Re: [Dovecot] Architecture for large Dovecot cluster

2014-01-24 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

Great mail, Stan 

Another trick: you can save storage (both space & iops) using mdox and
compression. CPU power is far cheaper than iops , the less data you
read/write, the fewer iops. 

You can use gzip,bzip2 or even LZMA/xz compression for LDA. If you also
use Single Instace Storage and Alternate (cheap) storage for old mail,
you can save a lot of money in storage. Also consider using mdbox + ssd
for indexes (hp storevirtual VSA+ a couple of ESXi with ssd disks will
give you real-time replicated ssd iscsi lun for indexes)

Just my 2 cents.




Re: [Dovecot] mdbox - healthy rotation size vs default

2013-08-26 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

Another intesting thing for this thread: if you set a very high
value for mdbox rotate settings, your incremental backups will be awful.
If you have hundreds of messages in a mdbox and you doveadm purge one of
them, the full .m file must be copied in the incremental / diferential

I use 10 MB+zlib for "main storage" and 250 MB+bzip2 for
alternate storage. 




Re: [Dovecot] index IO patterns

2012-05-11 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

Even without LDA/LMTP dovecot-imap needs to write right? It would
need to update the index every time an imap connect happens and
new mails are found in the mail store.

Well of course. Indexes are also updated when flags are modified, moved 
a messages, delete a message, etc.. But in my setup there are 65% reads 
and the rest writes




Re: [Dovecot] Performance-Tuning

2011-11-08 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

Other important thing to consider is message expunging. With mdbox 
you are "delaying" the I/O associated with deleting e-mails. We have a 
nightly cronjob that expunge messages from mdboxes.

If you have en EVA (wich one? 4.400? 6.400? ) you also can consider 
RAID 1+0 or SSD for indexes. Indexes are hammered in mdbox.



Am Dienstag, 8. November 2011, 15:15:39 schrieb Javier de Miguel Rodríguez:


  If you have CPU to spare, consider using zlib with mdbox. You are
trading CPU power (cheap) to get fewer IOPS (IOPS count is expensive).

Hey. This point is great. I hadn't realized that.

Sure. zlib will save IOPS and 2x6-CPUs aren't a problem. Good point -thanks.

compressed) and backup software is happier because there are few
(100.000+ files with mdbox) to backup instead of several millions

Yes, that#s the main reason why I want to switch to mbox. At the moment our
roundtrip-time for the backup is>  24h...


Re: [Dovecot] Performance-Tuning

2011-11-08 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez
We are very happy with mdbox+zlib+ext4 + iSCSI SAN (HP Lefthand in 
our setup)

If you have CPU to spare, consider using zlib with mdbox. You are 
trading CPU power (cheap) to get fewer IOPS (IOPS count is expensive). 
Mdbox has halved our backup windows (2,8 TB uncompressed mailboxes, 2 TB 
compressed) and backup software is happier because there are few 
(100.000+ files with mdbox) to backup instead of several millions (Maildir)




I have>  11 TB hard used Mailstorage, saved als maildir in ext3 on HP EVA.

I always wanted to make some mesurements about several influences to the
performance (switch to ext4, switch to mdbox), but I never had enough time
to do that.

At the moment I *need* more speed, we have too much waitI/O on the system
and I already used all other performance and tuning-tricks (separated cache,
noatime, fsync and all that stuff).

I have to change my setup, maybe somebody else here have hard facts:

*) Is ext4 faster? How much faster?
*) Is it faster because of the ext4 kernel-module (which can be used on ext3
to) or because of the ext4 filesystem layout?

*) Is mdbox really faster? I'd like to have mdbox to have better performance
in running my backup-processes. But does it bring some performance boosts

Thanks for any hints an tricks,


Re: [Dovecot] Dot Lock timestmap, users disconnections from roundcube

2011-11-04 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

Same problem here, any hint about a fix or workaround?



We follow the guidelines about timekeeping RHEL in vmware vsphere located here

  These problems happens in peak hours. Any dovecot config parameter I could 
set to mitigate this problem?



- Original Message -
From: Ed W
Sent: 11/03/11 11:57 AM
To: Maria Arrea, Dovecot Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Dot Lock timestmap, users disconnections from roundcube

  On 03/11/2011 10:49, Maria Arrea wrote:>  All the ESXs hosts and all the VM use the 
same NTP server.>  >  Any other idea?>  Doesn't ESX have issues with the time 
drifting when certain kernel options are set? Something to do with it rescheduling machines 
and them not counting idle ticks or something..? Does this problem happen during idle hours 
or peak hours? I should home in on clock problems... Probably vmware related issues to the 
kernel you are using? Good luck Ed W

Re: [Dovecot] 2.0.10 Auth failed while binding ldap

2011-03-05 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez probably fixes it?
That patch solves the problem for me, now dovecot ldap auth works. Thank 
you Timo.

(I was going to test that broken change when I made it, but then I realized I 
didn't have LDAP server installed and I just hate installing slapd. Today I 
thought I'd rather try writing my own really simple LDAP server, but after a 
few hours I gave up on it too. Maybe some day I'll try again. So the above 
patch is also untested.)

Re: [Dovecot] 2.0.10 Auth failed while binding ldap

2011-03-05 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

El 05/03/11 11:48, Stéphane Wartel escribió:

Dear all,

Since new release has been installed, auth process crash with io loop :

Same problem here, dovecot 2.0.9 works right with ldap (RHEL 5.6 x64) , 
but dovecot 2.0.10 crashes

/Mar  5 19:21:21 buzon dovecot: auth: Panic: file db-ldap.c: line 1113 
(db_ldap_result_change_attr): assertion failed: (ctx->vals == NULL)
Mar  5 19:21:21 buzon dovecot: auth: Error: Raw backtrace: 
/usr/lib64/dovecot/ [0x2b5c03bded30] -> 
/usr/lib64/dovecot/ [0x2b5c03bded86] -> 
/usr/lib64/dovecot/ [0x2b5c03bde743] -> 
[0x2b5c03e3f7ee] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/ 
[0x2b5c03e42130] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/ 
[0x2b5c03e40d6e] -> 
[0x2b5c03be9708] -> 
[0x2b5c03beaa75] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/ 
[0x2b5c03be969d] -> 
[0x2b5c03bd8163] -> dovecot/auth [0 wait, 0 passdb, 1 
userdb](main+0x2cc) [0x4151ec] -> 
/lib64/ [0x3b0881d994] -> dovecot/auth 
[0 wait, 0 passdb, 1 userdb] [0x409ab9]
Mar  5 19:21:21 buzon dovecot: master: Error: service(auth): child 14082 
killed with signal 6 (core dumps disabled)/

Any ideas?



[Dovecot] Question about mdbox_preallocate_space and ext4

2011-02-13 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez


Can anyone explain about mdbox_preallocate_space and ext4?



Re: [Dovecot] Great time savings backing a mdbox versus Maildir

2011-02-08 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez


Hmm. I guess if you were doing backups 24h/day, then you can't really say how 
much faster mdbox performs than maildir (outside backups)?

No, 24 hours is for a FULL backup in the weekend. An incremental 
backup is only 2-3 hours in the night every day.

About performance... I can not give you real numbers of Maildir vs 
mdbox. In Maildir our indexes were stored in a ram disk, but we can not 
do that with mdbox (we can not recreate them if power is lost).



Re: [Dovecot] Questiosn about dbox

2011-01-24 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

The intended way to restore stuff is to either restore the entire dbox to a 
temp directory, or at least all the important parts of it (indexes + the files 
that contain the wanted mails) and then use something like:

doveadm import sdbox:/tmp/restoredbox "" savedsince 2011-01-01

Thank you for your response, Timo. That was the answer I was 
looking for. The above example is for sdbox, mdbox should be exactly the 
same, am I right?

- The previous question applies to sdbox and mdbox. In the case of mdbox, 
we can configure rotation of files using /mdbox_rotate_size/ . We would like to 
rotate daily, not based in size (our users ask us for yesterday's backup). How 
can we accomplish this?

mdbox_rotate_interval = 1d

Any known issues with mdbox and zlib plugin in lda & imap? I have 
read about mbox is /"read-only"/ with zlib plugin. What about mdbox with 
a high rotate interval (almost a mbox)? How does this work? Is the 
entire mdbox file loaded into ram and decompressed or a temp file in the 
filesystem is used?

Another question: any hint about the "hot spot" of size for 

We have now 17.000.000 messages in our maildir, almost 1.5 TB (zlib 
compresssion enabled). Our backup time with bacula is rather bad: 24 hours for 
a full backup, most of the time the backup is busy fstat'ing all those little 

In case of Maildir there's no point in fstating any mail files. I'd guess it 
should be possible to patch bacula to not do that.

Good idea. I will write to bacula folks about that.

We think that mdbox can help us in this. Does anybody has good experiences migrating from 
maildir->mdox in "large" enviroments? What about mdox performance&  reliability?

I haven't recently heard of corruption complaints about mdbox.. Previously when 
there were those, I didn't hear of complains about losing mails or anything, so 
that's good :)

Any additional comments about this? We are seriously thinking about 
migrating to mdbox, but is always scary "to be the first one"

Thank you for your support



[Dovecot] Question about indexes and maildir/sdbox/mdbox

2011-01-17 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez


We are now running dovecot 2.0.9 with indexes in a ram disk and 
maildir storage in a test system. We have the following questions:

- If there is a power outage / kernel crash, we will lose the 
content of ramdisk. We have tested that indexes are regenerated when a 
user logs in via imap, so e-mail access will be "slower" after a power 
outage / kernel crash, but everything should work as expected (TM). Are 
we missing something?

- We are evaluating migrating from maildir to dbox. There are two 
alternatives: sdbox and mdbox. Reading about dbox in the wiki 
( we see that using a ram 
disk for indexes for mdbox is a really bad idea:

/"Note that with dbox the Index files actually contain significant data 
which is held nowhere else. Index files for both *single-dbox* and 
*multi-dbox* contain message flags and keywords. For *multi-dbox*, the 
index file also contains the map_uids which link (via the "map index") 
to the actual message data. This data cannot be automatically recreated, 
so it is important that Index files are treated with the same care as 
message data files."/

So in mdbox we should not use a ramdisk for indexes. But what about 
sdbox? sdbox indexes work as maildir indexes? Are sdbox indexes bigger 
than maildir indexes?

Thank you very much for your support



Re: [Dovecot] SSD drives are really fast running Dovecot

2011-01-16 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

El 13/01/11 17:01, David Woodhouse escribió:

On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 09:53 -0800, Marc Perkel wrote:

I just replaced my drives for Dovecot using Maildir format with a pair
of Solid State Drives (SSD) in a raid 0 configuration. It's really
really fast. Kind of expensive but it's like getting 20x the speed for
20x the price. I think the big gain is in the 0 seek time.

You may find ramfs is even faster :)
ramfs (tmpfs in linux-land) is useful for indexes. If you lose the 
indexes, they will created automatically the next time a user logs in.

We are now trying zlib plugin to lower the number of iops to our 
maildir storage systems. We are using gzip (bzip2 increases a lot the 
latency). LZMA/xz seems interesting (high compression and rather good 
decompression speed) and lzo also seems interesting (blazing fast 
compression AND decompression, not much compression savings though)

What kind of "tricks" do you use to lower the number of IOPs of 
your dovecot servers?



I hope you have backups.

Re: [Dovecot] Maildir feature I'd like to see - SSD for newer messages

2010-12-23 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 11:27:45 -0800, Marc Perkel  

SSD drives are very fast but expensive. So I have a crude idea that
I'd like to see. May not be practical but would like to get some
thoughts on it.

You are asking about automatic storage tiering. You can get what you 
want in a transparant way, independient
of Dovecot. Some storage vendor (search for Fully Automated Storage 
Tiering - FAST from EMC or Compellent, recently

bought by Dell) get what you are asking for.

If the budget is low, you can achive a "poor´s man" storage tiering 
with some shell scripting, cron and soft links; Or you can look at for a more mature implementation. Or 
just use ZFS and "hybrid storage pools"

Merry Xmas


Re: [Dovecot] Question about "slow" storage but fast cpus, plenty of ram and dovecot

2010-12-12 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

Thank you very much for all the responses in this thread. Now I have 
more questions:

- I have "slow" I/O (about 3.5000-4.000 IOPS, measured via 
imapsync), if I enable zlib compression in my maildirs, that should 
lower the number the IOPS (less to read, less to write, less IOPS, more 
CPU). Dovecot 2.0 is better for zlib (lda support) than dovecot 1.2.X..

- I understand that indexes should go to the fastest storage I own. 
Somebody talked about storing them in a ramdisk and then backup them to 
disk on shutdown. I have several questions about that:

- In my setup I have 25.000+ users, almost 7.000.000 
messages in my maildir. How much memory should I need in 
a ramdisk to hold that?

 - What happens if something fails? I think that if I 
lose the indexes (ej: kernel crash) the next time I boot 
the system the ramdisk will be empty, so the indexes should be 
recreated. Am I right?

- If I buy a SSD system and export that little and fast 
storage via iSCSI, does zlib compression applies 
to indexes?

- Any additional filesystem info? I am using ext3 on RHEL 5.5, in 
RHEL 5.6 ext4 will be supported. Any performance hint/tuning (I already 
use noatime, 4k blocksize)?



mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:INDEX=MEMORY

The ":INDEX=MEMORY" disables writing the index files to disk, and as the
name implies, I believe, simply keeps indexes in memory.

I think maybe I shoudn't have called it INDEX=MEMORY, but rather more like 

"If you really want to, you can also disable the index files completely
by appending :INDEX=MEMORY."

My read of that is that indexing isn't disabled completely, merely
storing the indexes to disk is disables.  The indexes are still built
and maintained in memory.

Timo, is that correct?

It's a per-connection in-memory index. Also there is no kind of caching of 
anything (dovecot.index.cache file, which is where most of Dovecot performance 
usually comes from).

I don't know if, or how much, storing them in RAM via :INDEX=MEMORY
consumes, as compared to using a ramdisk.  The memory consumption may be
less or it may be more.  Timo should be able to answer this, and give a
recommendation as to whether this is even a sane thing to do.

I think INDEX=MEMORY performance is going to suck. explains IMAP 
performance a bit more. By default Dovecot is the "Dynamically caching server", but with 
INDEX=MEMORY it becomes "Non-caching server".

Re: [Dovecot] mailboxes and IMAP folders mirroring ?

2010-11-17 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

On 17 de noviembre de 2010 at 13:30 Frank Bonnet  wrote:

> Hello
> This is a bit off Dovecot but ... 
You can accomplish that in several ways:
1º Use inotify to rsync when mbox file changes (I recommend maildir for this,
you do not have to copy the whole file)
2º Use replicated storage (maybe this is not what you are looking for)
3º Search for "continous data protection" (cdp) in google 

> I'm searching some software to mirror mailboxes and IMAP forlders
> from the mailhub to another (clone) computer.
> Actually I use rsync daily but I wonder if it exists some software
> that are real time mirroring capable ?
> I'm using Dovecot 1.2.14 and Postfix with MBOX format.
> Thanks

[Dovecot] Dovecot and OpenSSO

2010-09-09 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez
 Has anybody tried to use opensso as authentication source for dovecot 
? Maybe using PAM+Opensso?



Re: [Dovecot] Questions about migration Sun Messaging -> Dovecot+Postfix+Ldap

2010-06-07 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez

El 07/06/10 19:00, Timo Sirainen escribió:

On su, 2010-06-06 at 14:38 +0200, Javier de Miguel Rodríguez wrote:


  1) We are unable to make dbox work with quota, but we have no
problem with maildir. Quota is stored in a ldap attibute called "mailQuota"

I don't really recommend using dbox in v1.2. It has much better
performance and stability in v2.0. Anyway, with dbox you'll have to use
dict quota instead of maildir quota.


Thank you

  4)  Some users could have their mailboxes "disabled". We use the
following line: user_filter =
(&(objectClass=inetorgperson)(uid=%n)(mailUserStatus=active)) but it
does NOT work as expected. Any idea)

You should do it also for pass_filter. But other than that, I'd guess it
should work.


Thank you.

  7) When we set vacation messages they work but we see this error in
the log:   dovecot: deliver(jorgelp):
file_dotlock_create(~/.dovecot.lda-dupes) failed: No such file or directory

Your userdb doesn't return a home directory for users.


Thank you.

  8) When a user log in she uses his username "mary" (without
or . Our dovecot search in all the ldap tree until it finds
that uid. But we would like to store in our mail_location /buzones/
or /buzones/ How can we accomplish this? We should use the
"upper branch name" as part of the mail_location.

pass_attrs = .., someField=domain, ..

where someField contains the or If there's no such
field, I guess there's no way to do it.


Thank you.

auth default_with_listener:
mechanisms: plain login
  driver: ldap
  args: /etc/dovecot-ldap.conf
  driver: ldap
  args: /etc/dovecot-ldap-userdb.conf
auth default:
mechanisms: plain login
  driver: ldap
  args: /etc/dovecot-ldap.conf
  driver: ldap
  args: /etc/dovecot-ldap.conf

Don't add more than one auth block, now it's sometimes (more or less
randomly) using dovecot-ldap-userdb.conf and other times
dovecot-ldap.conf for userdb lookups.


They are a simbolink link to the same file, anyway...

Thank you Timo. If you ever come to Seville (Spain) you will have as 
much as free beer you can drink :)

[Dovecot] Questions about migration Sun Messaging -> Dovecot+Postfix+Ldap

2010-06-06 Thread Javier de Miguel Rodríguez


We are planning a migration from Sun One Messaging Server to 
Dovecot+Postfix+Ldap. We are using Dovecot 1.2.11 with Sun One Directory 
Server 5.2 ldap (we will migrate to Directory Server 6.3.1) soon. In our 
University we have 65.000 students, 5.500 staff and 6.500 teachers.

Our main ldap realm is dc=us,dc=es (us means University of Seville, 
Spain). We have two e-mail domains, (staff+teachers) and (students). We use Sun One Directory Server to load data to 
our ldap from several sources (like Oracle databases, flat files, etc)

Our ldap tree is like this:

|->ou=People,dc=us,dc=es   // "special" users only used by apps
|->,dc=us,dc=es // ldap branch for staff+teachers
|->,dc=us,dc=es // ldap branch for students

A user id is unique, so there is only a "john_doe" in the ldap tree 
(I repeat, there is NOT uid=john_doe,,dc=us,dc=es and 
uid=john_doe,,dc=us,dc=es). Below you will find a copy of 
the dovecot.conf and dovecot-ldap.conf.

Our operating system is Red Hat Enteprise Linux 5 x64.

These are our questions:

1) We are unable to make dbox work with quota, but we have no 
problem with maildir. Quota is stored in a ldap attibute called "mailQuota"

2) A user can be in different branches in the same time: for 
example, a teacher called pepito should be in the 
uid=pepito,,dc=us,dc=es branch but if that teacher is also a 
student should  have another ldap entry 
uid=pepitosurname,,dc=us,dc=es. Our identity management is the 
piece of software that "promotes" a user in that case. How should we use 
"mail_location" to addres this?

3) We are planning to use two raid5 of 8 SAS 15.000 rpm disks for 
these mailboxes. We will use a "2.0, ajax-based webmail" like roundcube. 
Most of our users will use webmail (imap based). How many iops should we 
have in that enviroment? We would like to use dbox, but we are stuck in 
maildir because 1)

4)  Some users could have their mailboxes "disabled". We use the 
following line: user_filter = 
(&(objectClass=inetorgperson)(uid=%n)(mailUserStatus=active)) but it 
does NOT work as expected. Any idea)

5) We are planning to use bacula to backup user mailboxes. Any 
known problem with this (i will ask in the bacula mailing list anyway)

6) I have read carefully perfomance in dovecot wiki. Can I use 
noatime in /etc/fstab safely with dovecot? Any perfomance hint apart 
from we already have in our config files?

7) When we set vacation messages they work but we see this error in 
the log:   dovecot: deliver(jorgelp): 
file_dotlock_create(~/.dovecot.lda-dupes) failed: No such file or directory

8) When a user log in she uses his username "mary" (without 
or . Our dovecot search in all the ldap tree until it finds 
that uid. But we would like to store in our mail_location /buzones/ 
or /buzones/ How can we accomplish this? We should use the 
"upper branch name" as part of the mail_location.

Thank you for your support (and for your patience).



< Config files -->


# 1.2.11: /etc/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5 i686 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 
release 5.5 (Tikanga) ext3

base_dir: /var/run/dovecot/
protocols: pop3 imap imaps pop3s managesieve
listen(default): *, [::]
listen(imap): *, [::]
listen(pop3): *, [::]
listen(managesieve): *:2000
login_dir: /var/run/dovecot//login
login_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(pop3): /usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login
login_executable(managesieve): /usr/libexec/dovecot/managesieve-login
login_max_processes_count: 2000
max_mail_processes: 2000
verbose_proctitle: yes
mail_uid: prueba
mail_gid: prueba
mail_location: maildir:/buzones/
fsync_disable: yes
mail_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/rawlog 

mail_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/rawlog /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(pop3): /usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3
mail_executable(managesieve): /usr/libexec/dovecot/managesieve
mail_plugins(default): quota imap_quota
mail_plugins(imap): quota imap_quota
mail_plugins(pop3): quota
mail_plugin_dir(default): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(imap): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(pop3): /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3
mail_plugin_dir(managesieve): /usr/lib/dovecot/managesieve
pop3_enable_last(default): no
pop3_enable_last(imap): no
pop3_enable_last(pop3): yes
pop3_enable_last(managesieve): no
pop3_uidl_format(default): %08Xu%08Xv
pop3_uidl_format(imap): %08Xu%08Xv
pop3_uidl_format(pop3): %08Xv%08Xu
pop3_uidl_format(managesieve): %08Xu%08Xv
  mail_plugins: sieve