Chears, Fredrik

Re: [Dovecot] Password authentication and character set

2008-11-19 Thread Fredrik Grönqvist

19.11.2008 10:27, Geert Hendrickx wrote:

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 08:44:21AM +0200, Fredrik Grönqvist wrote:

Yes, I agree that it should be in UTF-8. My specific problem is that about
80% (a rough estimate) of our users are on either Windows or webmail. Those
having passwords containing umlauts etc can log on, using their current
client, if the passwords are kept ISO-8859-1 encoded instead of UTF-8.

As Timo pointed out, the options to fix this on the server side are
currently quite limited, so it seems I have to stick to the lowest common
denominator in our password policy.

If you only have to support two or three different charsets, I think you could
use a clever MySQL passdb query to match either of them.

Have a look at under Password
verification by SQL server, and expand the password match to something like
(passwd = PASSWORD('%w') OR passwd = PASSWORD(CONVERT(_latin1'%w' USING utf8)))
assuming you store the passwords as UTF-8 and assume the input is either UTF-8
or ISO-8859-1.

Thanks for the info, a setup like this is what I opted for eventually. I 
added a note to that wiki page that the query also needs to return the 
nopassword -field for Dovecot 1.1+ to accept the NULL password:

# NOTE: '\' line splitting is used only for readability, currently 
Dovecot doesn't support it

password_query = SELECT NULL AS password, 'nopassword', userid AS user \
  FROM users WHERE userid = '%u' AND mysql_pass = password('%w')

In case someone else is looking for info about this, this workaround 
works for DB backed accounts, as you mention, but will probably not work 
with an LDAP (or other) backend.

Chears, Fredrik

[Dovecot] Password authentication and character set

2008-11-18 Thread Fredrik Grönqvist


I've searched in the wiki and in the mailinglist archives but haven't 
found anything about password character sets within the dovecot 
authentication deamon.

My problem is that we have users with passwords containing scandinavian 
characters (äöå, umlauts) and the debug log shows that different clients 
send the password in different charsets.  The passwords are stored in a 
Mysql table, if that makes any difference.

Outlook Express with LATIN 1 (ISO-8859-1):

Nov 18 16:56:39 resilar dovecot: auth-worker(default): 
sql(fgr-1, Password mismatch
Nov 18 16:56:39 resilar dovecot: auth-worker(default): 
sql(fgr-1, MD5(E4E4kkF6siE4) != 

MacMail UTF8:

Nov 18 17:23:37 resilar dovecot: auth-worker(default): 
sql(fgr-1, Password mismatch
Nov 18 17:23:37 resilar dovecot: auth-worker(default): 
sql(fgr-1, MD5(ääkkösiä12) != 

Is there a setting that forces the authentication daemon to convert 
the provided password to a specific charset before the comparison takes 
place, or how should one handle this?

dovecot -n

# 1.1.4: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
log_timestamp: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
protocols: imap imaps pop3 pop3s managesieve
ssl_cert_file: /etc/ssl/certs/mail.crt
ssl_key_file: /etc/ssl/private/mail.key
ssl_cipher_list: ALL:!LOW
disable_plaintext_auth: no
login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable(default): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(pop3): /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3-login
login_executable(managesieve): /usr/lib/dovecot/managesieve-login
login_greeting: mail ready.
login_process_per_connection: no
mail_privileged_group: mail
mail_location: maildir:~/mail
mail_debug: yes
mail_executable(default): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(imap): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(pop3): /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3
mail_executable(managesieve): /usr/lib/dovecot/managesieve
mail_plugins(default): quota imap_quota
mail_plugins(imap): quota imap_quota
mail_plugins(pop3): quota
mail_plugin_dir(default): /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
mail_plugin_dir(imap): /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
mail_plugin_dir(pop3): /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/pop3
mail_plugin_dir(managesieve): /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/managesieve
imap_client_workarounds(default): delay-newmail outlook-idle
imap_client_workarounds(imap): delay-newmail outlook-idle
pop3_client_workarounds(pop3): outlook-no-nuls oe-ns-eoh
sieve_storage(managesieve): ~/
sieve(managesieve): ~/.dovecot.sieve
auth default:
 mechanisms: plain login

 verbose: yes
 debug: yes
 debug_passwords: yes
 worker_max_count: 50
   driver: sql
   args: /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
   driver: prefetch
   driver: sql
   args: /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
   type: listen
 path: /var/spool/postfix/private/auth
 mode: 432
 user: postfix
 group: postfix
 path: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
 mode: 384
 user: vmail
 quota: maildir



Fredrik Grönqvist

Re: [Dovecot] Password authentication and character set

2008-11-18 Thread Fredrik Grönqvist

18.11.2008 19:03, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 17:26 +0100, Geert Hendrickx wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 05:51:05PM +0200, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Nov 18, 2008, at 5:32 PM, Fredrik Grönqvist wrote:

Is there a setting that forces the authentication daemon to  
convert the provided password to a specific charset before the  
comparison takes place, or how should one handle this?

Dovecot doesn't know the character set that the client is using, so it  
can't do charset conversion reliably. So the possibilities would be:

It seems like this is a limitation in the IMAP protocol.  From RFC 3501:

I remember reading something about using UTF-8 and stringprep in
authentication strings, probably some SASL spec or something. Dovecot
should implement it some day.. But that won't help in any way if the
client doesn't send the password as UTF-8.

Ok, I see how this makes things problematic. One couldn't just encode it 
to UTF-8 anyway and do the comparison after that (provided there would 
be an option enabled)?

So basically a password containing any non 7-bit ASCII is only correct 
when provided by a client using the same charset as the password is 
stored in...
If the RFC states that the password should be provided as 7-bit ASCII 
then I think I'll google for a reason why some clients send the password 
as something else.

Chears, Fredrik


Fredrik Grönqvist

Re: [Dovecot] Password authentication and character set

2008-11-18 Thread Fredrik Grönqvist

18.11.2008 19:57, Timo Sirainen wrote:
Ok, I see how this makes things problematic. One couldn't just encode it 
to UTF-8 anyway and do the comparison after that (provided there would 
be an option enabled)?

You can encode everything to UTF-8, but the result will be different
depending on what the source character set is. If by option you mean
that you'd have a single setting that specifies which the non-utf8
charset is that (hopefully) all your users are using, then sure that
would be the a) choice in my previous reply.

Yes, you're right. I suppose didn't think that through.
So basically a password containing any non 7-bit ASCII is only correct 
when provided by a client using the same charset as the password is 
stored in...
If the RFC states that the password should be provided as 7-bit ASCII 
then I think I'll google for a reason why some clients send the password 
as something else.

Most client programmers haven't even thought about the whole issue. The
password is typically 7bit. So they just send the password using
whatever charset that the OS by default happens to use.

In your case you're most likely not really seeing ISO-8859-1 charset,
but rather Windows-1252. Although Windows-1252 is a superset of
ISO-8859-1, but things like euro character is present in 1252 but not in
8859-1 (and euro in a different position in 8859-15).
Yes, I see. So in light of this and the conversation on the 
imap-protocol -list 

our current options seem to boil down to having the passwords ISO-8859-1 
encoded (given the demographics of our users).
Those using operating systems with native UTF-8 clients have to use 
passwords containing only 7-bit characters.

I didn't realise the specifications were so flexible on this password issue.

Chears, Fredrik

Re: [Dovecot] Password authentication and character set

2008-11-18 Thread Fredrik Grönqvist

19.11.2008 01:34, Geert Hendrickx wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:00:00PM +0200, Fredrik Grönqvist wrote:

Yes, I see. So in light of this and the conversation on the imap-protocol

our current options seem to boil down to having the passwords ISO-8859-1 
encoded (given the demographics of our users).
Those using operating systems with native UTF-8 clients have to use 
passwords containing only 7-bit characters.

Actually I would do it the other way around.  You can't really explain to
your UTF-8 using users you should use that older client instead of this
newer one to make your login work.  And some day you'll have to switch to
UTF-8 anyway.
Yes, I agree that it should be in UTF-8. My specific problem is that 
about 80% (a rough estimate) of our users are on either Windows or 
webmail. Those having passwords containing umlauts etc can log on, using 
their current client, if the passwords are kept ISO-8859-1 encoded 
instead of UTF-8.


I didn't realise the specifications were so flexible on this password

s/flexible/vague/ :-)
The consensus on the imap-protocol list, and particularly the message you

refer to, seems to be we should replace ASCII with UTF-8 in the spec.
It does seem that way, and while I think it will be increasingly 
important in the future, I also got the feeling that this change will 
take a long time to filter down to the implementations (as both servers 
and clients need to change).

As Timo pointed out, the options to fix this on the server side are 
currently quite limited, so it seems I have to stick to the lowest 
common denominator in our password policy.

Chears, Fredrik