Re: [Dovecot] IMAP vs. POP3

2011-04-29 Thread Justin Krejci

On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 19:54 +0200, Stéphane Guedon wrote:
> On Thursday 28 April 2011 19:31:49 Matt wrote:
> > Does IMAP create much additional system load vs. POP3?

If you do use IMAP, server disk space capacity can become an important
number to watch as most POP3 clients by default will delete the mail
from the server once downloaded.

Additionally there are end user support "load" as well. Do you have a
lot of users with a variety of skill levels and mail clients? Supporting
a large variety of user configurations can cause support problems.
Example, a user is using IMAP then switches to POP3 (either by accident
or otherwise) and suddenly you will get a call about how someone hacked
into their mail account and deleted all of their mail.

Re: [Dovecot] Feature request: usernames and passwords

2010-07-21 Thread Justin Krejci
Check out splunk (or similar) for multiple disparate event log correlations.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Chris Hoogendyk
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 10:19 AM
To: Dovecot Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Feature request: usernames and passwords

I should note that the patterns of attack we are seeing are extremely 
sophisticated. They are going out of their way to be "stealth" with 
respect to detection strategies. We do still see the focused brute force 
attacks where one IP futilely hammers at root (never allowed anyway), 
and where an IP tries all the various default system and application 
accounts. However, it seems that attacks are now going to distributed 
against distributed. That is to say, a large botnet (I recently 
identified 1235 IPs in one day cooperating in an attack) has a large 
list of hosts it wants to hit, and they randomize the hits across botnet 
IPs, across hosts, and across accounts being hit, with time delays 
between hits for any one host. You see this by looking across multiple 
servers and seeing the same IP trying different accounts across 
different servers, or the same account being tried by different IPs 
across different servers, and the accounts incrementing alphabetically, 
even though the IP trying them is changing.

I have only been able to tag these manually in a text oriented editor 
with multiple grep patterns to remove legitimate entries before I 
compile the list of IPs to be blocked. Then those are run through 
another script that does NS lookups and checks against already blocked 
IPs. What is left, I scan with my own eyes and remove things that could 
possibly be our own users.

Not an easy thing to deal with.

The odds of their getting into any particular server are slim, but 
that's multiplied by the huge number of servers they are hitting.

After blocking those, I continue to see steady streams of access denied 
in my auth logs, even weeks later.

These attempts are typically preceded with similarly distributed port 
scans and will hit whatever ports and protocols are available. I see 
mostly ssh, but also a significant number of attacks on pop3.


Chris Hoogendyk

   O__   Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst 


Erdös 4

Re: [Dovecot] basic conf error? v1.2.11

2010-06-17 Thread Justin Krejci
LOL nice!
Thanks for being gentle.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Pascal Volk
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 8:45 AM
To: Dovecot Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] basic conf error? v1.2.11

On 06/17/2010 03:27 PM Justin Krejci wrote:
> .
> auth_username_chars =
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890.-_@/$!&\
> .
> Any ideas what is wrong here? It seems like the example conf file is not
> correct. Yes the dovecot-sql.conf file exists.

The above line (with non-default values) doesn't end.

This is \
one line^

When your usernames really contain backslashes, don't place it at the
logical end of line.

The trapper recommends today:

[Dovecot] basic conf error? v1.2.11

2010-06-17 Thread Justin Krejci
I just downloaded 1.2.11 and compiled from source including mysql support
and using default directory locations.


I walked thru the included example conf file and tweaked it out and get an
invalid configuration file.

I trimmed out all of the commented sections to make the non-default config
super easy to navigate during troubleshooting.


Remaining config which gives an error of "unknown setting: mechanisms" so I
switched it to auth_mechanisms and then get the following when starting


Error: Error in configuration file /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf line 18:
Unknown section type (section changed in /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf at line

Fatal: Invalid configuration in /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf




protocols = imap pop3

listen = 

disable_plaintext_auth = no

ssl = no

login_processes_count = 100

login_max_processes_count = 500

login_max_connections = 512

login_greeting = DovecotProxy08 ready.

protocol imap {


protocol pop3 {


protocol lda {

}   #LINE 14

auth_username_chars =

auth default {

  mechanisms = plain

  passdb sql {  #LINE 18

args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot-sql.conf


  userdb sql {

args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot-sql.conf


  user = root


dict {


plugin {







Any ideas what is wrong here? It seems like the example conf file is not
correct. Yes the dovecot-sql.conf file exists.

Re: [Dovecot] A dovecot book ?

2010-03-03 Thread Justin Krejci
Just print all of the dovecot documentation from the website, 3-hole punch
them, stick them in a 3-ring folder and voila, a Dovecot book that has
pretty current information.

Kidding aside I find digital better in general as doing find is utterly
important to me. When reading technical books in print I find myself
thinking, "man, I wish I could do a ctrl-f" while I page thru, skim, check
the index, check the TOC, etc.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] A dovecot book ?

On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 11:57:35 +0100
Carsten Laun-De Lellis  articulated:

> Am 03.03.2010 11:39, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
> > Carsten Laun-De Lellis put forth on 3/3/2010 4:09 AM:
> >
> >> Hi all
> >>
> >> I am using dovecot at home for privat use and i found a lot of
> >> documentation here on the web. But you know, i am an old fashion
> >> guy and i like books. Is there a book on the market that will help
> >> me with understanding dovecot more and the configuration options ?
> >>  
> > This book apparently covers some of Dovecot:
> >
> >
> > It's geared toward building a complete mail server solution, so
> > it's not dedicated to Dovecot.  How much of Dovecot it covers I
> > don't know, as I've not read it.
> >
> > It was apparently published in Sept 2006, 3.5 years ago.  Standard
> > caution applies:  some/much of the technical information may now be
> > incorrect as things have changed in the software over the 4+ year
> > period since the author put pen to paper, so to speak.
> >
> > This is the most recent book I could find that covers a little bit
> > of Dovecot.  There doesn't appear to be a "Book of Dovecot".
> > Dovecot is covered a bit in The Book of Postfix, but it was
> > published in 2005, so it will be even farther out of date.
> >
> > The book linked above may be worth the read for general
> > architectural setup.
> >
> >
> Thank you for your quick reply. I already have two postfix books one 
> published in 2007 another one in 2009. Both covers dovecot in
> examples how to set up a mail server for enterprises, but this is not
> what i am looking for. I am looking for an equivalent to the courier
> and cyrus books on the market.
> But again thank you for your reply.
> Regards,
> Carsten

A while ago, I expressed an interest in writing a book about Dovecot;
something along the "Dovecot for Dummies" scenario. I have switched
jobs, and am attempting to relocate so I have not had a lot of time to
invest in the venture. Hopefully, within the next year I will get back
to the project. That doesn't help you much, but it might someday assist
someone else. Personally, I always enjoy reading from a book more than
from a web page. Just my own preference though.



One of the signs of Napoleon's greatness is the fact that he
once had a publisher shot.

Siegfried Unseld

Re: [Dovecot] virtual users with mysql

2010-01-28 Thread Justin Krejci
We use mysql auth and support username or for logins.
Perhaps you just need to edit the auth_username_chars variable in the
dovecot config to allow @ symbol in usernames?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Andre Hübner
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:11 AM
To: Dovecot Mailing List
Subject: [Dovecot] virtual users with mysql

Hello List,

we use in our system cryptical Usernames for dovecot etc. and authenticate
users against shadow/passwd

User abcde is loging in and gets data from /var/spool/mail/abcde  and

Now we want to make it possible that users can log in also with
I tried dovecot-mysql authentication which works fine but i do not find a
way to use 2 different login-formats in my queries.
login with abcde and also should return ok and lead to
Is this possible or i have to make a decision which format to use?



Re: [Dovecot] pop3+leave messages on server

2009-12-29 Thread Justin Krejci
Not to pick nits but pop3+leave on server does not mean you have all message
from the dawn of time stored on the server. Outlook and presumably other
MUAs have "remove from server after X time" and "remove from server when
message is deleted" options when leaving pop3 messages on the server is

I agree with the general principal though that if you wish to keep messages
on server as general practice you should use IMAP. IMO pop3+leave is really
only ideal while traveling using other clients/computers or maybe if IMAP is
not offered at all.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Charles Marcus
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 6:19 AM
To: Dovecot Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] pop3+leave messages on server

On 2009-12-29, Papp Tamas ( wrote:
> The protocoll imap is not the same as using pop3+leave messages on
> server.

That is correct. The POP protocol is designed to delete the messages
from the server once they have been POPPED. The IMAP protocol is
designed to leave the messages on the server all the time.

> He wants to use this scenario anyway as he did for many years with no
> problems.

The fact that he has had 'no problems' in many years is purely the luck
of the draw. One minor bug in either the IMAP/POP server or the mail
client during an upgrade or other maintenance, and boom - he will
*really* be surprised when *all* of his messages from the last few
*years* are downloaded again, not just the last few hours worth.

One real worl example of how this can happen: his Outlook profile gets
corrupted, and he still has all of his mail, but he has to recreate his
account settings - boom, all of his mail downloads again from the date
he started leaving them on the server.

Same thing goes for when he install Outlook on a new computer - which,
in some cases, might be desirable, and in others, not...

The bottom line is, POP is simply not designed to work this way. The
fact that it can be *manipulated* to work this way doesn't change the
nature of the protocol, or the inherent problems.


Best regards,


Re: [Dovecot] E-Mail Encryption

2009-07-16 Thread Justin Krejci
Some companies and governments in the United States at least have very
strict policy requirements regarding various aspects of security and
encryption. Transit encryption (ssl/tls from MTA to MTA) and local
encryption of messages sometimes is a requirement if you want to be able to
bid on government contracts.
This example is not for hosting mail but for an anti-spam/anti-virus service
(they refer to it as email hygiene) that required message encryption on the
transit MTA servers disk as well as tls/ssl for MTA to MTA encryption. 

So this example does not apply directly to Dovecot but it does show there
are needs for this level of encryption in general for various customers.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 2:47 AM
To: Thomas
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] E-Mail Encryption

Thomas schreef:
> Arkadiusz Miskiewicz wrote:
>> On Wednesday 15 of July 2009, Patrick Domack wrote:
>>> The only benefit this would being, is email being saved on the server
>>> would be encrypted. Otherwise it offers no protection.
>>> I guess if you paranoid that the system admin might read your emails,
>>> but then, he can just as easily read them as they come in or out of
>>> the system.
>> Actually such encryption is interesting as a protection in case when
>> someone steals server hardware/disks.
> It could be a feature. Why not.
> But I'd say that's might be a better idea to encrypt the filesystem.
> But... why not if you have time to code it :)
> Cheers,
> Thomas

When you have to worry about unauthorized persons having physical access
to your hardware, you're solving the wrong problem. Encryption would add
only false security because the person could also pop some sniffer
device onto your NIC connection that reads wire traffic...

The "de/encryption in deliver" concept is interesting, but imho not much
use in real life. hard disk encryptoin would be much easier though (i.e.
off-the-shelve). But I think these tin foil hat ideas get a little


Re: [Dovecot] How to run Dovecot as IMAP Proxy?

2009-05-21 Thread Justin Krejci
You can also use pimpstat to monitor the effectiveness of imapproxy. We had
imapproxy running running in front of squirrelmail for a IMAP
server (based on uw-imap). We eventually went into the code for imapproxy
and tweaked some of the SELECT caching and even tweaked some of the
squirrelmail imap code a bit to be more efficient with the proxy.

Now we are using Dovecot without imapproxy in front of squirrelmail and
there are no problems.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Seth Mattinen
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 4:36 PM
To: V S Rao
Cc: Dovecot Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] How to run Dovecot as IMAP Proxy?

V S Rao wrote:
> Thanks for the many responses and views.
> I have taken RH support for my mail server only and so have to ensure they
support me. So am going with their recommended version which is 0.99.x.
> Now on the webmail I have migrated to RHEL 5.3 and the dovecot being used
there is 1.0.7.x. So that should support proxying, right? 
> BTW, originally I did not go to Redhat. I moved from uw-imap to Dovecot
1.1.14 on the mail server for POP3. The problem of POP3 timeouts continued
and I could not find any reason why POP3 was timing out when 400+ concurrent
IMAP sessions were working fine. Moreover other network services such as
SMTP, Telnet, SSH etc were working fine. Had the box installed behind a IPS
box to see if there were any DoS attacks, but had to rule that out. As a
last resort, paid RH for support and they made me downgrade Dovecot from
1.1.14 to 0.99.x. Surprisingly the moment I downgraded dovecot, the problem
shifted to IMAP & remained ever since. So naturally they told me uw-imap was
the problem and made me move to Dovecot 0.99.x for IMAP as well, but no
> But the surprising thing, as I mentioned in my original post, IMAP works
fine on command line, with clients such as Outlook, THunderbird etc., but
Webmail is very slow that its almost not available. 
> BTW webmail was also running on RHEL 4.0. Seeing that the problem existed
in webmail alone I upgraded webmail to RHEL 5.3 with all the latest RH
supported packages on a new hardware. 
> Any ideas to help me debug this issue would be of great help as I am stuck
on this issue for almost a month now. 
> Oh, btw regarding stats, I don't have a measure, but when webmail was
working the login was well within 5 seconds. Now it takes forever (more than
a min) or timeouts most of the time. Even after login, any request such as
opening a mail or changing to a mail folder was well within 5 seconds. Now
again it takes forever or timeouts most of the time. 

Use imapproxyd (UP-ImapProxy) if you want a caching proxy for webmail.
It specifically deals with the "webmail constantly logging in" issue.
>From the Debian man page:

"ImapProxy was written to compensate for webmail clients that are unable
 to maintain persistent connections  to an IMAP server. Most webmail
clients need to log in to an IMAP server for nearly every single
transaction; This behaviour can cause tragic performance problems on the
IMAP server.  ImapProxy tries to deal with this  problem by  leaving
server  connections open for a short time after a webmail client logs
out. When the webmail client connects again, ImapProxy will determine if
there is a cached connection available and reuse it if possible."

Dovecot proxy quite simply won't do what it looks like you want to do,
and is irrelevant on your webmail server.


Re: [Dovecot] Unable To Send Mail

2009-05-05 Thread Justin Krejci
In this case telnet is an SMTP client and Thunderbird is an SMTP client. One
works and another does not. Seems like a client issue to me. IMAP has
nothing to do with sending email except that maybe a copy of your sent
message may get stored on the IMAP server under a "Sent Items" folder. I
would check your postfix logs.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Carlos Williams
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 2:32 PM
To: Dovecot Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Unable To Send Mail

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Seth Mattinen  wrote:
> Dovecot does not speak SMTP to other mail servers, unless you mean "send
> mail" in a different sense than I'm used to.
> ~Seth

I mean that I can send (SMPT) via Telnet which Postfix does fine.
However when I configure Thunderbird mail client to use the IMAP
(Dovecot) settings and attempt to compose a new message, the user
(recipient) never receives the message. I am thinking as well as users
of the Postfix list that this issue is related to my Dovecot config
file not being properly set up. I could be wrong...

[Dovecot] dbox with non-dovecot LDA

2009-04-01 Thread Justin Krejci
Aside from the code is there any documentation on using dbox with a
non-Dovecot LDA?


We have our own MTA and currently use Dovecot with Maildir only for message
retrieval and just have our MTA write the message files to our own directory
structure (Dovecot per user mailbox locations stored in mysql) but I am
interested in looking at moving to dbox if it is better for performance and
other things like static filenames. One thing we'd like to do is not use the
Dovecot LDA so as to control the entire inbound email delivery process all
the way to verifying the actual message is 100% written to disk. Certainly
we can use the Dovecot LDA if it came to it but we'd like to retain control
over this entire process if possible.

Re: [Dovecot] Extremely custom mailbox locations

2009-03-12 Thread Justin Krejci
I see I misunderstood the full extent of what the OP was trying to
accomplish. If the assumption of "control where these message files get
written to" is inaccurate then my idea would not apply. I was thinking it
would save on the whole symlink business if it were possible to move/copy
all of these messages into a single location. If you are making the symlinks
by hand or thru some external script you have it may be better to pool all
of these files together for cleanliness.

Am I way off base here?

-Original Message-
From: Timo Sirainen [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 5:37 PM
To: Justin Krejci
Cc: 'Dovecot Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Extremely custom mailbox locations

Why? Nothing special. Those users would then just share the same

On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 17:21 -0500, Justin Krejci wrote:
> What would happen if you specify the same mailbox location for multiple
> users?
> User1 = /mailbox/user1
> User2 = /mailbox/user1
> User3 = /mailbox/user3
> User4 = /mailbox/user4
> etc
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Timo Sirainen
> Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 5:08 PM
> To: Steve Kemp
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Extremely custom mailbox locations
> On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 20:07 +, Steve Kemp wrote:
> >   I suspect if I fill cur/ with symlinks to each of the individual
> >  messages things will mostly work out OK, but I wonder if that is
> >  the best solution, or if there is a slim chance that I could serve
> >  this hierarchy without the intermediate step?
> The main problem I see with symlinks is that if message is deleted, it's
> only the symlink that gets deleted. Anyway I don't see other choices
> than symlinking or moving the messages.

Re: [Dovecot] Extremely custom mailbox locations

2009-03-12 Thread Justin Krejci
What would happen if you specify the same mailbox location for multiple

User1 = /mailbox/user1
User2 = /mailbox/user1
User3 = /mailbox/user3
User4 = /mailbox/user4

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Timo Sirainen
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 5:08 PM
To: Steve Kemp
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Extremely custom mailbox locations

On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 20:07 +, Steve Kemp wrote:
>   I suspect if I fill cur/ with symlinks to each of the individual
>  messages things will mostly work out OK, but I wonder if that is
>  the best solution, or if there is a slim chance that I could serve
>  this hierarchy without the intermediate step?

The main problem I see with symlinks is that if message is deleted, it's
only the symlink that gets deleted. Anyway I don't see other choices
than symlinking or moving the messages.

Re: [Dovecot] pop-proxy to redundant servers ?

2009-03-09 Thread Justin Krejci
I don't believe there is anything inherent in Dovecot to do this but if you
have your own backend system health checks you can configure the sql DB to
update which server to proxy a request to based on the results of your
health checks. This would mostly be outside the scope of Dovecot though.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Jan-Frode Myklebust
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:16 AM
Subject: [Dovecot] pop-proxy to redundant servers ?

I'm considering putting two servers with failover IP-addresses in
front of our pop/imap cluster, with dovecot in proxy-mode running
on both servers. But, can dovecot handle more than one backend
server for each user ?

I.e. I would want to point the dovecot proxy to send userX to
backend-server1, or backend-server2 if backend-server1 is down. Is
something like that possible ?


Re: [Dovecot] Quick question...

2009-02-25 Thread Justin Krejci
If you don't need the message in the actual mailbox you can do that with
your MTA instead.

In postfix for example you setup a custom transport in the file
that calls your application. Then you setup a transport record for that
particular address which is delivered to your custom transport.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 2:29 PM
Subject: [Dovecot] Quick question...


Here's the scenario.

I want to set up a mailbox so that when mail sent to the address is piped to
a processing application, instead of going to a mailbox.

One way I can do this is to set up a mailbox and then have an application
that checks to see if there's mail and then processes it.
(Old school Unix script)

Is there a way to set it up with dovecot? 
(Cleaner solution)



Re: [Dovecot] pop3_lock_session question

2009-02-04 Thread Justin Krejci
> > Could it be some (older?) webmail clients that use pop3 instead of imap?
> I wouldn't expect a webmail client to hold a pop3 connection open
> across multiple web requests.  We have standard webmail clients
> available for customer use, but they use IMAP.  With the frequency
> we're seeing this problem, I'd expect it's more likely to be something
> newer or more commonly used.

Presuming you've been able to identify which users this is affecting I would
suspect you could go back to those users and determine what clients they are
connecting with and then interested parties (dovecot devs?) could perform
further investigation in a lab or whatever to determine what is going on.
Maybe the client(s) is/are just whacky or there is a bug somewhere.

You can also track down the source IP addresses which may give you an idea
as to the client as well. If it is a RIM subnet then you may be able to
assume it's a blackberry. If the PTR record for the IP is then you can probably contact the company and
discuss with them. Etc. Some companies may have a proxy or something that is
attempting to hold the connections open for faster response times maybe
geared for slow link connections. People do a lot of "interesting" things
from time to time.

I also didn't see you mention it but presumably you are on a relatively
recent version of Dovecot considering you are examining the source code.

Re: [Dovecot] pop3_lock_session question

2009-02-04 Thread Justin Krejci
> > > Why doesn't this happen with imap?  Why can't we make pop3 do what
> > > imap does?  Even if it's inefficient, it's better than hanging all
> > > incoming mail delivery while deliver eats up our local concurrency
> > > limits.
> >
> > IMAP unlocks mbox after each command is done. But POP3 clients typically
> > just run RETR, RETR, RETR, .. so unlocking + locking again later is just
> > extra work that slows things down. I guess there could be a timeout that
> > if no RETR has been run for a few seconds it unlocks the mailbox.
> >
> > But I've never before heard POP3 clients behaving that way, so I'd like
> > to know what exactly are they doing. Are they not sending anything? Are
> > they NOOPing? I don't see any reason for them to be doing either..
> In the cases I've looked into, the client seems to be connected and
> not doing anything.  I don't have access to the clients or end users,
> but ktrace on the pop3 process basically is producing no output or
> very little output over an extended period.

> Could it be an interactive client which maintains an open pop
> connection, even when no one is actively doing anything with it?
> The "unlock after a few seconds" option would be great.
> Do you have any documentation or hints on how to identify or debug
> connecting pop clients without involving the end user?

Could it be some (older?) webmail clients that use pop3 instead of imap?

[Dovecot] ImapTest Wiki

2009-01-14 Thread Justin Krejci
On this page


It gives command line parameters to define. One of them is "password=pass"
but this resulted in an "Unknown arg" response for me on a fresh install. I
then looked at some examples and they give the argument as "pass=pass" which
works for me. 


Was the argument name changed recently or something?

Re: [Dovecot] Possible to log IMAP connections to MySQL Table?

2008-12-23 Thread Justin Krejci
If you use MySQL for auth you could include some logging bits as part of
your SQL query.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Corey Shaw
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 2:50 PM
Subject: [Dovecot] Possible to log IMAP connections to MySQL Table?

Is it currently possible to log all IMAP connection attempts to a MySQL
table?  Thanks. 


Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot Proxy with MySQL auth

2008-12-04 Thread Justin Krejci
The proxy_maybe is working well for us with MySQL auth. We have a much more
complicated SQL query as we are doing a lot more but the example was able to
get us the correct Dovecot specific portion working.

Thanks for the info we are starting to migrate users over to Dovecot now
that we put these proxy_maybe servers in front of our legacy pop/imap

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Justin Krejci
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 1:50 AM
To: 'Timo Sirainen'
Cc: 'Dovecot Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot Proxy with MySQL auth

The info is appreciated, thanks for the update!
We will try it out and respond with feedback.

-Original Message-
From: Timo Sirainen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2008 7:49 PM
To: Justin Krejci
Cc: 'Dovecot Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot Proxy with MySQL auth

On Wed, 2008-11-26 at 11:56 -0600, Justin Krejci wrote:
> At the bottom of this page it gives a query example of "SELECT NULL AS
> password, ." but that does not seem to allow for us to use the proxy_maybe

Right. The example is for a proxy-only server that doesn't know the
users' passwords. I added just now another example there that shows how
to use proxy_maybe. It's untested though, so please let me know if it
doesn't work.

Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot Proxy with MySQL auth

2008-11-29 Thread Justin Krejci
The info is appreciated, thanks for the update!
We will try it out and respond with feedback.

-Original Message-
From: Timo Sirainen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2008 7:49 PM
To: Justin Krejci
Cc: 'Dovecot Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot Proxy with MySQL auth

On Wed, 2008-11-26 at 11:56 -0600, Justin Krejci wrote:
> At the bottom of this page it gives a query example of "SELECT NULL AS
> password, ." but that does not seem to allow for us to use the proxy_maybe

Right. The example is for a proxy-only server that doesn't know the
users' passwords. I added just now another example there that shows how
to use proxy_maybe. It's untested though, so please let me know if it
doesn't work.

Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot Proxy with MySQL auth

2008-11-28 Thread Justin Krejci
I get the feeling not many people are using Dovecot proxy with MySQL auth.
Is there anyone who has done this before? We might end up going with
something like NGINX for the proxy instead if we cannot figure out if and
how this should work for our type of scenario but it would be nice if we
could go with fewer components.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Justin Krejci
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:57 AM
To: 'Dovecot Mailing List'
Subject: [Dovecot] Dovecot Proxy with MySQL auth

We are looking at deploying several pop/imap servers to house the mail for
15,000 or more mailbox accounts. We are contemplating on the design and are
looking at using MySQL auth (we already have a MySQL environment in place
for our user auth to live) and proxy_maybe so each server can proxy for all
the others and we just have a network load balancer distribute the incoming
connections to all of the Dovecot servers. Each server would have its own
local maildir storage for the users local to that server and all of the
authentication and target backend pop/imap server data would be stored in
the same MySQL database. The problem we are running into is the
documentation is not very clear on this type of scenario.


At the bottom of this page it gives a query example of "SELECT NULL AS
password, ." but that does not seem to allow for us to use the proxy_maybe
if the destination server is localhost (and therefore do not proxy) it does
not seem that the above query will actually send the real password for
authentication. Is this a misunderstanding on our part or is the use of
mysql auth + proxy_maybe not feasible? Assuming the latter we surmised using
a separate instance of Dovecot on each machine to act solely as a proxy
front end (use proxy instead of proxy_maybe) then on the second instance
there is no proxy config and it listens on a separate TCP port like 80143 or


Any input or suggestions would be appreciated.


Justin Krejci

[Dovecot] Dovecot Proxy with MySQL auth

2008-11-26 Thread Justin Krejci
We are looking at deploying several pop/imap servers to house the mail for
15,000 or more mailbox accounts. We are contemplating on the design and are
looking at using MySQL auth (we already have a MySQL environment in place
for our user auth to live) and proxy_maybe so each server can proxy for all
the others and we just have a network load balancer distribute the incoming
connections to all of the Dovecot servers. Each server would have its own
local maildir storage for the users local to that server and all of the
authentication and target backend pop/imap server data would be stored in
the same MySQL database. The problem we are running into is the
documentation is not very clear on this type of scenario.


At the bottom of this page it gives a query example of "SELECT NULL AS
password, ." but that does not seem to allow for us to use the proxy_maybe
if the destination server is localhost (and therefore do not proxy) it does
not seem that the above query will actually send the real password for
authentication. Is this a misunderstanding on our part or is the use of
mysql auth + proxy_maybe not feasible? Assuming the latter we surmised using
a separate instance of Dovecot on each machine to act solely as a proxy
front end (use proxy instead of proxy_maybe) then on the second instance
there is no proxy config and it listens on a separate TCP port like 80143 or


Any input or suggestions would be appreciated.


Justin Krejci

[Dovecot] Mailbox Hashing

2008-11-13 Thread Justin Krejci
First off, the website documentation is really good for Dovecot but while
reading I was not able to find anything pertaining to inbox hashing for
Maildirs. I saw plenty about hashing the directories that the user mailboxes
live in but nothing about specifically hashing an individual user's inbox
directory itself.


Is there any method for hashing the inbox automatically after say 5,000
messages are stored? Example












I am not currently using Dovecot but am interested to know if this is
available or does running with 20,000+ messages in a single inbox not affect
the performance much? I have looked into other file system tuning techniques
such as enabling ext3 dir_index or using ReiserFS (maybe not ReiserFS
anymore). There will likely be 15,000 to 20,000 accounts spread out on one
or more servers using a 6-drive RAID10 setup. Most accounts are not expected
to have high message quantities but there will be lots of concurrent
connections via pop and imap (and webmail imap).


Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.